jan lili mi o kama tawa mi. These reasons follow. With just 120-123 words (depending on how you count), I didn't think it was possible to say anything. kinds which, happily, don’t turn up here. the subreddit's more for talking about toki pona. Prepositions can have their object as an unmarked noun phrase in whatever role they play. The Toki Pona (TP) conlang is minimal both in the vocabulary (with only 14 letters and 124 lemmas) and in the (about) 10 syntax rules. (Phonologically and orthographically they remain phrases of distinct words, though semantically the less perspicuous compounds in 2013, it was twelve days of giftsin 2014, it was twelve days of dumbin 2015, it's TWELVE DAYS OF LEARNING! It was created by Canadian linguist and translator Sonja Lang for the purpose of simplifying thoughts and communication. Toki Pona is published by jan Sonja on her website geocities.com/marraskuu1978. Nouns as modifiers have the “pertaining to” sense, including possession, if that applies, or some other vagu sense. Conculture is a constructed culture. jan Ape o, toki sin sina li pona tawa mi. ala! It is inspired by Taoism and the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. Learning toki pona? In Toki Pona, the words 'toki pata' mean "sibling language." It has 92 words with 4 pronouns and a some extra words used for grammar. o tawa soweli li kalama sama soweli sewi. My desires lead me. ona li ike ali. Conlang SE; Bag of Words Syntax; Conceits and Lies; Why it’d be cool to be able to search for Esperantists on AirBnB; Draft for tp++ as toki pona superset for a toki pona cross compiler; Recent Comments. Oh, boy. This plant is your enemy. Bob on Meanings of Small in the area of Languages; Bob on About; John E. Clifford on Valency in Lojban and toki pona and are followed by its complement NP. tawa sina kama la mi pana e toki sona ni. According to Wikipedia, the language is "designed to shape the thought processes of its users, in the style of the Sapir–Whorf hypothesis in Zen-like fashion". The only phrases here are those indicating time at which the whole occurs: “now,” “today”, “before your trip” and one indicating a point of view “as for me”. In general, though, possessives seem to come toward the end and numbers last of all. I have follow my whims. Sonja Elen Kisa. mi sitelen e toki mute ni. sama ni: mi tawa lon sitelen lape suli. I have here given only the one that actually occur in the text and with the meanings most apt to the case. Usually, what is added is a single word. Today, you ride to the mountains. under my own rules and a nightmare guides me into deepest darkness. The short formula for a sentence is: (Condition LA) Subject LI Verb (E DO) (Prepositional Phrase, PP). Or abtractions from their verbal sense. Grammar and Vocabulary toki pona has an invariant vocabulary and strict word order: SVO and NA. monsuta lape li lawa e mi tawa insa pi pimeja ali. It will corrupt you and your horse and your ancestors. LI is omitted if the subject is just ‘mi’ or ‘sina’. San Diego, CA 92103 To introduce myself, I'm 14 years old, love languages, and am from Pennsylvania. sitelen sona li ike kin. They become transitive verbs that mean either (or both) “causes DO to become” or “applies to DO” (‘jan li telo e jan ante’, ‘telo’ meaning “water” means either “a person melts – causes to become liquid – another” or “one person wets down another” applies water to them. ali li ike lili, li ken ike mute!" Verb is similar, except that the head is a verb. taso tenpo pi mun suli taso la o moku e ona. The limited vocabulary (around 120 words) tend to be used in all parts of speech with more or less obvious connections between the uses. Each language, especially the non-natural ones, has a … But the map for the road is a forgery, the signs are wrong. Hi all, My name is Brian and I'm new to the forum here. If the whole of Subject is ‘mi’ or ‘sina’ or ‘o’, the ‘li’ on the verb is dropped for the verb immediately following the Subject, but not for later verbs in the same sentence. It is remarkable for the fact that it only has 14 phonemes and 123 root words. Here I give only the uses and meanings relevant to this passage. Oh, and Sapolim, which is doing something similar to what I want to do. They become nouns as the abstract or particular of the action or, most commonly, as the general type of the DO. As noted, prepositions as verbs (here, only ‘tawa’, I think) can be followed by any number of modifiers and then by their prepositional Phrase. My child, come to me. ijo ni li pali ante: A thing did something. taso mi toki e ni tawa sina: tenpo sin la mi wile pali e toki sin mi. Prepositional phrases begin with a preposition (!) sina ken sitelen e ni kepeken toki Tika anu seme? Rules: Please don't add unrelated projects or post unrelated things in the comments. Subject pronouns indicate 1st, 2nd, and 3rd person, but do not indicate plurality or gender, and have no articles. Thus, while ‘moku’ “eat” as a noun may mean “eating”, it is more likely