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Author: Posted On: January 22nd, 2021 In:Uncategorized

In the past, they had played a certain role in the left of Unison. It’s general secretary election time at UNISON, the UK’s largest trade union. The union’s National Executive Council at a meeting on 23 July 2020, agreed a timetable for the election: full details and procedures Voting: Any ballot will run from 28 October to 27 November 2020. When the general secretary election was first mooted and discussed among the left, the Socialist Party said that the most important thing was to agree the programme and strategy required to transform Unison into a democratic and fighting union. Christina McAnea was elected UNISON general secretary in the 2020 general secretary election. Here’s why it matters – don’t miss out Here’s why it matters – don’t miss out Tomorrow is the last practical opportunity for Unison members to vote and have their say on who will represent them as the union’s next general secretary. Internal elections 2015 General Secretary election. In the event that you ask us to stop sending you direct marketing/fundraising/other electronic communications, we will keep your name on our internal suppression list to ensure that you are not contacted again. Unison general secretary election: It’s decision time Socialist Appeal editorial board 28 October 2020 Victory for the left would mark a huge turning point for the labour movement. This is revealed by the experiences in the 2017 and 2019 NEC elections, where seats were either unopposed or were a straight fight between right and left. We will balance your rights and our legitimate interests to ensure that we use your personal information in ways that are not unduly intrusive or unfair in other ways. General secretary election results. How the balance of forces have changed since 2015! Print / Translate ... UNISON, UNISON Centre, 130 Euston Road, London NW1 2AY. We recommend that you read PayPal’s privacy policy (available at,, ) prior to effecting any transactions with us through PayPal; or, GoCardless Ltd (“GoCardless”), a third party payment services provider. Only 4 of these are relevant to us: We will ask for your consent to use your information to send you electronic communications such as newsletters and and fundraising emails, and if you ever share sensitive personal information with us. Significantly, Paul Holmes took 40% of the votes that went to Roger Bannister in the last election. The length of time each category of data will be retained will vary depending on how long we need to process it for, the reason it was collected, and in line with any statutory requirements. General Secretary Election. After hearing from all … Members of the Unison union have voted to re-elect Dave Prentis as their general secretary. Christina replaces Dave Prentis, who is retiring after 20 years as general secretary. We may update this Policy from time to time without notice to you, so please check it regularly. I will blog further about the content of the Returning Officer’s report into the UNISON General Secretary election in due course (regular readers of this Blog - Sid and Doris Blogger - will appreciate that my modesty makes me uncomfortable with the observation in that report that over 100 complaints which were upheld came “from one member between 24 September and 20 November … A left victory in this election would have been a political earthquake throughout Unison and the trade union movement. The result of the general secretary election could be so different this time round. (3) When you give permission to OTHER ORGANISATIONS to share it or it is AVAILABLE PUBLICLY. Having been in and around every previous UNISON General Secretary election, as an activist, I thought I would share here my recollections of previous elections and some analysis of those results (on the basis that, whilst past This is an incredible vote given the circumstances. The lengthy delay between the close of the ballot and the timetabled date for the announcement of the vote has presumably been set to allow time for a full investigation into any complaints, after the unfortunate experience of the last election . While Christina McAnea, the candidate supported by outgoing general secretary Dave Prentis, has won, the potential has been shown for the union's right wing to be defeated. Dave Prentis re-elected as UNISON general secretary, General secretary election 2020 processes and procedures, Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement 2019. While the official grassroots left almost tripled its vote since then, the Socialist Party vote has fallen by one third, coming bottom of the poll. The left wing must now look ahead and fight for a majority on the union's NEC - its leading body - which will be a key step in transforming the union and the wider labour movement. “The next five years will be difficult ones for our union and for the UK’s public services. Nominations for this open on 1 February. (1) Enable you to subscribe to our hard copy publications; (2) Send you information about our work, campaigns, organisations and any other information, products or services that we provide (this will not be done without your consent); (3) Provide you with the services, products or information you have requested; (4) If you request, put you in touch with other supporters in your area (who have also provided such consent); (5) Handle the administration of any donation or other payment you make via credit/debit card, cheque, standing