But in Asia the situation is very different. So there’s no shortage of new adventures to go on with Monkey D. Luffy and his crew. More recent anime definitely have smoother anime, but, has some of the most iconic music in anime. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. 4Kids is already infamous enough for its horrid dubbing and censorship of Pokemon, but its involvement with One Piece is arguably directly responsible for killing its Western release. Subbed was great. The One Piece universe is filled with pirates and marines who possess some kind of Haki or Devil Fruit power, but there are also characters who are fairly strong without either of these things. This only takes place in US because in Japan, One Piece destroyed Naruto and already dethroned DBZ and becoming the … Readers could vote for their favourite character and the results would be included with a later chapter. , the story is complete, so someone could watch the whole thing and actually get to an ending, with the satisfaction of knowing what happens to Naruto and his friends. Attack on Titan only got popular, because it's on Netflix and on tv. January 23, 2021. There are plenty of popular anime and manga series, but very few series have achieved the kind of success that One Piece and Naruto have. Liz Adler is a writer and editor based in San Diego, CA. Now this is personally up to u? Despite lacking a bit in the variety of its art style, Naruto more than makes up for it in the actual moving and pacing of that art. One piece!!! As a writer, auteur, and innovator, I seek to expand human potential through the creative medium, intellectually and emotionally challenging the mass audience. Comment. Lol,all the strawhats have bad past. However, drama, tragedy, and seriousness aren't everything to making a series distinct and attractive. Sure One piece is way more popular but i think its because of nami =_=, Naruto has a way better story line when he was young and teen and its still going not that one piece isn't either. Also I felt like Naruto got a bit worse as the time went by. Have you guys watched AoT. Could well be in Europe, Jojo is a very popular series in this part of the world. Which anime/manga is more popular in your country? The intricate world-building involved in making all of these different elements work together to create a cohesive series makes Naruto a very intriguing watch. Which of these two well-known series do you like more, One Piece or Naruto? But seriously, it’s a debate between Naruto and One Piece. Canada. Discussion. One piece is great and I loved what i've seen, but I didn't have the luxury of growing up with it like i did with Naruto. RELATED: 10 Naruto Fan Theories Better Than What We Got. However, much like author others, he can noticeable grow tired with his series, further encouraging him to either end things or create drastic change. The series famously follows the story of Naruto, a dim-witted yet determined ninja that strives to become the Hokage of the Hidden Leaf Village. Which anime/manga is more popular in your country? Since a lot of the characters have mystical powers, they’re not always just fighting with swords or their fists. She holds an MFA from San Diego State University and a Bachelor's of Arts from Illinois State University. One Piece was December 2010’s manga for the Manga Movable Feast. In fact, OP already overtook Naruto as the best selling manga in Europe back in 2014. Asia is where Anime/Manga is most popular in the world and in those regions the most popular is One Piece then DBZ. Winner : one piece. Bam! Here's why Naruto is better than One Piece: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTteNWmM-rs Enjoy the video? Report Post. He works an insane schedule and was once even hospitalized for overworking himself, bringing a love and interest for a story near unparalleled within his industry. Enfin, j’achèverai cet article par l’oeuvre qui m’a le plus séduit. Like in. From my observation and interaction with fans from other countries, Naruto is more popular in: UK. I can't even say Naruto is in my top 5 shounen, it's a very entertaining series, but it lacks a lot of things which other shounen mangas doesn't. Cause a forum nor the US represent overall popularity. As popular as One Piece may be and as dedicated as Oda may be, nothing stops bad marketing from wrecking its releases. More on Genius. They're all pretty goofy and fun, even those who have pretty dark backstories. Yes Naruto is very popular in USA. One piece is a great anime, but i love Naruto way more cause of its story, ive shed lots of tears, obviously way more than one piece and its so good. Does anyone know which is more “popular” Naruto-One Piece-DBZ-Bleach. Sasuke Uchiha is one of the strongest characters in Naruto. If One Piece had a good start with it's dubbing, it could've been even more than Naruto and Bleach (as it is internationally). However, such a gap in Shonen entertainment would soon be closed, as not only one but two fresh faces for the company would enter the scene to not only carry Dragon Ball's legacy but the sales and critical acclaim of the magazine as a whole. Naruto on the other hand has 10 second interactions that feel like a full on punch to the face. “Fighting Dreamers” by Flow is maybe the most well-known of the. As immediately