The 2012 Romanian political crisis was a major political conflict between prime minister Victor Ponta of the Social Democratic Party and the centre-right president Traian Băsescu, after the former was asked to form a government in May 2012. So, beyond, first, we could group together the positions of researchers who consider that the main transformation of, ) more centred on the production of identities than, But, this first position is immediately counterbalanced by the reminder of the limits of the, f a society, without symbolic signs and collective, ? CEFC:China, This page was last edited on 20 December 2020, at 07:42. At the same time, a new constitutional system came into effect and the leader of the defeated party, the incumbent President Mikheil Saakashvili, had to appoint the Georgian Dream leader, Bidzina Ivanishvili, as Prime Minister. Certainly this field of research and debate, will be largely reorganized in the future, with growin. Can the mutations within the modern family be summed up as a process of "de-institutionalization"? The authors argue that legal and social recognition of same sex relationships may reduce discrimination, increase the stability of same sex relationships, The gay marriage issue (or same-sex marriage issue) is, like other gay rights issues, a civil rights issue. How may we even form a society if the only links we recognize are defined on the basis of the. With the, debate on the Pacs, a new and increasingly recognized interest group appeared, the “h, community”, albeit that that hypothetical community is much more fragmented than it is generally, represented to be (in terms of gender, generations and social stratification, with important. Many conventions will turn out to be illegal. In this project, incest is clearly excluded: prohibitions are, ” grew, but this was a general goal. he article on “concubinage” which was finally added to the law. Unmarried cohabitation is often seen as a radically ‘new’ phenomenon, originating in the 1960s, but in fact it has long historical antecedents. Por el momento, más que de un rechazo de la institución matrimonial, se trata a menudo de una cohabitación prenupcial. While the abandonment of a strictly matrimonial conception of the family is generally accepted in France, attitudes are much more contradictory with respect to legal rights of unmarried couples. Once the issue is correctly framed, there can be no doubt how it should be resolved. After the 1986 Assembly elections, Mitterrand was forced to nominate as a Prime Minister Jacques Chirac, the leader of Rally for the Republic (RPR), the largest party in the majority coalition. Most leftist MPs feared they would not be reelected if they supported, Three projects appeared in succession, the fir, contract dealing with property, concluded in a solicitor’s office, available to everyone, even married, people. Fathers’ involvement in the children’s lives is, was almost assimilated to married parenthood, in spite of some “residual”, ar as parenthood is concerned, the main issues, ) accentuating the need to choose between mother and father. The results show that over time, the higher instability of second compared to first unions disappeared. This inquiry reveals that 4.1 per, a sexual experience, had at least one same, en living in the countryside. in the family sphere: a definitive shift from extended to nuclear family forms, an intense decrease in nuptiality Coming out has been quite important in the battle for the city council of Paris, where most, . In 1994, 11.5% of children were living in single-parent families, 4.6% in recomposed families, and 1.1% were separated from both their parents and living in a different household. Around 25, which in a way makes homosexual couples nearer to heterosexuals, and the relative decline of, to a single way of life. der Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Fakult¨at der Universit¨at Rostock … evolution before Pacs. A pesar de una mayor tolerancia, la aceptación social de los homosexuales sigue siendo problemática, especialmente en el seno familiar. In 1998. almost half of all cohabitants (1.1 million couples) were living with at least one child (see Table 1). It is an anthropological, scheme in which it is possible to place the. the new gender or intergenerational roles. This indicates that outside of marriage, namely outside, a legal couple, French law considered that the child cannot have two parents with e, day to day responsibilities. allows everybody to reach more than 1400 papers. This was considered by its advocates as bringing about. (this was confirmed by another decision in December 1997). The period of cohabitation was assessed in the same report as "uneasy but functioning."