The only time where I actually enjoyed such a hot temp was in Delhi in August, when it was unusually humid. Add your answer and earn points. How hot is too hot for car coolant? As weather goes here in Australia it is only a mild warm type of day!! How many degrees Celsius in 15°f? This corresponds to −273.15 °C on the Celsius scale, −459.67 °F on the Fahrenheit scale, and 0.00 °R on the Rankine scale. Does Matthew Gray Gubler do a voice in the Disney movie Tangled? - 2244612 Brainly User Brainly User 11/17/2016 Chemistry Middle School Is 214 degrees Celsius hot or cold also what is the temperature of Neptune as of how cold it gets? It is determined by the detection of heat radiation, particle velocity or by the bulk behavior of a thermometric material. Anonymous. Lv 4. 1 0. ShaaaM. How do you think about the answers? Philomel. 2 years ago. For humidity from 50–100, from 1–4 degrees, I would call it freezing, 5–10 degrees is cold, and 11–16 cool. I would call 28+ degrees hot. What does it mean when the flag is not flying at the White House? Answer Save. The engine operating temperature range for most cars is between 195 to 220 degrees … How do you think about the answers? The temperature is forecasted to be 26 degree celsius. PTI / Dec 27, 2020 , 20:02 IST. Perfect for a day at the beach!! That is a very tricky question and one that does not lead to an easy explanation. However, if your body has a temperature of 30 degrees, that would be considered cold, as the body has an average temperature of 37 degrees. Astronomers tell us that sometimes a star will explode; for a few days or weeks it will outshine thousands of other stars combined. 23c and above is hot. Thamarai. 17–25 warm, and 26+ to be hot. Climate. Fahrenheit is a scale commonly used … 1 decade ago. It is about forty-two degrees. HAGAR!!! In a hot country like India, it is a rather pleasant day if the temperature is 27 or 28 C, unless you are in a hill station where you may feel that the weather is rather warm. 1 0. From a northern perspective -4C/24,8F isn’t very cold. This page will show you how to convert between different temperature scales (Celsius, Fahrenheit, and Kelvin). Lv 7. My ideal range of daytime temps. Anonymous. TQ. it is comfortable not too hot not too cold. Like should I wear jeans or shorts thanks. is 23 degrees celsius hot or cold ? Convert between Fahrenheit and Celsius. Relevance. Boiling Point of Water is 100 degeree Celsius.... Now, Imagine how much hot 482 degree Celsius will be. Lv 4. 27 degree Celsius = 80.6 degree Fahrenheit So the question is... "Is 80.6 degree Fahrenheit hot to you?" 11–16 is cool, and 17–27 is warm. 8 Answers. Hope. The weather in Toronto is similar to North American cities like New York and Chicago. Non-U.S.: Does 55° F feel hot or cold? Relevance. The average temperature today will be 21.5 degrees Celsius. To me, more then 30 degrees Celsius is already quite hot. Is 27 degrees Celsius hot? Source(s): 4 years ago. is 27 degrees celcious hot or cold??X. Daten über Ihr Gerät und Ihre Internetverbindung, darunter Ihre IP-Adresse, Such- und Browsingaktivität bei Ihrer Nutzung der Websites und Apps von Verizon Media. please and thanks. David . Moderate fog engulfed the national capital on the morning of January 24. Warm. Hot. c to k Celsius to Kelvin conversion (°C to K) When it comes to converting Celsius degrees into Kelvins, the formula is even simpler. 0 0. Cold is the presence of low temperature, especially in the atmosphere. Lv 7. I don't have any experience with high 30s (pushing 110F). As room temperature, 30 degrees is relatively hot, as most places have a room temperature of around 20-25 degrees. All of this is in Degrees Celsius. 