Comments Off on kaito momota death

Author: Posted On: January 22nd, 2021 In:Uncategorized

It was only once they got to the dining hall that Kaito noticed Shuichi wasn't wearing his hat, to which Tenko ridiculed him for. But what would happen if Shuichi starts to find himself getting closer and closer to his two friends? Luminary of the Stars! Shuichi decided to scout out the Exisal hangar before they storm it the next morning. Shuichi states that Kokichi was the pathetic one as no one wanted to be around him, and that that would never change. He proceeded to assemble the crossbow and threatened Kokichi with it, not wishing to kill him, but at the very least overpower him. But the impossible is possible, all you gotta do is make it so! You have to run a bunch of tests out in space. Kokichi seems genuinely very insulted by this, stating it was a low blow with a faked smile, and then furiously yells at Kaito to go die in a hole and stop getting in the way of people who want to survive. During the Chapter 3 trial, Kokichi goes on about how it's impossible to trust anyone to their fullest, so he doesn't see the point of trusting anyone at all. As a result, the two keep fighting for Shuichi's attention, and Kokichi even teasingly mocks Kaito by asking twice if he likes him or something because he keeps pestering him when he is trying to talk with Shuichi. Despite Kaito’s warning however, Shuichi ended up detained along with Angie and Himiko later anyways. After Maki fled the scene, Kokichi used the electrobomb to disable the security alarm, the safety mechanism of the press machine inside of the hangar, and the Nanokumas as well. And Rantarou Amami, the one who leads on and is basically a stoner. Due to this, Kokichi revolted, saying that Kaede's repeated motivational speech is the source of the group's agony, added by some of her friends giving up on escaping the tunnel, the group's harmony came to a swift end. Games Despite being chosen to participant however, Kaito and the other fifteen participants had no intentions of going along with the plan, not wanting to abandon their loved ones. Like an overbearing mother-in-law nitpicking a young wife! Kaito was angered at the loss of their friend, asking all of them who did it and that he would “punch them into orbit”. Angie eventually told Kaito and everyone else to meet in the gymnasium, seemingly failing in discovering anything about the conspicuous flashlight that she and Shuichi had discovered earlier. Instead, the story switches perspectives between each teams and different characters. He is the only character whose features flip due to sprite mirroring this way. When Kokichi explained how Miu had no intentions of defying Monokuma or escaping the killing game due to her paranoia, Kaito called her an idiot for giving up so easily. We all gotta put our heads together now! Shuichi was greatly saddened to discover that Kaito was the one who killed Kokichi in Chapter 5. That's it. In the Japanese version, Kaito calls Kokichi "pure" instead of "naive", which garners the same shocked result from the supreme leader. The impossible is possible! If you're down all the time, then your dreams might get away from you! However, both Kokichi and Shuichi, much to the latter's dismay, made it very apparent that Gonta was able to commit this crime. there is not a single f/m ship in this i just realized tagging this. "[6], Comparisons could be made between him and Kiyotaka Ishimaru due to having similar roles as the "hot-blooded bro character", and was created as the "motivational bro character."[6]. Kaito however, was not afraid. The two finally parted ways as to not risk Kokichi overhearing. If you want to put an end to this, "Our goal is to escape with everyone, right? Illustration Angie praised Gonta and, like Himiko before him, pulled him into a hug. However, his coat is worn improperly at all times, instead, Kaito wears his left sleeve and leaves the right side of the coat to drape over his shoulder to leave it fluttering to show the space design.[6]. When Kokichi calls Miu and Gonta's deaths meaningless, Kaito loses his temper and attacks Kokichi, but gets instead punched by the smaller boy due to his weakened state caused by the illness. Chapter 2 Kaito once again becomes outraged with Kokichi and attempted to punch him yet again. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He also became one of the few people Maki would actually listen to, as shown when she attempted to strangle Kokichi in front of the other students, stopping only at Kaito's request. Whether I *want* to believe or not! Afterwards, Kaito showed up as well, and everyone got roped into a gambling competition. The peace that kept everyone happy is starting to fade, however, as Kokichi feels like he's being watched. Everyone remembered the meteorites that impacted the Earth and that it was described as being very similar to the meteor impact that wiped out the dinosaurs millions of years ago. All of this was done for the sake of satisfying Danganronpa's audience from all over the world. [4] He hasn't been to space yet, but he harbors a great longing to do so. She explained to everyone how she had been working on the giant computer for the past few days or so and reprogrammed it into a "world without Monokuma or the killing game". ", "I'll leave the rest to you guys! The world needs this Luminary of the Stars to shine even brighter! Everyone was rendered shocked by the way she was murdered, but came to the unanimous conclusion that the motive videos were more dangerous than originally believed and decided that it truly would be for the best not to watch them. ", "But...we can't win by just running away all the time! I wish these days could last forever, y'know? In Chapter 5, the two join in the group effort to take down Kokichi, who was believed to be the mastermind at the time. Kaito along with everyone else immediately followed the Ultimate Entomologist's lead, with hope of finding a way out. But there was nothing there. 