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Po arrives on her scooter. Volume 90%. Featuring: The Childr… The Teletubbies run in and out of the house and have Big Hugs. Inside the House, Tinky Winky, Dipsy and Laa-Laa sit on their seats. She bumps into the slide and the walls until she falls off. Four Happy Teletubbies 1 (from Jumping,Making Lanterns & Music With Debbie US) 3. This Was Aired On 1999. The Teletubbies are asleep; five; flashing light. Po sits down on the slide and the other Teletubbies stand up and sit down too. They all do it again and again and laughing at the noises they make and fall over. In Version 2 is the only episode where Laa-Laa is chosen for the number TV event. Washing Up 6. The Teletubbies watch some children learn about the number 10. Inside the House, Tinky Winky, Dipsy and Laa-Laa sit on their seats. Then the Teletubbies watch a group of children sit on a bench and sing a version of `Ten Green Bottles'. She bumps into th… Shadows 9. "Numbers – 1 (version 1)" 10 April 1997 () The episodes starts with Laa-Laa outside the superdome, and the Teletubbies do the Running Away Dance. A voice trumpet brings a message that makes Laa-Laa laugh. Tinky Winky, Dipsy and Laa-Laa try to wash her, but she doesn't want to. They ask Po to join them, but she didn't want to, she wanted to ride her scooter. Po is now all c… The Teletubbies watch some children learn about the number 4. All the Teletubbies wash Po while a voice trumpet recites the Tubby Wash song. Afterwards, Tinky Winky, Dipsy and Laa-Laa get their knees dirty and have fun getting them clean until Pocomes in all dirty. Later, the Teletubbies take turns to stand on one leg. Dipsy was the missing teletubby in the 2nd UK Version. The Teletubbies watch some children learning about the number 7. Seven clouds appear but they quickly go away. Music With Debbie 1 4. Afterwards, the Windmill starts to spin and the Teletubbies watch the carousel with The Dan… In the US Version of Numbers - 1, after the sun screams, the Birds Eye View Windmill clip appears and then cuts straight to the TV Event. Version 2 is the 128th episode and first aired on 13th January, 1998. The Teletubbies watch some children learning about the number one. Featuring: The Children of Duncombe School, London. Some children learn about the number six. Teletubbies - Numbers 4 (US Version) Movies Preview. So everybody chases Po around the house until she gets her tubby sponge. • Stream what you love, from thousands of free and paid channels. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. play/pause. Inside the House, Tinky Winky, Dipsy, and Laa-Laa sit on their seats. Then the Teletubbies watch the Magic Tree before the Windmill stops spinning for Tubby Bye-Bye. Plot (US Version) Edit Inside the Home Hill, the Teletubbies pop up from behind their hiding places saying 'boo!' The Teletubbies And Their Fellow Friends Wiki,, Jumping 7. Once the game is over, they have a big hug. Teletubbies - Numbers 4 (US Version) : TinkyWinkyFan1998 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive. Numbers - 10. A magic cloud with magic powers, rains special magic flowers all over Teletubbyland. Then the Teletubbies watch the Magic Tree before the Windmill stops spinning for Tubby Bye-Bye. The Teletubbies love playing "Boo!" Animal Parade 7. Laa Laa enjoys counting the rabbits in the book. Later, a book appears in Teletubbyland. Season 1 (1998-1999) 1. Tinky-Winky … Also, Laa Laa was the chosen teletubby for the TV transmission instead of Dipsy in the US Version. Po arrives on her scooter. number 5 us The Teletubbies watch some children learn about the number 10. Po comes into the House on her scooter and brings the other Teletubbies along with her. The Teletubbies watch some children learn about the number 4. Featuring: The Children at Treasure Island School, Florida. In Teletubbyland, the Teletubbies turns wearing and dancing in the skirt. Laa-Laa makes Dipsy wear it even though Dipsy doesn't want to. The Teletubbies are learning their numbers and so can you! The Teletubbies watch some children learn about the number six. Version 1 of Numbers - 2 is the 30th episode of the original series and first aired on 9th May, 1997. The Magic Windmill spins for the Lion and Bear. The Teletubbies take turns to wear the skirt. Then the Teletubbies watch a group of children sit on a bench and sing a version of `Ten Green Bottles'. to the camera. TV Event: Playing in The Rain 5. Featuring: The Children of Duncombe School, London Numbers: Two 11. The Teletubbies And Their Fellow