Therefore, Spitz breeds shouldn’t be shaved or trimmed. It is also very friendly toward strangers. Use a slicker brush and wide-tooth comb to get through both layers of hair and remove any tangles before they form unmanageable mats. Its coat is its most stunning asset as it is white and fluffy. No trimming is required and Japanese Spitz tend to look and feel clean with only occasional baths as the hair naturally repels dirt. While the AKC does have some recognition of the Japanese Spitz, the … Japanese Spitz Care. This double-coated breed sheds once or twice a year. The Japanese Spitz has a double coat, and while the undercoat will lose a little hair constantly, most of the dead hair will get trapped beneath the thick outer coat, so overall shedding is minimal for these dogs. Basic Care of Japanese Spitz . It could be as simple as low-quality food or something more serious like hypothyroidism. Drooling is basically a non-issue. If you ignore this responsibility, you are setting yourself up for a busy detangling session. The undercoat only falls out practically all at once during the course of the year. 10 minutes twice a week and almost no shed hairs in the home. Shanspitz Kennels: About the Japanese Spitz – Care Requirements, Northern Japanese Spitz Club: Grooming the Japanese Spitz. In summary, the shedding in Japanese Spitz can’t be stopped. Japanese spitz puppies pedigree puppies registered with dogs nsw puppies come vet checked up to date with vaccinations they are regularly wormed and are micro... 2. . And the Japanese dog breeds are no different at sharing that love, which is something special. Japanese spitz for sale in Toowoomba QLD - Japanese spitz ... chocolate, white & chocolate, roan coloursNON-shedding wool coats5 LEFT We are a family owned, ethical registered dog breeder located in regional Victoria, under 2 hours away from Melbourne in Toolleen, on a peaceful acreage. The double-layered coat makes the dog look like a fluffy cotton ball. The Japanese Spitz was originally created from at least 2 varieties of dogs; the American Eskimo and a white Russian Spitz (Laika) imported to Japan via Manchuria. It can live outdoors in temperate to cold climates, but it much prefers to live indoors with its human family. The Japanese Spitz has a dominant nature and when introduced to a household with other breeds may very quickly become “the boss”, even over much larger breeds. Japanese Spitz dogs should be brushed at least twice a week with a brush that reaches to the undercoat. He is feisty, charming, social, bright, alert, active, loyal and loving and you want to be sure that he has everything laid on as a 4-legged family member. Despite its long, pure white coat the Japanese Spitz is a low maintenance breed. Despite its long pure white coat the Japanese Spitz is a low maintenance breed. The Spitz are a a very tidy dog and should be bathed only if necessary. The Japanese Spitz is active and needs exercise every day, either in the form of a walk or a vigorous play session. To reduce the shedding that the Japanese Spitz does, you must groom it regularly. When the dog is shedding, use a comb with a double row of metal teeth … Most of the time you should need to brush your pooch only once or twice a week; but when he's in his major shedding period, you'll have to increase brushing frequency to daily. Use a drain cover to catch the washed out loose hairs before they collect in your drain and cost you a plumber's visit. Shedding can’t be stopped, but it can be endured. This breed may look similar to American Eskimo Dogs, white Pomeranians, or small Samoyeds, but Japanese Spitz dogs have their own lineages and hail from, as you might guess, Japan. So you have to use a brush as well as a wide-tooth comb in order to get through both layers of hair. Even if you trim down the dog’s hair, a shedding dog will always shed. The birds love it. Brushing removes dead, loose hair before it tangles together and ruins an otherwise pristine coat. But the Japanese Spitz is known to be a breed that requires high maintenance, just like any other luxurious dog breed. From time to time, we carefully curate helpful guides on best dog food for your Shiba Inu or Tosa Inu as well as all other Japanese dog breeds for our readers. They differ in their size, color, trainability, exercise needs, and overall commitment to their care and upkeep. The Japanese spitz does not shed all the time, but the undercoat will fall out practically all at once during the course of the year. Like all spitz-type breeds, Finnish Spitz shed a lot. It can affect the growth of the undercoat, which is originally meant to protect and insulate their bodies from the coolest/hottest seasons. For the Japanese Spitz as well as other Long-haired dogs, you may need to bath them more frequently. Due to the thickness of this breed’s double coat, regular brushing and grooming is necessary to keep the coat healthy and to reduce shedding. They learn quickly, are agile, and have great memories when it comes to the commands that are taught to them. The Japanese Spitz is a high-spirited, intelligent, and playful dog. With Japanese Spitz, you should notice copious shed Spitz hair in your home only when he’s going through his big shedding phase. In that case, you should brush their coat on a daily basis. As such, your dog’s coat may need frequent cleaning- even when you won’t snuggle up with him sooner. I have one for my cats (two of them extreme shedding - vet gave all of them a clean health bill) and will never ever miss it. But, no matter how you define the breed, the popularity of the Japanese Spitz is growing around the globe. Socialise them well or they can be reserved and even somewhat aloof with strangers. A Shiba inu is a fairly small dog. Contrary to most people's