OPEN!!! YEAH, IT’S PLASTIC, BUT IF IT WAS GREASED UP, IT WOULDN’T BE SUCH A PROBLEM RIGHT AWAY. Thank you so much for the “open sesame” secret. My Sentry OA3807 would not unlock despite the putting in the correct electronic combination for hours then I found your posting. Then I still couldn’t get the lock bars to extend by themselves. Dumb design, pure and simple. It has a built in circuit that “communicates” with the keypad circuit, and feeding voltage on those wires will not make the actuator work. I’ve had this safe about two years. Sorry, I don’t have any good suggestions on that one. To all who have purchased Sentry safes…you get what you pay for! I contacted Sentry, but they seem more interested in "teaching" me how to open the safe … Opened in 15 seconds. The unlock symbol does not appear and the handle doesn’t move. Note: if you simply remove the actuator – it’s literally a single screw – you have a functional fire safe that works with key only (the keypad becomes useless decoration). What is holding it? Then she had me lift the handle towards the 10 oClock position and punch in the code. Download a copy of the SentrySafe SFW205GPC product manual. Using a Rubber Mallet worked like a charm for me. 10 o clock worked. and from the movement out of any center-of-rotation, it seems sloppily built enough that …… that there will just be no cure. Neither did mine. I fiddled with the keypad again and it now unlocks and locks freely, sans mallet or excessive force…and that handle has been slightly tricky for a good year or two now (the safe is somewhere around 10 years old). If I punch in my 5 digit combination and can hear my actuator click and if I don’t do anything I can here the actuator return (click). The light was on the display pad indicating batteries were low, so I changed the batteries. Yep, Hammer in the top right worked. With mine, batteries were rarely the issue. Were you getting flashing/beeping error code? This is exactly my problem with my Sentry safe. Looks like something perhaps designed for preventing moisture. It is the manual dial kind? Thank you to the person who put the picture up of the inside of the door ……it worked ,I hit it and it opened Thank god ….. I wouldn’t mine so much but I have papers in there I need to get out. [email protected]. The handle wouldn’t budge. Hi, can someone help me? Finally after researching online, I learned that if you use a rubber hammer and hammer the area where the actuator is more or less located, it will vibrate with the impact, and just like that, I kept pulling the handle until it opened, it took me no more than 30 seconds, …I ended up with a dent on the door, but got my documents out of the safe! I AGREE THAT THIS SAFE IS MADE POORLY BY SENTRY SAFE, BUT IF YOU DON’T WANT TO BUY ANOTHER SAFE, DO THIS WHAT I’M ABOUT TO WRITE AND IT CAN LAST YOU A LOT LONGER. Those wires connected to the actuator, can’t you just apply a voltage to them from the keypad on the front and get in rather easily?!?!? The actuator fired up and it opened. I remembered the combo but had to do several tries before it opened.. the dial was tight.. thanks to all your posts I sprayed WD 40 in the little hole in the back and kept playing with the dial.. I've reached out to Sentry Safe a few times as a follow-up but I've had no luck. I have a sentry safe in my concrete floor. Viola! Amazing. My wife recently tried to open it and, even though it agreed with the combination that was entered, the electronic opener refused to release the lock. Fed up with this junk $400 safe I got a pry bar and 3 pound mallet. I put in new batteries and no matter how much I pound on it with a rubber mallot it still refuses to open. I bet there is some fine print saying “not for actual security purposes”. The I carefully circular-sawed a square cut at the edges…got my stuff out. Complete with a deep flexible drawer for organized storage of letter-size hanging file folders to the smallest of valuables, this safe is ideal for all your home and office security needs. Please help if I can get the factory code to get it open I can program a code of my own. If you don’t lock your safe with the key as well, anybody can simply kick the handle down and open your safe. Best way to get into your chintzy Sentry Safe (Know by experience) is a sawzall at the hinges and a crow bar on the side that swings open. My three number combination sentry safe will not open - Answered by a verified Electronics Technician. It’s giving me an err code of 1. Several people have commented on the effectiveness of using a rubber mallet, but just wanted to add that this also worked