imaginative as One Piece is, its run with Toei Animation is an infamous one full, full of poor background and character art as well as a few more than noticeable dramatic pauses. GIGAZINE (in Japanese). More options Who Replied? Archived from the original on January 25, 2021. Naruto is one of the few characters who's able to create Shadow Clones, for instance, which are physical replications of himself, that he can use in battle in order to trick someone or to give himself some extra hands. Bref, pour faire simple Naruto est une oeuvre du désormais géant Masashi Kishimoto. is really fun and complex, and it definitely creates a world that’s enjoyable for viewers to live in and experience. Personally, I think that both of them are fairly enjoyable mangas. Ce jeu flash, jouable en plein écran, est dans la catégorie des jeux de one piece. Pokemon is better Naruto is better Pokemon is the best thing to come to the universe id have to say naruto even though one piece has been going on for longer. But if you like pirates and fruits that give you powers, go with one piece. Naruto just wants to be accepted and acknowledged for his skills. Naruto on the other had not only had the benefit of getting a Funimation dub but was also distributed on Toonami, a platform wonderfully regarded for bringing some of the best anime action to Western audiences. Opening and ending themes are some of the most memorable things about a lot of anime, and, , as a long-running series, has a lot of themes to choose from. They’re also very different takes on shonen tropes, with, focusing on a pirate and his crew and their goal to capture the treasure called One Piece and. The top-ranking characters are drawn together in a two-page colour spread. However, while One Piece does well to include them, it is not always the best at them, with there being less than a handful within the series' history that are often talked about. The anime series, while currently on hiatus, has also been on air for more than 20 years, only just recently having gone on hiatus after 929 episodes. The doctor of the Straw Hat Pirates is a literal reindeer, while Usopp is a cowardly pirate who's afraid in battle, despite wanting to be a famous warrior. By Liz Adler Oct 04, 2020. Description du jeu: Réaliser le combat dont tous les fans de manga rêvent. Between the two kings of modern Shonen, which is better? Both series have not only dominated the manga sales charts for their runs but have also been plastered on every viewing screen, comic book shelf, and body pillow to be had. One Piece is one of the longest-running manga series of all time, and it’s actually still going strong. Naruto has some of the most iconic music in anime. Naruto is infinitely more popular worldwide than One Piece. I prefer One Piece story and character wise, but the Nardo verse is more powerful. is one of the longest-running manga series of all time, and it’s actually still going strong. 1 Depicts a Vibrant Past... and an Already-Dated Future? As a whole, I’m a valuable asset to any organization seeking experience and knowledge of the media industry as well as any group seeking ambitious storytelling and content creation. This isn't to say that Naruto doesn't have good character or world designs, however. Sakura has to overcome her boy-focused life in order to take herself and her kunoichi training seriously. The most recent poll was in 2011. Worldwide it is less popular than One Piece. A great list of entries on the series can be found in the One Piece MMF Archive. It has complex magic systems, political intrigue, and a deep history. While One Piece's beginning is much more to my tastes, Naruto isn't (or wasn't, the 2000's was definitely it's high point) an international phenomenon for nothing. The world-building in One Piece is really fun and complex, and it definitely creates a world that’s enjoyable for viewers to live in and experience. Naruto has more of a mainstream manga style. Here are five reasons One Piece is the better anime and five reasons Naruto rules the roost. If there's one thing that One Piece can do, it's stick to the mind of the average anime viewer. But beyond the way these villages work and interact, regarding exams and being allies or enemies, there are also the more magical elements, like demons that have to be sealed away inside of people in order to keep them at bay and jutsu that give people powers. I believe that Naruto is more popular than one piece. There are definitely reasons viewers might think one of these anime is better than the other, but it’s definitely hard to choose. Hinata is weighed down by the expectations of her family and the fact that she's not sure she wants to take on the responsibility of leading them. #Eiichiro Oda #Japanese pop culture #One Piece #Shonen Jump #manga popularity #manga psychology #psychology of adults Find answers now! “Fighting Dreamers” by Flow is maybe the most well-known of the Naruto opening themes, but there are several that hold their own and make it so that people can’t help but bop their heads to think about them. Sanji vs Kakashi >> What can I say? One Piece Vs Naruto: Which Anime Is Better? Since Dragon Ball's initial departure from the pages of Shonen Jump, there was large hole left unfulfilled within the ranks of Japanese action/adventure series. The fact that there’s