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)ɩL^6 �g�,qm�"[�Z[Z��~Q����7%��"� This notice advises the public that TxDOT will be conducting a … Title: Relocation Assistance (Relocation Completed) Author: TxDOT Subject: San Antonio District Standards and Forms Created Date: 3/29/2017 2:12:33 PM State Acquires Less Than 90-Day Owner-Occupied Mobile Home and Site, State Acquires Site Only From Owner-Occupant of Mobile Home, State Acquires Tenant-Occupied Mobile Home and Site. Laws, Regulations, and TxDOT Policy 1. Acronyms and Definitions ♦ Acronyms Used in This Manual ♦ Definitions Used in This Manual 2. There are three types of relocation assistance programs: 1. The local government must follow the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 if any federal funds are used on any phase of the project. to Residential Displacees Only, Notice of Advance Relocation Assistance Eligibility, Notices and Contacts with Persons Who are Not Displaced, Determining the Number Overview ♦ General 2. The files may be selected individually, or they may be selected as "sets" to simplify their transfer to you. Learn more about Texas travel, driving laws and highway safety., from the Texas Department of Transportation. For individuals; 2. Overview ♦ General 2. Residential Property Evaluation (Form A simplified TxDOT manual, ROW Vol. Introduction 1. Housing (Form ROW-R-107), Moving Expenses - Direct Payment to Vendor. Introduction 1. State law requires TxDOT to provide relocation assistance that is compatible with the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970. Transportation projects may involve local, state or federal funds for the purchase of right of way and may be subject to the requirements of Title II and Title III of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 including amendments. Program Administration 1. These files are supplied to you within self-extracting executable files to allow you an efficient data transfer. ♦ Manual Notice 2018-1 1. �tq�X)I)B>==���� �ȉ��9. Acronyms and Definitions ♦ Acronyms Used in This Manual ♦ Definitions Used in This Manual 2. General Function and History of Program . 11914 0 obj <> endobj Since each Acronyms and Definitions ♦ Acronyms Used in This Manual ♦ Definitions Used in This Manual 2. "Every relocation case is different," TxDOT Right of Way Agent Cassidy . Title PDF Español Other; Landowner's Bill of Rights : Relocation Assistance : Real Property Asset Map (Property, Utilities, Outdoor Advertising) State Purchase of Right of Way - Booklet ♦ Manual Notice 2018-1 1. Relocation Assistance and … ROW Relocation Assistance Manual. ADA Subrecipient Technical Assistance Manual TxDOT’s websites are routinely reviewed to ensure continued compliance with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended. Individuals and businesses displaced by highway projects receiving federal funding are entitled to relocation assistance payments. The manual addresses all state and federal requirements for executing the relocation program. TxDOT’s 25 District offices responded to the mailed survey. 3. This page introduces the ROW Relocation Assistance Manual, which includes policies and procedures for relocating individuals, businesses, and other entities displaced by TxDOT right of way acquisition. Removal of such improvements is the owner’s responsibility. Introduction 1. ... ROW Records, Reports and Closing Projects Manual. Right of Way Negotiation and Relocation ProcessThe purpose of this page is to provide information on how to become an NCDOT contract negotiation and/or relocation agent as well as links to these processes.. Connect NCDOT > Doing Business > ROW > Right of Way Negotiation and Relocation Process Title: Relocation Assistance (No Displacements) - State Project Author: TxDOT Subject: San Antonio District Standards and Forms Created Date: 3/29/2017 2:12:11 PM Relocation Assistance Offices ♦ Overview ♦ Local Relocation Assistance office ♦ Monitoring 3. Relocation Assistance Program Organization 1. ♦ Manual Notice 2018-1 1. hޜ�wTT��Ͻwz��0�z�.0��. TxDOT project, a relocation assistance counselor will contact you. State Organization ♦ Overview 2. If relocations are not involved but additional right of way is required, a statement to that effect should be included. location. S. Seal Coat and Surface Treatment Manual . The Texas Transportation Commission approved the minute order adopting Revision 2 of the 2011 TMUTCD on Sept. 18, 2014. hޔQ�n�0��+�HŧDA '�ڸrhz`�UaK�$��'�/�����B�8�ݙ�]�~lva;��E�_Nu�9�6�M�^^^����� ��`��LK}M��AK���BC��q�`Bž���1D�R.