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Author: Posted On: January 22nd, 2021 In:Uncategorized

In order to choose great research paper titles and interesting things to research, taking some time and contemplate on what makes you be passionate about a certain subject is a good starting point. Is it appropriate to fine parents for skipping vaccination? PREVALENCE STUDY OF HEPATITIS B (AUSTRALIAN ANTIGEN) AMONG PATIENTS IN NATIONAL ORTHOPAEDIC HOSPITAL ENUGU. Why? Why are younger generations obsessed with the number of followers and likes? Topic Research Laboratory of Electronics. Research Topics and Laboratories (since 2002) Penn is unique in that the Schools of Arts and Sciences, Engineering and Applied Sciences, Medicine, Dental Medicine, and Veterinary Medicine are on one contiguous campus. If you skip this step, you might end up putting yourself under a lot of pressure to meet the due date of the research essay, topics, research paper submissions. overview on how to select a research topic that's manageable for your assignment.Nice tips on narrowing a huge topic by considering the angles of WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHY, WHEN, or HOW. Selecting research topics might be a nightmare to all college students since you are expected to write about something new even though nobody expects you to make some groundbreaking discovery, especially not during the early years of your studies. US Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration Laboratory Regulations 2 2.1. What are some main differences between Orthodox and Catholic Christians? Click on any Science Lab Technology topic of your choice from our List of Science Lab Technology project topics and proceed to download.. We give instant delivery of Science Lab Technology research materials title listed on our website. What is FERPA and what impact does it have on education? What is the story behind the Internet of Things? Thin film optics Thin film interference is a well-understood and well-studied optical phenomenon responsible for the wide spectrum of colors that emerge from oil films on water, in soap bubbles, and in peacock feathers. AN INVESTIGATION OF SOME BIOCHEMICAL PARAMETERS AMONG DIABETIC ADULT IN ENUGU STATE. How to attain land for reverse desertification on a tight budget? Get Your Free Final Year Research Project Topics, Ideas and Materials. What makes one sport more popular than another? Research Paper Topics … The Jet Propulsion Laboratory is noteworthy for its sustained ability to accomplish challenging measurements and missions. When you enroll in university, you are maybe not even aware of the number of obligations that you might have to face over the course of your studies, and this might make you feel overwhelmed and exhausted especially when it comes to writing and submitting research papers on time. Special emphasis is put on plasmonics: the optics of metallic nanostructures, with applications in optical signal processing, integration and biosensing. How are the concepts of something impossible or random mathematically proven? Research laboratories carry out both basic and applied research work. ACS advocates for the safe practice of chemistry across disciplines, at every age, and in every organization. Download RSS feed: News Articles / In the Media. What other common sayings such as “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” exist in your language? Research Topics The main focus of our research is nanophotonics: the study of the interaction of light with structures smaller than the wavelength. Why do people listen to sad music when they are in a bad mood? Manfredsson Laboratory Research Topics. Therefore, most professors encourage students to ask for help in order to have the best possible ground statement for their research proposal topics. If you could turn into an animal, which one would you choose to be? Meyerhofstraße 1 69117 Heidelberg, Germany Tel: +49 6221 387-0 What are some pros and cons related to plastic surgery? One that might be especially helpful is my one that gives Easy Argument Topics with Research Links and Sample Essays (includes a section on Technology and several Health-related topics… Most laboratories are characterized by controlled uniformity of conditions (constant temperature, humidity, cleanliness).Modern laboratories use a vast number of instruments and procedures to study, systematize, or quantify the objects of their attention. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Research Paper Topics By Subject. Some students still say that the most difficult stage of writing a research paper for them was to create a thesis statement. January 19, 2021. What music to listen to when you want to relax? Read full story → Four … There is no universal definition of medical research. What nutrition can prevent insulin resistance? Are friendships between men different from friendships between women and why? Updated December 18, 2017. Axel Behrens. How are terrorist attacks in religious buildings affecting religion? Previous country and industry research can be found under "Archives." The following is a list of key areas being studied by VA researchers. Injury Biomechanics and Aging Lab. Our lab first described this family in humans and it has remained a major focus of the lab. What education system is the best – the USA, Finland or France? Clinical Trials, Covenant Health Research Centre Tel: 780-735-2274 Email: [email protected]. How to be better at communicating with friends, family, work colleagues, and strangers? What social issues marked the beginning of the 21. ENUMERATION OF BACILLUS CEREUS FORM FOOD SAMPLE SOLD IN PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOL, ILORIN METROPOLIS, EVALUATION OF POWER DENSITY OF RAY EMISSIONS FROM GSM MASTS IN SELECTED LOCATIONS OF ILORIN METROPOLIS, EXTRACTION AND DETERMINATION OF THE PHYSICAL CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF CASHEW NUT OIL, EXTRACTION OF CHLOROPHYLL  FROM DIFFERENT LEGUMES, EXTRACTION OF DNA IN TOMATOES AND GARDEN EGGS FRUITS, IMMOBILIZED ENZYMES FOR INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS, INFLUENCE OF DIFFERENT NITROGEN SOURCES ON GROWTH AND PHB PRODUCTION OF BACTERIAL ISOLATES, INSILICO IDENTIFICATION 0F PUTATIVE DRUG TARGETS IN STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS, ISOLATION AND IDENTIFICATION OF MICROORGANISM ASSOCIATED WITH VEGETABLE SALAD, PHYTOCHEMICAL SCREENING AND DETERMINATION OF TRACE ELEMENT IN GLIRICIDIA LEAF, PREVALENCE OF INTESTINAL PARASITES ON FRUITS AVAILABLE IN POST – OFIFCE ILORIN, KWARA – STATE, NIGERIA, STUDIES OF VIDEO RECORDING TECHNIQUES ENTREPRENEURSHIP VOCATIONAL AND TECHNICAL EDUCATIONAL AS AIDS TO NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, THE IMPACT OF COMPUTER APPLICATION IN MODERN DAY BANKING SYSTEM IN NIGERIA (A CASE STUDY OF UNION BANK NIGERIA PLC ILORIN), THE PROBLEM AND PROSPECT OF GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTING (A CASE STUDY OF OFFICE OF ACCOUNTANCY), THE ROLE OF COMMERCIAL BANK IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF SMALL SCALE INDUSTRY IN NIGERIA (A CASE STUDY OF FIRST BANK PLC, ILORIN). Research; Topics; Stem Cells ; Introduction text. Natural sciences (physics, chemistry, ecology, biology), Medical research topics (Dentistry, Nursing, Psychology), Business (marketing, economics, and finance), Science and technology (computer science, math, statistics), Social sciences (social work, political science, sociology), 50 Best Argumentative Research Paper Topics In 201. How to be able to perform rapid mental calculations? (See box on right "Narrowing your topic" for other … Its benefit is the business model of the platform, Any student gets personal writing help of high quality. Research in the field of psychology and law covers many topics. What are the good and bad sides of digital currencies? Fellow: Topic of Study, Financial Sponsor: Han Pu : Process Control on Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing, 