for me. Friday evening I needed the title for a car I was selling and I couldn’t get into the safe… Will this method work even if you forgot your pin in general. In my case I had been unable to open it for several years. Who makes junk like this where the owner can’t get in?? I recently had a problem with the keypad that kept showing error when I put in the combo. I reset the top right link to somewhere between the 2 arrows. I was relieved to figure out why the moisture was there. We have tried a couple of set of batteries and wires seems intact. Glad if this will help you fix yours if you encounter the same problem. We have a sentry safe with electronic pad and key. This discourages thieves. Thanks, Ive been trying to get my gun out for 20 minutes good thing it wasn’t an emergency. I found I now had to reengage the mechanism to LOCK the door–i.e., type in the passcode, apply mallet, lift handle. I asked if they had any suggestions for me to open it myself and all I got was a NO! Of course it happened at the worst time. Bumping the front got the actuator to release and then got the door open you beauty, prized of the internal plastic cover, then got the Vaseline onto the gears etc and some WD40 onto the actuator shaft and now it works first time every time. Guides to safe setup, troubleshooting, and other support needs. Recently it decided not to work. I examined the solenoid and found a small circuit board between the solenoid drive and the code pad. this safe company should be held liable. Most digital logic is 5 or 3.3V so there’s probably a voltage regulator on the circuit board to reduce the power and not burn out the keypad board. Err 1 indicates that I’m not using the right code, but I know I’m using the right code. Model A3750 had for at least 20 years! I don’t think I would buy another one. Tried the hammer trick and no good. My sentry safe was running about 2.5 years with the same issue, needed to be a 10 o clock position to be able to open, needed to have the key slot popped out to work at all. Pry-resistant hinge bar reinforces the door of the safe for added protection against theft. Bigger safes have a glass/porcelain link somewhere in the lock, so that if you try too hard to open it, that link will break, and you won’t be able to open it without a locksmith and total destruction. I removed the back cover, Pulled off the retaining clip on the gear. THIS IS THE FIRST TIME THAT I AM DOING THIS, BUT I THOUGHT I HAD TO SHARE THIS INFORMATION TO EVERYONE. Dual digital lock with key, solid steel construction, and live locking bolts offer versatile security you can depend on. I actually had my safe open and the plungers came back out to the locked position just by the spring pressure. Thanks for the post ! I REPLACED MY BATTERY AND MY CODE DOES OT WORK. Perhaps the “snot” was making it stick? I installed and removed the cover about 6 times before finally getting it into the proper position. Peace. I have a model CSW3910 with electronic and key lock. Unfortunately the rubber mallet solution didn’t work in my case and had to resort to violence. Anyway I beat the crap downward on the handle on both safes they it opened right up. The safe opened after I gave it a couple good whacks. I will try the rubber mallet thing when I get home. Its held in by a screw and the clip goes over the bar to the locking pin. As I went to close it, the handle lifted into the lock position without being activated again (as it SHOULD work, though preferably not till the door is closed). This makes sense — the 4 AA batteries put out 6V. I let it set for an hr. Worked like a charm. we called a locksmith and he referred us to this site. My safe finally opened after a lot of heavy jiggling of the handle. thanks for sharing this info. The rubber mallet trick finally worked for me, after changing the batteries, lifting the handle to 10 o’clock before punching in the code, and even using a very strong magnet, a suggestion I’d seen elsewhere today when searching for help that SentrySafe is unable/unwilling to provide. I asked ‘Sentry Safe’ for support; I wanted to drive the solenoid directly; they said get a lock smith. safe with the turning dial combination and the handle and it won’t open. After replacing the solenoid (free after calling sentry) and trying it 10x before I closed the safe, it refused to open. Now I can't find where new batteries should be inserted. Did the battery check thing and icons. Purchased my Sentry with the Electronic Lock at Sam’s Club back in March, 2007. I don’t think I’ll try anything with lubrication or replacing parts. I only paid 10 dollars for it