�g�J0Vq�@U唹[zN%V˥$�kR��v��y"���/*���=���QºCwo�+Or�H�;�5��ĝPi8�V(˥��{…�-�!��Ja��6��ۦ�Ӗ��fC���}���rd�+Q���I�F-u�mh�����h�L���f�5��c�r�,6>&�"�G���M���#����0"I�Yp��ZFL@I��i�iDT�G���n���4JY Notify approved displacees of eligibility for relocation assistance and provide displacees with a Relocation Assistance Packet consisting of approved forms. of Businesses, Professional Services - Studies Related to the Replacement Location, Professional Services - Professional Move Planner Service, Actual Direct Loss of Tangible Personal Property, Special Provisions for Two-Phase Negotiated Self-Move of Advertising Signs, Delay in Occupancy After the Purchase of Replacement Dwelling, Payment Eligibility in Special Circumstances, Ownership of Replacement Dwelling Before Displacement, Mixed-Use and Multi-Family Properties Acquired, Cash Purchase, No Mortgage on Displacement Property, Partial Acquisition: Multi-Use Properties, Other Highest and Best Use, Carve-outs of Excess Land and Improvements, Partial Acquisition of a Mobile Home Park, Persons with Both an Ownership and Tenant Interest, State Acquires Mobile Home Only, Owner-Occupant Rents Site, State Acquires Site Only from Owner-Occupant of Mobile Home. funding. Manual should be carefully studied and followed by all personnel dealing with these functions. TxDOT is proposing to improve US Highway 62/385 in the city of Seminole in Gaines County, Texas. The Relocation Advisory Assistance and Relocation Payment Program were first initiated by Title 23 of the United States Code, Section 133, and enacted October 23, 1962. endstream endobj 11918 0 obj <>stream ♦ Manual Notice 2018-1 1. To ensure maximum relocation benefits you must discuss any proposed move with the relocation assistance counselor so Qf� �Ml��@DE�����H��b!(�`HPb0���dF�J|yy����ǽ��g�s��{��. State Acquires Rental Site but Tenant-Occupied Mobile Home Not Acquired. This page introduces the ROW Relocation Assistance Manual, which includes policies and procedures for relocating individuals, businesses, and other entities displaced by TxDOT right of way acquisition. This page introduces the ROW Relocation Assistance Manual, which includes policies and procedures for relocating individuals, businesses, and other entities displaced by TxDOT right of way acquisition. Laws, Regulations, and TxDOT Policy 1. Assistance Advisory Services 4.Estimate time needed to vacate the site 5.Estimate anticipated difficulty in locating replacement property 6.Identify advance payments required to accommodate the move, and the Agency’s legal capacity to provide them RELOCATION Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 Overview ♦ General 2. Introduction 1. ROW-R-106), Supplemental Payment Estimate, Replacement This page introduces the ROW Relocation Assistance Manual, which includes policies and procedures for relocating individuals, businesses, and other entities displaced by TxDOT right of way acquisition. 2018 by Texas Department of TransportationAll rights reserved. Right-of-way acquisition and utility relocation issues must be identified in the early phases of a transportation project. This Relocation Program Manual describes the procedures and policies to be followed to ensure The purpose of this manual is to ensure that the program is administered in an equitable and uni- Indiana Department of Transportation If the state’s offer for your property is acceptable, arrangements usually can be made for you to keep your house or buildings and move them to another location. case, we follow strict guidelines from the Uniform Relocation Assistance . The revised manual became effective on Oct. 9, 2014. Acronyms and Definitions ♦ Acronyms Used in This Manual ♦ Definitions Used in This Manual 2. "But with each . Introduction 1. A. Laws, Regulations, and TxDOT Policy 1. %PDF-1.7 %���� Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, as amended, which is also called the Uniform Act. Right of way forms related to access, appraisal, eminent domain, negotiations, property management, relocations, and utilities. 