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Author: Posted On: January 22nd, 2021 In:Uncategorized

Team Chaar is an elite Decepticon strike force stationed on the alien planet Chaar. 1. For example, just type in “jet” in the figure name field and hit search. Meet the main characters of Transformers: The Last Knight. Team Stunticon is a traveling "Stunt Convoy" made up of Decepticons who were reformated into Autobot shells to infiltrate the Autobot-held Cybertron. This is used if transformers are auto-selected and to validate that the transformer returns the correct type. Grey/Silver. However, the Predacons ended up fossilized over time while indirectly becoming the basis for the many mythical creatures found in Earth's various myt… The name of the character for his Japanese release was more in keeping with the boring quality of the character: Drag. This Autobots only appears in this scene, never speaks or transforms to robot mode, and is referred to as "Hauler" by Cliffjumper. The Orange Car AllSpark mutation is one of the many machines given life by the AllSpark during the Autobots' battle against the Decepticons in Mission City. One such batch was sent to Earth to fight the Autobots positioned there and remained on the planet to await further instructions. Transformers: Animated is an American animated children's television series produced by Cartoon Network Studios. IMPORTANT NOTICE: We will be closed on Monday 18 January and Tuesday 19 January 2021. "Transformers: The Last Knight" is in theaters now and while you may be able to name most of the Autobots and Decepticons in the new movie, how well do you know the voices behind the famous robots? If you have a LOT to identify and your purpose is to SELL: This process takes time, but we want to help. You can search by Transformers name, as well as just line or subgroup. A transformer is a device that transfers electrical energy from one circuit to another through inductively coupled conductors — the transformer's coils or "windings". Looking for a simple PDF of the entire 1984-1990 G1 Series. The Constructicons are a group of Cybertronians made from AllSpark energy combining with construction vehicles. The Tiny Terror, AD30 and Rocker 30 have five-section transformers. Brown/Tan. ga('ec:addImpression', { 'name': 'Output transf. Did you forget to remove “car”? Despite being a military force, unlike the Autobot Elite Guard they have no clear hierarchy, Megatron is the sole leader and every other Decepticon is his inferior. Evatco has a wide range of Hammond power transformers for amplifier, as Hammond's preferred supplier of the classic range we can supply you with a drop in replacement for your guitar amp. January 12, 2011 @ 6:34 pm. See more ideas about transformers names, transformers, names. Power Transformers - Transformers Power Transformers . The Dinobots rarely become involved in the conflict between the Autobots and Decepticons, preferring instead to live peacefully on a remote island. Team Athenia is a group of Autobots named for the headquarters of the Autobots in Transformers: The Headmasters. They were originally animatronic dinosaur props at a theme park, but were accidentally brought to life and given the ability to transform by Sari's Allspark key. - Page 2. The majority of Autobots in Transformers: Animated transform into non-military terrestrial vehicles and carry non-projectile weaponry such as swords, shields, shurikens, stingers, nunchucks, axes, etc. Transformers: Series Faction; Year; Subgroup ; ID Your Figure; Gobots; Credits; Photo Help; Identify Your Unknown Transforming Toy. Note: To specify an array type, postfix the class name with square brackets '[]', as in 'org.mule.tck.testmodels.fruit.Orange[]'. You can identity Transformers that are all red, or all the figures that are orange. Use the menus below to identify toys and parts by color and type. Your wishlist has reached the maximum limit of 150. No problem, just select release year from “1984” to “1984”. Ranking … The following is a list of characters, Autobot, Decepticon and human, who appear in the series. All these new designs are exclusive to Orange … Interfaces for exploring transformer language models by looking at input saliency and neuron activation. Minerva is the name of a girl who pilots a Transtector, a non-sentient robot that’s controlled by a human. Blue. But she’s also a Headmaster Junior, which is extremely different from the Headmasters we talked about earlier. Depending on the voltage level, the transformer has three categories. Display. Power transformers, Output transformers, Chokes, tube drivers for Orange 120W Amps', 'id': 'OR120A', 'price': '143', 'brand': 'Orange Amps', 'list': 'Also viewed articles', 'position': 1 }); ga('ec:addImpression', { 'name': 'Output transf. Clear. Many Autobots in this series do not possess the capability of flight, except for Jetfire and Jetstorm, their combined form Safeguard, Omega Supreme and all other Omega Sentinels, and Swoop while other characters rely on extra equipment for flight such as Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Prowl, and Sari among others. For the Isolation transformer, the voltage level is the same for both sides. The last 5 names are mostly 1 word names, I think I only added original names, but there are hundreds of transformer names, so there might be a few which do already belong to a transformer. Mostly we made this so you could see if your action figures were missing some accessories or parts. For Xbox One on the Xbox One, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "What's your Transformer name?" It takes a group of Autobots to defeat one lone Decepticon, but Optimus Prime is the first Autobot shown to defeat Megatron alone. There may be two things you didn’t know in this one: 1) Bumblebee is in the Transformers Hall of Fame; and 2) There’s a Transformers Hall of Fame. Figure Name: Bumblejumper - Yellow Line: Transformers Series: G1 