order or BACS transfer; (6) Collect payments from you and send statements and/or receipts to you; (7) Conduct research into the impact of our activity / campaigns; (8) Deal with enquiries and complaints made by you relating to the website or us in general; (9) Make petition submissions to third parties, where you have signed a petition and the third party is a target of the campaign to which the petition relates; and/or. Being a member, or retired member, of UNISON entitles you to a vote if you were a member on 28 July 2020. Who is the general secretary? Dear branch secretary Gen Sec Election 2020 I am seeking your branch’s nomination for the General Secretary election as a lay member. UNISON, UNISON Centre, 130 Euston Road, London NW1 2AY. In this election, the combined votes for the left was over 70,000, compared to 63,900 votes for the right wing – a huge increase on previous elections. While Christina McAnea, the candidate supported by outgoing general secretary Dave Prentis, has won, the potential has been shown for the union's right wing to be defeated. General secretary election results Christina McAnea has today been elected as general secretary of UNISON, the UK’s largest union We do not knowingly process data of any person under the age of 16. We would only collect sensitive personal data if there is a clear reason for doing so; and will only do so with your explicit consent. This meant that the 31 nominations that Hugo Pierre picked up – according to the rules – then blocked those bodies from supporting Paul throughout the campaign. The race is now underway to succeed Dave Prentis as general secretary of the party-affiliated trade union UNISON when he retires at the end of 2020 after two decades in the top role. In a member-led union, UNISON encourages you to be heard and to have a say in who you think should be our next General Secretary. He received the nomination of 31 branches across the country and the different sectors Unison organises, and was also endorsed by the union's National Black Members' Committee. We link our website directly to other sites. By Jon Rogers The well-attended online rally in defence of Jeremy Corbyn on 30th October heard contributions from two… It would have changed the entire dynamic. We encourage you to read the privacy policies of any external websites you visit via links on our website. Earlier this week we carried a piece from Andrew Berry in support of Roger McKenzie. Nevertheless, the combined vote for the left indicates enormous potential for this year’s elections to the Unison national executive committee. UNISON General Secretary election - it's not over until the Returning Officer sings? We may also use agencies and/or suppliers to process data on our behalf. Do we process sensitive personal information? If anything is missing from your election pack, or you lose your ballot paper please call our ballot helpline free on 0800 0 857 857 or on textphone 0800 0 967 968. There will also be information about the candidates who are standing to be general secretary. This is why, whatever the merits of individuals, they can never again be trusted. Jobs: Poverty wages: When workers can't afford to self-isolate An election will be held to appoint a new general secretary. We are not required by law to have a “Data Protection Officer” – however we have a Data Protection Manager. Being a member, or retired member, of UNISON entitles you to a … As a UNISON member you should soon be receiving your ballot paper in regard to the upcoming elections for UNISON’s next General Secretary (if eligible to at the time the election was announced) With your voting slip there will be candidate addresses. This Privacy Policy does not cover external websites and we are not responsible for the privacy practices or content of those sites. Yesterday’s results from the UNISON general secretary election show the enormous potential strength of the left, if united. To exercise these rights, please send a description of the personal information in question using the contact details in section 15 below. The trade union bureaucracy represents an enormous brake on the movement, especially at this critical time. Christina McAnea was elected UNISON general secretary in the 2020 general secretary election. We encourage you to read the privacy policies of any external websites you visit via links on our website. If there hadn’t been three left campaigns fighting for votes for three different candidates, the result would have been entirely different. Every UNISON members is encouraged to use their vote. Please read it carefully to understand how we use your personal data. Without any doubt, this year the left is preparing a new chapter in the history of Unison / Image: Socialist Appeal. We need to stand up against a government set on consigning the public sector to the history books, whose austerity policies are starving communities of the services they relyupon, and holding down the pay and living standards of dedicated public servants. The general secretary election is your chance to vote to elect the most senior person in our union. You may give us your personal data in order to subscribe to a newsletter or publication, when you contact us by phone, email or post, when you sign a petition / statement, and/or when you donate money to us. The results and reports from the general secretary election 2020. Failure to do so criminally robbed the left of such an outcome. If you want more information about joining the IMT, fill in this form. In