1995-1996 Sponsor: Ontario Technology; People’s Republic of China: Goubin Liu: Rotational Foam Molding, 1996-1997 OCMR/WedTech Inc. Dr. Yuejian Liu: Extrusion of Semi … You should analyze the available materials carefully in order to make the right choice on which subject you could thoroughly work on and expand it to a whole other level. How can students protect themselves from giving back students’ loans? HIGHLY RECOMMENDED TO VIEW: Okay, ignore the silly beginning, because this video is a great (and short!) What makes smartphones so resistant to bugs and viruses compare to computers? CONSTRUCTION OF REGULATED POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM (30V), COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE BACTERICIDAL EFFECT OF GINGER (ZINGIBER OFFICINALE) AND GARLIC (ALLIUM SATIVUM) ON GASTRO ENTERIC BACTERIA PROJECT TOPIC, BIOLOGICAL FAUNA FLORA OF A CONCRETE POND FRESHLY FILLED WITH WATER IN IMT BOTANICAL GARDEN, COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF TAP WATER COLLECTED FROM SELECTED AREA OF ENUGU METROPOLIS, ANTIMICROBIAL EXAMINATION OF MORINGA OLIFERA SEEDS AND LEAVES, THE PRODUCTION AND ANALYSIS OF PESTICIDE- INSECTICIDE, EXTRACTION AND ANALYSIS OF ALKALOID IN AZADIRACHTA INDICA, EVALUATION OF MICROBIOLOGICAL QUALITY OF WATER USING THE MEMBRANE FILTER TECHNIQUE, COMPARATIVE ESTIMATION OF ASCORBIC ACID CONTENT IN SOME NGERIA FRUITS VIZ (ORANGE) CITRUS SINESIS, (PINEAPPLE) ANANAS COSMOSUS, MICROBIAL EXAMINATION OF SPOILT AVOCADO FRUIT, THE PREVALENCE OF TRICHOMONA VAGINALIS AMONG ADULTS IN “OSUMENYI” IN NNEWI SOUTH LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA ANAMBRA STATE. Breadcrumb. Individual Differences in Attention. EXAMINATION ON THE EXTENT OF COMPLIANCE TO INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL REPORTING STANDARD A CASE STUDY... EFFECT OF ONLINE LOAN TECHNOLOGY ON INDIVIDUALS. How is ageism impacting mental health and addictions? What are some proofs of period alignment? What can developed countries do in order to help underdeveloped countries? Bell Labs is an industrial research lab focused on network infrastructure. (SEVEN-UP BOTTLING COMPANY PLC, UYO PLANT :  CASE STUDY. Medical Laboratory Science Student Research Projects. US Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration Laboratory Regulations Research Laboratories Laboratory research shows that adaptation can have psychological costs or adverse aftereffects in the form of temporarily impaired capacity immediately after working during loud, unpredictable, uncontrollable noise. SCIENCE LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS, MICROBIAL AIR QUALITY OF TOILET ENVIRONMENT, ESTIMATION OF VISCOSITY VALUES OF DIFFERENT SAMPLES OF OIL, USING A U-TUBE GLASS VISCOMETER, DETERMINATION OF MINOR MINERAL ELEMENTS IN TELFAIRIA OCCIDENTALIS SEEDS, BIOACUMULATION OF HEAVY METALS IN FRESH WATER CLAN (EGERIA RADIATA) FROM ITU BRIDGE HEAD, ITU LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA, AKWA IBOM STATE, DETERMINATION, ORGANIC MATTER, TOTAL NITROGEN AND ELEMENTAL CONTENT OF COW DUNG, DETERMINATION OF HEAVY METAL IN FRESH WATER FISH (CLARIAS CAMERONENSIS) FROM ETIM EKPO RIVER, HAZARDOUS CHEMICAL SOURCES AND EFFECT ON THE ENVIRONMENT, MACRO ELEMENTAL COMPOSITION OF UVARIA CHAMAE LEAVES, SAMPLING OF WASTE DUMPSITE AT OLD STADIUM ROAD, UYO AND EFFECTS OF FAUNA, FLORA OF THEIR ENVIRONMENT, SAMPLING OF WASTE DAMPSITE AT OLD STADIUM ROAD, UYO AND EFFECTS OF FAUNA, FLORA OF THEIR ENVIRONMENT, ESTIMATION OF MINERAL CONTENTS OF MANGO FRUITS, DETERMINATION OF SOME MACROELEMENT COMPOSITION IN PHYLLANTHUS AMARUS LEAVES, A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF HEAVY METALS IN GILLS AND BONES OF OREOCHROMIS NILOTICUS(TILAPIA) FROM THE QUA IBOE RIVER ESTUARY, EFFECT OF 3 ORGANIC MANURE TYPES ON GROWTH OF VIGNA UNGUICULATA L, MICROBIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF DRY CASSAVA PEEL USED IN THE PREPARATION OF PIG FEEDS, POULTRY MANURE AND ITS EFFECTS ON SOME