It won't come out of its boulder on rainy days. As for ingame use, Crustle is arguably less useful, as its low Speed holds it back. Crustle's access to the combination of Stealth Rock, Spikes, and Shell Smash along with its good Attack and two useful abilities allows it to function as both a Shell Smash sweeper and a suicide lead. Tomorrow's Pokemon Card: Dwebble is a small, orange, hermit crab-like Pokémon with large pincers. Competing for territory, Crustle fight viciously. Details and compatible parents can be found on the Crustle egg moves page. In A Legendary Photo Op!, a Crustle managed to distract Trevor on his way to Mt. Crustle BCR Main Focus: The main strategy of this deck is to get a Crustle in the active position, with a Reuniclus and Serperior each benched with any three other Pokemon, and a Pokemon Center Stadium in play. Due to Crustle's Ability, it will only take a maximum of 90 damage each turn. Crustle 7 Black & White—Noble Victories. X Scissor get off that good attack, stone edge or Rock Slide to deal with all … Leave a LIKE if you enjoyed & subscribe if you’re new! 0 comments. Crustle Cards Crustle 11 Unified Minds. However, since PvP was implemented, things have shaken up a little bit. Then say your opinion on its tiering. Crustle learns the following moves via breeding in Pokémon Black & White. Moves marked with a superscript game abbreviation can only be bred onto Crustle in that game. Try to give an estimate of its power, and what it does very well. Conclusion. best. They're mighty enough to crack. Crustle can still work, in BW2 it is a very useful Pokemon. It was defeated by his Vaporeon. This highly territorial Pokémon prefers dry climates. He is hungry, so come visit him on Reptiles and Samurai and give him a Berry! Erases two breakable-rock disruptions and increases damage. It is very strong, to the point that it can carry heavy rocks for a long time, even thro… It evolves from Dwebble after being fed 50 candies. I would like to know what a good moveset would be as well as the EV's I should invest, IV's I should focus on when breeding it, and the held item. However, if it must, it is very adaptable. Moves marked with a double dagger (‡) can only be bred from a Pokémon who learned the move in an earlier generation. It has dark, oval-shaped eyes supported by eye stalks. #557 - #558: Dwebble & Crustle To anyone who remembers: back in the day, Slowbro was categorized as the 'Hermit Crab Pokémon'. Attack: 118: Defense: 128: Stamina: 137: Max CP. Everything else is either super effective or normally effective. When its boulder is broken in battles for territory, it feels unsure and begins to weaken. Crustle is #558 in the national pokedex, and it is a Bug-Rock type Pokemon. View strategies and more for Crustle on the Smogon Strategy Pokedex. EV's: 252 Atk 252 Def 6 HP, • X-Scissor (STAB) You can use it for your crustle, Nickname: Crusty . Tag Archives: Crustle Best Pokemon Games for a Rock Type Run. The tips of its pincers and six feet are dark gray. Similar to how its run currently, Crustle is a good hazards setter, can bludgeon the hell out of any flying type that would try to defog it and can set up its own defences with Rock Wrecker and heal back up with Leech Life. Crustle possesses a straight tail that is concealed underneath its shell. But the main use of it is as a Shell Smash user. Pokebattler supports both GO Battle League and Silph Arena Cups. Anyone looked at Crustle and had good thoughts on it? It possesses legs of enormous strength, enabling it to carry heavy slabs for many days, even when crossing arid land. While Crustle might seem like an inferior Golem or Donphan, it has one trick up its sleeve: Shell Smash. Crustle is #558 in the national pokedex, and it is a Bug-Rock type Pokemon. Are the combo moves (water pledge, grass pledge, fire pledge) worth it? It has a hook-like tail that is concealed underneath the sectioned chunk of gray rock it uses as a shell. This card has a good hp, and two very good moves. Dwebble evolves into Crustle. Crustle is a Rock and Bug type pokemon. Argh.) Bug / Rock Abilities: Sturdy Sturdy: If this Pokemon is at full HP, it survives one hit with at least 1 HP. Crustle is viable enough with it because of faster base speed and nice Rock/Bug STAB. Smack Down and Rock Slide give Crustle a STAB Rock Type moveset Fury Cutter and X-Scissor give Crustle a STAB Bug Type moveset Rock Blast is a weaker option overall. With its powerful legs, Crustle can travel great distances while carrying a heavy stone on its back. save hide report. 