Friends Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. The Teletubbies do a conga line, then watch children learn about the number 5. Tinky-Winky, Dipsy and Laa-Laa play a jumping game and they count to 5 in 3 different languages (Welsh, Urdu and Spanish). The Teletubbies watch some children learning about the number 7. They find it very funny and they say 'boo!' They find it very funny and say "boo" to each other again and again. Po comes into the house on her scooter and brings the other Teletubbies along with her. The Teletubbies join each other on the table and a Voice Trumpet rises and counts to 7. Po also gets chosen for the Numbers 7 TV Event in the US Version instead of Dipsy. TheAnimal Parademarches through Teletubbyland and theMagic Windmillstops spinning forTubby Bye-Bye. Press shift question mark to access a list of keyboard shortcuts. The giant 4 app… Tinky Winky was the boo shouter in 1st UK Version. Jack and Jill (from Numbers: 2 (Version 1), the US Version of Rabbits, and Nursery Rhymes) TV Event - Farm Tour (Tinky Winky is the chosen) Tinky Winky's Heavy Bag (from Delilah Packing, and Here Come the Teletubbies) • Watch from your computer, mobile, and TV. Then the Teletubbies do the Calypso Dance (extended version) before the sun smiles for Tubby Bye-Bye. Po arrives on her scooter. The Teletubbies join each other on the table and a Voice Trumpet rises and counts to 7. Teletubbies - Children Visit a Woodland & Inspect Bugs Fall Down Dance- Cbeebies, Teletubbies - Larette Tap Dancing - Lithuanian Version, Teletubbies Larette Tap Dancing - Holland Version, Episodes that Tinky Winky have the TV transmission, Episodes where the Magic Windmill stops spinning,, This episode re-uses the opening segment from. Teletubbies - Children Visit a Woodland & Inspect Bugs Fall Down Dance- Cbeebies; Teletabiai lietuviskai; Spinning from up close Without sparkles; Teletubbies 43; Teletubbies - Larette Tap Dancing; Teletubbies - Larette Tap Dancing - Lithuanian Version; Teletubbies Larette Tap Dancing - Holland Version Tinky Winky, Dipsy and Laa-Laa get their knees dirty and have fun getting them clean. They find it very funny and say "boo" to each other again and again. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. After that, the Magic Windmill stops spinning for Tubby Bye-Bye. The Teletubbies run away from the giant number 4. The Teletubbies do The Falling Down Dance before they go watch some children learning about the number 3. Episode 1 Numbers 1. Laa-Laa was the missing teletubby in the 1st UK and US Versions. A voice trumpet sings '1 2 3 4 sing a song of 4'. The Teletubbies pop up from behind their hiding places to say "boo" to the camera. She bumps into the slide and the walls until she falls off. In Teletubbyland a giant inflatable number 4 appears from far away, making all of the Teletubbies fall over from surprise. The US Version has American children used in its segment. Teletubbies number 9 was the number nine nine got us Great great view from us [edit | edit source] got home a few days before we got home and got home from home now to the great [edit | edit source] Numbers 9 (US Versino) today [edit | edit source]. The Magic Windmill spins from its Birds Eye View and the Teletubbies watch some children learning about the number 1. Publication date 2020-08-10 Topics PBS Kids Language English. Laa Laa is out for a walk before the Windmill starts spinning. Four children learn how to play tennis. ... About Us What’s New Help Center Jobs API Become a Partner. The Teletubbies watch some children learning about the number 7. Teletubbies Carnival (US Version) Publication date 2020-07-10 Topics test, test 2, test 3 Language English. More The Teletubbies And Their Fellow Friends Wiki. The Teletubbies love playing Boo! Then the Magic Windmill start spinning again and the Teletubbies watch Little Bo Peep and her sheep. Afterwards, the baby sun giggling for Tubby Bye-Bye. Children learn about the number 10; the Teletubbies play a standing and sitting game. This is followed by a montage of objects illustrating the number 10. 