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There's always something to do in Alexandria! Henry “Light Horse Harry” Lee, father of Confederate General Robert E. Lee, In November 1784, Major General Henry "Light Horse Harry" Lee (1756–1818) purchased 3 one-half acre lots in Alexandria from Baldwin Dade (1716–1783), a merchant. A decade later, Harry Lee was serving in Congress when Washington died. This translation has not been reviewed by the City of Alexandria and may contain errors. In Old Town, mini kiosks are Connect with professional and knowledgeable staff for City service and information requests from every City department. Lee’s father, “Light Horse” Harry Lee helped Greene take back the colonies, which is how they became friends. Information about commercial and residential development projects in the City. Harriotte refused to swear her loyalty and the house was turned into and annex of the Grosvenor Hospital. It was here that Harry Lee wrote the immortal words for Washington's funeral: First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen. purchased several lots on North Washington Street in Alexandria soon after the Alexandria was an up-and-coming social and political center in Northern Virginia. The home was originally built in 1785 on land purchased by Major General Henry “Light Horse Harry” Lee. 301 King Street Plan your visit with an itinerary builder, interactive maps, hotel booking, online restaurant reservations and much more. Need urgent help? Alexandria is a desirable location to live, work and play. Since its construction in 1785 the house has served as home to thirty-seven members of the Lee family (1785–1903), hundreds of convalescing Union soldiers (1863–1865), the prominent Downham family (1903–1937), and powerful labor leader John L. Lewis (1937–1969). Information about arts, culture and historic projects in the City. The following companies are the primary providers of their respective servers: Whether you live here or are just visiting, Extraordinary Alexandria is a great place to shop, dine, take in the arts, get outdoors, and just have fun. The home belonged to Edmund Jennings Lee. In 1903, Robert Downham, The Lee–Fendall House serves not only as an educational historic house museum but also as the setting for special events and private rentals. In 1791, Fendall married for a third time to Harry's sister, Mary "Mollie" Lee (1764–1827). Make the most of Alexandria's outstanding quality of life with information and services of interest to residents. Revolutionary War hero, Henry "Light Horse Harry" Lee, father of Confederate General Robert E. Lee, purchased several lots on North Washington Street in Alexandria soon after the War for Independence. Philip R. Fendall was Harry's cousin and Mrs. Fendall (Philip's second wife), Elizabeth (Steptoe) Lee (1743–1789), was Harry's mother-in-law. Col. Henry Lee II (1730–1787) of Alexandria, Westmoreland, Virginia Colony, was an American planter, soldier, and politician, the father of Henry "Light-Horse Harry" Lee III, and grandfather of Robert E. Lee… The property is now owned and operated by the Virginia Trust for Historic Preservation and run as a museum to preserve the architectural and historic value of the house and gardens and to spread knowledge and appreciation for Virginian and American history.[3]. Alexandria, VA 22314. when the Union Army seized the property for use as a hospital for its wounded resided with his family in the house for 31 years, selling it in 1937 to John Revolutionary War hero When both Louis and A.C. Cazenove died in 1852, Harriotte was left with Louis' two daughters, her infant son, and the house to take care of. General George McClellan may have lived in the home prior to the Peninsula Campaign in early 1862. Henry Lee III, better known as Light Horse Harry Lee, was one of the many heroes of the Revolutionary War. The house was built in 1776 and still stands The house was built in 1776 and still stands Purchase Scan Add to Wishlist Comments & Reviews Ask a Question Send Just across Washington Street is the house built by Edmund Jennings Lee I (1772–1843), younger brother of Harry Lee. Those who did not survive were placed in a dead house, or morgue, built at the back of the property.[4]. Philip Ludwell Lee and Elizabeth Steptoe’s daughter Matilda, was married to Light Horse Harry Lee, which means that Elizabeth Steptoe … The House Museum and Garden is also available for private rentals. Charles and Edmund married Lee sisters, Anne and Sally, daughters of Richard Henry Lee (1732–1794). Fendall died in 1805, but Mary Lee Fendall continued to live in the house with her two children, Philip Richard Fendall II (1794–1868), and Lucy Eleanor Fendall (ca. At "Lee Corner", the intersection of Washington and Oronoco Streets, stands the "Keystone", the Fendall-Lee House, as it was known. The museum warned that space is limited and reservations will be required. Built in 1785 by Philip Fendall on land purchased from Revolutionary War hero “Light Horse Harry” Lee, this historic house museum presents an intimate study