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Author: Posted On: January 22nd, 2021 In:Uncategorized

As part of a debate on the UNISON General Secretary election, Jon Rogers makes a case for supporting Paul Holmes below. Certainly they were less significant as a factor in Labour’s 2019 defeat than the party’s support for a second referendum on the EU; we should never let the Labour right, which relentlessly pushed Corbyn to accept such a referendum, cover up the fact that 52 of the 54 seats Labour lost to the Tories last December were Leave-voting. McKenzie was the first black person in TUC history and in Unison to hold a regional secretary post, became Unison’s first black assistant general secretary and, if elected, would be the union’s first black general secretary. Beyond the leadership, there are other reasons for the right to widen the attack to the trade unions. The Labour right’s bid to purge all traces of Corbynism from the party, its capacity to use administrative measures to disenfranchise and silence the left, is already provoking resistance from affiliated unions. Image: Marcus Rose. UNISON’s rank and file left has aspired, on and off, to launch a unified challenge for the leadership of the union in five previous General Secretary elections, but has never yet succeeded in standing fewer than two candidates. A whistleblower within Unison's London region has leaked an audio recording of a meeting of paid officials flagrantly breaching the union's rules by working for the election campaign of the incumbent general secretary, Dave Prentis. Unison’s black member’s group have backed Hugo Pierre. If branches democratically decide they want to support a candidate in an election who more represents that branches position on a policy like council cuts, I think that they should be able to do that. And the Corbyn movement did not come out of nowhere, but had its roots in the anti-austerity, anti-racist and anti-war movements — the People’s Assembly, Stand Up to Racism, the Stop the War Coalition and so on — organisations that often campaign through and within the trade unions and overlap with them in causes and activists. commentary and analysis you can trust. Jon Rogers, who served on the Unison NEC from 2003 to 2017, reports that a switch to the ‘single transferable vote’ was made during the NEC’s meeting to decide which candidate it would support in the forthcoming election to choose the union’s new general secretary after incumbent Dave Prentis retires – and that the switch took place only once right-wing NEC members had “done the maths” and realised … We cannot allow it. Paul will take the job on his current wage of £32,000, declining the £100,000 available. No rank and file left-wing candidate has ever secured as much as a third of the vote in any previous election. The result of the Unison general secretary election shows the mood for change in the biggest public sector union. over £100. Unison is a big Labour affiliate with significant influence within the Labour machine, seats on the party’s national executive and so on. UNISON General Secretary Election 2020. This is transparently a bid by the Labour right to interfere in the Unison leadership election against a socialist candidate who has been endorsed by Corbyn, and to extend the wave of purges and resignations from that unhappy political party to the wider movement. Unison proudly declares itself to be "member-led union"1. Plus conservatrice, la « Unión-pro » représente un « péronisme dissident », sous le leadership de l'actuel Gouverneur de la cité autonome de Buenos Aires, Mauricio Macri. Amanda Kendal met him and finds out how he believes he can turn around the party’s fortunes . Nor, in the cause of natural justice, should we ignore the fact that almost none of the accusations are even based on things McKenzie said or wrote, but things he liked or shared online — not that there is anything remotely racist about them anyway, but the distinction shows how thin the case against him is. Unison is a big Labour affiliate with significant influence within the Labour machine, seats on the party’s national … by Raymie Kiernan Published Tue 30 May 2017 Issue No. “I’ve made trying to get an equalities agenda firmly embedded in the bargaining agenda, and not seen as something separate. You can’t buy a revolution, but you can help the only daily paper in UNISON has a presidential team made up of elected members of the national executive council.. Josie Bird, president. Issues like anti-semitism, links to terrorist organisations [to take another common attack line] etc, barely registered.”. Internal elections 2015 General Secretary election UNISON members who are part of Labour Link are entitled to their say in the Labour Party – including, if you are a registered supporter with the Labour Party, in the current leadership election. 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But the impact of the attacks has certainly made it harder to campaign in solidarity with Palestine, and indeed, most of the examples used to construct the pathetically flimsy case against McKenzie relate to Palestine (such as having shared “cartoons depicting Gaza as a prison camp” and articles that referred to that besieged strip as “an Israeli-administered ghetto.”). By becoming a 501 Club member you are helping the Morning Star cover its McAnea, the former assistant general secretary, gained almost 64,000 votes, amassing 47.7% of the vote. His unhesitating solidarity with Corbyn over the past 10 days has made that very clear. Fighting Fund, we can continue to thumb our noses at the fat cats and McAnea was previously one of the assistant general secretaries (and responsible for collective bargaining and negotiation). an owner of the paper too by buying shares in the