1 Personality 2 Biography 3 Known moves 4 Voice actors 5 Trivia 6 Gallery Crustle in its first appearance as a Dwebble is a happy and smart Pokémon and is an excellent good in crafting which it crafts its own rock house before being stolen by three wild Dwebble. 1 In Anime 2 Biography 3 Trivia 4 Navigation Cilan's Crustle is the second Pokémon Cilan caught in Unova. U.S. executes Virginia killer despite COVID-19 infection And this outclass also goes to defensive capabilities. Dwebble is a Bug & Rock Pokémon. Thus, setup sweepers and wallbreakers that enjoy Crustle's hazards are ideal teammates, including Alolan Raichu, Stoutland, Simisear, and Leafeon. 'Mona Lisa of sports cards' sells for record amount. Yet there are a few Pokemon games that are pretty good … Part 1, a group of excavators used multiple Crustle while working in Twist Mountain. Crustle possesses a straight tail that is concealed underneath its shell. Crustle is based on a hermit crab. You need to have a Pokémon Trainer Club account to save your Favorite Pokémon! -Cofagrigus is just a good answer in general due to its high bulk and access to Will-O-Wisp to cripple Crustle. However, it can't reliably switch in to either of Crustle's STABs so it must be careful. 1 In Anime 2 Biography 3 Trivia 4 Navigation Cilan's Crustle is the second Pokémon Cilan caught in Unova. It Evolves from Dwebble at Level 34. Please read the. 10 comments. Jump to: navigation, search. With a Shell Smash Moveset, even a Pokemon like Crustle can sweep! -Hitmontop resists both of Crustle's STABs and has Intimidate to help limit Crustle's power or force out the White Herb early. Make intelligent posts, avoid talking about things you didn't test. Crustle's strongest moveset is Smack Down & Rock Slide and it has a Max CP of 2,542. Crustle is a Bug & Rock Pokémon which evolves from Dwebble. Name origin. Crustle can still work, in BW2 it is a very useful Pokemon. save. Base stats. Molteau. And it is outclassed by Bug types such as GENESECT and Scizor. Good examples of this kind of Pokemon include: Musharna, Audino, Scrafty, Gothitelle, Reuniclus, Escavalier, Amoonguss, Jellicent, Ferrothorn, Mandibuzz; Fast Sweepers: Even after a Shell Smash boost, Crustle is liable to be outrun by Unova's faster threats. We're an open-source tool for simulating, ranking, and building teams for Pokemon GO PvP (player versus player) battles. Try to give an estimate of its power, and what it does very well. Crustle may a combination of crust, crab, or crumble, and mantle or castle. hide. In Curtain Up, Unova League! If used in succession, its chance of failing rises. As could be assumed, Crustle struggles to adequately fulfill a role outside of the lead position under normal circumstances. Check out the sponsor over at: ~ Code LDF! For a specific instance of this species, see. Cat. Crustle also has access to Sturdy, Stealth Rock, and Spikes, making it a solid hazard-stacking leads in the tier. Despite Crustle having decent defenses, its poor defensive typing along with its lack of a form of recovery hinder its defensive capabilities. But if you need a Rock type and don't want to use Archeops or Carracosta (who I would prefer for ingame use) then Crustle is a good Pokemon to use. A young person who does not live in a way that society considers normal, typically w/ untidy or dirty clothes and hair, and no regular job or permanent home; Bohemian, Nomadic. Transcription of trademarked Japanese name, Click on the generation numbers at the top to see level-up moves from other generations, Click on the generation numbers at the top to see TM moves from other generations, Moves marked with an asterisk (*) must be. The one whose boulder is broken is the loser of the battle. What Pokemon are worth bringing over from Pokemon B/W/B2 to X/Y? Its most distinguishing feature is its enormous shell, which resembles a cut-away block of sediment with multiple layers and strata visible. Sort by. Due to its mutation, it is unable to breed with any Pokémon except Delta Ditto . We're updating our policies! It's also pretty decent in battle. Crustle is the Bug/Rock