NUTRIENT CONTENTS OF TELFAIRIA OCCIDENTALIS H, EFFECT OF POULTRY MANURE ON GROWTH AND LEAF CHLOROPHYLL PIGMENTS OF TELFAIRA OCCIDENTALIS H, EFFECTS OF ETHANOLIC EXTRACT OF PHYLLANTHUSAMARUS AND ATROVASTATIN ON THE SERUM LDH, AST, BODY AND ORGAN WEIGHTS OF ALBINO RATS FED WITH HIGH CHOLESTEROL DIET, THE DIELECTRIC CONSTANT OF SOME CONCRETE SAMPLES, ESTIMATION OF THE LEVEL OF SOME HEAVY METALS IN SOIL COLLECTED FROM AN AGRICULTURAL FARM FROM UKANAFUN LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA, DETERMINATION OF SOME TRACE ELEMENTS IN RAW PERIWINKLE TYMPANOTONUS FUSCATUS, THE EFFECTS OF AVOCADO SEED EXTRACT ON SALMONELLA SPECIES, CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF SOME HEAVY METALS CONTENT OF SWAMP WATER FROM ORON LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA, RISK ASSESSMENT OF TRACE METAL INDUCED BY CONSUMPTION OF SELF ROASTED AND STREET ROASTED COW MEAT(SUYA) FROM SANI OGUN MARKET IKOT EKPENE, AKWA IBOM STATE, PHYTOCHEMICAL SCREENING OF ANDROGRAPHIS PANICULATA, ANALYSIS OF SOME MINERAL CONTENTS OF COCONUT WATER, MICROORGANISMS ASSOCIATED WITH CASSAVA FERMENTATION, BACTERIOLOGY OF YOGURT SOLD IN IKOT EKPENE METROPOLIS, PRIMARY PRODUCTION IN QUA IBOE RIVER ALONG IKOT OSURUA STATION, IKOT EKPENE AND ITS IMPLICATION ON FISHERIES, DETERMINATION OF THE NUTRITIONAL VALUE OF COLOCASIA ESCULENTA, EVALUATION OF SOME MINERALS ELEMENTS COMPOSITION OF LASIANTHERA AFRICANA (EDITAN) LEAVES, EFFECTS OF CASSAVA EFFLUENT ON SOIL MICRO ORGANISMS, NUTRITIONAL IMPORTANCE OF POTASSIUM, MAGNESIUM AND CALCIUM IN HUMAN NUTRITION, DETERMINATION OF TRACE AND HEAVY METAL IN THE LIVER AND KIDNEY OF HAUSA AND LOCAL GOAT MEAT, PHYTOCHEMICAL CONTENTS OF HOSPITAL TOO FAR (JATROPHA TANJORENSIS), PHYTOCHEMICAL AND MINERAL COMPOSITION OF PAWPAW (PAPAYA) SEED, PHYTOCHEMICAL SCREENING OF MAESOBOTRYA BARTERI, PHYTOCHEMICAL STUDIES OF THE LEAF OF CARICA PAPAYA L, PHYTOCHEMICAL SCREENING OF SOURSOP SEED (ANNONA MURICATA), STOKES METHOD FOR THE DETERMINATION OF THE COEFFICIENT OF VISCOSITY VALUES OF SELECTED FLUIDS, EXTRACTION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF ETHANOL FROM FRESH VINEGAR LEAVES, ANTIOXIDANT VITAMIN IN GARCINIA KOLA LEAVES, PHYTOCHEMICAL AND PROXIMATE COMPOSITION OF BRACHYSTEGIA EURYCOMA (ACHI) AND MUCUNA FLAGILLEPES (IBABA) SEEDS ON DRY WEIGHT BASIS, A COMPARATIVE EVALUATION OF NUTRITIONAL PROFILE OF SMOKE CRAYFISH, ASTACUS ASTACUS AND STAR MAGGI CUBES USED AS CONDIMENTS IN HUMAN NUTRITION, THE EVALUATION OF INHIBITION OF CORROSING MILD STEEL IN H2SO4 BY USING ANTIBIOTICS, THE INCIDENCE OF SEXUAL ABUSE AND UNWANTED PREGNANCIES AMONG TEENAGERS, THE EFFECTS OF AN ANTIHYPERTENSIVE DRUG – NIFEDIPINE ON SOME BIOCHEMICAL PARAMETERS  IN RATS, STRATEGIC PLANNING AND CONTROL IN A COMPETITIVE ECONOMY, EFFECTIVE CUSTOMERS  ACHIEVEMENTS AND THE COMPANY’S PRODUCTIVITY. Secondary Navigation. How has the role of a woman in society changed over time? What makes some nations happier and more prosperous than others? A STUDY ON THE USE OF VEGETABLE OILS TO PROTECT MAIZE FROM SITOPHILUS ZEAMAYS (WEEVIL), REFURBISHMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF AQUARIUM, EXTRACTION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF ORANGE SEED AND PAW-PAW SEED OIL PROJECT TOPIC, DETERMINATION OF THE CYANIDE CONTENT OF CASSAVA TUBER (HARVESTED SAME DAY AND TWO DAYS LATER, DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF 100 WATTS AUDIO POWER AMPLIFIER, CONSTRUCTION OF SOLAR PANEL IN SCIENCE LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND TECHNOLOGY, ENUGU STATE, CONSTRUCTION OF SOLAR PANELS CIRCUIT IN SCIENCE LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND TECHNOLOGY, ENUGU STATE, CONSTRUTION OF METTER BRIDGE IN OUR LABORATOR. Why do we talk and act like we are drunk when we become exhausted? Then again, if you enjoy conducting experiments and your chosen research topic allows you, maybe you could have a survey conducted with the help of your peers and write a paper after analyzing the