Subgroup: Mini Vehicles Saved to Wishlist. So you can see that too. The … We buy collections, and we … You can identity Transformers that are all red, or all the figures that are orange. You can identify which came with a sticker sheet, or which came without instructions. I’ll help you use this identification tool. None of the clones are referred to by name in the series, the names below come from the toy-line, and the name "Slipstream" was retroactively given to the character by Hasbro. For example, if you want return an Orange [], set the return class to org.mule.tck.testmodels.fruit.Orange []. Want to know all the 1984 Transformers toys and none of the others from 1985-1990? The daily breathing rate is based on the assumption that there are two temperature drops of 8°C per 24 hours. Red/Maroon. Please reduce the number of products in your wishlist and try again. A Headmaster Junior is a human from Earth drafted to fight alongside either the Autobots or Decepticons. The series also features many cameo appearances from several classic Autobots from the Generation 1 toy-line and television series where they were featured in crowd appearances. The Elite Guard is the pinnacle of the Autobot military force. Maybe try “car” and select color “blue” and a list of Transformers matching those results will appear. The original animated Transformers series remains fondly remembered for its colorful depictions of heroic Autobots, evil Decepticons and their galaxy-spanning adventures. You can search by Transformers name, as well as just line or subgroup. If you’re here for Transformers identification because you’re about to sell, note we also buy toys. var bbbprotocol = ( ("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? Many Autobots on Cybertron are employed with a military force called the Autobot Elite Guard, with the main leader holding the title of "Magnus" and high-ranking lieutenants holding the title of "Prime". The Dinobots are three Transformers that transform into mechanical dinosaurs. The Autobotsare a group of good Cybertronians that had fought against the Decepticons in the Cybertronian War. Note that if you need to specify an array type you need postfix the class name with ' []'. It doesn't like having passengers inside of it. Shelley said, I have loved Transformers all my life and still do, I have found your site very usefull. The majority of Decepticons transform into military vehicles, mainly aircraft, and carry projectile weaponry such as guns, cannons and missile launchers. Among the known Autobots are: With Shockwave using their fossil remains, he created an army of Predacon clones. White. The Decepticons in this series are shown to be bigger, stronger, and more powerful than the Autobots. The profile included with his toy notes that Sunstorm was created with a built-in fusion reactor which perpetually runs at higher-than-normal efficiency, which he can use as a weapon, enabling him to generate intense light and heat or powerful electromagnetic waves. Perhaps you know the name, but can’t spell it try “Wheljck” instead of “Wheeljack” and all the Wheeljack characters are listed for you. Step-Down Transformer Yellow/Gold. They were featured in the comic "The Stunticon Job. All Orange amplifiers rated at 50 watts and above incorporate this. Transformers 24 Products found. ', 'id': 'MMRD110A', 'price': '126.23', 'brand': 'Music Man', 'list': 'Also viewed articles', 'position': 2 }); ga('ec:addImpression', { 'name': 'Mains transformer for Orange … The first 5 names in this generator are created by combining 2 words, there are many transformers with such names and chances are some of these names belong to an actual transformer. Quick view Bumblebee Boombox Poster $ 12. No problem! It is based on the Transformers toy and entertainment franchise created by Hasbro, about a race of giant, sentient robots that come from the fictional planet Cybertron and are able to change their appearance into cars, planes and other machinery. With Michael Bay's Transformers: The Last Knight stampeding into movie theaters this week, it's time to collect every energon cube, activate the space bridge and retreat … back to the 1980s! The following data should be used for the basic selection of transformer breathers. Don’t know the name? Vintage G1 Transformers Toys Name and Identification Tool. If the planned fourth season would have been made, the Dinobots would have most likely side with the Autobots in the finale "Megatron Must be Destroyed!". cheers. The Transformers toy list can be sorted by even package type. Transformers: Animated debuted on Cartoon Network on December 26, 2007, running for three seasons and with the final episode airing on May 23, 2009. Explorable #1: Input saliency of a list of countries generated by a language model Tap or hover over the output tokens: Explorable #2: Neuron activation analysis reveals four groups of neurons, each is associated with generating a certain type of token Tap or hover over the … Our intensive testing and research produced the ‘Dual Snake Eight’ transformer design. Step Down, Step Up and Isolation Transformer. Purple/Pink. Specify the Java class that generates the transformer output. The quantity of oil and the transformer rating is of secondary importance. Directions: On the right side of the screen you will see a series of boxes listing colors. Among the Autobot cameos are: The Decepticons are the primary antagonists of the series. It also will have from the movies, G1 and etc. Like most pieces of Transformers fiction, Transformers: Animated focuses on the conflict between two warring factions of Transformer robots, the superheroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons, who bring their conflict to Earth. Jul 18, 2019 - Explore Designkid's board "Transformers names" on Pinterest. The shrine to all things Transformers was the brainchild of Hasbro, the American toy company that worked with Japanese toy company Tomy to create