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Author: Posted On: January 22nd, 2021 In:Uncategorized

A Taurus Ascendant produces a physically powerful body + presence. The countenance of a Taurus ascendant exudes strength, with a prominent forehead, cheeks, lips, nose and mouth. In addition, a special stamina and strong will are key to this sign. Taurus Physical Traits - 3 years. Taurus ascendants are naturally good at making financial plans and money management. A Taurus ascendant will put great priorities in keeping their privacy intake. She may be hesitant to show her feelings and emotions but she makes up for it with her actions and care for her husband. Marriage may however slightly change the outlook of a Taurus ascendant woman. They enjoy the finer things in life and the key is to strike a balance between pleasure and gluttony. They typically have strong bodies are may be rather stout or have a tendency to plumpness. Many women find comfort in the simplicity and routine of a Taurus ascendant man. Taurus ascendant natives like their Taurean counterparts are known for being highly stubborn individuals. Taurus ascendants give in to their physical impulses readily and enjoy good food and wine, a good relaxation and sensual pleasures, while it isn’t a bad thing but they should refrain from overdoing it, lest it may have an adverse impact in their lives. As you can tell, with Taurus rising there are many different aspects to a person’s traits and characteristics which come to the fore. These interpretations are from the Karmic Insight Report, and are written from an esoteric viewpoint. They do not believe in ostentatious display of health and possessions, but are rather content with a simple and comfortable life. She can have big breasts and wide hips. No matter if men or women, they will always have a fixated posture that reminds others of the actual bull. Taurus people with Scorpio ascendant puts great emphasis on how they are connected to their environment. He has the male sensuality and charm but there is also pragmatism and cynicism which can be a cause of concern for his lover or his wife. They are usually calm and collected in their social appearance but if caught in a situation where their convictions and commitments are under question they tend to act exactly the opposite. Being inherently intelligent they are good conversation carriers and are a reliable companion as a life partner. The Taurus rising individual is likely to be plump in the torso area … This could also keep them from just sticking to one occupation at a time. She’s a creature of comfort and pleasure, so it can be really challenging for her to not indulge herself in alcohol, food or sex. More than most, Taurus rising prefers the “good things” in life. Not only that, styling yourself to align with the cosmos is automatically more aesthetically awesome. The health of a Taurus ascendant is usually good. He is strongly adherent to the idea that financial security is the key to marital bliss. Taurus man hot and cold - 1 year. Most of them are solid and well-built, the Taurus rising woman resembling the Greek Goddess Aphrodite. Their rather average height is better complimented by their strong body and if they do not indulge in much physical activity, they may have a tendency to gain unwanted weight. An Aries Ascendant Man or Aries Ascendant Woman is very attractive to other people, but he is not a daring man when it comes to love and partnership. The profitable business for these natives can be machinery, technology, metals and supervisors. Taurus Ascendant you are a steady and stable person, you are slow to accept change.You are cautious and careful when it comes to transition. Serena Williams is a Taurus Ascendant. The upside to this is the fact that their mindset is fixated on morals and values. A round thick neck and round face. The following interpretations incorporate the position, by sign, of Venus, the ruling planet of Taurus. They like being well secured in life along with a peace of mind and sensory pleasures. They are very much into owning real estate and property. Required fields are marked *, Manoranjan Prusty is an astrologer, palmist, numerologist, Vastu Shastri, writer and digital marketing professional in one. A Taurus ascendant native gives primary importance to his home and family. Your email address will not be published. Rather than for your Sun or even Moon sign is super-auspicious. These traits can also be seen in the other fixed signs: LEO, SCORPIO and AQUARIUS. They dislike change and can appear to be stubborn. Taurus and Physical Appearance. The physical appearance of a Taurus ascendant is generally bottom-lined by a robust physique. Astroguru Online - However this man could sometimes end in the wrong end of the stick when in relation with the wrong person. They make sure that their marriage is smooth and remains intact without any obstacles. In relation to this alignment, Taurus ascendant natives are literally suited for Virgo and Capricorn ascendants. People who are born as Taurus sun with Scorpio ascendant are loyal and utterly reliable at any time. Their focus in life to reach their aspirations ad goals makes them dependable and reliable. How To Dress For Your Rising Sign. Taurus Ascendant Physical Appearance Your Taurus Ascendant is ruled by planet Venus, the planet of beauty and harmony. This man can often be seen wearing his heart on his sleeve, he quickly gives into the charms and seduction of the opposite sex and loses very little time in professing his love to her. Given the right environment they can come up with novel ideas and inventive strategies. He is willing to go to any lengths to make life comfortable for his family. However, it is their fixation on their convictions which hinders their reception of new ideas and theories. They may also have their own business or become entrepreneurs with a number of employees working under them. The lucky colours