society. UNISON is one of the UK’s largest trade unions, with 1.3 million members. Especially given McKenzie’s long history of anti-racist campaigning and the passion with which he has always challenged racism — a passion informed by personal experience of racist abuse directed at him and his family from childhood onwards. Just £5 a month gives you the opportunity to win one of 17 prizes, from The rich don’t like us, and they don’t advertise with us, so we rely on £25 to the £501 jackpot. In the 2020 Labour leadership and deputy leadership elections, UNISON endorsed Keir Starmer for leader and Angela Rayner for deputy. Some union branches have taken out shares of over £500 and individuals 'Swaggering' union officials 'interfered' in Unison leadership election, report finds . Then $68.00 per month.New customers onlyCancel anytime during your trial, Try full digital access and see why over 1 million readers subscribe to the FT, FT print edition delivered Monday - Saturday along with ePaper access, Premium access for multiple users, with integrations & admin tools, Purchase a Trial subscription for $1.00 for 4 weeks, You will be billed $68.00 per month after the trial ends, Purchase a Digital subscription for $7.16 per week, You will be billed $40.00 per month after the trial ends, Purchase a Print subscription for $9.77 per week, You will be billed $50.00 per month after the trial ends, Purchase a Team or Enterprise subscription for per week, You will be billed per month after the trial ends, Germany pushes back on AstraZeneca vaccine efficacy reports, How Israel secured more vaccines than it can use, Foreign workers flee UK as pandemic and Brexit bite, UK residents flying back from Covid hotspots face hotel quarantine, Germany presses Brussels for powers to block vaccine exports, Reddit traders wage battle against Wall Street, Black steps down as Apollo CEO after report into payments to Epstein, Investor anxiety mounts over prospect of stock market ‘bubble’. UNISON members will then vote on who their preferred candidate is from October 28 to November 27 2020, with a result set to be announced on January 11 2021. UNISON leadership candidate Roger McKenzie has called for the creation of a national care service and an anti-privatisation unit to protect the health sector from damaging outsourcing. As ever this depends on the left’s response, but there is no reason to assume it will. Below is an email from UNISON National Labour Link to clarify the rules and time table of the Labour Leadership Election. We represent staff who provide public services in the public and private sector. But a brilliant analysis of the poll data by Lee Jones of The Full Brexit last December suggested otherwise. January 11 2021. Giving ground to absurd claims that examples like the above are anti-semitic seriously weakens campaigning against imperialism, and in weakening anti-imperialist politics it weakens anti-racist politics. Will it work? The main trade unions have been signing up supporters ahead of the leadership election. The motives are obvious. Union support and platforms helped launch Corbyn’s 2015 leadership bid, the stunning success of which astonished and appalled the parliamentary Labour party. Follow the latest race results, candidates, and events leading up to the 2020 Presidential Election. They all say it’s time for a black leader. Unison paid officials caught sabotaging leadership election. Keir Starmer in UNISON Centre. be listened to, coverage of stories that would otherwise be buried. For the right, making the trade union movement a hostile environment for such campaigns helps guarantee that nothing like the Corbyn leadership could ever happen again. In July 2015, UNISON endorsed Jeremy Corbyn's campaign in the Labour Party leadership election. At the time of writing, Christina McAnea has by far the most branch nominations and she has reached the ballot. While Christina McAnea, the candidate supported by outgoing general secretary Dave Prentis, has won, the potential has been shown for the union's right wing to be defeated. paper thriving. Au niveau international, l'Administration Obama a rapidement fait preuve de leadership depuis l'élection présidentielle. I apologise for any delay in circulating, particularly given some of this information is already in the public domain. You can’t buy a revolution, but you can help the only daily paper in joining! A la veille des élections, elle était majoritaire au Sénat (avec 39 sièges) et à la Chambre des députés (116 députés). The leadership of Unison, one of Britain’s biggest unions, has been won by a moderate candidate, shoring up the position of Labour leader Keir Starmer. We offer a platform for those who would otherwise never This is transparently a bid by the Labour right to interfere in the Unison leadership election against a socialist candidate who has been endorsed by Corbyn, and to extend the wave of purges and resignations from that unhappy political party to the wider movement. Their direct effect on Labour’s electoral fortunes was never obvious. With a regular donation to our monthly Stay informed and spot emerging risks and opportunities with independent global reporting, expert Keep abreast of significant corporate, financial and political developments around the world. UNISON is backing Keir Starmer in the Labour leadership election. Money from shares contributes directly to keep our Donate today and make a regular contribution. Since claims that Jeremy Corbyn presided over increased tolerance for anti-semitism in Labour (claims not supported by statistical evidence) began, there have been a number of dramatic escalations. Christina McAnea has won the Unison election and becomes Unison’s first female General Secretary. Most recently of course the suspension from party membership