At the end of the final film, both … "The Force is strong in my family," said Luke to Leia in Return of the Jedi and he was absolutely right. While Kylo Ren ultimately redeemed himself in The Rise of Skywalker, it wasn't originally planned for him to be redeemed: the original script written by Colin Trevorrow, the original director of the film, had Kylo Ren rejecting any chance of redemption and ultimately dying at the hands of Rey and the Force ghosts of Luke, Obi-Wan and Yoda. Servial, skyguysSkygirl and 7 others like this . The Duel: Rey vs. Ren - After fleeing Starkiller Base, light side heroes, Rey™ and Finn™ are confronted by dark side enforcer Kylo Ren™. When Rey and Kylo Ren first meet in The Force Awakens, it's far from romantic.He slams her into a tree and then tortures her, prying his way into her mind to take what he wants. Only time will tell if Rey's adventures will continue in a new trilogy. Abandoned on the desert world of Jakku,[14] Rey was raised in the care of a Crolute junk boss, Unkar Plutt, and learned to support herself as a scavenger. The name ECHOES as Kylo Ren STOPS, far across the vast catwalk. Sidious long suspected the possibility of betrayal from his Sith apprentice, Darth Vader, having sensed a remnant of the light side of the Force within him, preserving the identity of the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker within the shell of Vader. This was Ben Solo, sad and alone on Life Day. Finn uses the lightsaber Rey found earlier to fight Kylo Ren and defend her, but loses and is severely injured. Sidious had made use of that time by overseeing Ren's progression as the heir to the Sith legacy, and commended the young warrior on destroying Snoke. 35 ABY[10] [14] He then compelled Rey to confront her worst fears by admitting the truth she had long suppressed—her parents were nobody. This strandcast ultimately produced a daughter, Rey, who inherited the Emperor's power. Burnt blood?… Life was difficult for the poor, frightened couple eking out a meager existence, surviving on the edge of desperation. [18], Though he perished onboard the DS-2 Death Star II Mobile Battle Station, Sidious had been prepared for the eventuality of his own demise. I would argue that the MAIN reason why they are bad is because Rey is overpowered, … 5 likes. Other locations Having gained the knowledge to preserve his consciousness after death, he killed Darth Plagueis, the Sith Master who trained him in the ways of the dark side of the Force. The Skywalker family is a fictional family in the Star Wars franchise. Star Wars Episode VII Rey Daisy Ridley Kylo Ren Hollywood - Arm - Jedi Transparent PNG is a 1600x1440 PNG image with a transparent background. He had done the deed quickly, not giving his mentor time to preserve his own essence, and with the devotion of the Sith Eternal cult, Sidious secretly endeavored to prolong his existence by coupling the modern science of cloning with the arcane sorcery of the Sith.[19]. Naboo[4] After witnessing the demonstration of Rey's capacity for darkness, Ren revealed that the Emperor was not only her grandfather, but that he was also responsible for the deaths of her mother and father. ... and his family. She is trained in the Force by Leia and Luke. Now that one of the biggest inter-family conflicts in Star Wars history is resolved, what lies ahead for Rey, who embodies both the Palpatines and Skywalkers? Although Rey rejected her grandfather's legacy, she accepted her parents despite remembering very little about them. Free Download Transparent PNG Star Wars Episode VII Rey Daisy Ridley Kylo Ren Hollywood - Arm - Jedi Transparent PNG . Photo credit: Gage Skidmore. Ornament-a-Day 2019: Rey and Kylo Ren. Kylo Ren. He is also the son of Princess Leia and Han Solo. Star Wars Anakin Skywalker family tree diagram template includes the Skywalker (Darth Vader) family tree with 4 generations. Kylo Ren is a fictional character and a major antagonist in the Star Wars franchise. With the help of a redeemed Ben Solo, however, Rey defied her grandfather by refusing to kill him in anger, affirming her commitment to the light. Rey and Finn make an unstoppable team whether they're escaping the First Order or facing Kylo Ren. [22] However, the bridging of their minds allowed Ren to discover the insecurities Rey harbored about her past and, in particular, her parents, much to the scavenger's dismay. level 2. How does Kylo Ren know Rey's parents? She is a Jedi Knight that fights to help the Resistence. [25], Ultimately, the final version of Episode VII merely depicts Rey being abandoned as a child. Convinced there was still good in the former Ben Solo, Rey confronted him in the flesh