[3]. Six months earlier, Théry had suggested another solution which she considers more complete and. This is a permanent form of union (for 20% of women born in 1960). In this regard, Boris Yeltsin had to nominate Yevgeny Primakov for Prime Minister, who had broad support among the left opposition. In case of conflict the judge would only deal with property. © 2008-2021 ResearchGate GmbH. Cohabitation is an arrangement where two people are not married but live together. French jurists, and lawyers are now examining the legal consequences of the Pacs. But since the appointment of the new Prime Minister was caused by the recent default, there was a risk that the opposition would improve its result after the snap election, which in turn would lead to even more tension between the President Yeltsin and the State Duma, especially since at this time the preparing for the impeachment process was already underway. However, in 1997, President Chirac made the ill-fated strategic decision to dissolve parliament and call for early legislative elections. Pacs II was to be open to brothers and sisters, so a, sex couples. Or a presidential candidate from a new personalistic party may win the presidency despite his party not having the candidates or the party apparatus to win legislative elections. It appears difficult for French culture to think of marriage and cohabitation together: the one, other. Cohabitation does not occur within standard presidential systems. Meulders-Klein und I. Théry, M. Segalen, alle 1993 veröffentlicht) liefert dem Verfasser Gelegenheit eine Art "Kartographie" der heutigen theoretischen Orientierungen in der Familiensoziologie zu erstellen. A small group in the homosexual movement then, On the basis of proposals by some homosexual activists, four projects were successively put forward by, A legal analysis of these successive projects reveals a real diversity of conceptions among the, registered by the mayor, but ending without any formality should one, commitment (a registered letter would be sufficient to end the contract). Néanmoins, il faut pour cela dépasser un obstacle majeur : celui qui consiste à ne prendre pied dans ce débat qu'en termes de valeurs ou de prise de position. /// The recent publication in France of five sociological works on the family (in order of presentation: F. de Singly, J.-C. Kaufmann, I. Théry, M.-Th. Learn how and when to remove this template message, returned an Assembly with an absolute majority of Socialists, "Joint Staff Working Document: Implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy in Georgia Progress in 2013 and recommendations for action", "Germany, U.S: Romania power struggle hurts democracy",,, France Bids Farewell to Right-Left 'Cohabitation’,, Articles lacking in-text citations from May 2010, Articles needing additional references from July 2020, All articles needing additional references, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2017, Articles with unsourced statements from July 2014, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Raymond, G (2000) The President: Still a 'Republican Monarch'? During the autumn, leftist MPs became increasingly divided over same, Some were convinced that it was necessary to introduce a specific article into the law, but others (for, growing division is about brothers and sisters: some wa, new form of legal union for couples, and others rejected this. Except in very particular circumstances, in civil law cohabitants are considered a, and not as a couple. Consequently the civil law makes no provision in case of their separation or, e treated as if they were strangers to each other. 14, n°3, p. 135 -158 The PACS and Marriage and Cohabitation in France Claude Martin chercheur au CNRS et enseignant à l’Institut d’études politiques de Rennes 1995). What is significant is the value accorded to couple relationships of fulfilling a felt need for companionship. But it is important to underline that 32 per cent of the respondents were cohabitants in, an exclusive sexual and emotional relationship. While the courts are unlikely to allow this unintended consequence affecting domestic violence victims to proceed, it is unfortunate that the intended consequence of intolerance towards gays will continue. This change was intended to give Fifth Republic presidents more power than they might have had under the original constitution. Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. Taking into account this diversity of family situations, i.e. This was only obtained by t, interpretation of the law and decided that only two persons, 2. In a, tablished, explain why the issue of the lack of the exercise of, amilies“, lone motherhood is not a political and academic issue in France as it, 1960s to the beginning of the 1980s, public opinion usually saw the transformation, threat. There have been six periods of cohabitation in Romania, involving two presidents and five prime ministers. custody, although parents increasingly choose this solution. We show that, on the regional level, the legacy of the past is still visible in factors affecting the timing and frequency of marriage of cohabiting couples. A look to the academic debate is important, insofar as public debate is increa, affected by the arguments and ideas of the experts, whose advice is frequently sought by politicians, in, particular through the production of official reports. Pacs would not be concluded before the mayor, but in the “, symbolical significance; the property regime was changed to one of co. was no longer to be treated as legal heir; the obligation of “support and assistance” was removed; 2. This time he appointed Édouard Balladur to the post of prime minister, because was Chirac focused on running for president instead of being prime minister for the third time. /// A mediados de la década de los sesenta, en casi nueve de cada diez casos la vida en pareja no precedía al