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Author: Posted On: January 22nd, 2021 In:Uncategorized

RELATED: Star Wars: 5 Ways Rise of Skywalker Is A Better Trilogy Closer Than Revenge of the Sith (& 5 Ways It's Worse). MCU: 10 Characters Who Could Be Working For SWORD, 5 Reasons Why Rey Is the Beacon Of Hope ( & 5 Reasons It Will Always Be Luke), Star Wars: 25 Jedi From Weakest To Most Powerful, Officially Ranked, Star Wars: 5 Ways Rise of Skywalker Is A Better Trilogy Closer Than Revenge of the Sith (& 5 Ways It's Worse), 10 Subplots In The New Star Wars Trilogy That Didn't Go Anywhere, 10 Star Wars Cameos Even Devoted Fans Forgot About, Star Wars Most Powerful Beings In The Galaxy, Ranked, Star Wars: The Acolyte: 5 Things We Know About The New Disney+ Series (& 5 Theories, According To Reddit), The Office: 10 Characters Who Left The Show Too Soon, 10 Behind-The-Scenes Facts From Nora Ephron Movies, 5 Underrated Movie Trilogies That You Need To Binge-Watch (& 5 That Are Overrated), Ranking Disney/Pixar Movie Songs By Spotify Listens. Although Rey played a big role in taking down the first order, she was always sort of an outsider and is seen as a hero but not much more than that. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. Both Luke and Rey became great and powerful Jedi, but Rey learned quicker and has every bit of potential to be greater than Luke. RELATED: 10 Subplots In The New Star Wars Trilogy That Didn't Go Anywhere. Star Wars: The Last Jedi Adaptation #4 will be available July 4th, from Marvel Comics. 1 LUKE: His Saber Skills/Experience Although Luke started late and was reluctant, his saber skills became legendary in a short amount of time. But Rey wanted to jump right into it and was literally on Luke’s doorstep begging him for a chance. Her raw, untapped power seemed too great for Lucasfilm to suddenly introduce a … She even managed to impress the stoic Han Solo with her skills and knowledge of flying. We’re going to look at who in the nine movies helped instill more hope, Luke or Rey Skywalker. She wasn’t afraid of any challenge and was able to follow through her quest from start to finish. Zekk, like most Jedi who went to Luke's academy and survived the Yuuzhan Vong War, is more skilled with a lightsaber than Rey but her greater Force powers … It seems Rey now benefited from Luke's age, or questionable footing, if anything. 19 years later, he encountered former Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi(Under the alias "Ben Kenobi") and joined the Rebel Alliance to bring down the Galactic Empire. The goal of writer Gary Whitta is clearly not to alter, improve, or re-contextualize the events of Rian Johnson's film. It took Luke some convincing to want to become a Jedi and with good reason, being a Jedi is really tough. The Big Bang Theory: Which Character Has The Best Paid Job, Ranked? Star Wars fans who were disappointed by Luke Skywalker in The Last Jedi - we've got some good news. Which Marvel Heroes Have The Silliest Real Name? And she did it all without whining or hoping there was a mistake. Both Luke and Rey became great and powerful Jedi, but Rey learned quicker and has every bit of potential to be greater than Luke. When Rey tries to hit Luke from behind, he should've spun around and Force Pushed her off the island. Despite only being a Jedi for a couple of years prior to Return of the Jedi he was still able to go toe to toe with Vader and was able to defeat Palpatine. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. A one-stop shop for all things video games. Anakin Skywalker has had one of the most tragic story arcs in all of Star Wars, starting off as a promising young Jedi… And all things considered, this evidence may tip the scales. The film showed Luke swiping Rey's staff from her before she Force-grabbed his lightsaber and forced him onto the flat of his back. ForJustice1324 7 mo 19 d . After the fall of the empire, he would go on to establish the New Jedi Order and eventually serve as its Grand Master. She is a proficient student, quickly picking up lightsaber skills and showing off a tremendous connection to the Force. Images and Videos of Luke Skywalker from the Star Wars franchise. As a graduate of the University of Manitoba with a degree in English Literature, Andrew has grown to appreciate the story and writing behind everything from blockbuster comic book movies to schlocky B-movie action. In the case of the night Luke Skywalker finally took a stand against Rey, and refused to believe Ben Solo could be saved, it seems the rain was a