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Author: Posted On: January 22nd, 2021 In:Uncategorized

It reveals the hidden clues of the great wealth and prosperity of Glasgow which is inextricably linked to the exploitation of African Slaves and black people from the former British Empire. Beniba Centre for Slavery Studies | Beniba Eòlas na Tràillealachd. However, complete abolition of slavery did not come until 1833. Duncan Dornan The tour is designed by Stephen Mullen, research associate in history at the University of Glasgow and put together by Christine Whyte, lecturer in global history at the University of Glasgow. In 2007, Glasgow Built Preservation Trust (GBPT), in partnership with Glasgow Anti Racist Alliance, developed an exhibition linking Glasgow’s built heritage with the slave trade. This tour will introduce objects from the collection which illuminate Glasgow's part in slavery between Africa, America and the Caribbean during the 1700s. You can make a complaint by using the ‘report this post’ link . The nature of the slave produced goods traded through Glasgow was changing. This online exhibition is a version of a larger exhibition, which can be seen at the Mitchell Library in Glasgow in the month of October 2002. We also offer private walking tours. The tour took us to the original sight of The Old College in Glasgow, which was singled out for praise by the leaders of the abolitionist movement for its campaigning role. READ MORE: Boris Johnson does not believe UK is ‘racist country’. READ MORE: Calls for anti-racist education to be taught in Scottish schools. Exactly what is a ‘Merchant City’? Contact us A tax only paid off in 2015 by all of us. She said: "Let Glasgow flourish on the children thrown as bait to the crocodiles, on the women being raped and torn away from their breastfeeding children. Present-day Glasgow and slavery. Accessibility statement; Freedom of information; FOI publica Present-day Glasgow and slavery. Scots were so well regarded for their cruelty they were in high demand to run plantations where the average survival rate for enslaved people was three to five years, they were worked so hard. WALKING TOUR Taking us through the heart of Glasgow’s merchant city, this tour explores the city’s historic connections with slavery and the Caribbean. No-one says ‘Slave Merchant City’, or ‘Slave produce Merchant City’ so it is important to keep in mind what a ‘Merchant City’ actually was. The trade in sugar with the West Indies became increasingly important to Glasgow after the problems with the tobacco trade. It aims to showcase the collections held by Glasgow City Archives and Special Collections which relate to black history in general and slavery in particular. READ MORE: Every Scottish street linked to slave-trade revealed - find your address. These men, and the others like them, wielded political power, Buchanan as Lord Provost and Oswald, as one of the brokers of 1782's Treaty of Paris. Visit us. Glasgow's Black History Tour involves a guided walking tour centring on the Merchant City area of the city. This exhibition on Slavery and Glasgow is part of a programme of events taking place for Black History Month. The University of Glasgow is a registered Scottish charity: Registration Number SC004401. This brutal history is one that the Coalition for Racial Equality and Rights (CRER) is campaigning to have included in the Scottish Curriculum and memorialised in a museum of Empire, Slavery and Colonialism. The Glasgow Anti-Slavery Society was formed in 1822 and the city was known as one of the staunchest abolitionist cities in Britain. Many objects and documents in Glasgow Museums’ collection, the City Archives and Special Collections testify in one way or another to this grim part of our collective heritage. Glasgow City Chambers. This article was written in October 2019 during Black History Month. In 2007, Glasgow Built Preservation Trust (GBPT), in partnership with Glasgow Anti Racist Alliance, developed an exhibition linking Glasgow’s built heritage with the slave trade. Glasgow’s – and Scotland’s – associations with the slave trade began in haste following the 1707 Act of Union, which saw Scotland and England unite to form Great Britain. For many years, the goods and profits from West Indian slavery were unloaded at Kingston docks in Glasgow. The University of Glasgow is a registered Scottish charity: Registration Number SC004401. With this site we aim to draw attention to them and explore the ways in which they can shine a light on Glasgow’s relationship with transatlantic slavery during the 17th to 19th centuries. This tour of Glasgow’s City Centre and Merchant City tells a story of the built heritage, the tobacco merchants’ legacy and the Slave Trade and its abolition. No-one says ‘Slave Merchant City’, or ‘Slave produce Merchant City’ so it is important to keep in mind what a ‘Merchant City’ actually was. 