0 State Acquires Rental Site but Owner-Occupied Mobile Home Not Acquired. Relocation Assistance Notification - 180 Day Owner Occupant (Multiple Owners) ROW-R-L180ZS: Relocation Assistance Notification - 180 Day Owner Occupant (Zero Supplement) ROW-R-L90: Relocation Assistance Notification - 90 Day Tenant: ROW-R-L90LT: Relocation Assistance Notification - 90 Day Tenant (Late Tenant) ROW-R-L90ZS h��Vohe޻���n�ux�3^iXS�[3�i]7������iP:�ء���BE]�+۸A;�E�6v�� ��:8��E��a���AЬ��������8���y����{~��y�{��"��[P�O�05����h�����C;�W������/8��{��C�ͻ';��\]6z!��-c�I���Z���П�|GX��3S�ZF��N퓡�3��a�s�a�D������o_��A�˷�gs�6��"Fl�����ֽ�g��_C=�Y����q��s�a|\����[�Z���p܍�Ci�;�O��{4�,)���BKHRA�g��Ɂ���4�o��3�~�X�|5�揌4���:q\yEr��~82�k�ܔR{�F��4|Z��{%� �*ܕ}�1����ÓMZ@��M4����$�[�{o���Gq�#mrCZ���¶˞�E2���s�SzZy�kX~7�L�������ǥ�.c�S��p �Ӧ?���P���z2��JpN�\��5=?���C���դ��M��������}Ź��6(�O_�$�̿y�im�Վb@���7Q���냰aFS�X��)���&8j���6�f���r-Ѫ8Z�ܭmvQ�V���m�٭���q Overview ♦ General 2. Title PDF Español Other; Landowner's Bill of Rights : Relocation Assistance : Real Property Asset Map (Property, Utilities, Outdoor Advertising) State Purchase of Right of Way - Booklet This page introduces the ROW Relocation Assistance Manual, which includes policies and procedures for relocating individuals, businesses, and other entities displaced by TxDOT right of way acquisition. relocation assistance through TxDOT’s relocation assistance program. and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970." Title PDF Español Other; Landowner's Bill of Rights : Relocation Assistance : Real Property Asset Map (Property, Utilities, Outdoor Advertising) State Purchase of Right of Way - Booklet Eligibility - Individuals Unlawfully Present, Coordination of Relocation Assistance Activities, Requirements Applicable II. The Manual includes five sections: Relocation Assistance, Administrative, Appraisal, Negotiation and Acquisition, and Property Management. Relocation Assistance Guidance Manual is an authoritative gu ide, which may reference other department manuals or authoritiesother . Right-of-way forms related to access, appraisal, eminent domain, negotiations, property management, relocations and utilities. This page introduces the ROW Relocation Assistance Manual, which includes policies and procedures for relocating individuals, businesses, and other entities displaced by TxDOT right of way acquisition. ���� ����t+se���së}�j���:Łq�7�6ژ���Y�,c�m>hZWy��N/�0S/N�r�Fs�x��W�a�ƶ&f����d4�F-�ݓcn���,e��a:jz�D`��U��a��~����F�Ep$�?U�\i31�����K�l %���z����*=j�1�����;��|�6�Y~w�[�V��aU.n2gMu�t���U���3=���d�hY�`�,@0�jmDcߋ�����VW5|u�G+Y� ��Ď�A�'0}~Ҷ��~V��]]}�W͌K��E͍��V��ݣ�����{��c�~?\�C!���;-a�M��`#w[�����a�8Nvv�J���ľ�s���%�����O�Gͧ>p�9�! 12553 0 obj <>stream H��� � ���0'���z0r��CHZ�#�Լ�����+=A -��Nh���"D', �� � Transportation projects may involve local, state or federal funds for the purchase of right of way and may be subject to the requirements of Title II and Title III of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 including amendments. RELOCATION OF IMPROVEMENTS Many property owners would like to know if their house or buildings can be moved. 11 Relocation Assistance . ��3�������R� `̊j��[�~ :� w���! Manual Notice 2018-1 From: Gus Cannon, CTCM, Right of Way Division Director Manual: ROW Relocation Assistance Manual Effective Date: August 20, 2018 Purpose This revision is intended to update the manual to match current requirements for Relocation Assis- endstream endobj startxref ROW Utilities Manual. The counselor will be able to answer your specific questions and provide additional information. endstream endobj 11915 0 obj <>/Metadata 716 0 R/Names 11931 0 R/OpenAction[11916 0 R/XYZ null null null]/Outlines 12144 0 R/PageLabels 11887 0 R/PageMode/UseOutlines/Pages 11889 0 R/StructTreeRoot 1621 0 R/Threads 11929 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences 11934 0 R>> endobj 11916 0 obj <> endobj 11917 0 obj <>stream &�K`- j�1� *��a�K�"Y��bUWO��,��S�U戺zHTv��"��@x ���2›Ʃ*��2���=ԏ�a�����Us 8V Laws, Regulations, and TxDOT Policy 1. Copyright © If the state participates in funding the project, the LPA must comply with TxDOT's instructions on relocation assistance. �J� 2. Laws, Regulations, and TxDOT Policy 1. Overview ♦ General 2. Right of way forms related to access, appraisal, eminent domain, negotiations, property management, relocations, and utilities. 