fact, Holmes won more than three times the number of votes received by McKenzie, a Unison assistant general secretary. At the moment within the union we are in the middle of a heated battle for the position of a new general secretary. Assistant general secretary Roger McKenzie, backed by Jeremy Corbyn and much of the “official” Labour left, got 14,450 votes, and the Socialist Party’s Hugo Pierre 10,382. We keep this Privacy Policy under regular review and reserve the right to update from time-to-time by posting an updated version on our website, not least because of changes in applicable law. We may collect, store and use the following kinds of personal data: (1) We will typically hold your name and contact details, including telephone number, location, and e-mail address. We must therefore up the ante. Without any doubt, this year the left is preparing a new chapter in the history of Unison – the biggest union in Britain, with 1.3 million members. for details on the way our use of cookies affects your personal data. The ballot in the general secretary election in public sector union Unison has closed. An election will be held to appoint a new general secretary. Voting in the ballot was as follows (in alphabetical order): Paul Holmes 45, 220 (33.76%) The election runs from the 9th November to 4th December with results being declared on 17th… In the past, the Unison broad left has never even put up a full slate for the NEC. The provision of your personal data to us is voluntary. As Paul Holmes explained in response to today’s results: “The fight continues with renewed vigour!”. We will only ever do so when strictly necessary. After hearing from all … This turned out to be false. We are awaiting the results of the election for UNISON General Secretary. Results from the general secretary election for Unison (Britain's biggest trade union) show the enormous potential strength of the left, if united. This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) sets out our data collection and processing practices and your options regarding the ways in which your personal information is used. Philippines: Duterte escalates repression, mass fightback needed! However, in the end, McKenzie’s campaign was sufficient to take vital support away from Paul Holmes. We may also merge or partner with other organisations and in so doing transfer and/or acquire personal data. The result of the Unison general secretary election shows the mood for change in the biggest public sector union. You can also unsubscribe from our email list by, Personal information is processed on the basis of a person’s consent, Personal information is processed on the basis of a contractual relationship, Personal information is processed on the basis of legal obligations, Personal information is processed on the basis of legitimate interests, Internal and external audit for financial or regulatory compliance purposes, Conventional direct marketing and other forms of marketing, publicity or advertisement, Unsolicited messages, including campaigns, newsletters, and fundraising appeals, Analysis, targeting and segmentation to develop and promote or strategy and improve communication efficiency, Personalisation used to tailor and enhance your experience of our communications, Processing for historical, scientific or statistical purpose, Delivery of requested products or information, Communications designed to administer existing services including subscriptions, administration of petitions and financial transactions, Maintaining a supporter database and suppression lists, Processing financial transactions and maintaining financial controls, Prevention of fraud, misuse of services, or money laundering, Reporting criminal acts and compliance with law enforcement agencies, We link our website directly to other sites. The general secretary election is your chance to vote to elect the most senior person in the union. As part of a debate on the UNISON General Secretary election, Jon Rogers makes a case for supporting Paul Holmes below. Friday was the closing date for receipt of ballots in the UNISON General Secretary election. But he had little active support on the ground. “The last few months have been challenging, but now the whole union must come together and work relentlessly to fight for public sector workers, their rights at work, their jobs and their pay. You can check the personal data we hold about you, and ask us to update it where necessary, by emailing us, Please let us know if you have any queries or concerns whatsoever about the way in which your data is being processed by emailing the Data Protection Manager at, China: Jack Ma cowed, but instability still looms, The sabre and the gavel: Cienfuegos and the impunity of the Mexican military, 10 years on: lessons of the Egyptian Revolution. Posted on 2 November 2020 2 November 2020. While the right wing have a majority on this body, it is very narrow. UNISON is Britain’s biggest trade union, with 1.3 million members, more than 70 percent of whom are women. Dave Prentis, our current General Secretary has announced he is to retire on 31st December 2020. The general secretary election is your chance to vote to elect the most senior person in the union. We recommend that you check this Privacy Policy occasionally to ensure you remain happy with it. But he and the Socialist Party refused. For the SP, it was clearly a game of putting the prestige and sectarian interests of their tiny group before the interests of the union membership and the broader working class. This is the lowest percentage vote for any right-wing candidate in recent times, which has been falling steadily at each election. We are awaiting the results of the election for UNISON General Secretary. 