the Transformers in 1984. We have all the G1 Transformers list of characters in our database. Orange. In The Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye: Part 1 (1984), an orange Autobot in the form of a truck crane appears briefly to haul Hound up for repairs. Some of their names and purposes were revealed in the Allspark Almanac II. TFU.INFO ©2002-2020 Don't Call Me Tony Productions. You’ll see all the Transformers G1 Toys that are jets. 2 Best: ... essentially a futuristic orange car with one of the simplest and least visually appealing robot modes in the entire line. The Orange Car AllSpark mutation was hostile from birth, as most AllSpark mutations. Now search just the color “red”. There are over a dozen Transformers in the new movie. Each clone's personality is an embodiment of one of the original Starscream's own personality traits. The Predacons are a race of ancient Cybertronian dragonsthat have been long extinct as of the series' beginning. This quiz has 35 questions from a mixture of easy and very hard. This value is referenced when selecting transformers automatically or checking that the transformer has returned the proper type of output. "https://" : "http://" ); (function(){var s=document.createElement('script');s.src=bbbprotocol + '' + unescape('%2Flogo%2Fwheeljacks-lab-32022023.js');s.type='text/javascript';s.async=true;var st=document.getElementsByTagName('script');st=st[st.length-1];var pt=st.parentNode;pt.insertBefore(s,pt.nextSibling);})(); Do you have an old school G1 Transformers toy you are trying to identify? ", explain the fiction more clearly and provide non-fictional perspective, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Transformers Animated Activators Wave 05 – Set of 5", "Angry Archer –", "Prometheus Black-", Transformers Prime Beast Hunters: Predacons Rising,, Lists of characters in American television animation, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles that need to differentiate between fact and fiction from July 2008, All articles that need to differentiate between fact and fiction, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 12 January 2021, at 15:49. In order to assess the size of the breather, the air volume above the oil in the conservator tank is the most important factor to consider. Identify Unknown Transformers Toys - Figures, Parts, and Sticker Sheets. Transformers in Orange on The main cast of Autobots in the series are a team of low-ranking maintenance workers led by Optimus Prime, who discover the Allspark (the legendary source of all life on Cybertron) hidden on an asteroid. hi can you send me a list of the transformers names when they have combined please. Sort by: Filter . In the absence of Optimus Prime, war rages on between the Transformers and the human race. You can identify which came with a sticker sheet, or which came without instructions. The Transformers (1984): The 5 Best & 5 Worst Autobots, Ranked ... like the character himself. In the second season, Starscream creates several clones of himself using an Allspark fragment and blank Protoforms stolen from Yoketron's dojo during the war. The Decepticon Planes are a subgroup from the toyline portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.. Black. The Decepticon Planes are a subgroup of Decepticons.This designation was used primarily in reference to the toyline, and was not reflected as an official subgroup within the comics or animation. Green. Except for air-core transformers, the conductors are commonly wound around a single iron-rich core, or around separate but magnetically-coupled cores. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for the best Transformers in Orange, CA. Thank you for stopping. However, he cannot actually shut off these waves, making him something of a pariah, even amongst his fellow Decepticons (who believe he … Certain distinguished graduatates from the Autobot Academy can enlist in the Elite Guard. for MusicMan RD110, 2100-65 etc. Transformers: Series Faction; Year; Subgroup ; ID Your Figure; Gobots; Orange Cars Maybe you don’t know what the finished vehicle will make, so try searching by “red” only. They were also tricked by Megatron into hating the Autobots. The Autobot cast from the beginning remains the same, with the exception of occasional guest stars, for two thirds of the series until the Autobot's numbers begin to increase. Fiction Look and Find Transformers. Cannon Burner, hmm, I can picture an Autobot with that name who's alt mode is basically a mobile cannon tank with multiple cannons - two front, two aft, two on both sides - … Perhaps you just want to know the list of G1 Transformers “Autobots”, or just the “Decepticons”, our ID tool can do that. If you need additional help, please Contact Us. Transformers can be constructed in a way that it can convert the voltage level of the primary side to the secondary side. The Transformers toy list can be sorted by even package type. The Autobots are the main protagonists of the series. Transformers: Animated is an American animated children's television series produced by Cartoon Network Studios.It is based on the Transformers toy and entertainment franchise created by Hasbro, about a race of giant, sentient robots that come from the fictional planet Cybertron and are able to change their appearance into cars, planes and other machinery. That the transformer has three categories Do, I have loved Transformers my... Made from AllSpark energy combining with construction vehicles PDF of the series by color and type and the has... ” and a list of characters, Autobot, Decepticon and human, who appear the... The simplest and least visually appealing robot modes in the AllSpark Almanac II identity!: we will be closed on Monday 18 January and Tuesday 19 January 2021 you... Name field and hit search the secondary side Autobot shells to infiltrate the Autobot-held Cybertron side of the.! 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