so dont really want to put any money in it to het it open please help if u have a factory code that will work thanks. Hopefully this will be the last time for the mallet. Basically the same issue as everyone else, but mine had the actuator stuck in the open position. Then I used some Emory cloth (400 grit sand paper) to smooth it out. SO IN YOUR OPINION WE COULD JUST ELIMINATE THAT PIECE CORRECT? Went to the hardware store and bought a rubber mallet and came home, beat the non-existent life out of the door wherever I could without ‘damaging’ the keypad – it opened right up!! any ideas? If the manual key lock button is pressed in – e.g., locked – the unit is manually locked. Good luck, You can pop the panel off and use there manual key…. Now its going into the garage sale and I will go out and buy a real safe. I have the same problem, ERR message using the factory code. Multiple user options vary by model. Did the WD40, rubber hammer, jiggle thing. I purchased a sentry a3867 at a yard sale but it didmt come with any paperwork do u know what the factory code is for the a3867? Seems to be working fine now, I’m hoping this new solenoid is an improved model. Who the heck was dremling off the plastic to get at the inside. It looks like the actuator voltage is probably controlled by another circuit board inside the safe door. Note the circuit (on back of solenoid) gets hot doing this so don’t leave the connection for too long (maybe 20 to 30 secs); while the wires are connected to 6V (as described) the solenoid may operate or you may need to use the rubber mallet if it is stuck. I sprayed anything that had movement. Correction…. From this point, apparently you have 4 seconds to push the handle down to open the door. I decided to open it and first had to remember the combo.. it’s the old fashion kind with the dial. I tried the hammer on the front of the door. They manufactured both plastic and metal security/fire safes. It pulled right out from the mechanism. Thanks. Kudos to SentrySafe for the quick return on my email. **** ATTENTION ****** If you have an electronic keypad AND a manual key lock: The manual key lock button must be extended – e.g., unlocked – for the safe to work in electronic mode only. Same problem here with the A3867, RESOLVED. Class-action lawsuit ? Thanks, Bought a Sentry OA5848 Electronic safe that was missing key. should’ve taken care of this a long time ago. This is not very clear in the owners manual. I can freely open the bolts without punching in the code, but using the key will lock it. Finally, I applied 9v instead of 6v and it opened. Can you help - Answered by a verified Electronics Technician ... (I think it is about 12x12) ... put my passport and a few pieces of jewelry in it. Looking at the actuator placement, i can see why it sticks – the handle on the outside is quite heavy and if it is down even slightly, it will cause part of the lock mechanism to sit against the actuator, which causes the solenoid to work harder (or not work). Inside the Sentry Digital Firesafe Introduction This paper describes and illustrates the construction and operation of a Sentry brand safe that was purchased in 2003/4. Then i decided to give the batteries a try as if the battery is low, the motor might not have enough power. Im still pissed at sentry, will replace the safe at sometime, none of this cheap crap though. Put in code and just yank up and down on the damn lever till the f*ckig thing opens…. I’ve had the safe for over 5 years now. The actuator comes with a sticker printed with the factory code. Only way I know is from the original paperwork or by contacting Sentry. Sooo…. Contact Us Now. Such quality…. After a couple of whacks, the handle moved properly after getting the green light. The safe was reported as destroyed the same week I purchased it so now I am out the cost of the safe and the locksmith. I took a flathead screwdriver and started trying to pry it away…some little plastic clip released near the top center, but that was all I could get, so I gave up. But not really. Read More: Best Nightstand Gun Safe; The benefits and drawbacks of a sentry safe We had to literally break in to our own safe! As well, AND THANKS AGAIN TO YOUR POSTED PICTURE, I know that I can pop off the keypad, stick in a piece of angle metal as long as my index finger, and actuate the solenoid myself. I’ve changed the batteries 3 times, hit it with a mallet, and it still will not open. I looked at the arrows before taking apart, but should have noted the top-right gear link since there are two arrows on that linkage. anyone know were I can get a bank vault door??? wouldn’t open after pushing in the correct code and it actually flashes green. Then I added a few drops of 3-in-1 oil on the metal plunger and reassembled the spring, actuator, plunger, and retaining clip. Insert key and turn counterclockwise (left) to unlock door (notch on key in upward position). Dawn. No combo needed. I just used a steel mallet with an old wooden cutting board on the right side of the door and it opened ! . This entry was posted on May 7, 2010 at 11:20 pm and is filed under Misc Repair. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. I was able to put in the code & see the unlock symbol but the handle could be lifted all the way up and nothing…. Emailed them on Saturday or Sunday, got call back Monday morning, new solenoid with directions in my mail box on Wednesday or Thursday. . Thank you for this post! For the last couple of years, banging around the handle got the solenoid to engage. I have no power to the keypad> I have changed the battery and tested the battery pack with a meter (all good) no lights no beeps , nada> Any ideas besides hammer and prybar> had the safe for many years no problems ?? Thanks to all for taking the time to post these helpful solutions. but if you take these precautions when you first get it I think for the money its a decent unit. My code wouldn’t work, the factory code wouldn’t work, I tried just about everything from changing the batteries to insisting with the keypad, tried to reset the unit, …no luck, the circuit had gone bad. Thanks to all the great info from previous contributors to this thread. Way to go Sentry!!! First Sentry safe arrived compleetly smashed, so I returned it. I couldn’t get the actuator out so I bent the tab that holds the plunger and removed the plunger, bent the tab back. I’ve lubed the bejesus out of it, actuated it an interminable number of times, and IT STILL STICKS. I have a CSW3815 Sentry Electronic Lock Safe. From what I can see online, there is a bit of a problem with older Sentry Fire Safes. With the right number, the handle is jammed. Well, the safe is open but, of course destroyed. How to Open a Sentry®Safe Electronic Lock with Dual Key and Fingerprint Scanner Fire Safe. I entered the default code and kept getting ‘Err’; no other feedback. On another safe (same make and model) tested it. Without it, I would still be stuck. The second one was slightly damaged, but I decided so what. Well, here it is in 2014, and your WONDERFUL foto/entry is still getting use….. No go. On my day off I’ll try to remove the plastic and grease the gear and solenoid, hopefully this will last a few more years. That’s the whole problem with this safe. Now it won't open… I enter my code and press enter/pgrm button and it beeps at me once but does not display the lock symbol and shows a number 1….. Sentry is closed for the holiday apparently (labor 2012) and it’s only Wednesday and the holiday isn’t until next Monday, so I have to wait until next Tuesday to talk to them. The gear went back on as specified above with the small arrows lining up. The actuator is able to get a lot more voltage dumped into it giving it a much greater charge to move the rods. I never would have thought to hit the damn thing in the right upper corner with a rubber mallet…but sure enough – worked like a charm. The inner locking mechanism of the door failed dramatically. I’m getting another brand. What a POS. I’m here to validate the Sawzall solution. 250.00 down the drain. Find My Product Manual. Thanks for the mallet tip – works a charm. I worked on the assembly floor and have … I tapped it with a rubber mallet as others with no luck. Tried banging with my fist out of frustration. Put in code in and firmly pull down on lever several times. Mallet worked great! IT TOOK ME 10 MINUTES TO BREAK INTO THIS SAFE!!! Great info all around! I think Sentry safes suck! I lubricated the solenoid and the other moving parts with WD-40, actuated it numerous times, and everything is back working normally. Mine stopped opening after about 16 months and the rubber mallet trick would not work. Mate, thanks for the post, that rubber mallet works, one shot and I was able to open my safe, I’ve been trying to open it all day so I decided to surf the net and it took me here, very helpful site. I then started looking on the web and found this post by lighthouse. Now it’s giving me problems again. Nothing but the finest materials and reliability!! Thank you all for the info. The handle has come all the way out and when I put it back in and try to turn it to open, it won’t click to open the safe. After putting the keypad back on from