11.1 Program Overview: Policies and Procedures . Introduction 1. h�bbd```b`�u��*`r)�dV �L� ��D�ցH��@�ќ��7��N���61012�ɂD�捒�$5��sG�a��>��f���h���'GK�Qr4]����j�MW����p+�@� �� ♦ Manual Notice 2018-1 1. For example: “Although additional right of way is required, no houses or businesses will be displaced. $E}k���yh�y�Rm��333��������:� }�=#�v����ʉe In an effort to constantly improve the user experience, was republished to comply with software updates. txdot district standards, The following San Antonio District standard sheets are provided in MicroStation SE (V. design file format (.DGN). Civil Rights ♦ Overview 4. 2011 Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (TMUTCD) - Revision 2. This page introduces the ROW Relocation Assistance Manual, which includes policies and procedures for relocating individuals, businesses, and other entities displaced by TxDOT right of way acquisition. 2eLa�b-}K�]��j�S� This law governs all the R/W acquisition of all federally funded highway projects. This page introduces the ROW Relocation Assistance Manual, which includes policies and procedures for relocating individuals, businesses, and other entities displaced by TxDOT right of way acquisition. This page lists the TxDOT Online Manuals alphabetically. Acronyms and Definitions ♦ Acronyms Used in This Manual ♦ Definitions Used in This Manual 2. $O./� �'�z8�W�Gб� x�� 0Y驾A��@$/7z�� ���H��e��O���OҬT� �_��lN:K��"N����3"��$�F��/JP�rb�[䥟}�Q��d[��S��l1��x{��#b�G�\N��o�X3I���[ql2�� �$�8�x����t�r p��/8�p��C���f�q��.K�njm͠{r2�8��?�����. Your Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is aware of the cost and inconvenience associated with having to move from a home, business or farm. }�;�?�ޯ��ǟ"�9ʼ�s.>�����CΞ��'��F��� � $ ,+�wf��/,��x?�~d�Ǻ� t;$X�Kڳ����S7�(9��e�+ڥVmڠ�4e�`)��7��^����E��V��}``��t�n� �Cr۳[aGT�{V�L�qHe��C�B��t>&W7���^�? �Q���B1��� j�����wz*�h���,��U=dn�ʢ�)��F��zTgP��]5X{.�.VK�qM�b����d9���q.6��*s)��-d�U�rN�hP����_zk 0O�Loॏ�|����]pI�$��Ў��� �s�jqμ/�t�H �U8��w��`�m��W���i��3C�a௝�b~־]0��70o�h�_ 5PȀ endstream endobj 11919 0 obj <>stream This page introduces the ROW Relocation Assistance Manual, which includes policies and procedures for relocating individuals, businesses, and other entities displaced by TxDOT right of way acquisition. This page introduces the ROW Relocation Assistance Manual, which includes policies and procedures for relocating individuals, businesses, and other entities displaced by TxDOT right of way acquisition. hެU[k�0�+z�2]-�PI�t�� �Y!��%Nl�?ݜ[Sj�!���s��'L� &�"��0��8��&��( �9�J���ğ��q�$"�m1��K ���C@D^� ���GN� sA����:�Me�p This manual provides guidance on statewide %%EOF In order to assist those who are required to move, TxDOT provides, through its relocation assistance program, payments and services to aid in movement to a new location. Bruce says, calling the process an enormous undertaking. TxDOT Manuals - Alphabetical Listing. For businesses, farms, or … Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act (Uniform Act) –Relocate all utilities in conformance with TxDOT’s Right of Way Division Utility Manual –There may be reasons to proceed with project letting even if ROW acquisition and utility relocation are incomplete •Not preferred Provide on-going relocation assistance and advisory services to displacees affected by the acquisition of rights of way and deliver required forms to TxDOT Sign Crew Field Book . Acronyms and Definitions ♦ Acronyms Used in This Manual ♦ Definitions Used in This Manual 2. Laws, Regulations, and TxDOT Policy 1. 11928 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<82A76F7D10DB95B174CD4B629676ACAB>]/Index[11914 640]/Info 11913 0 R/Length 131/Prev 743471/Root 11915 0 R/Size 12554/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream ♦ Manual Notice 2018-1 1. Overview ♦ General 2. 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