of the man who was leader till six months ago illustrated his successor’s scorched-earth approach to the destruction of the Labour left. The rehashing of these claims for use against McKenzie is nonetheless a very serious further escalation. This week, Unison – the UK’s biggest union and a major Labour party donor – announced Christina McAnea had won its general secretary election and will become the union’s first woman leader. While polls did find those not voting Labour placed “the leadership” as their number one reason (with Brexit at number two, and almost nobody objecting to Labour’s actual socialist policies), once the reasons people gave for disliking Corbyn are unpacked, “Labour’s Remain drift, and Corbyn’s clear inability to resist it, were the top reasons behind Corbyn’s plunging personal rating – which had fallen by 45 percentage points from the 2017 general election. Print this page. Printing Press Society. The nominations process saw a significant rise in branch turnout, with 458 of UNISON's 834 participating branches nominating a candidate compared to just 373 branches casting nominations in the last general secretary election. Josie Bird is a local government worker from Newcastle. Unison assistant general secretary Roger McKenzie, When job cuts are woke: using the language of social justice as a smokescreen, Sir Keir Starmer urged to ‘come clean’ about alleged hiring of Israeli ‘cyber spy’, Government pressured to extend furlough as unemployment soars to highest level in four years, EDITORIAL We cannot outsource the defence of our rights, claims not supported by statistical evidence, successor’s scorched-earth approach to the destruction of the Labour left, already provoking resistance from affiliated unions. 16. Probably for most Labour MPs this was not a key issue, except more vaguely, in that support for Israel was taken as a signifier of a more general support for Britain’s place in the US-led imperialist camp and the network of allies that comes with that. LABOUR movement activists may have thought they had entered the Twilight Zone on Friday evening on hearing that Roger McKenzie, one of British trade unionism’s leading figures, is being accused of anti-semitism. Sur l’invitation du Gouvernement, le Président de la Commission de l’Union africaine (CUA), S.E.M. This takes us back to the basic reasons why our whole movement should stand in solidarity with McKenzie in the face of these cynical accusations. These allegations are spurious and rely on a misinterpretation of even the IHRA definition of anti-semitism so gross that it would define comments on Gaza from former British prime minister David Cameron (who once called it a “prison camp”) or John Holmes, the UN’s humanitarian chief (“an open-air prison”) as anti-semitic. The bar for being considered “part of the problem” was continually lowered over the course of debates — the word is a generous one — such as that over the IHRA definition. has an equal say. The motives are obvious. Unison has more than 1.3 million members across education, local government, the NHS, police services and energy. The Morning Star is a readers’ co-operative, which means you can become While hailed in the press as a progressive victory, this is a disappointing result for those on the left who had hoped to see the union – and perhaps Labour – shift direction. Two of the other largest Labour-affiliated unions are also set for changes of leadership. Unison proudly declares itself to be "member-led union"1. This must be the message ahead of the NEC elections, which are due to begin at the start of February. Britain that’s fighting for one by donating to the Fighting Fund. In fact there isn’t much evidence that the attacks on the left over anti-semitism have been effective in an electoral sense at all. Nominees for the post of general secretary of the public services union, which has more than a million members, were surveyed by activists on how they would support black health and social-care workers if elected. They are overwhelmingly pro-public ownership and generally anti-war. Britain that’s fighting for one by joining the 501 club. You can’t buy a revolution, but you can help the only daily paper in The UNISON General Secretary election in the light of the suspension of Jeremy Corbyn. Giant union Unison has refused to comment on reports that it has put John Stolliday in in charge of the election processes in the contest to replace outgoing general secretary Dave Prentis, even though Stolliday is one of the former Labour staff accused in the leaked Labour Party report still under investigation by the Forde Inquiry. The Morning Star is unique, as a lone socialist voice in a sea of She was seen by many as the continuity candidate to succeed the centrist, Dave Prentis and was backed by Unison executive and the bulk of Unison’s ruling faction (though she also had … Britain that’s fighting for one by become a member of the People’s “Roger has not been contacted by the party and condemns an attempted trial by media,” a spokesperson said. She said regions need resources and freedom to deal with issues independently. Paul is the members’ candidate, from the shop floor. The manifesto of the clear frontrunner, Christina McAnea, does not offer the change which UNISON needs. janvier 18, 2021 L’Union africaine prend note de la proclamation des résultats définitifs de l’élection présidentielle en République Centrafricaine; janvier 12, 2021 Press briefing on the status of AfCFTA; janvier 12, 2021 Africa’s Infrastructure Ministers Validate Africa’s Infrastructure Priorities for 2021-2030 Over time accusations shifted from being directed at associates or allies of Corbyn to the leader himself. POLICE officers have shot dead at least 135 unarmed black men and women in the past five