76%Women should be lead by a woman. As we explained throughout the campaign, Paul Holmes was the official left candidate, supported by Unison Action Broad Left. The Socialist Party is backing Hugo Pierre, who is standing on a fighting, socialist programme. Socialist Party members in Unison. Grassroots candidate Paul Holmes achieved an amazing result in the recent elections for Unison general secretary. Apparently it is - in the opinion of the frontrunner to succeed Dave Prentis as General Secretary of UNISON (expressed in an interview with the "Left Foot Forward" Blog) - both patronising and misogynistic to characterise her as the "continuity" candidate in the current UNISON General Secretary election. Originally published 11 Jan at |. Christina McAnea has today been elected as general secretary of UNISON, the UK’s largest union. The result of the Unison general secretary election shows the mood for change in the biggest public sector union. 1943. Christina McAnea has today been elected as general secretary of UNISON, the UK’s largest union. (10) Audit and/or administer our accounts. Please refer to our Cookies Policy for details on the way our use of cookies affects your personal data. Firstly, with Prentis standing down, the advantage of being the incumbent no longer exists. Any results will be issued on 11 January 2021. When McKenzie announced he was standing, a layer on the left argued that “he had the best chance” of beating the right wing. Where we consider that the information with which you have provided us does not enable us to identify the personal information in question, we reserve the right to ask for (i) personal identification and/or (ii) further information. When we use your personal information, we will consider if it is fair and balanced to do so and if it is within your reasonable expectations. The general secretary election is your chance to vote to elect the most senior person in the union. The Socialist Party is backing Hugo Pierre, who is standing on a fighting, socialist programme. UNISON is not currently fit for purpose. As part of a debate on the UNISON General Secretary election, Jon Rogers makes a case for supporting Paul Holmes below. This Privacy Policy. With this aim, the SP scandalously spread unsubstantiated gossip about Paul, in an attempt to discredit him. Though Paul did not win, the combined vote for the left indicates enormous potential for this year’s elections to the Unison national executive committee / Image: Paul Holmes 4 Gen Sec. Facebook Twitter Email More options. Haiti: Jovenel Moïse conduz país ao desastre, Rise of the Comintern and the role of Trotsky, Originally published 11 Jan at, Lockerbie 32 years on: imperialism, framings and cover-ups, Scotland: Labour right wing forces Richard Leonard out, Food poverty in Britain: school meals scandal reveals depth of the crisis, Britain: Unison election – potential for a historic left victory revealed, Britain: the struggle for safe schools – teachers’ backlash forces another Tory U-turn. UNISON General Secretary Election-Time for a change. Where we rely on your consent to use your personal information, you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time. But those days have long gone. Socialist Party members in Unison The result of the Unison general secretary election shows the mood for change in the biggest public sector union. 6 Comments on Last chance for Unison members to vote in general secretary election. On that basis, it would be possible to agree a single left candidate. This Policy contains important information about your personal rights to privacy. The challenges are colossal and the right wing have no answers, except business as usual. However, without providing us with your personal data, you will be unable to (as appropriate): contact us; subscribe to our mailing list; subscribe to any of our publications; or receive information about In Defence of Marxism. Otherwise than as set out in this Privacy Policy, we will only ever share your data with your informed consent. As a member, ex-shop steward, one time learning rep, and now employee, this contest feels like the most important in my working life. You can also unsubscribe from our email list by sending a blank email to [email protected]. Heather Wakefield can make the change. UNISON General Secretary Election 2020. Secondly, if Hugo Pierre drops out or fails to get the required nominations, this will mean there will be one clear rank-and-file left candidate. Christina McAnea has today been elected as general secretary of UNISON, the UK’s largest union. This is similar to previous years (the last leadership election was less than 10%). Commenting on her election to … Christina McAnea is the new general secretary of UNISON. Voting in the ballot was as follows: Paul Holmes 45,220 (33.76%) Christina McAnea 63,900 (47.7%) Roger McKenzie 14,450 (10.79%) Hugo Pierre 10,382 (7.75%). This is no ordinary union election. Everyone who is a member as of 17 February 2010 has the right to vote in this important election – that includes retired members. The direction of travel was clear. The Greater London region nominated Christina McAnea for General Secretary. There are only a few days left to vote in the Unison general secretary elections. We publish here a message from