new manga material as well means that, with the exception of filler episodes, there’s actual story material for the anime to follow. A bit of a cheap shot for the most hardened fan, if there was ever a clear disparity between the popularity and perhaps acclaim of the two series, it's the huge gap between their manga sales. Each of the characters has their own specialty in battle, usually jutsu, which are almost magical powers that ninja can use by concentrating their chakra. Plus, there’s so much mythology surrounding One Piece, which is the treasure left behind by Gol D. Roger, and all of the characters, good and bad, have unique backstories about why they’re interested in it. It's even starting to change in Europe also. Here are five reasons, , on the other hand, is a series about ninjas, so fighting is kind of the bread and butter of the series. It's outselling Naruto by over 10,000,000. Oda and Kishimoto both clearly respect each other & their work, and I think the fans should react in turn. , on the other hand, is a complete story. In the Straw Hat Crew alone, there are a lot of different kinds of personalities, with each member of the crew out to accomplish something different, and everyone bringing their own skills to the table. Between Luffy’s strange anatomy and ability to stretch himself out and the ways people move during fights, there’s a really quaint look to the series that makes it unique. No doubt it is dragon ball. More recent anime definitely have smoother anime, but One Piece goes for a classic, almost-Lupin III style to its animation. The doctor of the Straw Hat Pirates is a literal reindeer, while Usopp is a cowardly pirate who's afraid in battle, despite wanting to be a famous warrior. Well it depends. I saw a little bit of One Piece through the 4kids dub (this was before Funimation bought the rights) and I watched a little bit of the subbed version. ^ "なぜ黒人男性はドラゴンボールが好きなのか?". both animes have an infinity of characters to offer and to create in funko pops and it is not understood how they put aside these great monsters of animation. Most likely signed by Joy Boy leader of the D and Imu. The anime series, while currently on hiatus, has also been on air for more than 20 years, only just recently having gone on hiatus after 929 episodes. Where. Related: Naruto: 5 One Piece Characters Itachi Can Defeat (& 5 He Cannot). The only manga that it's second to is One piece. Let's find out! As much of a sales giant as One Piece is, one major roadblock it has for gaining new readers and viewers is its incredible and still growing length. For the first few years of Naruto's publication, an annual character popularity poll was held. Most popular would be DBZ because every generation knows about it. The Anime of Naruto is more successful in the Western Culture due to its commercialism, and the terrible adaptation of the dub anime of One Piece in USA, but in Japan is the most successful hit of all time. There's a tangible sense of gravity to the situation as a combination of the art and tone of the series helps the audience better connect with the world in a way that just detailed world building can't. 1 decade ago. Assassin of the Black Mist. Naruto or one piece?? Winner : one piece. Archived from the original on April 2, 2019. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. focusing on a young boy who is determined to prove himself to a village that has disregarded him by becoming the greatest ninja in the village. No. Naruto. Between the various rules and culture that surround being a pirate in this world full of pirates and the use of the Devil Fruits, there’s a lot to enjoy. Naruto, on the other hand, is a series about ninjas, so fighting is kind of the bread and butter of the series. Which of these two SJ heavy hitters is more popular on CV and more used on BFs I believe that Naruto is more popular than one piece. Naruto is my favorite. If u ask me i like op characters a little more cuz each character has well defined past..but everyone in one piece dont have parents. And even then, it just beat One piece in the half year sales three days ago. But, when looking at the series of dark rocks, trees, and green uniforms during the Great Ninja War, it's easy to find that Kishimoto ran out of ideas at some point. ...And pleasepleasePLEASE state some good reasons as to why you chose what you chose. No. A moment ago #31 Turrin said: I think One Piece is probably a treaty signed between the Ancient Kingdom of D and Celestial Decedents. This version 3.0 adds the characters White Beard and Hawkeye from One Piece and Jiraiya and Killer B from Naruto. Form a team of 3 characters + 1 assistant, from no less than 18 of the main heroes of these 2 cult mangas and challenge the computer or a friend in fights with an infernal pace. ^ "One Piece has been circulated more than 480 million times". Nico Robin vs Tsunade >> Tsunade is just an old biatch Naruto has a more personal attachment to me. They’re both long-running shonen anime with compelling stories and characters that viewers are desperate to follow. Naruto (and even Boruto) are way more popular for people growing up in the early 2000s than Dragon Ball. Madara is a one-dimensional villain with too much plot armor. Naruto easily surpasses its contemporary here, as most movements between fighting and just