Star Wars: The Clone Wars added another emotional layer to Ahsoka Tano and Darth Vader's duel from Star Wars Rebels.In Clone Wars season 7, episode 9, "Old Friends Not Forgotten", the master and his apprentice reunite after months of her self-imposed exile. Since this is very much Darth Vader, complete with the iconic black costume, it obviously has to take place after Revenge of the Sith, but exactly when is left unclear by the show. 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Thursday, 10 December 2015 - … The ending of Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 7 sees Darth Vader discover Ahsoka Tano's lightsabers on an unnamed snowy moon, but leaves things a little unclear as to how long after Revenge of the Sith this takes place in the Star Wars timeline. Darth Vader, meanwhile, forged his red lightsaber after hunting down and killing the Jedi Kirak Infil'a. Both sabers contained kyber crystals from the sacred planet of Ilum, with the primary lightsaber having a green blade and the shoto's blade being yellow-green. Heavy spoilers ahead. Shes incredibly fast and agile. A movie. However, this scheme was thwarted, and Tano began her life as a Jedi. 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Kieran Dickson. Their final interaction is brief yet heartwarming, contrasting the nature of their final encounter many years later. How Does Ahsoka Get Two Lightsabers? Ahsoka may realize her path is different than that of the broader Rebellion because her focus could be Vader exclusively. Maul and Ahsoka are already a hard fight for Vader that could honestly go either way. The introduction of fan-favorite characters from the Clone Wars such as Captain Rex and Hondo have helped inject an air of familiarity into the show, while the deeper exploration of Ezra's Jedi training has given us some much needed Star Wars mysticism. The winners will receive 326 credits from @Wuher. Having been revealed as the Rebel contact known as 'Fulcrum', Ahsoka has been used sparingly on the show, but shot into action two episodes ago, giving us a look at how much stronger she has become since the end of Star Wars: Clone Wars. Like all Jedi of her era, sh… A one-stop shop for all things video games. Both sabers were capable of being wielded underwater, as demonstrated during the Battle of Mon Cala. Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 7 finale finally brings Darth Vader to the show, but when does the ending scene with Ahsoka's lightsabers happen? Ahsoka began as the apprentice of Anakin Skywalker, the powerful Jedi Knight whose story we all know turns grim when he betrays everything he once stood for to become the insidious Darth Vader. In Twilight of the Apprentice, Ahsoka's surprise attack slashed open Vader's mask. Twelve years. Ahsoka Tano is a character in the Star Wars franchise. The primary lightsaber was a single-bladed weapon with a cylindrical silver hilt with black ornamentation. The lynchpin of Ahsoka and Vader's duel in "Twilight Of The Apprentice" is when a strike from Ahsoka's lightsaber burns away a portion of Vader's mask, partially exposing Anakin's face. But it was the introduction of Ahsoka Tano and her one-time Jedi master, Darth Vader, that were the real sparks behind the first half of this season. That happened at some point in 19BBY, the same year Revenge of the Sith takes place, but likely at least a few months afterwards, as covered in the Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith comics. As a teenager, Ahsoka was snarky, cocky, aggressive, feisty, stubborn, reckless, and impulsive, yet loyal, generous, and kind-hearted. Star Wars Rebels pitted Darth Vader against his former apprentice, Ahsoka Tano. The episode also features the first appearance of Darth Vader in Rebels. It doesn't work to have that so late in the timeline. Ahsoka Tano will take centre stage in the Star Wars Rebels season 2 premiere episode titled The Siege Of Lothal. Ahsoka suspects he’s Anakin Skywalker, but, like in The Clone Wars, she holds out hope that Anakin could not fall as far as Vader did. The next time they fight, it seems like Vader is going to strike her down just as he had the others, but Ahsoka does something pretty unexpected. Season 2 of Star Wars Rebels Will Finally See Ahsoka Tano Fight Darth Vader. However, Darth Vader finding Ahsoka's lightsabers likely takes place much earlier in the timeline than that, so it's either more likely that former, or something else causes his surprise. Only when she sees his face does she really believe it’s him. Science Fiction. The ending of Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 7 sees Darth Vader discover Ahsoka Tano's lightsabers on an unnamed snowy moon, but leaves things a little unclear as to how long after Revenge of the Sith this takes place in the Star Wars timeline. Next: Star Wars: The Clone Wars Ending & [SPOILER]'S Final Scene Explained, All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Sometime later, Darth Vader himself visits the planet and, standing in front of the trooper helmet that marks the site, finds one of Ahsoka's lightsabers in the snow. Given many of Vader's most ruthless acts have been charted in the time period between Revenge of the Sith and Rogue One and Star Wars: A New Hope, this has to be still relatively close to Revenge of the Sith, within a few years at most, rather than a decade or more later when those lingering shreds of humanity are long gone. The finale of The Clone Wars does offer a few hints as to when the scene takes place, including the presence of Snowtroopers, and Vader's red lightsaber, which can be seen hanging at his side. The fight ends in a manner that, ultimately, left something to be desired from the battle of two heavyweights. On top of that, this is presented as Vader discovering Ahsoka is still alive thanks to the presence of Morai, in turn suggesting it's before they come into contact with one another again in Star Wars Rebels, which begins in the year 5BBY, and season 2 (which is when their meeting happens) starting in 4BBY. The past and futures of Anakin, Ahsoka, and Vader converged in the final episode of Disney Plus’ Clone Wars season 7. Thirty-three years