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Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? Recently Changed Pages. Opening and Closing to Sesame Street: CinderElmo (2001 Hit Entertainment VHS). The gang spends the day celebrating primary colors. Eventually the group makes him a new baseball cap. When the gang plays hide-and-seek, Baby Bop says that an elephant is hiding in the park. Custom Barney Wiki. When Mother Goose's goose, Clarence, goes missing, Barney and the kids help her find him. Wikis. Everyone hopes to be able to play an instrument in the band, but only two people shine. Barney and friends learn about different safety rules including ones about crossing streets and playing on the playground. Rachel (Hunter Pecunia) 2. Barney and the kids have fun with art. A new friend has joined the gang and Barney makes sure that Colleen fits in and doesn't feel awkward. Everyone learns that it doesn't matter what kind of family someone has—it only matters that someone's loved. Wiki Content. Barney teaches everyone about teamwork as they visit a ranch. It starts everyone dancing and moving about. Barney helps the kids get a wide view of all the people who care about them. Barney, Baby Bop, BJ, and the kids are planning a Sports Day in the park. BJ and Baby Bop decide that it is time for them to get new shoes. The gang helps Danny overcome his fear of making a presentation in class. 1. Barney and the kids learn about water and the important place it holds in our lives. Barney then helps BJ learn the importance of being honest. Melanie can't sleep on her first overnight campout. Barney and the kids talk about feelings. Barney is determined not to let a few spring showers ruin the day. By accident, Ben includes the music box in a cardboard box of yard sale items and the music box is sold. Games Movies TV Video. B.J. Season 14 (2004) | Barney and Friends Wiki | Fandom. Barney’s Silly Songs (1995, Thevideotour1’s version) Barney's Around the Classroom! By the time he returns to the park, Rusty excitedly meets his new baby sister and realizes he will be the best big brother ever. Barney & Friends The Shrinking Blankey (Season 11, Episode 16a) Welcome, Cousin Riff (PBS Kids) Barney - Barney Songs (VHS Version) Barney & Friends Little Red Rockin' Hood (Season 11, Episode 4a) Barney Space Adventures - Trailer; Barney Space Adventures - Trailer 2 Barney, BJ, Riff, and the kids help Baby Bop search for her pet caterpillar, Monty, who has disappeared. Baby Bop makes her own school in the treehouse, using Ms. Etta and Scooter's insights of what's going on in the classroom. Laura, David, and Miguel find Barney's paper airplane–and set their imaginations on one goal: building a pretend airplane. Barney&Friends Wiki. Derek and Michael disagree about who gets to keep a picture of Barney they made together. Saves The Days; Great Summer; Barney & Friends Second Generation. Barney then takes her to France to learn how to paint from his friend, Pierre. The kids try to cheer up a girl they meet in the park. Barney and the children learn what it takes to be a good friend after accidentally hurting BJ's feelings. Barney's Big Adventure (1993, SuperMalechi's version) Barney's Around the Classroom! Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? Barney and the kids go on a number hunt after a gust of wind accidentally blows away Tony's box filled with numbers. Baby Bop sees a half-moon and thinks the moon is broken. Recently Changed Pages. Barney takes her to see the Man in the Moon. Register Start a Wiki. Barney's Let's Go on the Zoo Teaser/Transcript Season 14 of Barney & Friends premiered on October 4, 2010 to October 29, 2010. Kristen learns that it's not the size of her family that matters, but how she's loved. Wikis. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? Barney steps in when Baby Bop gets a little too pushy and bossy with her friends. Barney and Friends Wiki. Barney plans a day full of fun activities, with each activity representing a piece of a puzzle. 20,222 Pages. Barney takes him, BJ, and Baby Bop on an adventure to China where he can learn more about his new sister's heritage. Custom Barney Wiki. Using letters from A to Z, Barney and his friends set up an "Animal Alphabet Zoo". 3,471 Pages. Dr. TickTock stops by the school to make a special watch for Baby Bop. It's Barney's birthday and the kids, Baby Bop and B.J. This is also the first season to take place at Barney's clubhouse, although Barney lives at his house. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search Sign In Don't have an account? … Barney and the kids learn about how a dairy farm works. It's time for the evening concert with Mr. Boyd and his brass band. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? With the help of their imaginations, the kids explore all types of travel using cardboard boxes. Barney helps the kids to learn about how animals make their homes in the park. When Monty gets left behind by his insect friends and family, Barney takes everyone on a visit to Mexico, where Baby Bop will say goodbye to her butterfly friend. Riff, who doesn't want to be around bugs, is less than thrilled when BJ turns the caboose into a bug zoo. BJ injures his foot and can't play outside, so Barney suggests that he reads to help pass the time. Baby Bop feels left out when Barney's friends pay close attention to Riff while they are at an art festival. Games Movies TV Video. Jackson, Miguel, Rachel, and "Dr. Whitney" play check-up to see how they have grown. Robert's pictures from his summer vacation inspire the kids to have some fun in the sun on a cold wintry day, and with a little magic by Barney, they're whisked into a snowy wonderland. Games Movies TV Video. This is the first season to be in the Barney & Friends' Fifth Era (November 20, 2017-present). Nathan(Preston Falconer) 12. This is the first season to have the new voice actors for Barney, Baby Bop, BJ and Riff, along with their new costumes. Baby Bop shows an interest in boats, so Barney shows her some vessels on a computer. After arriving, they share their treasures and discuss the differences between their families. Min becomes the "Queen of Make Believe" and Barney shows the kids different ways to use their imaginations. Tracy(Victoria Lennox) 7. Wiki Content. Kioko is sad and Ben wants to make things right, so he and Barney travel to Switzerland in search of a replacement gift. Barney then takes him to Spain where they meet Regalo, who is a dancing horse. While there, they learn about France and how to paint by following their heart. When Daniel thinks that he is too little to do anything right, Barney tells him a version of the King Arthur legends, where Arthur pulls the sword out of a sandbox. Ryan finds out what is special about himself, after he tries to be like Barney. Barney talks about the value of staying healthy and pretends to give the kids a checkup. Barney teaches the kids about their teeth. BJ needs to save a princess in a make-believe jungle. in New York City 2000 VHS, Opening and Closing to Barney: Three Wishes 1996 VHS, Opening and Closing to Barney: The Backyard Show 1996 VHS, Opening and Closing to Barney: A Day at the Beach 1996 VHS, Opening and Closing to Barney's Magical Musical Adventure 1996 VHS, Opening and Closing to Barney's Campfire Sing-Along 2001 VHS, Barney steps in when a wheelchair-bound child is ignored by his friends, as they suggest games he can't participate in. Recently Changed Pages . Category:Season 14 VCD | Custom Barney Wiki | Fandom. Wiki Content . Riff can't decide on a Halloween costume. Reason: not specified. The show originated from the home video series, Barney & the Backyard Gang, which was produced by The Lyons Group from 1988. Barney also shows Baby Bop how to paint shapes. Register Start a Wiki. Barney and his friends go trick-or-treating in the park. The children use their imaginations to pretend they're in Laura's picture enjoying an island adventure. Barney and the kids learn about the postal system, and how to be patient while waiting for mail to arrive. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? Add new page. Add new page. Riff hears something in the park and tries to figure out what it is. A majority of this season (twenty episodes) was released on VHS by Time Life Video. Barney teaches Baby Bop how to deal with separation anxiety when she misses BJ and Riff, who are on a camping trip. Barney shows off a painting, which inspires the children to create an art show. "Lights! Recently Changed Pages. Baby Bop plays with "Stop" and "Go" signs and then directs traffic. Season 14 (battybarney2014's version) Season 14 of Barney & Friends originally aired on the PBS Kids 24/7 Channel from November 20th, 2017 to May 11th, 2018. 3,471 Pages. Barney and Friends pretend their playground is a jungle. From silly hats, shoes, tap dancing, and many other wearable things, Barney and the kids have fun dressing up Baby Bop's Teddy Bear. Barney and his friends learn how to exercise well. 20,203 Pages. 23,211 Pages. Curtis is upset about playing a tree in a school play. From a chalk hopscotch board made of triangles, the kids explore the shapes around them. Barney and Friends Wiki. 1. Ryan's grandfather is coming to visit him, so he can't go to the movie theater with Barney and the others. A flower that Baby Bop has been trying to get to grow dies when it gets too cold out one morning. When a new girl named Tosha comes to school, Barney and the others learn about friendship. Action! Recently Changed Pages. Barney & Friends is an American children's television series aimed at children aged 2–7 years old, created by Sheryl Leach and produced by HIT Entertainment.It premiered on PBS on April 6, 1992 and ended on September 18, 2009. Barney and his friends learn about the sea and the creatures living there. Season 14 consists of repackaged Season 10 and 11 episodes, but is still noted as a separate season. 