of 19th century family life. Civil War Confederate General. Learn more about Alexandria's accountable, effective, and well-managed government. the height of his power, and until his death in 1969. Information about environmental and "green" projects in the City. Did you know that ACPS is one of the most diverse school systems in the country? Named "Stuartland" after her family, the new two-story house had eight rooms, plus a kitchen, and was in a similar telescoping style to the Lee–Fendall House she left. He was now related to Light Horse Harry Lee in three ways: as his cousin, step-father-in-law, and brother-in-law. Lee, an 1829 graduate of West Point, was from a distinguished military family. Labor leader John L. Lewis, President of the United Mine Workers lived here from 1937 until his death in 1969. In 1856, Harriotte moved her small family to her new country home three miles up the road at Seminary Hill. The City provides services and resources to help existing businesses expand within the City and promotes recruiting new businesses in Alexandria. From that time to the present, it has become a well-known Virginia landmark and was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1979. Lee was born in 1756 in Leesylvania, Virginia. located at designated intersections along King Street, Cameron Street, and the Dr. Fleming died in 1871, and according to Mrs. James Lee Sheridan, Mrs. Fleming moved to Washington, D.C, and permitted her three sisters, Myra Gaines (Lee) Civalier (1841–1908), Evelina Prosser (Lee) Morgan (1832–1867), Julia Eustis Lee (1830-1910), and one brother, Robert Fleming Lee (1849-1913) to reside at the house. Light Horse Harry Lee, an American Revolutionary War hero, was a frequent visitor, as was his good friend George Washington. ), in January, 1801 for $5000., indicative of a substantial house. The restored Lee-Fendall House and Garden is a period house museum that is open to the public. Elizabeth Fendall lived in the Lee–Fendall House from 1785 until her death in June, 1789, probably from cancer. ", "Seminary Hill History-- Alexandria, Virginia", Lee–Fendall House Museum And Garden Website, History of the National Register of Historic Places,–Fendall_House&oldid=942526872, Houses on the National Register of Historic Places in Virginia, National Register of Historic Places in Alexandria, Virginia, Articles using NRISref without a reference number, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 25 February 2020, at 05:54. Edmund was a brother of Light Horse Harry Lee. The City owns many of the premier historic sites in Alexandria and it is charged with the conservation, interpretation and promotion of these links to the past. The Lee–Fendall House Museum and Garden is open for tours on the hour Wed.-Sat. those taking the King Street Trolley, please check the schedule as times may have changed.). Commonly known as "Aunt Turner", she was the granddaughter of Virginia Supreme Court Justice Peter Lyons and confidante of the Cassius Francis Lee, Sr. (1808–1890) family. The Alexandria Library is an educational, user-oriented service institution providing free public access to recorded knowledge and ideas. [4], The Lee–Fendall House, seen in September 2009, Show map of Alexandria Historical District, U.S. National Register of Historic Places, "first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen. Four generations of the Lee family passed through its stately doors including Richard Henry Lee and Francis Lightfoot Lee, the only two brothers to sign the Declaration of Independence, Revolutionary War hero “Light Horse Harry Find events and activities, shops and restaurants, concerts and performances, arts and culture, historic attractions, parks and libraries, farmers' markets, and more. Find upcoming and archived meeting dockets, agendas, minutes and videos for various City Boards, Commissions and Committees; including City Council, Planning Commission, Boards of Architectural Review, Board of Zoning Appeals, Transportation Commission, Traffic & Parking Board, and more. After the Revolution, Alexandria, already known as "Washington's Home Town", became known also as the "Home Town of the Lees". The Fendalls are mentioned in Washington's 1785-1786 diaries more than anyone outside his own family, and Washington dined here at least seven times in those years. (For The City of Alexandria does not operate any public utilities. The Kington family purchased the home in 2000 for $2.5 million, according to city property records. Alexandria is committed to ensuring our residents thrive through physical, mental, and social health. Face masks and social distancing will also be required for tours. WARNING: You have chosen to translate this page using an automated translation system. In 1836, he moved from his home on 428 Washington, across the street, and into the Lee–Fendall House. She died unexpectedly in May 1789, while on a trip that was to include a visit to her daughter, Matilda at "Stratford". If you are looking for small-town charm and big-city amenities, Alexandria is the place to find