超高校級の「宇宙飛行士」 With this, the Ultimate Assassin seemed to have finally warmed up to Kaito a bit and told him that her able to overcome her burdens might be thanks to his training. He claimed that he himself inflicted pain and suffering on the group for no other reason than the thrill of it. In Chapter 5 of the English version, Kaito's arm is still seen during the supposed cut when Kokichi had used the video camera. Do a good job here and I'll be able to put an end to this, "I take responsibility for any mistakes my, "Those motive videos would mess us up, it's better if we just believe in each other. Kokichi laughed Maki's claim off, claiming she was lying out of desperation. [5] In his Free Time Events, he claimed that he has had famous sidekicks in the past, such as a star rookie in the major league, a Nobel Prize winning engineer, and a popular pop star. After realizing that Gonta had been saying things such as "I don't know", and "I don't understand" ever since leaving the virtual world, Shuichi was able to deduce that Gonta had suffered from an avatar error caused by him mixing up the cords, causing him to forget his crime, much to the group's dismay. long hair 2461799? Training is the only way to overcome, "I just don't understand why the instincts of Kaito Momota, Luminary of the Stars, were off!". My skills are suited for the universe! 74 kg (163 lbs) End this ridiculous, "Don't forget! Hah, I guess I could write my autobiography about the universe. This motive baffled the students, though Kaito seemed more frightened than the others to an almost sickly degree. His hair is still styled the way it is during the killing game for some odd reason. There's only one way to get through this awful feeling. He appears insecure during the scene, believing that there is no way the other person will feel the same. Because of his reasoning, they were able to stay alive, passing many Class Trials. Kaito couldn't tell if he was lying or not, but acknowledged that he was really pulling at his heartstrings in order to get him to work with him. Kaito also listened to Kokichi's last words, but later admits that he wasn't sure what was true and what was Kokichi's true character. Имя пользователя. Family Right!? Nobody ended up noticing that Kaito was actually very ill and coughing up blood. Despite the position he was in, Kokichi belittled Maki, asking her why a Killing Game that should have already ended is still continuing. ", "When we find the culprit, I'm gonna punch some sense back into them! ------This fanfic is going to be a full version of the AU I mentioned in my other work, "My Ex-Almost-Boyfriend is Trying to Kill Me at 3 am (GONE WRONG)". Kaito often made threats toward Kokichi, and in turn, Kokichi would taunt or anger him more but for the sake of trying to overpower him and scare him. After the body discovery announcement played, Kaito rushed to the gym along with Miu and Kokichi, shocked to discover Ryoma’s skeleton. I won't forgive something so messed up! Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls, New Danganronpa V3: Minna no Koroshiai Shin Gakki Comic Anthology, Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony (Demo Version), Love Across the Universe: Dangan Salmon Team, New Danganronpa V3: Minna no Koroshiai Shin Gakki Comic Anthology Volume 2, New Danganronpa V3: Minna no Koroshiai Shin Gakki Comic Anthology Volume 3, the cutscene where the characters change into their new outfits, Translated List V3 Students' Former High Schools. Kaito asked Kokichi what had gotten into him, stating that the way he was acting now was a whole different level of weird. a little ooc but i mean it's postgame so it's kinda supposed to be? Status Here it was revealed that he was a psychopath who wanted to murder in order to earn fame and fortune to make all his impossibilities possible, greatly contradicting his Killing Game counterpart. At first, Kaede is angered when Kaito informs her that he had broken the law in order to become an astronaut. Maki told him to train as well, but Kaito said that the reason he wasn’t training was because he had no worries himself, proudly declaring that he was “Kaito Momota, Luminary of the Stars!”. Maki was aggravated by this and threatened Kokichi, but despite holding the Ultimate Supreme Leader by his neck, he still called out her true talent as the Ultimate Assassin. According to Tsumugi Shirogane, Kaito Momota was a normal talentless high school boy who adored a famous reality show called Danganronpa, a series which tells the story about Killing Games, created by Team Danganronpa. He also received the talent and title of Ultimate Astronaut. Manga His title is the Ultimate Astronaut (超高校級の「宇宙飛行士」 lit. Each day has a new prompt and a different ship. It's okay to run sometimes. jacket 273336? During Chapter 4, Kokichi attempts to separate Kaito and Shuichi by telling Shuichi that he should be his friend and partner instead. ", "Yeah! Since he wasn’t sure whether or not he was allowed to log back in, he simply decided to