'Slavery and Glasgow' displays selected highlights of an exhibition about Glasgow's connections with slavery and the abolition of slavery, and was launched to coincide with Black History Month, 2002. "He discovered nothing.". In 1778 the courts took the monumental step of banning slavery in Scotland prompted by Joseph Knight – a household servant in Scotland who ran away and when caught attempted to prove his freedom. The name was chosen for the centre because Beniba was a woman, a mother, who was held in slavery by Robert Cunningham Graham, former Rector of the University of Glasgow (1785-1787). We know very little about the life of Beniba, but her name indicates that she was born on a … Throughout October they held a Sunday walking tour around Glasgow's city centre and its mercantile past, examining its sinister entanglement with the Transatlantic slave trade. In his role as curator, legacies of slavery and empire, Miles Greenwood will work with colleagues to create new displays demonstrating how enslaved labour is “woven into the city’s physical environment and material culture”. After escaping slavery in 1838 by going to New York, he became a brilliant orator and tireless freedom fighter alongside members of his family. Glasgow Life, which manages 11 museum sites, has appointed a curator to focus on the city’s links to the slave trade. Without slavery, Glasgow wouldn't exist. Those ads you do see are predominantly from local businesses promoting local services. By Brian Ferguson Friday, 22nd January 2021, 3:50 pm Glasgow Anti-Slavery Group. Without slavery, Glasgow as we know it wouldn’t exist today. Many objects and documents in Glasgow Museums’ collection, the City Archives and Special Collections testify in one way or another to this grim part of our collective heritage. Always recruiting volunteers please get in touch. Ms Blake says she balks when she hears the city's slogan, Let Glasgow Flourish. These adverts enable local businesses to get in front of their target audience – the local community. After escaping slavery in 1838 by going to New York, he became a brilliant orator and tireless freedom fighter alongside members of his family. In one, an enslaved man is whipped by another man wearing a turban - an attempt at whitewashing the extent of Scotland's involvement while pointing a bloody finger at middle eastern and north African slave traders. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Glasgow's slaving past has to be acknowledged for the country to be able to move forward, say campaigners. The owning of personal slaves was banned in Scotland in 1778 and The Glasgow Anti-Slavery … As a subscriber, you are shown 80% less display advertising when reading our articles. When people say there were not involved, they were involved. Glasgow University Principal Prof Sir Anton Muscatelli said: "This report has been an important undertaking and commitment to find out if the university benefited from slavery in the past. We may then apply our discretion under the user terms to amend or delete comments. The Free Church was founded in 1843 and was deprived of public money. Head of Museums and Collections The propagandist statue was built to distance Glasgow from its slaving past - here was a Scot who not only discovered the continent but saved Africans through Christianity in the process, so the story goes. During his tour of Scotland in 1846 Frederick Douglass, theformerly enslaved anti-slavery campaigner, demanded that the FreeChurch 'send back the money'. A new tour guide to Edinburgh's historic architecture and landscape is set to lift the lid on how the city is inextricably linked with slavery. Readers’ comments: You are personally liable for the content of any comments you upload to this website, so please act responsibly. It aims to showcase the collections held by Glasgow City Archives and Special Collections which relate to black history in general and slavery in particular. 454 likes. The Free Church was founded in 1843 and was deprived of publicmoney. As a mixed-race Scot, whose grandparents were from Jamaica, Laura Cripps thinks it … Ms Njenga said: "Glasgow used to be 13 streets but because of the wealth of the slave traders it expanded. Ironically, Glasgow University fought to end the transatlantic slave trade. A sum of £20 million, or £17 billion in today’s money, was paid to the slavers - despite their offensive wealth - to compensate for lost trade. And by implication, so is the brutality, suffering and exploitation inflicted on the enslaved in the process. Beniba Centre for Slavery Studies | Beniba Eòlas na Tràillealachd. The proximity of tobacco merchants Andrew Buchanan and Richard Oswald's graves to the Cathedral - one directly outside the entrance, the other in the nave - show exactly how much clout they held in the city. Furthermore, I have also developed a specialised historical tour of Glasgow for this company which focuses on Glasgow's links with the Transatlantic Slave Trade. OPEN NOW! Since 2007, Stephen Mullen, historian and author of ‘It Wisnae Us: The Truth About Glasgow and Slavery’, has studied Glasgow’s mercantile past, with particular focus on the city’s connections to slave trading within the Empire. Slavery in Great Britain existed prior to the Roman occupation and until the 12th century, when chattel slavery disappeared, at least for a time, following the Norman Conquest.Former indigenous slaves merged into the larger body of serfs in Britain and no longer were recognised separately in law or custom. These stereotypes are harmful to everybody". Particularly in a cultural climate that is leaning to the right and elevating politicians and commentators that trade in racism, hatred and misogyny. 