before the Battle of Yavin, Ahsoka Tano was discovered by Jedi Master Plo Koon among her people on the planet Shili at the age of three and accepted into the Jedi Order. Image: Lucasfilm. One of the longest-running mysteries of Star Wars Rebels was of what happened to Ahsoka Tano in the Season 2 finale after she faced off against Darth Vader. I don't think you can go a whole season without that confrontation's just cruel. By the end fo the episode, Ahsoka gets the first sense of a truth that she does not want to face. After all, this is about completing Anakin's arc, with this moment symbolizing him truly becoming Darth Vader and leaving what's left of Anakin behind. Through Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Ahsoka, there was plenty of opportunity for the seeds to be planted for his turn to the dark side, with The Clone Wars able to better flesh that out. Vader called out to her, and she called back out to Anakin, stating that she will not leave him this time.For a moment, Vader's eyes appeared to show hesitation before finally hardening back and returning to his Vader persona, determined to push forward and kill Ahsoka. I mean, she might be aware of his presence because of the Force but I doubt she knows who he is. 20 days ago. Will There Be A Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 8? Neutral ground. Our Biggest Stories, Delivered to Your Inbox. That itself is slightly complicated by his words there, though - "the apprentice lives" - which indicates surprise at her survival. That might offer either a different interpretation of this finale scene - Vader really does believe Ahsoka is dead - or that it takes place after Rebels. Giving enough time for these things to all happen, that means the scene in The Clone Wars likely takes place roughly one year after the events of Revenge of the Sith at the least. Bye bye, Lord Vader, enjoy being a blight upon the galaxy. Click the button below to start this article in quick view. That paid off in the last scene of The Clone Wars season 7 finale, "Victory & Death", which also served as the series finale of the animated Star Wars show. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. The Walking Dead Hints At A Major Negan & Lucille Origin Change, Clone Wars Season 7: WHEN Darth Vader’s Scene Takes Place In The Timeline. Having been born on the planet Shili, she was nearly enslaved by an imposter who intercepted the signal to the Jedi Order and who hoped to put her powers to use for his own ends. Canon fight.Ro Introduced as the Jedi Padawan of Anakin Skywalker, who later becomes Sith Lord Darth Vader, she is a protagonist of the 2008 animated film Star Wars: The Clone Wars and the subsequent television series.Ahsoka reappears in Star Wars Rebels, where she uses the codename Fulcrum, and as a voiceover cameo in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. Ahsoka doesn’t have to die–she just can’t be part of the Rebellion in any major way by the time A New Hope comes around. Snowtroopers were introduced after the Galactic Empire had started to cement its position and replaced the clone troopers with Stormtroopers (who can also be seen in The Clone Wars' final moments). Seven seasons. Stay up to date, get the Outer Places Newsletter: After last night's moving mid-season finale, Star Wars Rebels went on its winter break having given us a much meatier and generally more enjoyable showing compared to its debut season. Related: Will There Be A Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 8? But when it does, grab a macaron and join in the comments below to share your thoughts, spoilers, and maybe—just maybe—some excitable Ahsoka gifs if it’s finally time. People want a certain confrontation to happen. But yeah, it's everything you hoped and everything you feared, it's the very nature of being a Jedi and confronting the dark side of the Force. Ahsoka also has very good maternal instincts; she was friendly and … Sci-Fi TV Shows. The Clone Wars held off fully introducing Vader until its very final scene, although the show as a whole built up to his transformation. They could still be clones in the armor, but that switch still took some time to happen. Ahsoka and Maul as of Rebels Season 2, Anakin during Revenge of the Sith. When the lightsabers were returned to Tano prior to the Siege of Mandalo… The end of the season finale of Star Wars Rebels clearly showed us Ahsoka Tano walking back into the Sith Temple after her battle with Darth Vader. ... and @Ralok-one win the bet that Ahsoka does not know Vader is really Anakin. Fortunately, this scheme was thwarted, and Ahsoka began her life as a Jedi. Around this time, she was nearly enslaved by an impostor who intercepted the signal to the Jedi Order and who hoped to use her powers for their own ends. What's more, the final shot, seen through the trooper helmet, is very much signifying the end of the clone wars era too. Look back on the story of Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano — once Master and apprentice, now bitter enemies — from Star Wars: The Clone Wars to Star Wars Rebels. The final image of the show is Vader, reflected in the visor of a half-buried clone trooper helmet with Ahsoka-style markings. Ahsoka faked her death after crashing on the moon following the Siege of Mandalore, burying her lightsabers at a makeshift graveyard for the deceased clone troopers. She was quite selfless as she willingly risked her life many times to protect the innocent, as well as her friends. There’s one last fight left in the Clone War, and Ahsoka Tano wants to be the victor. The shoto looked like a smaller, less-detailed version of the other lightsaber. Ahsoka isn’t the first character to have a change in their design without any clear backstory. Luke’s skywalker’s green lightsaber in Star Wars: Episode VI … Base Anakin, no Knightfall Vader or rage amp. But only in the 16th episode, titled Altar of Mortis, did she actually fight using both lightsabers. "It's pretty clear what the season is going to come down to. Least somewhat close to the series ' established timeline from @ Wuher, reflected in the Star Wars pitted... 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