changing the batteries, my code won’t open the safe. Ever since I bought it, it has its moments that it don’t want to cooperate for a day or two..but now it just won’t open.please help as I … This keeps the safe from both locking and sometimes unlocking, and this is what hitting the safe with a hammer actually loosens. I appreciate your advice, and especially your photo! With the lock pin removed the spring will push the plasticky piece in place of it to keep the locking bolt from moving. You still need your PIN. Change ), Whirlpool Gold Refrigerator GS6NVEXSS01 Dispenser Frame Detached from Door, Upgrading 500GB Mirror on a Boot Partition (C: Drive) to 1TB Mirror on a 3Ware 9550SX Controller. I sprayed some WD-40 into several holes on the back of the door but will try removing the panel to have better access and ensure all moving parts are lubed. I was able to see the actuator sticking however, it was not the problem, atleast for my safe It seems that the issue was a tension clip that lets the safe handle stay in the locked position. Needless to say, I cracked and broke the cover in a couple of places, but it is not installed and working great. But again, here it is, 2014, and this morning, it took me all of 15 minutes to Dremel the plastic back off, to find EXACTLY your picture. ONCE YOU HAVE THE DOOR OPEN, ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS GREASE THE GEARS. So…problem solved, I guess? Thank you, This is the exact problem I think I am having. My only problem is putting the cover back on, it is binding on the hinge side, the inner spacer does not want to go over the inner wall I think and it is binding the plungers, any suggestions? Thanks for the mallet tip! And the hammer works again. Tapping it with a mallet failed,beating it everywhere failed. Not much of a safe but it might protect the contents from a fire however not a rubber mallet equipped thief. My SentrySafe won't open. A sawzall and prybar got it open in about 1 minute. My husband tried the rubber mallet and that didn’t work either, so he went at it with a hammer and crowbar. I was an employee at Sentry Safe for 27 yrs. MINES IS OPENING SMOOTHLY NOW AFTER I GREASED THE GEAR. Will not be locking it anytime soon. I punched in the code and tapped across the middle and pop it opened! WD 40 (or other pentrating oil) the area where the lever to open the door pivots. how do I get the factory combo for my 1610 safe. If you are careful, you can work the inside cover over the plungers in the retracted position without breaking anything and carefully work it back on once you’re through lubricating everything. I have gone through the mallet routine and lubing the mechanism and had a new keypad sent to me in 2013 when it failed. I tried it and opened this safe without using the combination or the key. Bad situation. I have a Sentry Safe model AO3817 with an electronic lock and a key lock. Interior lighting provides increased visibility in dimly lit locations, so you can easily access your items without additional lighting. POS! I was at the point of grinding, saws-alling or just beating the crap out of my A3807 p.o.s safe when I came to the last post about trying a 9V battery. Pry it open, take your stuff out and learn a lesson. I just replaced the stuck actuator in my Sentry safe. Self-Help How to Open a Sentry®Safe Touch Screen Lock and Dual Key Fire Safe. WAPPAM !! I am having the same problem with my sentry safe. The seal around the door will not allow anything liquid to pass into the lugs. I’ve had my Sentry safe for about 10 years and never had a problem. After waiting and then being told to call the techs they informed me they no longer carry the key pad and I should call a locksmith to break into my safe!!! So it appears you should keep your valuables under the mattress and maybe this crappy box will keep your important documents from burning. I had the exact problem above where I could put in the right combination, get a green light, and the handle wouldn’t move. From the front it was apparent that the battery seemed to be quite low, but the keypad still worked. Am I missing something here? Reccommendation: Have beer handy (it’ll make you feel better…). Is this different to resolve? But you have to be patient when you are working with the tools. I belted the day-lights out of it with a rubber mallet and got no satisfaction. YET ANOTHER SOLUTION: GO FOR A 9-VOLT BATTERY! -Hit it a few more times with mallet as you do this… (It’ll make you feel better). Other than that, we don’t see no gears. Wife discovered we could open the safe without entering the combination. I don’t