9 years ago. Update: I'm hoping to be able to wear jeans and a very thin and light jumper. Lv 7. ( -5 degrees ) It’s 30 degrees Celsius. Use this calculator to convert 15°f to Celsius. Lv 4. MultriMax683. It’s just a nice little frost that makes the world feel crisp. 15 degrees Fahrenheit = -9.44 degrees Celsius. Is 38 degrees celsius cold or hot? 3 years ago. Normal Temprature of Human is 37 degree Celsius. 0 0. Convert between Fahrenheit and Celsius. The temperature in Fahrenheit = 80.6 degrees. Relevance. In the same way 32 degree celsius can be said hot/cold when compared to low/high temperature or it can be said hot/cold when compared to normal cold/hot days. 1 degree Celsius is too warm for the freezer section of my refrigerator. Relevance. i think so. Low 30s C is in the 90s F. Hot for me. Conversions. 0 0. 34 D C = (34/5)*9+32=93.2 Deg F. This is either too hot of just cool depending on your point of view. 1 0. It’s 20 degrees Fahrenheit. Is 34 degrees celsius hot or cold in fahrenheight? Just type in either box, and the number in the other box will be converted automatically. Is 214 degrees Celsius hot or cold also what is the temperature of Neptune as of how cold it gets? 13 Answers. Warm: 45-65 F (7.5-18 C) Cool: 25-45 F (-4-7.5 C) Cold: 10-25 F (-12--4 C) Beside this, is 24 degrees Celsius hot or cold? bernadette. 1 See answer User is waiting for your help. 3 years ago. Jeremy. 3 years ago. 0 0. little. The final formula to convert 27.7 Celsius to Fahrenheit is: [°F] = 27.7 × 9⁄5 + 32 = 81.86 The Celsius scale and the Fahrenheit scale The discovery of temperature scales is one of the most important pieces of science history in our human lives. Exposed to the sunlight, it is 120 degrees Celsius. How cold? 9 years ago. 15 Answers. Mr Anonymous, I'll assume you're not talking about simple temperature, it's a simple conversion, from memory 15C is standard temp, and converts to 59F. 0-10 = cold. The degree Celsius is a unit of temperature on the Celsius scale, a temperature scale originally known as the centigrade scale. 4 years ago. ? (30 o C) It’s maximum 45°F in the morning. 3 years ago. I consider it hot. Is 34 degrees celsius hot or cold in fahrenheight? That's about 90*F. For an ambient temperature (e.g. At the same time, 27 or 28 degrees Celsius with very high humidity can make some people uncomfortable and … To convert Celsius into Fahrenheit you just have to multiply Celsius by 1.8 and add 32. Update: I'm hoping to be able to wear jeans and a very thin and light jumper. 11 degrees Fahrenheit = -11.67 degrees Celsius. ( -1°C ) Converting between Fahrenheit and Celsius temperature scales is useful if you are working temperature conversion problems, work in a lab, or simply want to know how hot or cold it is in a country that uses the other scale! Für nähere Informationen zur Nutzung Ihrer Daten lesen Sie bitte unsere Datenschutzerklärung und Cookie-Richtlinie. It's easy to make the conversion. Favourite answer. Anonymous. Almost the equivalent to 70 degrees fahrenheit. Still have questions? 1 0. (45°C) It is very cold today. How cold? 1 decade ago. How ayurvedic tourism can attract foreign tourists. Lv 4. Dazu gehört der Widerspruch gegen die Verarbeitung Ihrer Daten durch Partner für deren berechtigte Interessen. For the plains, the IMD declares a cold wave when the minimum temperature is 10 degrees Celsius or below and is 4.5 … Is 59 Degrees(f) Hot Or Cold? The fundamental temperature scale is the one of Kelvin that depends on the absolute zero point. 38 Degrees Celsius. 3 years ago. Unlike the Celsius scale, this scale puts the freezing point of water at 32º F while its boiling point is 212º F. Therefore, when it's very cold during the winter in the United States, the thermometers might show temperatures between 28 and 14 degrees Fahrenheit (-2º and -10º Celsius). Have you ever seen a tornado? 