them. These help hotline numbers are available 24/7: Our social media objective is to strengthen City responsiveness and transparency to inform the community about City events, programs, services, emergencies, and more. Ideally located just across the Potomac River from Washington, D.C., Alexandria is nationally recognized as one of the best places to live and do business on the east coast. The historic home is listed on the National Register of Historic Places for state significance and the Virginia Landmarks Register, and is a documented contributing feature to the National Historic Landmark District of Alexandria, Virginia. This Historic Alexandria is a treasure trove of early structures, artifacts, and records that creates a unique way of life for its citizens and provides enjoyment for thousands of people who visit this special community every year. He moved the headquarters of the UMWA to Washington, DC to be closer to the people in power. He was the son of Henry Lee II and Lucy Grymes. General Henry "Light Horse Harry" Lee, a military figure in the Revolutionary War, settled his family in the home for nine years in the early 19th century. What you need to know about animals, pets and wildlife in Alexandria. He was also one of the founders of the AFL-CIO. When the Civil War brought invading forces to Harriott's door, she fled with her son to her mother's home in Chantilly, Virginia. 1795-1872), until her death in 1827. Job Search Assistance (Workforce Development Center), Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition of Alexandria, Target Gallery at Torpedo Factory Art Center, Transportation & Environmental Services (T&ES), Historic Preservation Throughout Alexandria, Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), Behavioral Health & Developmental Disabilities, Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition of Alexandria (SAPCA), Plan Your Visit at the City's Official Tourism Website, Alexandria Economic Development Partnership, Alex311 — Connecting You to City Services, Resources & Services for Persons with Disabilities, Juvenile & Domestic Relations District Court, Alexandria Convention & Visitors Association (ACVA), Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority (ARHA), Alexandria Economic Development Partnership (AEDP), Animal Welfare League of Alexandria (AWLA), Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA), Budget (Operating & Capital Improvement Program), Traffic Control Box Wraps Public Art Project, RiverRenew (Combined Sewer Overflow Mitigation), Windmill Hill Park Shoreline Rehabilitation, King & Beauregard Intersection Improvement, Oakville Triangle / Route 1 Corridor Plan, Age Friendly Plan for a Livable Community, Strategic Plan to Prevent & End Homelessness, Water Main Break (Virginia American Water), Commissions Supporting Historic Alexandria, Educational Resources for Historic Alexandria, Finding Historic Locations Through Wayfinding, Memberships in Historic Alexandria Museums, Oral History: The Alexandria Legacies Program, Rentals and Private Events at Historic Properties, Alexandria African American Heritage Park, Murray-Dick-Fawcett House: 517 Prince Street. Alexandria is an active community that offers more than 900 acres of parks and dedicated public space, and a wide variety of neighborhood and recreation centers, pools, dog parks, farmers' markets, waterfront activities and more. The tours are offered every half hour starting at 5 p.m. and ending at 8 p.m. Then he married Elizabeth Steptoe, who was the widow of Philip Ludwell Lee of the Stratford Line. These links contain resources and information to help residents, businesses and visitors to prepare for all types of emergencies, and to stay safe. controversial labor leaders in American history. In 1843, two of Edmund J. Lee's daughters, Hannah (Lee) Stewart (1806–1872) and Sally Lee (1801–1879), inherited the House and leased it to Lucy Lyons Turner. To the north and west lay verdant fields of grass and clover. Lee-Fendall House Museum and Garden, 614 Oronoco St., was built in 1785 by Philip Richard Fendall, an Alexandria civic leader who was the cousin of Henry “Light Horse Harry” Lee, the father of Confederate general Robert E. Lee. (1734–1805), for three hundred pounds, and Philip began building the Lee–Fendall House, for his second wife, Elizabeth (Steptoe) Lee (1743–1789), in the spring or early summer of 1785. Are you ready? (18th C. usage for J. At the time she had a house that she was content with, and had no plans to purchase the Lee–Fendall House. Hundred of soldiers recuperated from wounds, surgeries, and illnesses at the house. Congress of Industrial Organizations, Lewis was one of the most powerful and In 1811 with the assistance of his sister Mary (Lee) Fendall "Mollie" (1764–1827), General Henry Lee was able to rent the stately house at 607 Oronoco, which was owned by William Henry Fitzhugh (1792–1830) (another Lee!). In 1831, Lt. Robert E. Lee became a member of the Arlington household when he married Mary Custis. Also Washington's diary includes several entries about going