bigger factor than movie audiences might realize. When we first meet Rey in The Force Awakens, we know she’s special. Rey vs Luke Written by MartinT (AFOL) in Norway, 14 Apr 2020 This is the only set from Ahch-To island. Rey faced off against two followers of Vader and Palpatine and they weren’t as powerful or as dangerous. Luke became one of the most powerful force sensitives ever the day he was born, he was meant for greatness. Two dumbfucks who thinks a disney girl even come close to Luke skywalker I mean grand freaking master Luke … Luke's blue lightsaber tumbles with it somewhere into the pits of Cloud City. She may not currently be… Rey Skywalker is a human female scavenger who discovered her latent Force-sensitivity while on a quest to find the legendary Jedi Master Luke Skywalker and bring a new hope to a galaxy on the brink of war. I hope LEGO will make more set in the future. Batman Faces A Surprising Threat With Superman's Most Unique Power, Silver Surfer Returns As The Herald of Marvel's New God, The MCU Ignored Doctor Strange’s Creepiest Allies, Rick & Morty: Why Rick Is Always Abandoning His Family. Last edited: 6 mo 18 d ago. Rey was a scavenger of the desert planet Jakku while waiting for the return of her family. Tyrannus 7 mo 19 d . 2 REY'S FORCE BOND IS MORE POWERFUL THAN LUKE'S She literally puts a bit of her own life force into Kylo Ren to bring him back to … Rey was so connected in the Force to Ben, Leia, and Luke in "The Last Jedi" that it would have been odd if she wasn't related to someone in the "Star Wars" universe, if not all three of them. Her adventure begins when she encounters the Resistance droid BB-8 and the former stormtrooper Finn (FN-2187). Rey vs Luke Skywalker # Rey Rey was able to her hold her own against her grandfather while Luke got blitzed by Palpatine in Return of the Jedi. 4 2 1 Kaaant Well-Known Member. Dec 31, 2017 #23 I wish Luke would nunchuck a thot into space to be honest . Instead, add another voice those who worked to bring the story to the audience. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Rey is nowhere near as much of a pain to Luke, who really continues to be as stubborn as always in the mentor role. It may have been that she didn’t have much to show for herself and wanted to make a name, but her determination trumps a younger Luke’s. Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Kylo Ren vs. Luke Skywalker SceneLuke appears and confronts the First Order to allow the surviving Resistance to escape. Let's talk about your favorite movies or comics. Screen Rant Editor Andrew Dyce was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. When she was able to interact with Anakin’s forgotten lightsaber and then able to take on and defeat Kylo Ren. But in the larger story of Star Wars - and even more importantly, the events in the main Episode films - no single scene or moment is ever overlooked by fans. Star student! › star-wars-luke-rey-protagonist-comparison It became a common theme for Rey, showing her great abilities and wowing everyone with just a few weeks of Jedi training. Rey even inspires Luke to come out of retirement. A one-stop shop for all things video games. 19 years later, he encountered former Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi(Under the alias "Ben Kenobi") and joined the Rebel Alliance to bring down the Galactic Empire. No, nobody is remaking Episode 8 to address online controversies, since that would be ridiculous. Luke's path to becoming a Jedi Master was a slow and steady one, barely picking up a lightsaber during the course of A New Hope. NEXT: Star Wars Most Powerful Beings In The Galaxy, Ranked. Rey: Saves Kylo Ren. Besides the force coming naturally to her Rey was also able to help a lot in the rebellion by her pilot and her excavation skills she taught herself back in Jakku. RELATED: Star Wars: 25 Jedi From Weakest To Most Powerful, Officially Ranked. And while the comic book adaptation of the movie doesn't give the victory to Luke... it does highlight the REAL reason he ended up on his back. A writer of all things awesome. 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Rey vs Luke? Personally, I think Darth Vader is the clear winner here. We knew Kylo was conflicted from his first appearance and Snoke’s reign was too short to compare to Palpatine’s. Although Rey also came from powerful lineage, Skywalkers are the strongest in the galaxy not even Palpatine's can compete with. The comic adaptation of Star Wars: The Last Jedi sheds new light on the fight between Luke and Rey - and why she didn't really 'win.'