10-20 = chilly/luke warm. Also Know, is 25 degrees Celsius hot or cold? (20°F) It’s two degrees above zero. Lv 7. The International Space Station can also amass surface temperatures of 260 degrees Celsius when exposed to the sun’s rays. is not blistering hot. Yup. 2 years ago. Anonymous. Anonymous. Mercury rotates slowly and has a thin atmosphere, and consequently, the night-side temperature can be more than 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit lower than the day-side temperature shown on the diagram. Trick questions: U.S. residents: Does 23° C feel hot or cold? 23 Celsius is about 72 Fahrenheit so for … 33-38°C : Very hot, can be appreciable if it's not for too long and/or coupled with exercise. Anonymous. DrawFace. One way is to look at a thermometer that has both scales and simply read the value. How cold? 1 decade ago. 34 D C = (34/5)*9+32=93.2 Deg F. This is either too hot of just cool depending on your point of view. Now, the temperature change of the cold water would be "25 - 20"; so use "t - 20" in the calculation. The hottest part of the sun is its center, which is about 27 million degrees Fahrenheit (15 million degrees Celsius)! Like should I wear jeans or shorts thanks. 6 Answers. Why don't libraries smell like bookstores? 4 years ago. Water freezes at 0° Celsius and boils at 100° Celsius. ... 28° Celsius = 82.4° Fahrenheit (exact result) How hot is 28 degrees Celsius? Im going to a holiday next month to a place in Rajasthan, India. 15°f to degrees Celsius is -9.44°c. IS 27 C hot or cold? How hot or cold is 30 Celsius? I know wrong category. 1 decade ago. You can sign in to vote the answer. TraV. 34 degrees Celsius is about 93 degrees Fahrenheit, which is not really that hot. Henry J. nice and warm by my reckoning. 20 degrees celsius is not too hot or not too cold. Water freezes at 0° Celsius and boils at 100° Celsius. 1 degree Celsius is a bit too cold for the refrigerator section. Well, seeing that this question in the astronomy category. the temperature of a room or outside) it'd be warm. About. ANSWER: Short answer: A temperature of 273 Celsius (Centigrade) is twice as hot as zero degrees Celsius. 1 decade ago. 34 degrees Celsius is hot and 3 degrees would be cold. Lv 7. Dies geschieht in Ihren Datenschutzeinstellungen. Due to variations in various parts of the refrigerator, food may freeze. 0 is freezing 100 is boiling, you decide. Source(s): 1 decade ago. It depends on in which place you live. The average temperature today will be 21.5 degrees Celsius. 1 2. What would 34 degrees celsius be or cold...and what about 3 degrees celsius? Therefore, when it’s very cold during the winter in the United States, the thermometers might show temperatures between 28 and 14 degrees Fahrenheit (-2º and -10º Celsius). I think 27 degrees Celcius is the cutoff between warm and hot. 1 0. What is the life expectancy of the Nigerian men and women? Is 26 degree celsius hot or warm or cold? Celsius, or centigrade, is used to measure temperatures in most of the world. 12 Answers. After Beowulf story what will you say were the qualities deeply esteemed by the people of those time? mid30s is really hot. 27-33°C : Hot - Perfect ! I know wrong category. explain answer. 26 Degrees Celsius. About. Warm @ 80 degrees F. 0 0. Favourite answer. A simple Google search will tell you 20C is warm. 27 Degrees To Celsius. Relevance. Hope. 0 0. It felt great, though a little exhausting. Facebook ... lows of 2 degrees Celsius and 2.6 degrees Celsius respectively, while cold wave intensified in Kashmir with … Fahrenheit is a scale commonly used … When did organ music become associated with baseball? 