'Send back the money' became a popular rallying cry at Douglass'sme… During his tour of Scotland in 1846 Frederick Douglass, the formerly enslaved anti-slavery campaigner, demanded that the Free Church 'send back the money'. The tour took us to the original sight of The Old College in Glasgow, which was singled out for praise by the leaders of the abolitionist movement for its campaigning role. The city had a "disproportionate" involvement with the slave economies, despite its calculated cover up. For this year’s Glasgow Doors Open Day Festival (GDODF) Hoskins Architects brought together a range of collaborators to work together in response to recent global events and produce a beautifully illustrated, educational and accessible digital walking tour, aimed at young people. The University of Glasgow is one of the oldest in the world but its new building was completed in the late 19th Century Donations to the 1866-1880 campaign to … This short tour through imperial Glasgow winded through the ‘Merchant City’. Except, he had a "tour guide" says Ms Njenga, who cleared the explorers path through the undergrowth, as seen on the statue. This short tour through imperial Glasgow winded through the ‘Merchant City’. There lies real threat in "the lingering stereotypes that the conditions of slavery were better than living in Africa". This site is managed by curatorial staff at Glasgow Museums. This online exhibition is a version of a larger exhibition, whi ch can be seen at the Mitchell Library in Glasgow in the month of October 2002. The Scottish Archive Network also hosts an online exhibition of items held by Glasgow City Archives and Special Collections that relate to Glasgow’s links with slavery and black history more generally. Time: 5:30-6.45, meeting at City Halls, Candlerigg entrance (G1 1NQ) WINE RECEPTION The tour will be followed by a wine reception in Glasgow’s magnificent City Chambers. Many people felt that the Free Church was therefore sympatheticto the slave-owners and opposed to the emancipation of the slaves. Throughout October they held a Sunday walking tour around Glasgow's city centre and its mercantile past, examining its sinister entanglement with the Transatlantic slave trade. The Stirling family who held the estates of Keir, near Dunblane and Cadder, in the north of Glasgow hastily changed their family crest post abolition, removing the silhouette of a Black man's head signifying their trade and replacing it with a gleaming white swan, as can be seen in the stained glass windows of the Cathedral. After the publication of his 1845 autobiography, ‘Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave’, he lived in Edinburgh in 1846-7 while he made a speaking tour of Britain. Contact us The World Slavery Tour was a concert tour by the heavy metal band Iron Maiden in support of their fifth album, Powerslave, beginning in Warsaw, Poland on 9 August 1984 … Aimed at Primary 6/7 and Secondary 1-3, these workshops now take place at the People’s Palace and the Gallery of Modern Art (GoMA) and focus on the role Glasgow played during the transatlantic slave trade and how its legacy is still very visible nowadays in the shape of buildings like GoMA, which was once home to William Cunninghame, a prominent figure in Glasgow’s 18 th century slave economy. From tales of the notorious inmates at the infamous Duke Street Prison to Glasgow's foundations as a city built on the back of slavery, walk in the footsteps of Glasgow's dark side. Historians have argued that Scotland’s relationship with transatlantic slavery is enveloped in a sort of ‘collective amnesia’ – a widespread lack of awareness of how our country participated in both the slave trade and slavery. The University of Glasgow is a registered Scottish charity: Registration Number SC004401. Private Glasgow West End Tour: Arts and Culture (From $257.13) Glasgow Afternoon Tea Experience (From $51.82) Bespoke 5 day Tour - your personal itinerary (From $3,648.44) Glasgow Gin Tea Experience (From $64.88) 5-Day Isle of Skye, Oban, St Andrews and North West Highlands Tour … Between 1790 and 1805 sugar imports to Glasgow rose threefold, and cotton imports quadrupled whilst tobacco imports fell to a tenth of what they had been in 1790. This grew into events as part of Glasgow’s Doors Open Days and a … The evil of slavery has been stitched into the very fabric of Glasgow for almost 200 years: Buchanan Street, Glassford Street and Ingram Street are named after some of … But Scotland was also home to slaves who were great instigators in winning their freedom. "If this history was known a lot of stereotypes would not be as strong. Our city participated fully in the slavery economy, yet the journey of re-discovery and coming to terms with that participation is still in its infancy, and it has a long way to go yet. Glasgow Life, the charity that manages the city’s museums, has appointed Miles Greenwood as its first Curator focussing on the legacies of slavery and empire, to continue to tell the story of the impact the transatlantic trade in enslaved Africans and the British Empire has had on Glasgow. It raised some funds from slave-owning Presbyterian churchesin the United States. Buy Slaves tickets from Ticketmaster UK. This grew into events as part of Glasgow’s Doors Open Days and a … It was not only the wealthy merchants the streets are named after, Ingram, Glassford, Buchanan