Pokémon from the Fifth Generation of Pokémon. After evolution, Crustle is a very strong defender and in double battles, often sacrifices itself to protect its allies. Movesets for Singles What is a good competitive moveset for Crustle?These builds have been optimized for Pokemon competing in Sun/Moon Single Battles. It evolves from Delta Dwebble (Cake) starting at level 34. Argh.) The one whose boulder is broken is the loser of the battle. Silph Arena [Under Construction] What Makes a Pokemon Good. I played Black 2 — is getting normal Black still worth it? Unfortunately Bug-types are typically not favored for the meta due to poor relevancy, unspectacular movesets, and inferiority to other typings. Dwebble's strongest moveset is Smack Down & X-Scissor and it has a Max CP of 1,224. Crustle's movepool is broader than I thought, and there's plenty of options. In RU, it performs better with solid defensive stats. Base Stats for Crustle. Other Pokemon with Rock-type coverage perform better in the meta, and Crustle's bulk isn't … Acc. Is Black and White worth the expensive price today. 1 Pokédex description 2 Possible attacks 2.1 Fast attacks 2.2 Charged attacks 3 Evolution family 4 Availability 5 Gallery 6 External links Crustle is part of a two-member family. From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia. It has two glaring yellow eyes. Increases damage dealt when energy levels are half or less. Crustle first appeared as a Dwebble while Ash and the gang were travelling to Nacrene City in A Home for Dwebble!. Be the first to share what you think! Crustle is an orange Pokémon resembling an insect or crustacean. and Mission: Defeat Your Rival!, Ultimo's Crustle battled Virgil during the Vertress Conference. É necessário acessar sua conta. I am thinking of either making it a wall/tank (most likely) or a sweeper (with Shell Smash). In terms of OU battling... no it is not worth it. Close. Type. Crustle's strongest moveset is Smack Down & Rock Slide and it has a Max CP of 2,542. The only negative on this card is that its hp is a bit high, but not out of control or anything. Its typing, in addition to offering a very limited pool of resistances to capitalize on, leaves it highly susceptible to entry hazards, making it far too high-maintenance to effectively play a role on defensive teams. Crustle in its first appearance as a Dwebble is a happy and smart Pokémon and is an excellent good in crafting which it crafts its own rock house before being stolen by three wild Dwebble. Crustle is a species of Pokémon. As a result, Crustle has trouble with many threats in the PU metagame, and its weakness to Stealth Rock limits the number of times that Crustle can switch in. No longer do you have to debate whether to use a Focus Sash or White Herb. This tail is possibly used to keep the rock in place or to carve itself a new home should its old rock get lost. For Pokemon X on the 3DS, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Kangaskhan is not a counter to Crustle after all". Crustle, the Stone Home Pokémon and the evolved form of Dwebble. It is resistant to Normal and Poison-type moves. Delta Crustle (Cake) (referred to as just Crustle in-game) is a dual-type Fairy/Normal Delta Pokémon. share. Crustle 85 Black & White—Boundaries Crossed. Access to both Spikes and Steath Rock allows it to prove useful as an entry setter. Similar to how its run currently, Crustle is a good hazards setter, can bludgeon the hell out of any flying type that would try to defog it and can set up its own defences with Rock Wrecker and … Access to both Stealth Rock and Spikes is a wonderful commodity in the RU … Crustle (イワパレス) is the 64th Pokémon in the Unova Pokédex.It is a Bug/Rock Type and it is known as the Stone Home Pokémon. Everything else is either super effective or normally effective. With Sturdy, Crustle doesn't usually struggle to set up. It befriends Cilan's Pansage, after it attacks Ash's Pikachuwho dodges its Slash attack but hitting a single rock on Pansage's head and also apologizes for its actions and becomes a worrywart and guilt… There are many Rock-only runs that are borderline great but fall short due to late availability, limited diversity or weakness exposure. Explore More Cards Login Required. Multiple Crustle appeared in a fantasy in JN048. This is a really useful resource. Crustling (Crustle) Item: Left overs or Something that helps tank Ability: Sturdy EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd Adamant Nature - X-Scissor - Stone Edge or Rockslide - Shell Smash-Stealth Rocks I say Stealth rocks instead of Earthquake because you get the hazard move off. Overall, I would give the line of Dwebble and Crustle from this set a 4 out of 5 rating, individually they received 3 and 4 ratings. The movesets and EVs have been specifically calibrated to deal the most amount of damage to the largest group of potentially common opponents and typing threats for the Sun/Moon generation metagame. Back in the day, when PvP wasn’t a feature in Pokémon GO, all you had to do is to catch high IV Pokémon. Atk stat. Is this a good moveset for my crustle. When finding a rock to use as its shell, Dwebble inspects the rock to see if it can be used, then it digs a hole in the rock's bottom. Crustle has access to both Stealth Rock and Spikes, as well as Sturdy, making it an excellent suicide lead. The tips of its pincers and six feet are dark gray. However, even after a Shell Smash, Crustle still has a mediocre Speed stat. Its shell resembles a block of stratum rather than an actual shell, though the design also seems to resemble ornately-colored hermit crab shells. Behind Crustle lies solid Attack and Defensce stats, a pair of decent offensive STABs, and Shell Smash. It is vulnerable to Water, Rock and Steel moves. When Crustle's shell breaks, it will become weaker and unsure of itself. report. It is vulnerable to Water, Rock and Steel moves. Its signature move is Shell Smash. With Bug type STAB hitting the Psychic types that litter RU for SE damage, as well as Rock STAB hitting the Flying, Fire, and Bug types, Crustle has a useful STAB in the tier. Crustle is an orange Pokémon resembling an insect or crustacean. View entire discussion ( 0 comments) More posts from the PokemonGOBattleLeague community. In Crisis at Chargestone Cave!, Cilan's Dwebble evolved into a Crustle during a battle against Team Rocket. Crustle's biggest strength is its thick claws; being strong enough to break even Rhyperior's sturdy carapace. It is the second Pokémon he caught in Unova. Click on the generation numbers at the top to see Egg moves from other generations, Click on the generation numbers at the top to see Move Tutor moves from other generations, Click on the generation numbers at the top to see moves from other generations, A striped background indicates a generation in which the move can only be obtained via event or as a special move, Click on the generation numbers at the top to see transfer-only moves for other generations. Is it worth it to get both Black/White and Black/White 2? Dwebble is a small, orange hermit crab-like Pokémon with large pincers. It has two glaring yellow eyes. This Crustle is a Bug/Rock-type Pokémon owned by Cilan. Crustle is #558 in the national pokedex, and it is a Bug-Rock type Pokemon. Please contact our advertising representatives, Crustle images on the Bulbagarden Archives,émon)&oldid=3310781, Pokémon with a gender ratio of one male to one female, Pokémon in the Medium Fast experience group, Pokémon whose base Defense stat is greater than 100, Pokémon whose base Attack stat is greater than 100, Pokémon that are part of a two-stage evolutionary line, Pokémon whose base stats changed in Generation VII, For Pokémon GO information on this species, see, This article is about the species. Its most distinguishing feature is its enormous shell, which resembles a cut-away block of sediment with multiple layers and strata visible. The Sturdy ability gives it a Focus Sash, freeing you up for White Herb. It is outclassed by Rock types such as Tyranitar and Terrakion. 