to Alexandria and dining at Mr. Fendall's to meet Colonel Lee. The house was renovated in 1850, adding Greek Revival and Italianate elements to the original structure. Poor Mrs. Lee is particularly injured by it, as the affliction of mind adds to the infirmity of her body." North across Oronoco are twin houses: 609, where Cornelia (Lee) Hopkins (1780–1818), daughter of William Lee (1739–1795), lived after her marriage to John Hopkins (1795–1873) until her death in 1816, and 607, the last home of Light Horse Harry Lee, and known to the public as "Robert E. Lee's Boyhood Home". Elizabeth was a favorite of George and Martha Washington, a frequent visitor to Mount Vernon, and frequent hostess to the Washingtons. Alexandria offers wide range of job opportunities and services. Alexandria has a fascinating history, and many of its historic buildings are still preserved today. north, to his cousin Philip Richard Fendall. Information about public facilities projects in the City. Stratford Hall – Constructed in 1738, Stratford Hall is the boyhood home of Declaration of Independence signers Richard Henry Lee and Francis Lightfoot Lee, and the birthplace of Robert E. Lee. 1-3. residence Fendall built on the lot served as home to 37 members of the Lee The City collects car and real estate taxes, maintains tax relief programs and assesses property values. He is remembered for leading the Army of Northern Virginia to the brink of victory in the Civil War. View a list of City departments, offices and other agencies, and learn about their role in the organization. Information about the City's Human Rights Code, human rights and anti-discrimination services and activities, and resources and services for people with disabilities. The City's many historic homes, churches, businesses, and museums allow residents and visitors alike to experience the past that makes it the charming town it is today. The Union Army seized the house for unpaid taxes, but offered to return ownership and pay rent if Harriott would swear the Loyalty Oath to the Federal Government. These bodies compose a formal system through which citizens can advise City Council on all major issues affecting the City. Learn some of the things you need to know as a new resident, and explore the City's website for more information about City government services, programs, initiatives, projects and events. Agencies and programs that help maintain our safety and overall quality of life. Sally died here in 1837, and Edmund continued to live here until his death in 1843. Learn more about major projects and plans here, and how you can get involved! It consisted of a "telescopic" design, which was synonymous with Maryland, and had three sections. Charles Lee and his wife, Anne, sold this property to E.I. He later sold the lot at the corner of Oronoco Street to his cousin Philip Richard Fendall, who built this wood frame house in 1785. The restored Lee-Fendall The Cazenoves renovated the home to include the latest styles and technologies. Information about neighborhood projects in the City. The Lee-Fendall House Museum and Garden, 614 Oronoco St. at North Washington St. During the American Revolution, Lee served as a cavalry officer in the … However, Myra Lee Civalier (1872-1906) loved the house so much that she threatened to burn it down with herself in it if it were sold out of the Lee family. The architect is unknown, but the style is similar to that found at "Hard Bargain", an estate built by the Digges family, and located in Charles County, Maryland, from which Fendall hailed. "Green" initiatives, air quality, noise, water conservation, mosquito and rodent control. During the Civil War the city was captured and occupied by Federal forces, which used Taxes can be paid in a variety of ways including online, by phone and by mail. His father, Henry “Light Horse Harry” Lee, was He lived in this house during After Mary Lee Fendall's death in 1827, Edmund Jennings Lee I (1772–1843) bought the house, and leased it for many years. Browse community events, government meetings and activities, and important deadlines. Information about City strategic plans, master plans, studies and guidance policies. Chief Surgeon Bentley likely moved his quarters to the house and it was here that he performed the first successful blood transfusion. The Senate asked Lee to write the eulogy for the first President. [4], Robert Downham, an Alexandria haberdasher and liquor dealer, resided here with his family for the next 31 years. This information increases transparency, improves many City technology applications and provides critical data to decision makers and the public. The City government acts with integrity in an open process, and provides timely access to clear, trustworthy information, presented and employed by all parties from the beginning to the end of the process, including the reasoning that leads to and supports the policy conclusion. The City of Alexandria has a strong commitment to citizen participation as evidenced by the number of citizen boards and commissions established by City Council. There