for Taurus ascendants are: The lucky stone for Taurus ascendant is Diamond. It’s usually spot on. Libra as the sixth House make the Taurus ascendant native a shrewd and diplomatic co-worker, they are also resourceful and work as a good teammate. With a fixed sign on the Ascendant, they are not known for their flexibility. This can adversely impact their weight and lead them to gain unhealthy fat. The sign position of Venus modifies your Taurus Ascendant characteristics. On the other hand, Taurus Ascendant can be very shy, rude or anti-social. The Taurus Ascendant woman is all about getting attached and leading people to a higher plane of existence. Your physical appearance is likely to reflect those qualities, as you seek beauty and harmony both in what you see in the mirror … These natives therefore choose a career related to the IT Industry or NGO. The Bull has good stamina and has a one-track mind. TAURUS WOMAN: IN LOVE & SEX LIFE Loyal friends, and companionable, ardent lovers, a Taurus is yours for life – unless you cross her firmly set boundaries, in which case, prepare to feel her horns! Hence, for a Taurus ascendant native balance is the key here. They are inherently focuses and driven towards their long term goals and also a great team player but they cannot work to their full potential unless they are given full freedom. Aries Rising. A Taurus ascendant native should be wary of his eating and drinking habits. The taste for fine wine is good enough but they should make sure not to go all out or give into binge drinking as it will lead to devastating health issues. Regular exercises focusing on their torso could benefit them in the long run. Men find her sympathetic and pleasant, so they happily communicate with her. PHYSICAL APPEARANCE OF TAURUS RISING: Taurus rising natives are generally shorter in stature to middle height. A native belonging to Taurus ascendant highly values real friends and well wishers. A Taurus Ascendant woman is a loyal and hardworking woman and a supportive partner to her husband. They do not prefer the outside world to interfere in their private and personal matters. The texture of their hair can be termed as wavy or curly and they usually possess black or darker hair colour. Love and Marriage for the Taurus Ascendant. Saturn is also cordial with Lord Venus who is the ruler of Taurus ascendant and this is a fruitful alignment for the career of a Taurus ascendant. Constant and reliable, people with Taurus on the ascendant have an earthy endurance about them. The “dharma” and the “karma” Houses or the ninth and tenth Houses respectively of the Taurus ascendant is Lord Saturn. When it comes to his woman a Taurus ascendant man is extremely protective. Self-indulgence can be a weakness for many with this Ascendant. Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo, © Copyright 2019 by AstroXL. My Final Thoughts on Taurus rising. A Taurus ascendant male is also extremely loyal to his better half. The clinical ailments common to Taurus ascendants include stroke, tonsillitis, croup, laryngitis and lymphatic stasis of the neck and the head. People see her as a womanly and balanced woman who is never late and respects the opinions of others. They are not too tall but have a magnetism that attracts people to them. You have strong bone structure and are usually of average height. Taurus Ascendant and Physical Appearance The physical appearance of a Taurus ascendant is generally Obvious trails of Taurus rising sign or Taurus ascendant males & females like appearance will be short or medium, square face, slight weighty but of good appearance and adorable look. Natives of the Taurus Ascendant have their Material Houses: This placement of the different houses in their signs greatly influences the finances of the Taurus ascendants. May have wheatish, swarthy complexion and broad forehead. Taurus ascendants are also usually endowed with a good voice. The Bull being the symbol of this sign, the natives are quick to lose their temper and retaliate accordingly if they are pushed beyond their limits. She is a faithful wife and expects the same loyalty from her partner. Contact Form -Privacy. I immediately think Taurus venus or rising. This sign is just as important as your moon sign and your sun sign. Aquarius as the Tenth House encourages the liberation in a Taurus ascendant. A Taurus ascendant man as a husband is however not only interested in emotions and feelings but he is deeply concerned about the finances too. In the life of people with this ascendant, everything should run in orderly paths and be characterized by a certain security. The rising sign they are assigned at birth is the one they keep throughout their whole life. Venus is the ruling planet of Taurus ascendant. Just like a person’s sun sign, a person’s rising sign never changes. Taurus Rising Practical, logical and objective yet sociable, Taurus rising looks for stability and the feeling of security. The Ascendant in Taurus in a woman shows her as a soft, sensible and sensual nature. Is this you...? Taureans are also inherently attracted towards aesthetics and sensuality. These individuals do not like to remain stagnant when it comes to the financial position. However more than love and companionship a Taurus ascendant woman prioritizes the welfare of the man she marries. They have an intelligent mind and have a relative ease when it comes to preparing financial budgets and ideas. Taurus Rising with Venus (Ruler of Taurus) in the Signs. The rising traits are likely to affect their personality in small ways, but the traits of their sun sign will still be dominant in their personality.. They try and make sure they are a part of important decision making in the family and usually take initiative in various domestic spheres of life.   Appearance...   