to mean “food’, what all DO’s of ‘moku’ are. https://discord.gg/Byqn5z9 (ma pona pi toki pona/the good land of toki pona) if you want to chat the discord's the place to go. This app contains a dictionary, quizzing tool, and a few small comics with sample phrases you can use to get started. tenpo ni la sina tawa weka tan kulupu mama sina. I got root words from 22 different languages. To motivate yourself to learn a language like toki pona, you got to get lingua francathinking out of your mind. tenpo ali la mi lon tenpo suno ali. mi lukin pi pilin pona. Direct Objects, if they occur are NP ljke the subjects, but introduced by E and always coming after all the verb stuff. o moku e palisa ni. After about 30 hours of study you know all the grammar and vocabulary you need to know, and switch to the hard task of learning to be expressive. Join millions of people who are already learning for free on Memrise! With such a small number, each word tends to have a range of loosely-related meanings rather than one precise meaning, so the same word may have to be translated differently in different parts of the text. taso sitelen nasin li kama ike. tenpo wan taso kin la o pilin ala e kasi pi kili pi laso loje. It is totally evil. Modifiers become transitive verbs in the causative sense. The only Toki Pona studios on Scratch are inactive so I made this one. The way the … Most of these are transparent, but a few have become idioms and are included here, just in case. Subject, Phrase, and DO are a noun and whatever modifiers it may have. San Diego, CA 92103 kili palisa pi loje jelo li kama suli lon anpa ma. If you would like to join, ask in the comments. Specifically, Kisa proposes that toki pona encourages its speakers to think simply and to focus on basic reality rather than abstract or euphemistic concepts. It was my attempt to understand the meaning of life in 120 words. Noe. Alphabet: a,e,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,s,t,u,w – all normal for English except j = Eng. It was first published online in 2001 as a draft, and later in complete form in the book Toki Pona: The Language of Good in 2014. The continent and country names listed below are copied as they appear in Toki Pona: The Language of Good by Sonja Lang, the creator of Toki Pona. But the fruit tastes sweet. toki pona has an invariant vocabulary and strict word order: SVO and NA. of its closed root vocabulary, it makes extensive use of phrasal compounds. like, similar; reflexive pronoun, tawa n motion, travel to, goal; v. go; prep toward, Language Creation Society ala! Welcome to Memrise! The language is useful for being a used and somewhat established minimal conlang with at least hundreds of fluent speakers. Toki Pona has several interesting features as a result of it's minimalism. Before your journey, I give you this advice. akesi ni li ken kama ala seli li monsuto e soweli sina. 2 votes y (and the vowels should be “purer”). There are no articles of any kind in toki pona. Toki Pona is a conlang by Sonja Lang. The official site tokipona.org is now mainly publicity for the official book, aka. The whole constitutes a Noun Phrase, NP. My child, ride on; ride on and raise a noise like a goat. Eat these fingerlings, but only eat them at the full moon. Every sentence of toki pona fits this mold, (Condition la) Subject li Verb (e DO) (Prep Phrase). Maybe a person can eat it and its dried form. Post by janPajen » Fri Jun 25, 2010 1:40 am . It’s fast, it’s fun and it’s mind-bogglingly effective. I went deep into Toaq, Ceqli, Toki Pona, and Toki Pona Enhanced. lon o, sina tawa wawa weka. Conditions here are either time phrases ‘tenpo X’ where X specifies what sort of time – past, day, all – or connection marked by PP. mi pilin pona. Toki Pona is a minimalistic artificial language with only 123 root words created by Sonja Lang, aka. trying to discover the place where I am supposed to fit in. jan lili mi o, mi pana e toki wile ni: mi pakala ali e sina. There are a lot of other Toki Pona is a pidgin-like language d… I always live every day. Toki Pona ("good speech"/"good language") is a relatively famous a priori conlang which was created by Sonja Elen Kisa in 2001. Conlang Success. It is very easy to learn. toki pona Designed to be easy above all, it actually is easy to learn. Long skinny orange plants under ground. ona li jaki e sina e soweli sina e mama pini. Toki pona is a constructed language--or "conlang"--invented by Sonja Elen Kisa. Always, I live every day. ‘taso’ is a condition but does not need ‘la’. Toki Pona has a base vocabulary of 118 words. It tastes good. Language Creation Society Condition is either a sentence (the “if” clause of a conditional) or a phrase. Toki Pata is a tokiponido, which is to say that it is a child or offspring language of the artlang Toki Pona, created by linguist Sonja Lang (née Sonja Elen Kisa) in 2001 and finalized in 2014. Toki Pona is a philosophical artistic constructed language known for its small vocabulary. toki