emoting are done incredibly well. I watched all of these shows and enjoyed them all a lot. : 5 Teams That Deserve Their Own Series (& 5 That Don't), Naruto: 5 Taijutsu Users On Might Guy's Level (& 5 That Are Below Him), Digimon: 5 Digital Monsters We Wish Existed (& 5 We're Happy That Don't), Tower Of God: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Yuri. This fighting game is filled with characters from the Anime's Naruto Shippuuden and the very popular One Piece. In Japan, One Piece ranks consistently above Naruto in Weekly Shonen Jump's popularity rankings, as well as receives sales of over 35 million each year, while Naruto receives below 10 million. Naruto: 5 One Piece Characters Sasuke Can Beat (& 5 He Can't) Sasuke proved to be one of the strongest shinobi in Naruto, but how does he match up against the powerful pirates of One Piece? Bleach: 5 Characters Who Are Actually Stronger Than Ichigo (& 5 Who Are Weaker), My Hero Academia: 5 Characters Who Would Pass The Hunter Exam (& 5 Who Would Fail), 10 Times Anime Heroes Couldn't Save The Day, 10 Anime Villains From The 2000s Who Have Already Aged Poorly, 10 Anime Detectives Smarter Than Light Yagami, Demon Slayer: 5 Times Tanjiro Saved The Day (& 5 Times He Was Saved), Naruto: 10 Things You Didn't Know About The Anbu, Kakegurui: The 10 Best Quotes From The Series, Ranked, Naruto: Every Battle From The Chunin Exams Arc, Ranked From Worst To Best, 10 Most Dysfunctional Families In Anime, Ranked, Legend Of Korra: 5 Villains That Could've Been Redeemed (& 5 That Couldn't), 5 Shojo Anime You Should Watch (& 5 You Can Skip). Vol. Boruto: Naruto Next Generations' anime is currently exploring the opening salvo unleashed by the Kara Organization as the Vessel Arc begins, but the manga is … Her work has been featured at Loser City, HelloGiggles, and Women Write About Comics among others. Not only does One Piece's lifetime sales nearly double Naruto's, it is also one of the best selling graphic novels of all time, lagging only behind but quickly catching up to the lifetime sales of Batman and Superman comics. Naruto is more popular in the West, but that is slowly changing now that Naruto is finished. While One Piece's beginning is much more to my tastes, Naruto isn't (or wasn't, the 2000's was definitely it's high point) an international phenomenon for nothing. They’re both long-running shonen anime with compelling stories and characters that viewers are desperate to follow. There are certainly a strong variety of fan favorites characters based on design alone. It's a series with seemingly no end and too deep of a beginning, with a large mass of content doing more to intimidate new fans than actually entice them. While it is also an incredibly long-running anime, and actually split into a second anime following a time jump. The variety of powers, detailed choreography, and incredible sakuga all serve to give Naruto some of the best fights in anime history. Comment. It's unfortunate, however, that much of that history boils down to conflicts between Uchihas, Uzumakis, and parallels of Uchihas and Uzumakis. Several manga artists have noted that the manga series was the inspiration for their own now popular works, including Naruto and One Piece. Plus, there’s so much mythology surrounding One Piece, which is the treasure left behind by Gol D. Roger, and all of the characters, good and bad, have unique backstories about why they’re interested in it. But one piece is only half over at most so as soon as Naruto stops (unless it turns into a dbz type vastly popular even after its over) one piece will soon surpass it. One Piece! One Piece: 5 Devil Fruits That Blackbeard Would Target (& 5 He Won't Need). One Piece gives a better slice of every emotion to the viewer hence more popular. luffy and Naruto kinda of have same nature and aim but the journey is whole lot different. Naruto is more popular in the West, but that is slowly changing now that Naruto is finished. Hunter X Hunter: 8 Fights Killua Should've Realistically Lost, One Piece or Naruto? Prove your ninja skills in this fun fighting game! Naruto is built around the idea that there are several fictional lands in the world, all of which have a hidden village in them where ninjas are trained and go to work on missions like assassinations or acting as bodyguards. Eiichiro Oda on the other hand is someone who's a bit too in love with his series, maintaining the same interest for the story that he had when he began to this day. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Oct 25, 2017 453. Chopper vs Orochimaru >> 3 rumble balls and Orochimaru is nothing. While One Piece certainly has strong portions of that, what helps its stand out tonally as a Shonen series is its masterful use of humor to both dress up its world and add to its fanfare. Would Target ( & 5 why Luffy Wins ) totally satisfying but i respect it s obviously the other round... Place would be Naruto because it 's even starting to change in Europe also of exciting and fight! Are so many questions unanswered - not totally satisfying but i respect it like ninja i! Fight with fists and punches in this part of the longest-running manga series of all time, and i that. Think that both of them are fairly enjoyable mangas the western culture take. 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