. Related: Star Wars Comics Reveal The Hero Movies Forgot. The idea that with no formal training, Rey was now capable - through either skill or sheer willpower - to best Luke seemed laughable to the other side of the argument. For some, this moment in Last Jedi was a powerful one, demonstrating just how far along or how powerful in The Force Rey had become. The son of famous Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, he was left on Tatooine with his aunt and uncle after the fall of the Jedi Order. Luke has decades of experience over Rey and that will always trump her progress and fast learning. Later, she learns about her Force sensitive powers and becomes a Jedi Knight fighting for the Resistence. A year passed with Dr. Aphra until she was dropped off at Jakku with her memories tampered. This is my visualization of how the battle would go: Backflipping off the TIE fighter and landing like a cat, Rey stealthily creeped toward the entrance of the compound. RELATED: 10 Star Wars Cameos Even Devoted Fans Forgot About. The comic book, given a bit more time to flesh out the sequence of events, makes one important change. A former scavenger of the desert planet Jakku, Rey then encountered Resistance droid BB-8 and former stormtrooper Finn (FN-2187) as well as Han Solo and Chewbacca.With them, she ventured to deliver BB-8 to the Resistance, as he possessed a piece of a map to the location of the legendary Luke Skywalker. Rey flies a ship for the very first time while trying to escape the First Order and does so beautifully, taking the First Order pilots on a whirlwind of obstacles. 10 Scariest Horror Movies Set During World War II, Ranked, The Golden Girls: Sophia's 10 Best Pieces Of Homespun Wisdom, 10 On-Screen Pairings That Didn't Work Out The Second Time Around, The Mandalorian: 5 Things The Highest-Rated Episode Did Wrong (& 5 Things The Lowest-Rated Did Right), WandaVision: 10 Ways The MCU Series Is Like The Truman Show, Gilmore Girls: The 5 Worst (& 5 Best) Things Emily Did, FBI: Main Characters, Ranked By Likability, All Spider-Man Movies, Ranked By Opening Weekend Box Office Earnings, Legend of Korra: What Your Favorite Character Says About You, Marvel Studios: Legends - 10 Characters Who Deserve Their Own Episodes. Rey (9) vs Luke (6): Luke normally, Rey with all dead Jedi. The end of the Skywalker saga left a lot of mixed results, including some open-ended finale to Rey and the gang. She is tr… Zekk's fear of using the Force too much in battle would give Rey an advantage in this fight. Luke was a general in the rebellion, which he took on shortly after destroying the Death Star and barely escaping his demise. Although Luke started late and was reluctant, his saber skills became legendary in a short amount of time. Along her way to deliver BB-8 to the Resistence, she also meets and become friends with Han Solo and Chewbacca. But Luke's combat skills compared to Rey's are being given a bit more credit. Her patience and uncanny ability to keep going make her an icon in Star Wars lore. Despite calling the vast nothingness of the Canadian prairies home (or perhaps because of it) film and television have been a passion since birth. When she rejected these powers and the cosmic responsibilities that came with them, she was capture… Luke Skywalker is the main protagonist of the Star Wars original trilogy. Rey vs Grand Master Skywalker # Grand Master Skywalker android _2301_ and neon. Today I’m gonna argue how the same arguments made for Rey can be applied to Luke and even Anakin slightly. Additionally, Rey later discovered that she is an extremely powerful and skilled Force-sensitive being. Rey is included because there's no doubt that she will become one of the strongest Jedi ever. Luke was born at the beginning of the Empire’s reign and had to face the two most powerful sith to ever exist and was somehow successful. Luke’s optimism is what made him a good Jedi as he persevered to become one even after everyone seemed to have lost hope in him. As we see more and more of Rey, we see her pilot skills are significantly better than Luke’s and almost compare to Anakin’s or Poe Dameron’s. Rey, like Luke and Anakin, got a late start to her training but was still able to learn and become a full-fledged Jedi in seemingly half the time it took Luke. Luke although was a minor presence in the new saga is arguably the most powerful Jedi ever with his experience and lineage. Luke Skywalker vs Rey: Who’s a Mary Sue Since TLJ came out, the amount of people who claim Rey is a Mary Sue has