pona is not and will never be a language for substantive communication between people who otherwise couldn't communicate. The limited vocabulary (around 120 words) tend to be used in all parts of speech with more or less obvious connections between the uses. Aside from a few function words: e, la, li, pi occuring here, most words can occur in any meaningful position: head noun, verb, modifier and a few: lon, tan, tawa, also as prepositions. What Toki Pona is not concerned with, however, is having the simplest, maximally expressive grammar. That goal is to distil thought down to its very essence by means of as small a vocabulary as possible. A constructed language (sometimes called a conlang) is a language whose phonology, grammar, and vocabulary, instead of having developed naturally, are consciously devised.Constructed languages may also be referred to as artificial languages, planned languages or invented languages and in some cases, fictional languages.Planned languages are languages that have been purposefully designed. The closest translation was "The strength of Libya beside many commands of vice president of Atlantis" by jastako . Toki Pona is a minimalistic conlang created by the Canadian translator and polyglot Sonja Lang (formerly Sonja Elen Kisa) and first published online in 2001. The community is large by conlang standards, small as compared to an urban book club, and has been active for ten years. The influence of Libyan power on the election of Atlantis' vice president. Read about it in Business Insider, The Guardian, Wikipedia, The Globe and Mail, The Atlantic, The New Yorker, ساسة بوست. While activity mostly takes place online in chat rooms, on social media, and in other groups, ther So I bring it about that I use my own rules. There are only 120 words or so in toki pona, so most words have several meanings, more or less related, and occur in most grammatical roles. tan ni la mi kama e ni: mi kepeken lawa pi sama taso. Verbs are … It is a zero copula language, which means there is no verb "to be". Don’t! The Verb may be just a verb immediately after LI or a verb with modifiers (same rules as for Nps) or a modal followed by a word functioning as a transitive or intransitive verb or a preposition with its complement NP. On August 9, the website claims, “Toki Pona! as though wandering in a long dream. My child, I give you this promise: I will destroy you completely. There are no relative clauses either but the effect is achieved by a sentence about the item at issue (the relative clause) and then the main sentence with the key word marked with ‘ni’ (ijo li pali. toki pona is an invented language which has around 120 words in its entire vocabulary. The idea I had for this was to make an art / personal language based on my favorite conlang Toki Pona, with the goal of creating an easy to understand and less ambiguous version. ENGLISH TRANSLATION of Classical Arithide text, Life, you have rushed away. Existence, you run away. Toki Pona Place Names. However, ‘pi’ indicates that the block that follows (at least two content words – but the end is not marked) is taken as a unit. Here I give only the uses and meanings relevant to this passage. This reptile can not be set afire and will frighten your horse. tenpo wan taso kin la o pilin ala e kasi ni. akesi li toki tawa sina la o pana ala kin e wile pona tawa akesi ni. kalama li toki e ni tawa mi: "o lukin pi pilin pona, o pilin pona! Verbs become modifiers as any of the various participles. The full moon strenthens them and you too. The modifiers are added to the right in ordeer, each new one modifiying all to its left. As transitive verbs, prepositions tend to be causative: ‘mi tawa ala nena e soweli’ “I am not moving the beast to the hill” (causing it to move there). Modals (here only ‘ken’) are followed by Verb again, with its e DO and Prep Phrase, if needed. Finally, one plant has a purple fruit, DO NOT even touch this plant even once. Parenthesized items may not occur, Condition la can occur any number of times, as can e DO and indeed anything but Subject. New conlang inspired by toki pona! mi ken ala sona pona e nimi ali. If you do, you will be removed from the studio. A small community of speakers developed in the early 2000s. ona li pona pilin. tenpo ni la jan lili mi o tawa soweli. The consensus answer (thanks Oliver Mason) for how to translate Haters gonna hate into Toki Pona is the following: tenpo ale la jan ike li ike Tenpo ale la translates as at all times and captures the sense of inevitability in haters gonna hate in English. jan Sonja claims that the entire language has “150 words”. Quick-links to each section: Continents, Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe, Oceania. It feels like lots of changes are coming to greyfolk language. tenpo suno ni la sina tawa soweli nena suli. ken la jan li ken moku e ona e ona pi weka telo kin. taso kili li suwi pilin. Toki Pona Complete All the 118 Toki Pona Words. Conlang. kama, modal (followed by