20,216 Pages. Midway through the game, Barney narrates a dramatization of The Tortoise and the Hare. Add new page. Register Start a Wiki. Barney and the kids decide to make their own building. It inspires the kids to start a marching band. This season was taped at the ColorDynamics Studios facility at Greenville Avenue & Bethany Drive in Allen, Texas, as were the Barney & The Backyard Gang videos. They also learn the value of sharing and how to play safely. Singer Ella Jenkins visits and shares some songs with the group. Season 14 of Barney & Friends Credits PBS (2010) is a Barney Ending Segment aired on October 4th 2010 to November 2nd 2010. They learn that water is everywhere, and end up in the swimming pool making a big splash. The park has an international festival, which enables Barney and the kids to learn about Kenya, Brazil, Germany, Italy and South Korea. Baby Bop, unhappy with her own talents, wants to play the keyboard like Riff and be able to skate like Barney. While there, they meet some friends, learn new Hawaiian words, make a Hawaiian lei and dance a hula. "The Reluctant Dragon: A Fairy Tale Adventure". The kids find out that learning something new takes practice. When Nick, Mario, Whitney, and Gianna receive mysterious invitations to a picnic, along with instructions to bring a family treasure, they are all very confused. Barney tells Baby Bop and the children that things, both big and little, matter. The kids look at things that make each one special and write them into a blank book that Barney had given them. : A Movie Adventure". This leads to a lesson on animals and their different types of homes that they live in. Barney and the kids learn about hot and cold, then Barney turns the playground into a winter and a summer wonderland. Emma can't play with her friends because she has to complete a school project about her family. This was one of two seasons that was closed-captioned by the National Captioning Institute. BJ and Baby Bop help Barney prepare for a footrace by showing him how to stretch his muscles. Barney and friends perform in their own "Exercise Circus". Mario tries to write a fairy tale and the kids try to help by acting out their favorite stories. But he needs friends to help him decide what game to play. Barney and the kids help Miss Jo find her lost cat, and they learn a lot about cats along the way. Riff takes apart BJ's new toy airplane to see how it works. "The Misbegotten Moon: A Space Adventure". Classic editor History Talk (4) Share. All of the kids get to know each other better by helping out with a scavenger hunt. Barney asks his friends for some good ways to express anger and how to deal with it. Barney and the kids explore and enjoy the park while waiting for Mr. Boyd's park fountain to be delivered. Positive self-esteem is the goal as Barney teaches the kids that they're all special. It's Barney's birthday and the kids throw a birthday party for him. Olivia(Brenna Demerson) 6. He does it by telling a story about a dragon that wasn't at all what others thought she was. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. BJ and Riff try to see who can make the louder sound. Barney and the kids search for Stephen's lost stuffed bear. The children spend the day learning about trucks. Games Movies TV Video. Add new page. Barney, Baby Bop, and the kids end up in the story, involving a ship crashing on an island and a search for buried treasure. After learning about different countries on a globe, Barney takes the kids on a trip to visit his friends in Scotland, Israel, Africa, China, and Mexico. The gang works together to earn money to buy Goldie (the school goldfish) a plant, a castle, and another fish. Recent blog posts Help Explore. Baby Bop learns about fun things to do in winter, and she expectantly waits for the first snowfall. This leads to Barney suggesting that BJ and Baby Bop switch identities for the day. BJ decides that he wants to become a firefighter and announces it to his friends. March 9, 2004 (Amazing Season 14 Themes Ever) Movin' and Groovin' All Mixed Up / All Aboard! By the end of the day, everyone has experienced another country and have learned that wanting too much is not a good thing. Season 14 of Barney & Friends originally aired on the PBS Kids 24/7 Channel from November 20th, 2017 to May 11th, 2018. He teaches the kids all about the changes in seasons and that rainy days can be fun. 12,586 Pages. The gang helps BJ find the circus tickets that he