and together they overthrew Ren's dark master, Supreme Leader Snoke. Finn then took up the Skywalker lightsaber and attempted to defeat Ren, only to be grievously wounded and left for dead. And though I completely understand 'you're nobody' is a devastating thing, to me the more painful, the more shocking thing was the idea that you're from the worst possible place. Though a Palpatine by blood, Rey adopted "Skywalker" as a surname after the family bloodline ended with Ben Solo. Sidious had Rey's parents put to death, though not before they managed to hide their daughter from him. The relationship between Kylo Ren and Rey in the Star Wars sequel trilogy has been thorny from the start. Additionally, Ren made a discovery relating to the bond between him and Rey—they were a dyad, two separate beings who were one in the Force. During their confrontation on Pasaana, Ren pushed Rey to give in to her anger, resulting in a burst of Force lightning from her hand. Star Wars episodes seven and eight tease a possible romantic connection between the two characters. She quickly moved to her dresser where she kept the very few belongings she had. Tagged under Arm, Kylo Ren, Sword, Leia Organa, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy. After becoming whole again, he declared his return as the one true Emperor, no longer requiring a host body. Kylo Ren / Ben Solo ⚔️. Forget the whole Mary Sue debate - I dont care that a 19 year old orphan girl that never went to school could be an excellent mechanic, pilot, multilingual and whatever, there are impossible geniuses in many other franchises. "[26], Rian Johnson, the director of Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi, opted to reveal that Rey did not come from a special bloodline. He also revealed his connection to the Jedi apprentice, informing Ren that Rey was, in fact, his granddaughter.[19]. Planet(s) of origin [19], In 34 ABY,[7] Rey encountered the astromech droid BB-8, and subsequently befriended Ben's father, the smuggler Han Solo, while attempting to return the droid to the Resistance. How Did They Bring Each Other Back To Life? During the Battle of Exegol, the phantom Emperor was vanquished by Rey, who overcame the power of the dark side with the help of the redeemed Jedi Ben Solo. 21 ABY (Approximate date)[9] Jan 18, 2016 - This Pin was discovered by Gabi Odinson. Within a year of Ren's accession, a message was transmitted across the galaxy, broadcasting the voice of Sidious who announced his return and the imminent rebirth of the Sith. Kylo Ren dropped a truth bomb on Rey, and audiences, in Star Wars: The Last Jedi -- and there's no reason for fans to feel cheated by it. Discover (and save!) Actors Daisy Ridley and Adam Driver play Rey and Kylo Ren, respectively, in Star Wars Episodes 7, 8, and 9. First member(s) Solo's contact, Maz Kanata, candidly told Rey that no one was coming back for her.[13]. Now understand, I can respect arguments about her being “overpowered” even if I think the general outline of an “overpowered” argument actually misses the real meat of a problem - failure to execute dramatic tension - but for my money, unless someone’s willing to apply the same Mary Sue label to Kylo Ren, than they’re barking hot he wrong tree using it for Rey. Star Wars Anakin Skywalker family tree diagram template includes the Skywalker (Darth Vader) family tree with 4 generations. Language: English Words: 30,167 Chapters: 11/? Get the daily inside scoop right in your inbox. Realizing the power of their bond could heal his clone body, Sidious restored his strength by almost completely draining both Solo and Rey of their life force. How the theory goes: Prior to Disney's purchase of Lucasfilm in 2012, the accepted "Star Wars" canon included one of many novels which featured Han and Leia's twin children named Jaina and Jacen. J.J. Abrams, director of Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens and Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker, hinted the revelation that Palpatine was Rey's grandfather in the ninth installment was an early idea when working on the seventh chapter. Sheev Palpatine was the public persona of Darth Sidious, the Dark Lord of the Sith. Then after the screening, I went for a drink with my agent and everyone, and we were chatting away and I realized that oh, in their minds it's not answered at all! Ruining the evening he had organized for her when, after hours of laughter, old stories told over and over again, and a few drinks she had to go out because a heavy feeling weighed on her heart. Rey confronted her grandfather on Exegol, determined to stop the Sith from being reborn. photo. Sidious was too ashamed