a verb phrase) come to, become , v. bring about, lon n, existence, life, place; v. live (takes noun comp. Toki Pona is a human language I invented in 2001. As nouns they tend to be the general type of their object: so ‘tawa’ as a noun is “destination”. As for me, if you even once took at the plant with the purple fruit, I will hunt you down and kill you. The word 'kipisi' (to cut) didn't make it into 'pu', but it was once mentioned on the official website. I’ve learned both about predicates and arguments as well as how to make a conlang fun and whimsical. A nightmare leads me into total darkness. ni li ike tawa mi tan ni: mi tawa ala e sitelen sina pi toki Puna. Klingon taso toki sina ali li sama e ni: nimi pi toki sina li lili. But the road map is bad and the signs are bad too. wile mi li lawa e mi. 'pu'. Thus, ‘mi tawa ala nena’ “I am not going to the hill” has ‘nena’ not as a DO, but as the object of the preposition ‘tawa’ even though it is serving as a main verb and is negated. as if I move in a big dream. mi la tenpo wan taso la sina lukin taso e kasi pi kili pi laso loje la mi alasa e sina li moli e sina. The thing that did something did something else). pona sona pi (wawa pi ma Lipija) poka toki lawa mute pi jan lawa nanpa tu pi ma Atilanisi. kasi ni li jan ike sina. Now you are away from your family. Every sentence of toki pona fits this mold (Condition la) Subject li Verb (e DO) (Prep Phrase) Parenthesized items may not occur, Condition la can occur any number of times, as can e DO and indeed anything but Subject. There is probably some order to the way that units are added, but no clear rules have been laid out. Conlang stuff report. United States of America. Not DO); prep in, sama prep. Toki Pona: The Conlang and the Conculture Posted on September 23, 2007 Conlang is a constructed language. Given the few words, many English words come out as phrases in tp. For, despite the fact that every word can turn up almost everywhere, each seems to have a home as a noun, trasnsitive verb (including modal), modifier, or preposition. Subjects are nouns, possibly followed by modifiers, which usually group left (each newer, righter, modifier modifies all that went before, to the left). The only phrases here are those indicating time at which the whole occurs: “now,” “today”, “before your trip” … mun suli li wawa e palisa ni e sina kin. 325 W. Washington Street, #2213 I don’t think that Toki Pona will fit your description of neologisms. hoping that logically it is all in my mind. That thing did something else. Toki Pona is a purely isolating language with no inflection. United States of America. pini la kasi wan li jo e kili pi laso loje. The Natural, Simple Language. The deictic adjective ‘ni’ is just that, it is used for things in the context and references already made. Toki Pona is, of course, a brilliant language, and its grammar is perfectly suited for its stated purpose of focusing on the simple and good parts of life. Role is determined by place: nouns at the head of subject, immediately after ‘e’ or a preposition, or sometimes immediately after ‘pi’; verbs immediately after ‘li’; otherwise modifiers. 325 W. Washington Street, #2213 Toki Pona is a constructed language with a specific goal. There are actually quite a few reasons why one might want to create one's own constructed language. It later moves to tokipona.org and kisa.ca/tokipona. Sometimes a phrase of more than one word will serve as a unit modifier and will be set off by PI before the phrase. Condition is either a sentence (the “if” clause of a conditional) or a phrase. Don’t, if a reptile speaks to you, DO NOT give this repitle your good will. Toki Pona was constructed by Sonja Elen Kisa in 2001. Meanings tend to vary with role, of course, but the variation is fairly regular (except that each word has – for an English speaker – an enormous and messy range of basic meanings) depending upon the base meaning. My Toki Pona inspired conlang. Since its inception it has been considered an investigation into linguistic minimalism, a proof of concept for the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis, and an application of the Taoist principle of 儉 (jiǎn: frugality, simplicity, or moderation). Is Brian and I 'm new to the right in ordeer, each new one all... Known for its small vocabulary sitelen e ni: nimi pi toki Puna be! Possible to say anything a reptile speaks to you, DO not even this! Language has “ 150 words ” around 120 words and 3rd person, but by... Pana ala kin e wile Pona tawa akesi ni get started is remarkable for the map. Kepeken lawa pi sama taso for substantive communication between people who otherwise could n't communicate li (. Went deep into Toaq, Ceqli, toki Pona has a base of... Of vice president of Atlantis '' by jastako kasi pi kili pi loje... Can use to get started wile ni: nimi pi toki Puna sina tawa weka tan kulupu sina! ’ is just that, it ’ s fast, it ’ s fun and it s... 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