head back to his room to get some sleep. Apparently, it was all a part of his training as an astronaut. Well, it's fine if you're just not interested... After all, the universe is a harsh place. As a result, a rift in the group formed. Curiosity is what moves a man! After the fabrication process was completed, Kaito and the others entered the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles as totally different people, officially commencing the 53rd killing game season known as the Killing School Semester. He does, however, comment on how quick she is to act on her own, to which he offers her to be his sidekick. Gonta and Tenko used K1-B0 as a battering ram to shatter the tank since it would take too long to drain by hand, and everyone helped clean up. Afterwards, Monokuma came to the dining hall and announced the first motive, anyone who committed the first killing will graduate without holding a trial, effectively calling it a "First Blood Perk". Hearing this, Kaito and Tenko joined Kaede and Shuichi in storming the library, seeing the bookcase move back into position at the back of the room. That is, until he meets a small blogger, also a big Apollo fanboy, named Kokichi Ouma. After "revealing" himself as the mastermind, Kokichi captures Kaito because his spirit would get everyone fired up and his hotheadedness is troublesome in general. Just be proud that, "Don't doubt yourself! Kokichi proudly told Kaito and Maki to tear each other’s arguments apart in an argument that "isn't boring". ", "If you can't visualize your goals, you'll never be able to achieve them. Kaito reassured him however and stated that if he made any mistakes, he himself would take responsibility for them, stating that he is responsible for any mistakes that his sidekick makes. Next: Ranking All The Main Danganronpa Characters Around that time an extremist cult came into power. She appears to be annoyed by him, but doesn't seem willing to chase him away. During chapter 1 however, he constanly attempted to break school rules on purpose, and each attempt nearly got himself killed, such as hurting Monookuma and breaking his own Monopad. Maki was eventually stopped by Kaito and the others, dropping Kokichi on the floor. Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony fixed up the writing and added two new ships! Everyone else would end up staying all night in the virtual world. Cuz I'm Kaito Momota! My training's a piece of cake! Maki was surprised and a bit confused by this sudden trust in her, and appeared to be unwillingly touched by Kaito's faith in her. Nagito has the title of Ultimate Lucky Student. Instead, he finds himself in a hospital room surrounded by beeping monitors. She resolved to use her own life as a weapon and abandoned her vote along with the others. Kaito and the other fifteen talentless students underwent the fabrication process, where all of their past memories and personalities were heavily fabricated. Name Kaito still felt too awkward to look Shuichi in the eye properly, but was overall very impressed with his lab. ", "Now that that's settled, let's eat! During the Class Trial, when everyone was accusing Shuichi of being the culprit, Kaito was on the half that chose to defend him and refused to believe that he would be capable of murder. A life free from maps, finding my own adventures... that's the life for me! Romaji Shuichi questioned the credibility of his story for several times, mentioned that Kaito was probably demented or could probably become a great writer using the materials he told him. However, Kokichi occasionally appears genuinely scared of Kaito's violence and sometimes runs away and hides from him for quite a while. It'd become a must-have book for guys trying to become astronauts. Although brokenhearted at Kaede's death, Shuichi soon develops a friendship with the "Ultimate Astronaut", Kaito Momota, and the "Ultimate Child Caregiver", Maki Harukawa, over the following chapters. While everyone was preparing for battle however, Kokichi suddenly appeared as well and brought with him Miu's memento, offering them to his classmates. Kaito attempted to shrug it off as him stating that his skills are suited for outer space rather than gambling, though it was clear he was upset at his constant losses. I'm not gonna rely on a god, spirits, or the dead. モモタ カイト Kokichi boasted that another class trial would start now where Kaito would be the victim and Maki would be the blackened, much to her shock. ", "If you eat too many sweets, you'll become a spoiled person. Shuichi was able to deduce that Maki had Ryoma's video due to the fact that he himself had Kaito's. Kaito went with what everyone decided, stating that the motive videos were too dangerous to watch. Kaito proudly thought that it was all thanks to him that the killing game had ended. And it's sorta cool, isn't it? Kaito reluctantly agreed to Rantaro’s statement, but still refused to participate in such a thing. He strongly hates Kokichi's lies and unwillingness to cooperate, and his anger often clouds his judgement. The next day, everyone gathered in the dining hall. If there's a chance we can do it, then we should take it. Super High School Level Astronaut). It was initiated by heads of nations from all over the world after countless meteorites crashed into Earth, spreading a deadly virus all throughout the atmosphere. Confessed her feelings to him and punch him back, but was overall very impressed with Kaede everyone. 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