8. Crustle's strongest moveset is Smack Down & Rock Slide and it has a Max CP of 2,542. I feel so sorry for the Rock type. Discuss the possibility of Crustle being banned or not. Crustle イワパレス Iwapalace: Front art: Back art: Front art: Back art: Name Crustle: Type Rock Energy 49 Tretta color Deep river blue Icon Combo: Class Normal Primary Search Mode location Waterfront Pokémon Tretta 8-35. It is very strong, to the point that it can carry heavy rocks for a long time, even through arid lands where it resides. Competing for territory, Crustle fight viciously. PVE Offensive Moves Explanation. But during the battle against the three by luring, it can distract and outsmart the enemy just by attacking them with its abilities. It is resistant to Normal and Poison-type moves. Smack Down is leagues better than Fury Cutter on defense X-Scissor and Rock Blast both have the advantage of being 3-bar. It possesses legs of enormous strength, enabling it to carry heavy slabs for many days, even when crossing arid land. Countering Crustle-Abomasnow is a strong answer as its Snow Warning will break Sturdy even if Crustle opts for Heavy-Duty Boots, and also has access to Ice Shard to pick it off. I say Shell smash because it is a good way to setup. 85% Upvoted. Crustle (8-35) From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia. Iwapalace is a combination of 岩 iwa (rock) and palace. 1 Personality 2 Story 2.1 As Dwebble 2.2 As Crustle 3 Moves Used 4 Trivia 5 Gallery Dwebble is a docile character who prefers not to fight. Power. Shell Smash turns Crustle into a offensive threat, as it can boost its already decent attack to very high levels while also allowing it to outspeed most of the unboosted metagame. Crustle only has two true resistances. But in standard BW, it is more annoying than anything else (Sturdy Dwebbles. Crustle is a Bug and Rock-type Pokémon. Is this a good moveset for my crustle. It Evolves from Dwebble at Level 34. Uses a move which depends upon the terrain. A Trainer's Crustle appeared in Drawing Bridges and PS547. Crustle 14 Black & White—Legendary Treasures. I like like Costa because of higher base attack, more exploitable weakness - #112541869 added … It has a hook-like tail that is concealed underneath the sectioned chunk of gray rock it uses as a shell. Posted by 4 months ago. Crustle (Japanese: イワパレス Iwapalace) is a dual-type Bug/Rock Pokémon introduced in Generation V. It evolves from Dwebble starting at level 34. A unique attack that varies in type depending on the Pokémon using it. It’s weak to Rock, Steel, and Water-type Pokémon, but it’s resistant to Normal and Poison-type attacks. no comments yet. It evolves from Delta Dwebble (Cake) starting at level 34. The one whose … Texas megachurch pastor sent to prison for fraud scheme. Don't just say "it's extremely broken" or "it's not broken at all" without good reasoning. Crustle can still work, in BW2 it is a very useful Pokemon. Stat boosting such as Shell Smash is also a lot less useful ingame than in competitive. For Pokemon Black Version on the DS, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Nickname my new Crustle. This Crustle is one of Meltowag’s Pokémon. If its shell breaks during such a fight, it loses. It may also involve crustacean. It will be used on a sandstorm team. Crustle is a Rock and Bug type pokemon. 43. About "Competing for territory, Crustle fight viciously. Pokemon Family. About "When it finds a stone of a suitable size, it secretes a liquid from its mouth to open up a hole to crawl into." Crustle fits a relatively unique role as a Bug/Rock Pokemon, gaining advantages over various other Bug-types, such as having coverage options against popular Flying-types. Log in … Crustle fits a relatively unique role as a Bug/Rock Pokemon, gaining advantages over various other Bug-types, such as having coverage options against popular Flying-types. Crustle first appeared as a Dwebble while Ash and the gang were travelling to Nacrene City in A Home for Dwebble!. Move. Leave a LIKE if you enjoyed & subscribe if you’re new! In Dream a Little Dream, a Crustle was seen under the ownership of a Youngster, who was one of the 32 qualified participants in the Unova Pokémon League. The facts: The belief that the crust is healthier for you than the soft inside of bread appears to be based on a well-publicized study from 2002 in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. Due to its mutation, it is unable to breed with any Pokémon except Delta Ditto . Don't just say "it's extremely broken" or "it's not broken at all" without good reasoning. Try finding counters, checks, and threats to Crustle. Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up. However, it doesn't appreciate taking a boosted Knock Off. Image via The Pokemon Company. This page was last edited on 12 January 2021, at 07:31. Crustle holds the coveted title of being the Pokemon that most looks like lasagna. PVE Defensive Moves Explanation. Along with rankings of the most reliable 3v3 Battle Teams, an overview of the best Ultra League resources has been provided, as well as live Ultra League … Its thick claws are its greatest weapons. Its power increases if it hits in succession. share. Make intelligent posts, avoid talking about things you didn't test. Crustle is a Bug, Rock-type Pokémon from the Unova region. In A Restoration Confrontation! Delta Crustle (Cake) (referred to as just Crustle in-game) is a dual-type Fairy/Normal Delta Pokémon. -Cofagrigus is just a good answer in general due to its high bulk and access to Will-O-Wisp to cripple Crustle. Crustle is also good at set up or being a des... Crustle can be a powerful tank or a sweeper. Crustle is best used on hyper offense for its ability to chip away at and break down teams with its entry hazards. Crustle (disambiguation) From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia. 1 Reply. Dwebble evolves into Crustle. Hitmonchan's Crustle is a Level 89 Crustle. As Crustle is primarily functioning as a lead, it doesn't exactly mandate any specific partner Pokemon, though there are certainly solid options for taking advantage of exactly what Crustle brings to the table. 100% Upvoted. Discuss the possibility of Crustle being banned or not. However, the rest of Crustle's stats are paltry, preventing it from sweeping with Shell Smash, and outside of Stealth Rock, Spikes, and Toxic, it has a poor supporting movepool. When its boulder is broken in battles for territory, it feels unsure and begins to weaken. Crustle has access to Shell Smash, making it a solid Pokemon in the PU metagame by transforming it into a threatening sweeper. ". Crustle is also very slow for a sweeper, being outsped by Choice Scarf users such as Delta Dwebble (Cake) (referred to as just Dwebble in-game) is a dual-type Fairy/Normal Delta Pokémon. Crust punk, Crusty, Crustie. This is one of the best moves and the game, and boosts Crustle's lackluster Speed while boosting its Attack to threatening levels. These Battle Team Rankings and live stats will help you strategize and select the best Ultra League Battle Team for Pokémon GO PvP combat! Crustle only has two true resistances. Crustle is the Bug/Rock Pokémon from the Fifth Generation of Pokémon. Derived from the root word Crust meaning: rude. Can only be used while asleep. Jump to: navigation, search. Rather, Crustle actually functions at its best on hyper offense teams where it can make the most of its unique attributes. It has dark, oval-shaped eyes supported by eye stalks. But in standard BW, it is more annoying than anything else (Sturdy Dwebbles. Overview. Check out the sponsor over at: ~ Code LDF! Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. Please note that these websites' privacy policies and security practices may differ from The Pokémon Company International's standards. Immune to OHKO., Shell Armor Shell Armor: This Pokemon cannot be … Try finding counters, checks, and threats to Crustle. Crustle 8 Black & White—Dark Explorers. But if you need a Rock type and don't want to use Archeops or Carracosta (who I would prefer for ingame use) then Crustle is a good Pokemon to use. It fights members of its species over territory in battles which can become very vicious. And Terrakion only be bred onto Crustle in that game i played Black 2 is... I played Black 2 — is getting normal Black still worth it to carry heavy slabs for many,! To save your Favorite Pokémon ( player versus player ) battles an excellent suicide lead are. Crustle still has a mediocre Speed stat Bug types such as GENESECT and Scizor Generation of Pokémon half or.! Its abilities in-game ) is a Bug & Rock Pokémon which evolves from Delta (... Travelling to Nacrene City in a Home for Dwebble! distinguishing feature is its thick claws ; strong! But not out of control or anything in or sign up to leave a if... Sturdy carapace V. it evolves from Dwebble after being fed 50 candies Dwebble... The design also seems to resemble ornately-colored hermit crab shells unspectacular movesets, and two good... 'S power or force out the White Herb gives it a wall/tank ( most likely ) or sweeper! Rock/Bug STAB because of faster base Speed and nice Rock/Bug STAB Cutter on X-Scissor. Place or to carve itself a new Home should its old Rock get.. Its chance of failing rises distract Trevor on his way to Mt it must be careful lies... No longer do you have to debate whether to use a Focus Sash, freeing up... 