data. COMPARATIVE STUDY OF MICRO-ORGANISM ASSOCIATED WITH THE SPOILAGE OF BANANA, AN EPIDEMOLOGY SURVEY FOR SCTRISTOSOMIASIS AMONG PUPILS IN AMAGUNZE COMMUNITY IN NKANU LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA IN ENUGU. Why more expensive sports like rowing and tennis should be more accessible to social and ethnic minorities? Viral Gene Therapy Development: rAAV and Lentivirus rAAV expressing GFP targeted to the substantia nigra. All the Science Laboratory Technology Works (on this page)should be used as guidelines, frameworks or as references for your Science Laboratory Technology project work. Women's health, pediatrics, the Critical Path Initiative, nanotechnology, clinical trials, and peer reviews of scientific information. Show: News Articles. This rule applies to all situations, regardless if you have to write a biology lab report, essay, research, or any other paper. Our laboratory is collaborating with the Nagoya University Center of Innovation, on research related to the topic of “Empowering an aging society through advanced mobility”. Topics. Is there a way to stop the raising of racism? Inflammasomes and Other Innate Immune Receptors. Laboratory, Place where scientific research and development is conducted and analyses performed, in contrast with the field or factory. Research Topics and Lab. The main focus of the lab is the family of innate immune receptors called the NLR (Nucleotide binding, leucine rich repeat proteins, or NOD-like receptors). However, research topics still need to do enough research and gather a lot of data and facts from reliable sources in order to complete their research paper. 60 Interesting Medical Laboratory Science Research Paper Topics Medical Laboratory Science is a branch of science that studies the use of clinical laboratory tests to detect, diagnose, monitor and treat infectious diseases. Paperell is a well-known online writing center. Why are people fighting against abortion? Graduate students in the Department of Medical Laboratory Science work with their research mentors on a wide array of topics, as highlighted below. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. See also: VA Research Advances What is insulin resistance and how to fight it? number: 206095338 Call us: +1 (888) 836 7312 E-mail us: [email protected], 2020 © - Website that Writes Papers. How can an average person contribute to saving the environment? What is the significance of the number 0? Did Andy Warhol manage to make high art more accessible to a wider audience? the experimenter cannot be accused of choosing who will be in each experimental condition, … EMBL Heidelberg. This is, after all, of great importance since you won’t be able to commit fully to writing an amazing assignment if you are not so interested in the subject. Research in transplantation (clinical and experimental) is very strong in our Department and has demonstrated further growth during the last year. Laboratory, Place where scientific research and development is conducted and analyses performed, in contrast with the field or factory. Mobilize Clinical Biomechanics Lab . As one sees chemistry topics for research project, it is crucial to choose something that interests you and can fully reveal innovative approach to studies or laboratory work. See also: VA Research Advances Astronomy is exciting science. Related journals of Clincial and Laboratory Research Why are stock markets becoming more and more popular? ), THE INFLUENCE OF LABORATORY METHOD ON STUDENTS’ ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT IN BASIC SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE IN GENERAL PROJECT TOPIC, THE CHEMICAL COMPONENT OF URINE SPECIMENS OF SOME UYO CITY POLYTECHNIC STUDENTS, MALARIA PARASITE AND ITS EFFECTS ON HUMAN HEALTH, ASYMPTOMATIC BACTERIURIA AMONG PREGNANT WOMEN, EXAMINE THE PRESENCE AND CONCENTRATION OF SOME PHYTOCHEMICALS IN AVOCADO PEAR PERSEA AMERICANA MILL SEED, DETERMINATION OF THE PRESENCE AND CONCENTRATION OF SOME PHYTOCHEMICALS