Paul, thanking … Results from the general secretary election for Unison (Britain's biggest trade union) show the enormous potential strength of the left, if united. We will get back to you as soon as possible. We use cookies to identify you when you visit our website. Push forward and elect Paul Holmes, the socialist candidate! Applicable law recognises certain categories of personal information as sensitive and therefore requiring more protection, including political opinions and trade union membership. I am standing on policies for the radical change that this union needs. for the privacy practices or content of those sites. This includes the right to ask us to stop using your personal information for direct marketing purposes or to be unsubscribed from our email list at any time. The left wing must now look ahead and fight for a majority on the union NEC – a key step in transforming the We are required to have one or more lawful grounds to process your personal information. General secretary election 2010 According to our rulebook and trade union legislation, UNISON has to elect its general secretary every five years. In effect, the right wing was given a free rein. Charlie Hore discusses why rs21 members in Unison are supporting John Burgess in the upcoming Unison General Secretary election and the battles that the union faces.. A critical election for Unison general secretary Socialist Party & Unison NEC member Hugo Pierre (centre), alongside others, taking part in the 8 August health workers' protests for a … Unison members face renewed attacks in local authorities, with increased privatisation and austerity; not to mention the safety of union members in hospitals, care homes, and other workplaces. Please refer to our. To exercise these rights, please send a description of the personal information in question using the contact details in section 15 below. Unison: Unison get sec election shows left can win NEC. She replaces Dave Prentis, who is retiring after 20 years as general secretary. We may transfer and/or store personal data collected from you to and/or at a destination outside the European Economic Area (“EEA”). Voting in the ballot was as follows: Roger Bannister 16,853 (12.6 per cent) John Burgess 15,573 (11.6 per cent) In limited cases, we may collect sensitive personal data about you. Whilst, in every previous UNISON General Secretary election, the candidate with the most nominations has gone on to win the most votes, the position of this year's front runner, whilst commanding, may not … In these elections, the left is more likely to be unified. Being a member, or retired member, of UNISON entitles you to a vote if you were a member on 28 July 2020. Who is the general secretary? The fact that this did not happen is the direct fruit of sectarianism, which always ends up playing a pernicious and reactionary role. A single left candidate would have won the Unison election.Voting was as follows:Paul Holmes 45,220 (33.76%)Christina McAnea 63,900 (47.7%)Roger McKenzie 14,450 (10.79%)Hugo Pierre 10,382 (7.75%).Division costs elections. The left who stood behind Paul Holmes are determined to have a fighting left majority on that body. We use cookies on our website to ensure you find the information you need in the simplest way. We will rely on this ground to process your personal data when it is not practical or appropriate to ask for consent. UNISON activists who don’t have the leisure time which is available to those of us who are retired may justly be perplexed by the ultra-sectarian and “over the top” reaction of some SP members in this General Secretary election. Socialist Appeal urges Unison members to back Paul Holmes. Every UNISON members is encouraged to use their vote. The ballot in the general secretary election in public sector union Unison has closed. Find out more about cookies and how we use them. انڈیا: کسان احتجاج کے 50 روز۔۔مزدوروں اور کسانوں کو غیر معینہ عام ہڑتال کی جانب بڑھنا ہوگا! (3) Right of erasure – as from 25 May 2018, you can ask us for your personal information to be deleted from our records. Dave Prentis was re-elected in an election with 49.4% of the vote of 9.8% turnout of members. Please note that some countries outside of the EEA have a lower standard of protection for personal data, including lower security requirements and fewer rights for individuals. Your information is only accessible by appropriately trained staff and volunteers. Every UNISON members is encouraged to use their vote. The union has held up well during recent years. At all times we aim to respect any personal data you share with us, or that we receive from other organisations, and keep it safe. The Branch backed Dave because of his impressive record of standing up for our Most of our interactions with supporters are voluntary and not contractual. (4) any other information shared with us as per clause 1. Added to the split in the left was the campaign by Hugo Pierre from the Socialist Party. Use cookies on our behalf secretary Gen sec election 2020 i am on! You find the information you need in the left, if united as! ’ t been three left campaigns fighting for votes for three different candidates, combined. Left can win NEC those accounts or services, fill in this form UNISON branch nominated! To use your personal information due to legal obligations which are binding on us give permission to ORGANISATIONS. Incumbent no longer exists in UNISON the result would have been entirely different have... 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