4 years ago. NEW DELHI: A cold wave gripped Delhi on Tuesday as icy winds blowing from the snow-covered western Himalayas brought the minimum temperature down to 4.1 degrees Celsius, the lowest in the city this season so far, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) said. Lv 6. They are sometimes referred to as "the slot machines of the equity market" because of the money involved. 6 years ago. Cold inflation pressure is the inflation pressure of tires ... assume the tire was filled when it was 300 kelvins (approximately 27 degrees Celsius or 80 degrees Fahrenheit). Bitter cold conditions prevail in parts of north India. Is 482 degrees Celsius hot or cold? … 0 1. 1 decade ago. One can easily categorize the Celsius degrees like this: below 0 = very cold. Jeremy . How hot is 11°f in Celsius? 20-30 = warm. Relevance. How do you write a manifesto for compound overseer? Answer Save. In your first question, maybe the final temperature is about 25 degrees when we mix a litre at 20 degrees with half a litre at 40 degrees. Philomel. Thank you :) Source(s): 34 degrees celsius hot cold 3 degrees celsius fahrenheight: It depends on the humidity. 0 0. weise. 3 years ago. It's pretty warm... not "hot" hot. Penny stocks are loosely categorized companies with share prices of below $5 and with market caps of under $200 million. ... 25 degrees celcius . Answer Save. 23 Degrees Celsius. Re Vera. Climate. Hot. 3 years ago. 0 1. 1 decade ago. Is 22 degrees Celsius cold or hot? You can sign in to vote the answer. Damit Verizon Media und unsere Partner Ihre personenbezogenen Daten verarbeiten können, wählen Sie bitte 'Ich stimme zu.' How cold? Meanwhile, during spring and summer, average temperatures are between 50 and 68 degrees Fahrenheit (10º and 20º Celsius). Slightly more than the boiling point of hot water. Lv 7. 4 years ago. (2 °C) It’s 35 below zero. Answer Save. 1 0? For a … How hot is 15°f in Celsius? To convert to Fahrenheit; Tf = Tc(1.80) + 32 (Tc = 27 C) The temperature in Fahrenheit = 80.6 degrees How many degrees Celsius in 11°f? 1 decade ago. 18 Answers. I'd say it's cold, but I'm British. What is 28 degrees Celsius in Fahrenheit? The food will melt. 3 years ago. Yahoo ist Teil von Verizon Media. 0 0. Is 34 degrees celsius hot or cold in fahrenheight? I hate hot weather and I can live with 28 Celsius. I didn't like the low 100s F down in Utah and Arizona when I had to deal with it. In deep space, the temperatures are almost twice as cold as our cryosaunas: minus 240 to 260 degrees Celsius. 0 0. “Last week it was -21-degrees Celsius [-5.8-degrees Fahrenheit], and I still went for it, and cross-country skied.” ( MORE ON WEATHER.COM: 14 Hacks for a Healthier Winter) How hot is 27 degrees Celsius? 3 years ago. Type the information into the input boxes and the degrees in Celsius will update automatically. 1 0. Relevance. Source(s): what woul it be in fahrenheight ? Source(s): 3 degrees Celsius is 37 degrees Fahrenheit, which is not really that cold… 1 0. my favorite temperatures are between 24 degrees Celsius and 28 degrees Celsius 28 is not hot 28 is warm just the right temperature. Is 22 degrees Celsius cold or hot? HOT: from 27 to 34 celsius (from 80 to 93f) WARM: from 20 to 25 celsius (from 68 to 79) COLD: less than 20 celsius (less than 68) WINTER: Warm: more than 20 celsius (more than 68/70) cool: from 12 to 20 celsius (from 54 to 70) cold: less than 12 celsius (less than 54) freezing: less than 7 celsius (less than 45) SPRING: VERY HOT: more than 30 celsius (86 f) HOT: from 25 to 30 celsius … However, if your body has a temperature of 30 degrees, that would be considered cold, as the body has an average temperature of 37 degrees. this is however warn . 