skyrocketed. He’s also able to see the good in Darth Vader and able to talk him back to the light when Vader was all but gone. The son of famous Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, he was left on Tatooine with his aunt and uncle after the fall of the Jedi Order. He needed to be trained by Yoda on Dagobah, while Rey … Like the Skywalker/Solos, Rey is naturally gifted at being a pilot and it comes through for her as she takes command of the Millennium Falcon and saves the rebels. That's right, according to that one little panel from artist Michael Walsh, Luke Skywalker ends up on his back due specifically to a slip, not Rey's supremacy in staff-to-staff combat (the literal "SLIP" caption makes it undisputable). But is she better than Luke? Rey became a quick fan favorite after displaying such power in such a short amount of time. When it comes to instilling hope and standing up for what’s right both these heroes do it in their own right and do it effectively. Luke Skywalker is the main protagonist of the Star Wars original trilogy. We knew she was destined for greatness even though she didn't. The moment may not have the same 'sizzle' as the question of whether or not Han Solo shot a Greedo first, but those rolling their eyes should be careful. Ordinarily, this would seem like a small detail. Hufflepuff, Taurus, INFP, Amateur photographer, professional adventurer. As a Skywalker Luke had become the beacon of hope when it all seemed lost in the galaxy and although it didn’t seem like he wanted to at first, he owned the role and was able to do what he was meant to. Rey became a beacon of hope because she was persistent. Even when she doesn’t have a lightsaber in her hand, she is a proven combatant, showcasing her fighting skills several times. Although we never saw Luke fly much, we know he was a good pilot but we haven’t seen enough in the movies to compare with Rey. Aside from giving Admiral Ackbar his last words - he was unceremoniously killed in the final cut of the film - the comic also showed Leia's space flight from her perspective. We'll let fans decide if it eases the disappointment. Rey Stops Snoke. Kira Rey Skywalker, commonly known as Rey and the Mal’ary’ush was a Force-sensitive human female born to Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade Skywalker on Yavin IV in 11 ABY.She was raised by her parents at the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin until her kidnapping at eight years old. He was able to defeat Vader as a young Jedi and as an older Jedi was able to easily take an angered Rey and was able to easily defeat Kylo Ren. Throughout the original trilogy and even in the new movies, Luke is well respected among the rebels and is even a legend to some. Luke after ROTJ got stalemated and even bested by Leia in a duel even those she had 4 years less training than Luke. “This is not going to go the way you think,” Luke Skywalker says while on the ground, before the trailer cuts to Rey raising her lightsaber. But who did it better? › star-wars-last-jedi-rey-luke-fight Fans who may now have a fresh controversy where opinions of Rey and Luke's battle are concerned. Already, the comic book adaptation of The Last Jedi has shed new light and storytelling on key moments of the film. Her quest involved getting a droid to the resistance, begging Luke to train her, and facing off against her grandfather. Which Stranger Things Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac? The sequel trilogy’s “real” big bad up until The Last Jedi seemed like it was going … V. Venice Well-Known Member. How a rookie lightsaber user like Rey could actually get the better of "the last Jedi Knight" in a fight is one of the most oft-cited criticisms among those who dislike director Rian Johnson's addition to the Star Wars series. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. Rey, as we know, was the star of the third and final half of the saga, bringing hope for the Jedi and the rebellion against the First Order. When we first meet Luke in A New Hope, we don’t see the same potential as in Rey but we do however see a young man with a can-do attitude and a willingness to learn and become great. The scenes that follow could even be seen as supporting that idea, as Rey goes off to save the day, leaving Luke and Yoda to consider the reality of their time now passing to a new generation. Its next appearance is decades later in Kanata's castle, when Kanata gives it to Finn to eventually find its way to Rey. show 2 replies . 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