lost. Register Start a Wiki. Baby Bop sees a falling star while camping with Barney and the gang in the park, and sets off to put it back in the sky. Things have gone buggy as Barney and the kids learn about bugs and insects. Their friends and family tree "blooms" considerably. Nobuhiko Okamoto; Hiroshi Kamiya; Kappei Yamaguchi; Barney & Kidsongs & The … He goes on some errands and later takes the kids for a car ride. He also gets a little lesson on bicycle safety from Mr. Boyd. Barney teaches his friends about the days of the week to help pass the time as they wait for a petting zoo to arrive in town. but the vocals are toned down instruments Seasons 1-3 and Vocals from Seasons 4-6. Season 12ofBarney & Friendsoriginally aired onPBSfrom September 2008. Barney helps BJ and Baby Bop deal with their anger. Meanwhile, Barney and the kids learn about various types of shoes. Barney's treehouse is the site for Robert's Mexican-themed birthday party. ), Barney & Friends Classic Collection (Korean 4 DVD's), Barney and Friends Classic Collection [Korean 4 DVD's], This page was last edited on 11 December 2020, at 11:57. Barney encourages the shy Riff to join BJ and Baby Bop in a special show. "The Amazing Captain Pickles: A Hero Adventure". Wiki Content. BJ takes credit for a portrait of Barney that he didn't paint. Wiki Content. After Min leaves for a trip to her grandmother's house, Barney takes the kids on a trip to "Imagination City". While there, they sample Swiss food, customs and games, but no music box. Wikis. Barney and his friends check out booths at their school's "International Festival". Barney knows a great story that originated in Greece called King Midas. Riff decides to create a musical zoo and gathers instruments that sound like real animals. Stella the Storyteller visits to tell "The Little Engine That Could.". The children use their imaginations to make a car for Barney. Barney helps the kids experience the differences between day and night. 15,840 Pages. Custom Time Warner Cable Kids Wiki. Barney teaches his friends that being themselves is important. Custom Barney Wiki . The triangle gets the most exposure, from rooftops to paper hats. Barney takes his friends to a forest and teaches them about different animals. Season 1; Season 3; Season 2; Season 5; Season 4; Season 6; More Barney Songs; Barney & Friends First Generation. Baby Bop also learns about safety when she bathes her teddy bear. BJ gets a stomachache from an overdose of pancakes. BJ (Jeff Brooks / Voiced by Patty Wirtz) [9/20] All of the children learn more about trains and finish up the day by cleaning up an old caboose in the park and learn how train signal flags work. Barney and the kids investigate a mysterious sound in the classroom. Chip teaches his sister, Linda, the letters in her name. Barney & Friends (Seasons 5-6): Uses the same music as the Season 4 theme song, Remix. With Barney's color hat, the purple t-rex and the kids explore different colors. Barney relates that little people have big feelings. While it is raining outside, Tomie dePaola visits and the kids share what they like to do on a rainy day. Register Start a Wiki. Games Movies TV Video. Baby Bop listens to a fairy tale while she waits to get a present. Barney's friend Mr. Tenagain comes to visit and the gang has fun with the number ten. When BJ forgets to include space for Baby Bop in his house, Barney reminds him that family makes a house a home. Wikis. He later learns his grandpa is more fun than he thought, and in return, the two of them decide to go to the movies after all. Barney tells Baby Bop the story of "Little Red Rockin' Hood" (Little Red Riding Hood, with a twist). The first three videos of the series starred actress Sandy Duncan.As the Backyard Gang video series was becoming only a moderate success outside of Texas (where it was pretty successful for a local video series), the daughter of Larry Rifkin (former head of Connecticut Public Television) got a Barney video from a video store. Danny teaches the gang basic computer skills. Custom Barney Wiki. Barney and Friends Wiki. Anna misses her friends from her old neighborhood, so Barney and the kids make her feel welcome. Barney (David Joyner / Voiced by Bob West) [20/20] 2. Season 14 of "Barney & Friends" Edit. Here's the intro to the 14th season of Barney & Friends. Games Movies TV Video. David (Emilio Mazur) 4. Baby Bop's friends teach her about rhythm after she joins a marching band. Barney & Friends (Season 7-Season 13): It again becomes more modern, this time with Barney Theme Song. Ben and Barney return to the park just in time for Ben to finally get a pony ride. Games Movies TV Video. Their hunt takes them all over the park and inside the caboose and they find numbers everywhere. If you disagree with its deletion, please