are many opportunities to get involved to help better the City of Alexandria. In 1863, Edwin Bentley, Chief Surgeon of the Military Hospitals in occupied Alexandria, requested "the rebel house opposite Grosvenor hospital" for use as a medical building. Union forces occupied Seminary Hill and probably turned Stuartland into a headquarters. [5], Harriotte leased the Lee–Fendall House from the time she left Alexandria into the beginning of the Civil War. Henry Lee, also known as Light-Horse Harry Lee or Henry Lee III, was an officer in the Continental and U.S. armies, a representative from Virginia to the Confederation Congress (1786–1788) and the U.S. House of Representatives (1799–1801), a member of the House of Delegates (1789–1791), the governor of Virginia (1791–1794), and the master of Stratford Hall. The restored Lee-Fendall House and Garden is a period house museum that is open to the public. He lived briefly with his family in a house on Cameron Washington." Carlyle House (1752) was headquarters to British General during thec. After Lewis died in 1969, the Lee–Fendall House was leased until 1974, when it was purchased by the Virginia Trust for Historic Preservation. To do all this, he defied two presidents, Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman, and pulled the miners out on strike in the middle of World War II, causing a major energy shortage. soldiers. Opportunities include serving on a Board, Commission or Committee, providing input on a new City project or speaking at a City Council meeting. The City provides a number of services to residents, including refuse collection and recycling. The family resided at 607 until Robert left for West Point in 1825. We are here to serve you. family. House and Garden is a period house museum that is open to the public. As president of the UMWA, he increased wages by ten times, started the first safety regulations in the mines, and started health care facilities where there weren't any before. Alexandria also was the home of Revolutionary War general Henry “Light Horse Harry” Lee, and the boyhood home of his son, Robert E. Lee. Street, and later sold a lot at the corner of Oronoco Street, four blocks In addition, the City is responsible for maintaining streets, sidewalks, bridges, and other infrastructure in the City. this site. Virginia VA Alexandria Carlyle House Kitchen Postcard Old Vintage Card View Post $1.00 + $1.00 shipping 1940 Postcard. It is certain that Gen. Robert Edward Lee (1807–1870), the son of Henry, was a frequent visitor of his Aunt Fendall's household across the street. Both Mrs. Fendall and Matilda were in failing health in 1788, and the Lees spent the winter of 1788-1789 with the Fendalls. View All Events & Public Meetings ». It was in that speech that he penned the famous description of George Washington as "first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen.". They added Greek Revival and Italianate embellishments to the original 1785 structure as well as the front and back porches and installed the first heating, plumbing, and servant bell systems in the house. The house was completed by November 1785, when George Washington wrote in his diary dated November 10, 1785: "Went up to Alexandria to meet the Directors of the Potomack Company and dined at Mr. Fendall's (who was from home) and returned in the evening with Mrs. Col. Dennis Ramsay, Mayor of Alexandria, asked Lee to write the farewell address for the first President, which the Mayor delivered at the farewell dinner (201 North Fairfax Street) given for Washington by his fellow citizens. The house, built by Light Horse Harry Lee’s cousin Philip Richard Fendall, was home to 37 members of the Lee family from 1785 until 1903. For immediate police, fire or emergency medical assistance, call or text 911. The City provides public assistance as a safety net for individuals and families, including help with homelessness prevention, food, rent, utilities, medical coverage and prescriptions, job training and placement assistance, and much more. Information about social services projects and plans in the City. The tragedy of Harry Lee's injuries by a Baltimore mob as he tried to defend a friend who had opposed the War of 1812, and his desperate search for health in Barbados, were too much, and Henry died in 1818. Light Horse Harry Lee spent a great deal of time with his relatives at the Fendall home. The Lee–Fendall House is a historic house museum and garden located in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia. Parking Information for the City of Alexandria, Virginia. Light Horse Harry Lee was a Revolutionary hero and the father of Robert Edward Lee. In the meantime, Myra's mother went to Myra's best friend, Mai Greenwell, and asked her to buy the house. Her brother Harry Lee wrote to James Madison, Jr.: "You have heard of the loss we have met with in the death of Mrs. Fendall - better for her to be sure had this event taken place sooner & altho' we are convinced of this truth yet our affliction is immoderate. 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