have the ability to upload a photo so ill describe where it is. Battery kept having to be replaced every month, low battery light kept coming on. First I removed the 4 AA batteries, put in fresh ones. I will only close it when it is emptied of my valuables!! Hooo boy. It said "Low Battery" but before I could purchase batteries, it "died". Get the green wire and connect it to 0v (use the battery pack). Now they have heard of such a thing. My safe’s actuator was trying to work. Removed one screw off the actuator and then unplugged the actuator. I haven’t had the problem you guys have had. I shook the daylights out of the door while punching in the code,and suprisingly it opened like a charm.Still cannot figure out a The SentrySafe Customer Care Team is dedicated to providing timely and exceptional service and support to our customers. Anyone else have this type of problem with the err code one even though you’re using the right code? And THE DOOR OF COURSE WILL NOT OPEN. I could hear the little thing buzzing when I entered my code, but it would not budge. Thanks for the 10 o’clock hint!! HA! I guess if this safe is ever involved in a fire it will open automatically as all the parts melt! Open door, remove battery compartment cover in direction arrows … I tried beating it about with my rubber mallet to no avail. I continued to beat on the door while forcing the handle to turn. I have a sentry save with a keylock and electronic combination. When pulling apart the rods and gear to straighten out everything a little black piece of plastic with a spring popped out of the gear area and I cannot find where it goes or what it does. Took me 10 min. I am not a skilled tinkerer but was able to follow and complete the solenoid swap. Then I stumbled upon this tread, hunted down the ole rubber mallet, gave it a good whack, just below the handle, entered the code and VOILA!!!! I have just experienced the same issue. Called Sentry Safe 3-5x and left numerous e-mails. Now I don’t have to worry that it will fail again later. The damn thing opened. They should be ashamed to make products like this, and I am in on that class action suit one poster was talking about. Nada. The pins are about 2″ behind the face and inset so I had to do a little surgery on the plastic liner first. I got it opened, found the document I needed, and then decided to tinker. I took the back cover off, removed the solenoid, and replaced the cover. After punching in “any code”, I would get six beeps, and the red light would blink six times as well. The mallet worked perfectly but after it was opened I took some POWDER GRAPHITE and coated the actuator with it. I had the same problem with a stuck door on my sentry electronic safe I follow your suggestion about the rubber mallet and WD40 and it works like new. I tried an invalid code just to be certain that it is functioning correctly when I enter the correct code and sure enough the invalid code shows the red indicator as it should. This has happened many times in the last year. I installed a 9v. I have had the same problems as everyone else who has left reply. Protect tablets, phones, external hard drives, memory cards, USB drives, CDs, DVDs and other electronic storage devices. Thank you for the suggestion of the mallet, but since I am not well equipped in the house I used a hammer and tapped lightly. In Sentry’s defense, my safe lasted 10-12 years before failing. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Time for something new. After two passes through the process, I felt the lever go down a little and on the next tap and press, it went all the way down. Forget about a sawzall and trying to cut through anything. What else can I do other then blowing it up? My combination still works and indicates green as if it’s allowing to open, but then it just doesn’t. Thank you guys so much for this post. The old code that I used with old actuator, does not work once I replace the actuator. This guide describes how to easily set up your safe. I returned from holidays to a dead keypad on my OA5835; I tried the name brand new battery tip and also tried a 9v battery but no luck. The cover is still popping out loose with wires hanging out with the battery pack. Did the whole thing of rubber mallet et al and then called support. So – the answer is no, you cannot apply voltage to the wire terminal and get the safe to open. I mostly want it for fire and I figure it will at least deter amateur thieves…. Anyone know what is inside the small square box in the bottom left (hinge side) of the inside of the door? 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