years in the United Sates, according to a shocking new rep. We're a reader-owned co-operative, which means you can become part of the paper too by buying shares in the People’s Press Printing Society. The right point to Corbyn’s personal unpopularity as the reason the party lost, and you could argue that anti-semitism allegations were responsible for his dire ratings. The issue also tied up Labour activists in internal battles where time and energy could have been spent on campaigning and organising community support for Labour, so it may have had an indirect impact on its electoral performance. A McKenzie-led Unison would significantly strengthen that resistance. you, our readers and friends. To what extent the accusations were connected to support for Israel and its occupation of Palestine is contentious. The main impact of the attacks was not on the Labour vote but elsewhere. Labour Party leadership election image copyright PA Media The UK's three biggest unions are changing leadership, while Labour's governing body has been holding elections. INTRODUCTION Le premier tour de l’élection présidentielle en République Togolaise a eu lieu le 22 février 2020. In contrast to much of the 20th century, the unions have become a force for the left within Labour. Now, with even greater audacity, they take aim at one of the leading veterans of anti-racist campaigning in Britain, a man who knows what it is to suffer discrimination and abuse because of his race, and a widely admired trade union heavyweight to boot. printing, distribution and staff costs — help keep our paper thriving by 2556. corporate media. They were used to cow the left, to disorient it and keep it constantly on the defensive. Under her leadership, the Acquisition and Financial Assistance product suites have grown to serve more than 50,000 authorized users in more than 100 United States federal government agencies. Lending has served as the Chief Technology Officer for Unison (formerly Compusearch Software Systems) since 1995. Are we to allow the shills trying to hound Corbyn out of Labour to decide who can and who cannot be a trade union leader? “If necessary he will contest any allegations that he has breached party rules and remains focused on his campaign ... and steadfast in his lifelong opposition to racism and anti-semitism.”. Shares are £1 each — though unlike capitalist firms, each shareholder Unison paid officials caught sabotaging leadership election. McKenzie is running for the leadership of Unison — one of the two biggest unions in the country — and the existence of a “lengthy dossier” that has been submitted to the Labour Party about him has conveniently been leaked just as ballots are landing on doormats. Brock Lending Chief Technology Officer. Corbyn’s support for Palestine in such eyes was indistinguishable from his opposition to war: indications that he would change British foreign policy in ways unacceptable to them if he became prime minister. If this false interpretation of IHRA were followed it would so restrict the rights of Palestinians to campaign for justice and meaningful statehood that it would itself be a form of anti-Palestinian bigotry. Earlier this week we carried a piece from Andrew Berry in support of Roger McKenzie. A nivel internacional, la Administración Obama ha manifestado prontamente su liderazgo a partir de la elección presidencial. Nobody who knows or has worked with McKenzie will believe these allegations for a moment — but then, the same is true of the allegations against Jeremy Corbyn, as testified by the repeated, resounding votes of confidence in the former Labour leader by Jewish activists in his own constituency party, Islington North. As trade unionists, as socialists, as anti-racists, we must stand with Roger McKenzie and make clear the Labour right’s political game has no place in our unions. Ben Chacko is editor of the Morning Star. In August 2016 it endorsed Corbyn once again. tell truth to power. However, we had to be absolutely certain of the position before advising you of what can, or cannot be done. They all say it’s time for a black leader. Why did Leon Black pay $158m to Jeffrey Epstein? She beat fellow officials Paul Holmes, Roger McKenzie and Hugo Pierre in the leadership race, which began in October. Bolton UNISON have nominated Paul Holmes for General Secretary because… Our branch knows the candidate: Paul has the best record of leadership and fighting for members. Ms. Should Unison fund the Socialist Party or its candidates? It might seem rather brazen to level accusations of racism against one of the trade union movement’s best known black leaders in the year that Black Lives Matter swept the world. And its rulebook expressly lays down that elections for positions within union can only be campaigned on by members, not paid officials. The communist revolutionary Angela Davis famously said: “In a racist society it’s not enough to be non-racist, we must be anti-racist.” Those leading the charge against Corbyn have already prevented the election of Britain’s first anti-racist prime minister, in the sense of a politician for whom actively organising and campaigning against racism are core parts of their politics. Roger McKenzie and Paul Holmes are both within a couple nominations of the 25 necessary endorsements to be in the running. UNISON endorsed Keir Starmer and Angela Rayner in the 2020 leadership and deputy leadership elections, with Prentis writing on LabourList that “they have all the ingredients for a winning team”. He has firmly rejected the accusations. Worker from Newcastle a lone Socialist voice in a sea of corporate media provide public in! These claims for use against McKenzie is nonetheless a very serious further escalation are set! 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