Thick with strong necks, Taurus rising people have pleasant, classic figures, with men having thick necks and strong shoulders and women having large breasts. This native will have a well respected work with a steady income if Taurus ascendant falls under the period of Lord Saturn. The Gemini sign as the second House encourages the proclivity towards money in this native. Taurus Rising can put you in your place if you have opinions in an area they are well-versed in. Attitude... Kind and gentle, Taurus rising … Taurus sun Taurus rising, well-rounded personality Taurus ascendant Taurus , this well anchored alliance gives you enough self-confidence to succeed in almost any domain. If anyone or anything catches their fancy, there is hardly anything in the world which can deter them from their quest or change their minds. It is this zest and interest in earning more which keeps them striving for more. Their stubbornness and unwillingness to compromise can lead them to hold onto situations, mental state and objects or people for longer than necessary and bearing no more importance to ascertain their viewpoint. The sensitive areas prone to ailments for a Taurus ascendant native are the neck, larynx, shoulder blades and generally the upper body. You stand up straight unless you’ve become deeply saddened. This holistic approach can hinder the longevity of her marriages as love and companionship are the cornerstones of any marriage. Their shoulders may be stooped with a shorter, yet strong neck. She wants peace and is as relaxed as possible, no matter how difficult a situation. Anytime I see women in the mall touching fabric on clothes, bags or wearing strong/expensive perfumes. The importance of wealth for a Taurus ascendant is underlined by the fact that they may sometimes judge a person’s worth by the amount of capital they have. Lucky Days, Numbers and Colours for the Rising Sign of Taurus. He has more than 15 years of experience in Indian Vedic astrology and has … read more about me, Copyright © 2021 Usually the ascendant Taurus stands with both feet on the ground of facts and does not like dreaming. Your rising sign is the Zodiac sign or constellation that was rising over the eastern horizon at the time of your birth. Blog - They are generally endowed with a strong physique and usually enjoy a healthy life during their childhood. Planetary Ruler: Venus. Taurus is a practical and conservative sign. Their countenance and their physical build approximate the shape of a square. Although the descendants are physically strong and robust, they should take extra care and precautions for their upper body. A Taurus ascendant is also outspoken and will not support unfairness to anyone in his workplace. He can easily be manipulated and used by his partners due to his proclivities for sensual pleasure. How to use gemstone according to birth date (Numbers and gemstone), Kaal Sarp Dosh – Troubled life, Hardship and Remedial Measures in Astrology, How to offer water to Sun God (Lord Surya), 11 Highly Dangerous Graha Dosh That You Must Not Ignore. How a Taurus Rising person looks: When ascending, the body is generally stout and rather below the average height. They are especially drawn towards the idea of good friends who will be there for them in both good and bad times. It is an important aspect in their personality and the downside to it is their inability to differentiate between resilience and letting go. She can however be possessive and insecure which might cause some problems in her married life. Therefore, you can feel and sometimes behave much differently than what your sun sign indicates if the Sun and Earths eastern horizon were in different constellations when you were born. Once a native of this ascendant finds someone or something worth their time, they will go out of their way to be there for their commitments. This native is a loving father and a doting husband who enjoys marital bliss. Mercury acts as the fifth Lord and Saturn acts as the ninth Lord. Since Taureans have a good appetite, this does not mean they should overindulge in eating and drinking. The Physical Appearance of Taurus Taurus is the Fixed Earth sign in the Zodiac. The natives of this ascendant are also strongly relentless. Hence they could also become good singers or professional musicians. Rather, they possess determined single-mindedness. Woman have beautiful lips and stature, affable and decorated voice,overall a beauty. A regular diet plan could go a long way in securing a healthier life for a Taurean. I have Taurus venus and I can't do online shopping for clothes I have to be in a physical mall and feel the fabric of the clothes I'm buying. Methodical, practical, patient, persevering and strong willed, they come across as steadfast, dependable types – even if their Sun sign is more flighty or risk-taking by nature! The ascendant Taurus – whether Taurus Ascendant Man or Taurus Ascendant Woman – makes a rather prudent impression on people with all signs of the zodiac. When I see that, along with big round eyes, I think: Taurus rising. You will likely have a strong and rugged appearance with a prominent brow, nose, chin and mouth. Their upper body is the most vulnerable region in their body, prone to pain and illness. Celebrity Rising Sign: Rihanna, John Lennon, James Dean, Kendall Jenner. Although he may be given to sensual pleasures he is good in restraining his impulses for the betterment of his family. However, they have a fondness for eating good food and if left unchecked may border on gluttony. They do not have subtle eyes but rather have significant round eyes leaning more towards the darker shades. Professions for the Rising Sign of Taurus. And balanced woman who is never late and respects the opinions of others life of people with Scorpio puts! It ’ s rising sign of Taurus is among the easiest to detect the! Sympathetic and pleasant, so they happily communicate with her actions and for. Intact without any obstacles stands with both feet on the other hand, Taurus rising individual likely! 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