explain why at Category talk:Candidates for deletion or improve the page and remove the {} tag. Love to Read, with Barney Barney … Barney tells the kids how rhythm is instrumental to music. Add new page. Barney takes the kids to Hawaii on a quest for a bird of paradise. Barney shows the others that even he can't do everything the kids can. Recently Changed Pages . Riff has a sore tooth, but he is afraid of the dentist. Playing Harp; … Add new page. Riff dreams of traveling to Mars, so he builds a rocket. The gang celebrates Barney's birthday, but Riff worries that his friend won't like the handmade gift that he gave to him. Add new page. While waiting to see the house, Barney and his friends discuss different rooms in a house. The kids think about growing up for jobs in their futures. Fire safety is the subject as a firefighter inspects the caboose. Min looks for someone to adopt a lonely puppy her dog gave birth to. Barney and the kids learn about pianos after finding Mr. Boyd and Banjo working on a player piano. Barney and the kids visit Stephen's classroom the day before school begins. Barney teaches his friends about the "ins" and "outs" as Angela sets her box turtle Terry free. : A Wild West Adventure". Baby Bop learns about letters and how to spell her name and has fun with the alphabet. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? Megan(Lacy Cavalier) 10. Baby Bop (Jeff Ayers / Voiced by Julie Johnson) [9/20] 3. Riff and Baby Bop hold a sale in the park to raise money for a new scooter for BJ after Riff wrecks his pal's old one. Layla feels disappointed with her culture, despite the fact that it is her birthday. Games Movies TV Video. Barney uses a rainy day to teach kids about rainstorms. Barney and his friends get to meet some new friends, twin sisters Ashley and Alissa. When the kids find a mysterious, colorful egg in the park, Barney takes them on a trip to Kenya to try to find out what kind of animal could have laid the egg. Kathy is sad because her family is too small. After Shawn shows his loose tooth, Barney and the kids learn all about teeth and dental hygiene. Eva(Laikyn Garcia) 11. Add new page. He, Baby Bop and BJ teach a lesson about seat-belt safety. When Kathy and the others bring teddy bears to school, Barney and the kids have fun with some of their favorite things. Most visited articles. BJ is excited for a camping trip, but can't stand waiting for it. 20,196 Pages. Wikis. The kids throw a party to celebrate a visit from Ashley and Alissa's aunt, Rachel. When Barney and the rest of the gang decide to help clean up the park, Kami feels upset because she can't work as fast as the others. All is going well until Nick shows up and lets them know he had an accident on his bike. Keesha, Stephen, and Jeff help Barney teach Baby Bop to jump rope. Category:Season 14 Cast | Barney and Friends Wiki | Fandom. Barney and his friends learn about the four food groups and how healthy food is good for one's body. Bob Singleton (battybarney2014's version), Opening and Closing to Tweenies - Song Time (1999 Lyrick Studios VHS), Opening and Closing to Tweenies - Song Time (2000 Lyrick Studios VHS), Opening and Closing to Tweenies - Song Time (2001 Hit Entertainment VHS), Opening and Closing to Tweenies - Song Time (2002 Hit Entertainment VHS), Opening and Closing to Tweenies - Sneezing (2000 Lyrick Studios VHS), Opening and Closing to Tweenies - Pirates (2000 Lyrick Studios VHS), Opening and Closing to Tweenies - Tweenie Band (1999 Lyrick Studios VHS), Opening and Closing to Barney in Concert 2005 VHS, Opening and Closing to Barney Live! Add new page . Barney then brings Emma on a trip to Venice to learn more about her great granddad. ), La Gran Sorpresa de Barney (Barney's Big Surprise! Baby Bop, however, gets confused between a tiger and a kitty cat, so Barney teaches everyone that there are different species of "cats" living in the world. He isn't sure if he's going to be a good brother, and he doesn't know much about China. Marcos accidentally breaks Melanie's art show project, but is afraid to tell her. November 7, 1995 (The Complete Season of The Season 1 to 14) Barney Songs Love to Read, with Barney The Backyard Show on Only 3 Videos!!! Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? To cheer her up play an instrument in the park place like home, emma is eager to her. Banjo working on a trip to Venice to learn how different families have different homes for people and.... Discusses things that do with the parade season 14 barney wiki that it 's not the size her! Kids take barney and friends are listed below streets and playing on the playground important while an... What make families wonderful airplane to see the house, barney and the kids about adjusting to babies! 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