5 years ago. Type the information into the input boxes and the degrees in Celsius will update automatically. aus oder wählen Sie 'Einstellungen verwalten', um weitere Informationen zu erhalten und eine Auswahl zu treffen. Source(s): 9 Answers. There actually are simple Do you know that 24°C can be hot, but 1000°C (the temperature of the thermosphere) can be too COLD for you to survive? 27.00 °C = 80.60 °F: 27.30 °C = 81.14 °F: 27.60 °C = 81.68 °F: 27.90 °C = 82.22 °F: 27.01 °C = 80.62 °F: I just thought that this was a popular category and people would answer this question. If the temperature varies 10% (i.e., by 30 kelvins [also 30 degrees Celsius or 54 degrees Fahrenheit]), the pressure varies 10%. 2 years ago. 482 Celsius (°C) is not that hot … 9/5 of 23 + 32 = about 70 F . 11°f to degrees Celsius is -11.67°c. 1 0. Get your answers by asking now. Answer Save. Sign in . Can i go there without sweaters and stuff? In common usage, cold is often a subjective perception.A lower bound to temperature is absolute zero, defined as 0.00 K on the Kelvin scale, an absolute thermodynamic temperature scale. Answer Save. It is 5 below. In the winter, you can expect cold temperatures, with an average low of 24 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 4 degrees Celsius) and snow—even up to a foot. 0 0. 2 years ago. 0 0. That is around 100 degrees. 0 degrees Celsius is equal to 273.15 Kelvins.The basic formula is °C + 273.15 = K. Kelvin to Celsius: Add 273. Farly hot. I consider it hot. 30 degrees Celsius is about 86 Fahrenheit, if that gives you an idea. Relevance. 34 degrees Celsius is hot and 3 degrees would be cold. 40+ = extremely hot Use this calculator to convert 11°f to Celsius. Thamarai. All of this is in Degrees Celsius. Burning hot! Favorite Answer. It can be as cold as -290 degrees Fahrenheit (-179 degrees Celsius) on Mercury at night. Temperature is a numerical value that represents the measure of hot or cold, the tendency of a substance or object to transfer heat. 9 years ago. As room temperature, 30 degrees is relatively hot, as most places have a room temperature of around 20-25 degrees. It is fairly warm.Use this.Temperature Fahrenheit = Temperature Celsius(1.80) + 32Temperature Fahrenheit... Is 69 degrees cold or hot? 13 Answers. John W. Lv 4. Answer Save. (-35 °C ) It is very hot outside. 0 0. Celsius, or centigrade, is used to measure temperatures in most of the world. ... Do you consider 33 Degrees Fahrenheit chilly, cold, warm or hot? Relevance. It is moderate weather. More temperatures starting with 27 degrees in Celsius Note: results are rounded. And would you go play in 33 degree weather? LULU. ME!! I just thought that this was a popular category and people would answer this question. Thank you :) Source(s): 34 degrees celsius hot cold 3 degrees celsius fahrenheight: For me when compared to my region it is normal. Update: humidity index 48%. It is about one degree above zero. 0 0. anat. 4 years ago. How Cold Is 25 Degrees Celsius. Toronto. 6 Answers. 0 1. pds. Answer Save. What would 34 degrees celsius be or cold...and what about 3 degrees celsius? Wir und unsere Partner nutzen Cookies und ähnliche Technik, um Daten auf Ihrem Gerät zu speichern und/oder darauf zuzugreifen, für folgende Zwecke: um personalisierte Werbung und Inhalte zu zeigen, zur Messung von Anzeigen und Inhalten, um mehr über die Zielgruppe zu erfahren sowie für die Entwicklung von Produkten. 7 years ago. 0 1? Lv 4. Sie können Ihre Einstellungen jederzeit ändern. This great heat is caused by nuclear fusion such as occurs in the explosion of a hydrogen bomb. 1 decade ago. Favourite answer . 0 0. little. busterwasmycat. 30-40 = hot. Answer Save. Kevin Duke. 0 1. 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