1 Plot (US … They spot four clouds, four flowers and four rabbits. The Teletubbies do the round and round dance before Tubby Bye-Bye. Guitars 10. Afterwards, the Magic Windmill spins and Laa Laa joins the other Teletubbies as they go watch The Three Shipsbefore the Magic Windmill stops spinning for Tubby Bye Bye. Peppa Pig Learns Numbers. In Version 2 is the new episode. Laa-Laa chases Dipsy until he wears the skirt. The Teletubbies join each other on the table and a Voice Trumpet rises and counts to 7. Teletubbies Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Teletubbies and The Puddle (From Playing in The Rain Both UK & US) 6. Emily and Jester 2. To get this, the scene of the Teletubbies coming outside was removed. Laa-Laa is out for a walk before the Windmill starts spinning. Bubbles 8. Ned’s Bicycle 3. Here Come The Teletubbies Is The First Ever Teletubbies Specials 1. The US Version has the Calypso Dance (extended version) at the end instead of the Round and Round Dance. This is followed by a montage of objects illustrating the number 10. Addeddate 2020-08-11 00:50:17 Identifier Teletubbies Tinky Winkys Magic Bag - Tinky Winky learn shapes, numbers - Teletubbies Episodes. This is is the last episode to use the original roman numerals. Trivia. The book has pictures of rabbits in it. In Version 2 is the only episode where Laa-Laa … They all do it again and again and laughing at the noises they make. Breakfeast Time (From Ned's Bicycle & Numbers 2 1 US) 4. The Teletubbies do the Running Away dance before the sun sets for T… Addeddate 2020-07-10 18:45:46 Color color Identifier teletubbies-carnival-us-version Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.4 Sound sound Year 2020 Ice Skating 5. Inside the House, Tinky Winky, Dipsy, and Laa-Laa sit on their seats. The Teletubbies do the Calypso Dance before the Magic Windmill spins and the Teletubbies watch some children learning about the number 7. The Teletubbies pop up from behind their hiding places to say "boo" to the camera. Keyboard Shortcuts. I love Teletubbies as my childhood. Seven clouds appear but they quickly go away. In Teletubbyland, Dipsy and Laa Laa listen to a voice trumpet sing the nursery rhyme 'Jack and Jill', and then they re-enact the rhyme and roll away. Teletubbies - Tennis (US Version) by TinkyWinkyFan1998. A Voice Trumpet delivers a message that makes Laa-Laa laugh, then the Magic Windmill Spins so The Teletubbies watch some children learning about the number 1. Po sits down on the slide and the other Teletubbies stand up and sit down too. 12:33. Po was the missing Teletubby in both versions. Po arrives on her scooter. While Dipsy does his dance, the skirt falls off him and he runs away. The Teletubbies watch some children learn about the number '2'. Teletubbies: Numbers One (Version 2) - Full Episode - YouTube Back in Teletubbyland, Laa Laa plays Peek a Boo and Tinky-Winky surprises her. The Magic Windmill spins and the Teletubbies watch some children learn about the number 2. Then eight magic clouds appear inTeletubbyland,Laa-Laa bounces her ball eight times,Dipsycounts eight flowers andTinky Winkydoes eight turns. The Teletubbies walk around the Hills in a figure 8 and fall down, then theTeletubbieswatch some children learning about the number "8". Here are the list of episodes that aired in the US. During the opening shot, the occurs in Bird Bath. I wish there was more US Teletubbies episodes that I would love to see. Count from 1 to 7 with Tinky Winky, Laa-Laa, Dipsy and Po in this collection of 7 episodes. to each other repeatedly before the Magic Windmill starts spinning and they run outside to watch a group of children sit on a bench and sing a version of "Ten Green Bottles". Teletubbies Play Doh Eggs Learn Numbers Cars Disney My Little Pony Peppa Pig Teletubbies Hello Kit. After the Teletubbies run in and out of the house and have Big Hugs video, the camera cuts to the opening shot Field 1. Laa-Laa and Po play with the ball, and all the Teletubbies dance a walking dance. In Teletubbyland a giant inflateable number 4 appears from far away, a Voice Trumpet sings " 1 2 3 4 sing a song of 4", the Teletubbies run away from the giant number 4, they spot four clouds, four flowers and four rabbits, the giant 4 appears and the Voice Trumpet sings making the Teletubbies run away, four running Teletubbies, the giant 4 disappears and the Magic … Then the Teletubbies do the Calypso Dance (extended version) before the sun smiles for Tubby Bye-Bye. Po was the boo shouter in 2nd UK and US Versions. Plot (US Version) Seven clouds appear but they quickly go away. Teletubbies Intro (Po is The Missing Teletubby) 2. 13Th January, 1998 Laa-Laa get their knees dirty and have big.. Number 2 and US Versions Little Bo Peep and her sheep, London Ten Green Bottles.. ) Movies Preview last episode to use the original series and first aired on May. From 1 to 7 gets chosen for the TV transmission instead of Dipsy and sing teletubbies numbers us version Version of Ten! 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