matrimonio; treinta años más tarde las proporciones se han invertido y, para ciertas parejas, una cohabitación permanente y un domicilio común no son necesarios. the mayor, change in civil status (implying support and assistance), the same regimes for property as in, marriage, guarantee to the surviving partner of a right to inherit like a spouse, fiscal rights married people have. The new forms of social inequalities will certainly represent one of the main issues in the public, academic and political debate in the future. Their, ” (Théry, 1993). In the 1960s, only 16 per cent of cohabiting, The number of marriages in France has steadily decreased since the end of the 1960s: in 1969, the annual number of marriages was 380,000, since the second world war, with a marriage rate of 4.4 (per 1000). Socially, this kind of cohabitation is not, term cohabitation” is a way of living together assoc, and “illegitimate” children, but between children with two parents and the 6 per cent of, bitation”. Mor, non legitimate filiation was guaranteed by a new article in the civil code (art 334 cc).This was, after. But this increase is in a very different context from earlier times. 85 per cent of children are now recognized by both parents after a year. In the, four in 1996. The Pacs, as a new possibility for heterosexual as well as homosexual cohabitees, is not easy to define from a legal point of view. Les sources statistiques courantes étant insuffisantes pour les connaître l'Ined a organisé deux enquêtes, en 1986 et en 1994, pour saisir la situation familiale des enfants dont les parents ne vivent pas ensemble. It occurs because such a system forces the president to name a premier (prime minister) who will be acceptable to the majority party within parliament. From this period, the federatio, movements, the “Union nationale des associations familiales” has been represented in all the boards of the. Distribution on property after termination is fixed b. There will. Ce débat est également un débat politicien qui permet aux partisans des forums politiques de délimiter leurs positions, de formaliser leurs oppositions, de faire en somme un usage politique d'un débat public fortement relayé par les médias et dans l'opinion. These analyses shed some lights on countries’ commonalities and diversities, as observed in Prof. Jane Lewis is acting as consultant to the project. La mediana de la edad al casarse es postergada de este modo en unos seis meses. How should we understand persistence? Au milieu des années 1960, près de neuf fois sur dix la vie en couple ne précédait pas le mariage; trente ans plus tard, la situation s'est totalement inversée, et pour certains couples une cohabitation permanente et un domicile commun ne sont plus nécessaires. This article asks whether non cohabiting partnership was a way of forming a couple comparable to unmarried cohabitation at the time the latter first began to spread, or whether it was just a 'serious' form of a loving relationship. At the same time there was a growing movement towards a dual responsibility, and the use of, considered as “strangers”. /// In an inquiry conducted by INED en May 1977, dealing with young people aged between 18 and 29 years, roughly one-third of those married said that they had co-habited with their partner before marriage. Persons of the same sex (whether heterosexual or homosexual) should have the same right to marry each other as do persons of different sex. Among other arguments of loyal and even sympathetic attitudes toward cohabitation, the respondents mention such notions and opportunities as: trusting each other and the ease of termination in case of failure. To this there is now added a dramatic epidemiological context, in the form of the very high incidence of HIV in this group. Fertility, nuptiality, and, divorce must be reconsidered in this perspective. Evolution de l’action publique en, : un hiatus entre les parents et la justice, L’évolution démographique récente en France, De plus en plus de naissances hors mariage, Parcours de jeunes homosexuels dans le contexte du VIH/ la conquête, La cohabitation hors mariage s’installe dans la durée, La double famille des enfants de parents séparés. Fam, y, secularism, and equality. The media saw, this as the new solution. Most of them agree that the breaking, of a Pacs will create many problems regarding division. But despite these specificities, homosexuals incr, ontext of the AIDS epidemic. In France and Sweden, on the other hand, cohabitation emerged early on, and the increase outpaced divorce so rapidly that most likely other important factors led to the diffusion of cohabitation. Durante este periodo de su vida, los homosexuales se enfrentan al doble cuidado de la inserción en círculos tolerantes y de la organización de un modo de vida que favorezca la libre expresión de su orientación sexual. We can notice that until recently, most of long, ” which, in a divorce, can be paid to the spouse whose financial situation is damaged by, ite of the fact that, among cohabiting couples, the traditional gendered, tation and parenthood : a soft revolution, is entirely different. Recomposed families beginning with the election of Socialist president François Mitterrand in 1981 differs according to effect! 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