IN AVOCADO PEAR, INCIDENCE OF URINARY SCHISTOSOMIASIS AND THE CONTRIBUTORY RISK FACTORS AMONG SCHOOL, ETHANOL PRODUCTION FROM YAM (DISCOREA SPP) PEELS, DETERMINATION OF THE LEVEL OF ETHANOL PROJECT TOPIC, COMPARATIVE DETERMINATION OF THE PROTEIN CONTENTS OF BREADFRUIT, BROWN BEANS AND SOYABEANS SEMINAR, COMPARATIVE ASSESSMENT OF LUBRICANT PRODUCE FROM PALM KERNEL OIL AND TONIMAS LUBRICATING OIL, AMMELIORATIVE PROPERTIES OF METHANOL LEAF EXTRACT OF MUCUNA PRURIENS ON THE KIDNEY MARKERS OF MALARIA INFECTED MICE, THE INCIDENCE OF HIV IN BLOOD DONORS AT BISHOP SHANAHAN HOSPITAL IN NSUKKA ENUGU STATE, THE ANTIBACTERIAL ACTIVITY OF MEDICATED SOAPS 2, SUGAR CONTENT ANALYSIS PER 10ML OF LIQUID FAYROUZ, COCA COLA, GUINNESS MALT, AMSTEL MALT, AND PEPSI DRINK, REFURBISHING AND MAINTENANCE OF WATER BATH FOR USE IN THE LABORATORY OF DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY. Adult Clinical/Forensic Psychology . Another way of choosing the best research paper topic is based on the subject, whether you are a college or high school student. Letting PhD advisors choose research topics for you: Although researchers often pursue work within the same field even after earning their PhD, they are less likely to conduct research on the same exact topic. Research laboratories. How to prevent an increase in the number of homeless children? Why has socialism been mostly unsuccessful? What is an all-female working environment like? Also, tips to keep from making a topic too narrow. How to lower blood pressure using natural medicines and herbs? Whether it is on biology, physics, science, literature, history, or psychology, this approach works at all levels of education. Is there a way to stop sex trafficking in underdeveloped countries? What is the philosophy behind Assassin’s Creed? Dr. Aaron Haig is the Director of the core laboratory of the Multi-Organ Transplant Program’s (MOTP) research arm which resides in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. Who is the funniest historical figure, and why? What hobbies are the most popular with children and adults in your area? How to select the best research paper topic? Are the virtual world and video games, causing more violence or more antisocial people? What are the most important events in the history of Latin America? ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF GROUNDNUT PRODUCT IN OYO STATE NIGERIA. What have been some of the best decisions of the Supreme Court? ISOLATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF BACTERIA ASSOCIATED WITH SELECTED PASTEURIZED DRY MIL POWER, ISOLATION, IDENTIFICATION AND CHARATERIZATION OF FUNGI ASSOCIATED WITH THE SPOILAGE OF CORN, PRODUCTION OF MIXED SPICES USING CURRY LEAF (OCIMUM BASILLICUM) AND (OCIMUM GRATTISSIUM), ISOLATION AND CHARATERIZATION OF FUNGI ASSOCIATED WITH THE SPOILAGE OF CORN, FOOD POSIONING, IT’S CAUSES, EFFECT AND CONTROL, CALIBRATION AND APPLICATION OF CATHODE RAY OSCILLOSCOPE IN OUR LABORATORY, THE DESIGN AND INSTALLATION OF PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER SYSTEM, AN INSIGHT INTO THE DRUG RESISTANCE PROFILE AND MECHANISM OF DRUG RESISTANCE IN NEISSERIA GONORRHOEAE, ANALYSIS OF CONTENTS OF COW AND GOAT BONE ASH, BACTERIA AND FUNGI INVOLVED IN YOGURT PRODUCTION, THE IMPACT OF POOR BUDGETARY IMPLEMENTATION ON CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES (A STUDY OF SELECTED COMPANIES), CONSUMER SATISFACTION AS A KEY TO INDUSTRIAL GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT (A CASE STUDY OF DANGOTE GROUP OF COMPANY NIGERIA PLC), DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF A VARIABLE RESISTANCE BOX, DESIGN AND INSTALLATION OF PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER SYSTEM (A CASE STUDY OF A ROOM AND PARLOR SELF CONTAIN IN OKE-OSE, ILORIN KWARA STATE), DETERMINATION OF PHYTOCHEMICALS CONTENT OF TALIUN TIAGULARE (WATER LEAF), DISSOLUTION KINETIC AND SOLVENT EXTRACTION OF ALUMINIUM FROM KAOLIN. 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