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Along with its lack of a form of recovery hinder its defensive capabilities open-source tool for simulating, ranking and! To prove useful as an entry setter late availability, limited diversity or weakness.. League and Silph Arena Cups, Crustle is also a lot less useful ingame than in competitive stalks... Sturdy, Crustle is a very useful Pokemon managed to distract Trevor on his way to setup say Smash! Intelligent posts, avoid talking about things you did n't test small, orange hermit. Except Delta Ditto up or being a des... Crustle can still work, BW2... Up a little bit in a Legendary Photo Op!, a Crustle a! Fraud scheme not out of its unique attributes unique Attack that varies in type depending on the Strategy. ' privacy policies and security practices may differ from the root word Crust meaning: rude to,... Debate whether to use a Focus Sash, freeing you up for White Herb Company International standards. Is an orange Pokémon resembling an insect or crustacean its Attack to threatening levels ; being strong enough to even. ( Water pledge, grass pledge, grass pledge, fire pledge ) worth it get! Crustle appeared in Drawing Bridges and PS547 ( most likely ) or a sweeper ( with Shell Smash,... Take a maximum of 90 damage each turn simulating, ranking, and it is outclassed Bug! White Herb low Speed holds it back to breed with any Pokémon except Delta Ditto moveset, even after Shell! Levels are half or less 's ability, it does very well it a Focus Sash or White Herb sells! 'S Dwebble evolved into a threatening sweeper log in sign up to leave a like if you &. Many Rock-only runs that are borderline great but fall short due to its mutation, it performs better solid! ’ re new defensive typing along with its powerful legs, Crustle fight viciously ( Rock ) and.. Team for Pokémon GO PvP combat from Pokemon B/W/B2 to X/Y a Bug-Rock type.. ( player versus player ) battles following moves via breeding in Pokémon Black & White shaken a! Way to Mt claws ; being strong enough to break even Rhyperior 's Sturdy carapace no it is to. That these websites ' privacy policies and security practices may differ from the Unova region ( Rock ) and.... Possibility of Crustle 's power or force out the White Herb the best moves and game. The White Herb there are many Rock-only runs that are borderline great but fall short to. Other typings defenses, its poor defensive typing along with its lack of a form of Dwebble due... By transforming it into a Crustle managed to distract Trevor on his way Mt. `` it 's extremely broken '' or `` it 's not broken at all '' without good reasoning Bug... Else ( Sturdy Dwebbles unique Attack that varies in type depending on the Pokémon it. Work, in BW2 it is a dual-type Fairy/Normal Delta Pokémon crab shells leagues better than Fury on! Stats will help you strategize and select the best moves and the gang were travelling to City. Best Pokemon Games for a specific instance of this species, see set... To give an estimate of its power, and inferiority to other typings and two very good moves unspectacular... A small, orange, hermit crab-like Pokémon with large pincers faster base Speed and nice Rock/Bug STAB evolves. Less useful, as well as Sturdy, Crustle fight viciously pokebattler supports both GO battle League and Arena. But the main use of it is a Bug-Rock type Pokemon enormous strength enabling... To normal and Poison-type attacks annoying than anything else ( Sturdy Dwebbles banned or.. Up its sleeve: Shell Smash because it is unable to breed with any Pokémon except Delta Ditto be... Be a powerful tank or a sweeper ( with Shell Smash is also a lot useful! Like lasagna 118: Defense: 128: Stamina: 137: Max CP of 1,224 League Silph...: イワパレス Iwapalace ) is a Bug-Rock type Pokemon of this species, see referred to as Dwebble.... Crustle can travel great distances while carrying a heavy Stone on its.! Ca n't reliably switch in to either of Crustle 's strongest moveset is Smack Down & X-Scissor and has... Does very well group of excavators used multiple Crustle while working in Twist Mountain // ~ Code LDF ability.
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