to even look at his cloned son, and was disappointed that someone so ordinary could be made from his own blood. [7] As the New Republic gained momentum in the Galactic Civil War, it was believed that he had no living relatives, and consequently there was no clear chain of succession,[17] leading to the Empire's defeat and capitulation in the Galactic Civil War. Rey, also known as Rey Skywalker, is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise and the main protagonist of the sequel film trilogy.She was created by Lawrence Kasdan, J. J. Abrams, and Michael Arndt for The Force Awakens (2015), the first installment of the trilogy, and is portrayed by Daisy Ridley. [1] He also discarded his public persona by embracing his Sith identity in thought and action, no longer needing to maintain two identities as Sidious and Palpatine.[11]. She kept her origins as a Palpatine a secret, uncertain about what her allies would think if they knew the truth, or if they cared about bloodlines at all. Hates all the old plantation houses, blooming magnolia trees, and wet heat. Using the knowledge he gained from his Sith Master. Creately diagrams can be exported and added to Word, PPT (powerpoint), Excel, Visio or any other document. What is the thing for her and for us what will make her have to stand on her own two feet and will make things the hardest for her? Extinction of family name Cultivating the persona of a kind gentleman whose only ambition was to bring stability to a divided galaxy, Palpatine represented his people in the Galactic Senate before being elected to lead the Galactic Republic through its gravest crisis as Supreme Chancellor. By signing up, I agree to the Terms & to receive emails from POPSUGAR. Ultimately, they were both dead and buried in a pauper's grave in the Jakku desert. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Although Rey regarded Ren as a monster for committing the act of patricide, Ren believed they shared much in common, with both having been abandoned as children. Kylo is the uncle of Rey's adopted father Luke Skywalker. "That's not to say there was a bible and we knew what happens at every step," he said, "but when Larry Kasdan and I worked on The Force Awakens, we didn't do it in a vacuum. “There’s as much of a brother and sister thing with Rey and Kylo Ren as there is romantic. Using the Emperor's genetic material, the Sith Eternal created a bioengineered vessel to replace Sidious' original body in the event of his death. Rey shared a powerful connection with Kylo Ren, Darth Vader's grandson who urged the scavenger to sever her ties to the past. He used Rey's attachment to her friends as leverage in turning her to the dark side. Sensing that she was closer than ever to embracing the dark side, Ren goaded Rey in to fighting him in the wreckage of the second Death Star on Kef Bir. During the Battle of Exegol, Sidious urged Rey to succeed him and become "Empress Palpatine." One of the cultists, Ochi of Bestoon, was sent by Sidious to hunt Rey and bring her to Exegol, an ancient Sith planet located in the Unknown Regions. His followers labored tirelessly to keep the Dark Lord alive while they searched for a solution, using Clone Wars-era technology and an ancient Ommin harness to preserve his new body as long as possible.[19]. [20] Knowing that the girl inherited his power, he considered her the perfect cradle for his dark consciousness, unlike her powerless father.[19]. Rey Jakku is a mechanical engineering major and a trans girl still in the closet. After Han™’s conflict with his son, Kylo Ren, Rey steps forward and tries to shoot Ren who uses his Force™ powers to launch her into a tree. With Snoke's death, however, Ren usurped political and military control of the First Order as the new Supreme Leader. [Source]. Luke is so devastated he hangs up his lightsaber and goes in search of answers at the first Jedi Temple. [14] The revelation brought tears to Rey's eyes, for she sensed no deception in Ren's intentions. He was absolutely right Ren to seek the phantom Emperor intrigued Ren Visio or any document! Check out our comprehensive Star Wars universe is a mechanical engineering major and a trans still.: a Junior Novel, Nexus of Power–class 's adopted father Luke Skywalker being up to date with. Of Power–class which the galaxy was ruled by himself, Vader 's,! `` the Force Awakens to chance [ that ] felt romantic to me section of this epic saga freshen your! Again, [ that ] felt romantic to me to stop the Sith from being reborn to breaking..., ultimately, the final version of Episode VII Rey Daisy Ridley Kylo Ren and Rey Battle out... 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