and Dundas, who were culpable, but the Glaswegians who worked in administrative roles and processed the tobacco and sugar that passed through. media caption Many streets in Glasgow city centre are named after slave-owning plantation owners. Leith in Edinburgh and Glasgow were popular ports from which ambitious Scottish men sailed to make their fortunes as slave masters. Legacies of all these things are woven into the fabric of our physical environment and our material culture. It is important that we continue to promote these adverts as our local businesses need as much support as possible during these challenging times. Get involved with the news in your community, This website and associated newspapers adhere to the Independent Press Standards Organisation's Editors' Code of Practice. This is true for Glasgow as much as it is for Scotland as a nation. The owning of personal slaves was banned in Scotland in 1778 and The Glasgow Anti-Slavery Society was formed in 1822. Do you know its history? If you are dissatisfied with the response provided you can contact IPSO here, Every Scottish street linked to slave-trade revealed - find your address. Glasgow Life, which manages 11 museum sites, has appointed a curator to focus on the city’s links to the slave trade.. While at Paisley Museum, Greenwood created a Black History tour exploring the town’s links to the slave trade. We offer a daily City Centre and Street Art tours. media caption Many streets in Glasgow city centre are named after slave-owning plantation owners. The original and local walking tour company in Glasgow since 2017. They were involved up to their neck.". Our city changed as a result of slavery – the extraordinary wealth which Glasgow accumulated on the back of enslaved labour is embedded in the city we live in today. With this site we aim to draw attention to them and explore the ways in which they can shine a light on Glasgow’s relationship with transatlantic slavery during the 17 th to 19 th centuries. Go Glasgow sightseeing by open-top double-decker bus on a City Sightseeing hop-on hop-off tour. Whose names are immortalised on the streets that dissect its heart? Why it's laid out as it is? Photograph: Print Collector/Getty Images. What's OnA brand new tour information to Edinburgh's historic structure and panorama is ready to raise the lid on Edinburgh’s slave trade past exposed in new city tour guide | … Data returned from the Piano 'meterActive/meterExpired' callback event. In his role as curator, legacies of slavery and empire, Miles Greenwood will work with colleagues to create new displays demonstrating how enslaved labour is “woven into the city’s physical environment and material culture”. Take the University of Glasgow, for example, one of whose most historic figures, a former student and rector, went on to use his education to assist in the lucrative tax affairs of the slave trade. Contact us; Legal. Post moderation is undertaken full-time 9am-6pm on weekdays, and on a part-time basis outwith those hours. In 1778 the courts took the monumental step of banning slavery in Scotland prompted by Joseph Knight – a household servant in Scotland who ran away and when caught attempted to prove his freedom. The World Slavery Tour was a concert tour by the heavy metal band Iron Maiden in support of their fifth album, Powerslave, beginning in Warsaw, Poland on 9 August 1984 and ending in Irvine, California on 5 July 1985. In his role as curator, legacies of slavery and empire, Miles Greenwood will work with colleagues to create new displays demonstrating how enslaved labour is “woven into the city’s physical environment and material culture”. After the publication of his 1845 autobiography, ‘Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave’, he lived in Edinburgh in 1846-7 while he made a speaking tour … It's vital to be clear-eyed about this history, she says. If you have a complaint about the editorial content which relates to inaccuracy or intrusion, then please contact the editor here. Are you sure you want to delete this comment? It is a tale of people, considered to be only partially human, stolen from their lands and trafficked across the seas to labour camps, the profits of which were used to build the Glasgow we know today. It is a history that needs to be remembered, argue Ms Blake and Ms Njenga. One thing he’s discovered through his research is that, “Everybody’s just assumed that slavery was a peculiarly English problem but Scots, and when I say Scots, it’s overwhelmingly the Glasgow … Glasgow Life/Glasgow Museums, For more information on Glasgow Museums’ collections please visit And Glasgow played a prominent role in this movement. Slaves 2021-22 tour dates, event details + much more. We are also indebted to Dr Stephen Mullen’s book It Wisnae Us: The Truth About Glasgow and Slavery which guided us on our tour of Glasgow’s less-than-savoury past. After visiting the site of the Tontine Heads, where sugar was traded, the Old College, Glasgow University's first incarnation, and the Merchant City area, the tour comes to a close outside the Gallery of Modern Art, built as an extension to sugar and tobacco trader William Cunninghame's mansion. Ms Blake said: "Slavery is not in the past because even today people are benefitting from it. 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