expectations and beliefs their coat is very easy to look after. When it comes to choosing a cute and lovable dog breed, the Japanese Spitz would probably be one of your first choices. If he does get some mud on him, however, it is recommended that you should dry him out completely, then brushing off the dirt before you can start washing him. If you neglect brushing, your dog’s hair might be tangled up, leading to the development of mats. This brush helps in picking apart any mats in the hair that have developed since your last brushing. The Japanese dog breed site is your FREE resource hub about rare Japanese dog breeds like the Shiba Inu, Tosa Inu, and many more. If you are yet to experience the seasonal Japanese Spitz shedding season, you are going to enjoy this… well, I meant, you will find this useful. A spitz doesn't require regular baths to keep his coat bright white. 6. While there are many dog breeds one can choose from, we are fascinated by Japanese dog breeds. The best way you can do this is to start with a slicker brush. But if you notice that your dog seems to shed undercoat a lot more than the usual two distinct periods a year, consider visiting your vet for help or consultation. Once you do so, you won’t have to vacuum the hair later in your kitchen. Generally speaking, all dogs, even the double coats, shed hair minimally throughout the year. The Japanese Spitz is, in spirit, a big dog in a little dog's body. If your pooch seems to shed undercoat more two distinct periods a year, or his coat seems thin and dull, visit your vet. Japanese Spitz is a dog breed that sheds seasonally. With double-coated breeds, the shedding may vary by the specific type of breed. The Pomeranian is a healthy breed, but there are certain health issues that you should check with your vet regularly. The moment you see it scratch itself, you must take it to the vet immediately as it is possible there are ticks or fleas all over it. $ 4,000 . Comb the dog daily during the first 2 weeks - and afterwards just twice a week for 10 minutes. Any animal with hair will shed, especially those with double coats, but how much and when that hair falls out varies by breed. If you try to use method, such as shaving, you are only depriving your dog from its natural coat that is made to insulate them all year round. These dogs are known for being clean and keeping to themselves most of the time. The Japanese Spitz has all kinds of surprises in store, from their German ancestry to their unusual standing with the AKC, to a coat that seems to keep itself clean. They don’t come cheap. Despite its long, pure white coat the Japanese Spitz is a low maintenance breed. The general rule of thumb is that the longer your dog’s hair, the more likely it is to drag in the mud and collecting dirt. The moment you see it scratch itself, you must take it to the vet immediately as it is possible there are ticks or fleas all over it. Your Japanese spitz's fluffy double-layered coat makes the dog look like a walking cotton ball. About the author: Michele Welton has over 40 years of experience as a Dog Trainer, Dog Breed Consultant, and founder of three Dog Training Centers. It can be completely normal or a sign of a health problem. So, the shedding can’t be controlled, and you can’t stop a Japanese Spitz from shedding. Brush the Hair Away Puppy Cut: In this style, a Japanese Spitz is shaved to 1.5-2 inches all over; some choose to leave the head hair, mane, and tail plume a bit fuller. Once the underlying problem is corrected, his coat should return to normal. Japanese Spitz's coat are relatively dry and require bathing once every 6 months. The Japanese Spitz is a small-to-medium dog breed. Shedding is the price you have to pay for keeping these gorgeous, white dogs. Exercise is most important for your dog if it is to remain healthy both physically and mentally. Samoyed and Japanese Spitz both have devoted fans for good reasons, but they’re right for different kinds of owners. Males are known to shed once a year, while females shed off their coat twice a year, and most times it is during the spring and fall change of seasons. While your dog might need frequent brushing, a Japanese Spitz doesn’t need regular baths in order to keep his coat long elegant. The Japanese Spitz is a family dog seeming to thrive on the different attention and affections from each family member. Not Registered With the AKC. She doesn't. Your Japanese Spitz is going to make you a superb companion and you want to ensure that you are well prepared for him when he arrives. We are compensated for referring traffic and business to Amazon and other companies linked to on this site. So you might want to wear some lint rollers prior to cuddling with your Spitz. But as we mentioned before, there is a price you have to pay when it comes to owning a Spitz and that is; the dogs are high maintenance. A Japanese spitz's extreme shedding lasts only a week or two, then you can return to your less-frequent brushing sessions. Japanese Spitzes shed all year long. The texture of the Spitz’s coat makes even the stickiest mud come off easily. The Japanese spitz does not shed all the time, but the undercoat will fall out practically all at once during the course of the year. She has enough hair for two dogs. The birds love it. … Shedding is a problem with Indian Spitz as their European heritage means they get rid of their winter coat all over your furniture. The fur on the lower legs is shorter, but the tail is well-furred and is carried curled over the back. They also go through two heavy shedding periods. Japanese Spitz only require grooming about once a week when they are adults (except when they are shedding coat – then you will have to brush them daily for the week they are dropping coat) but as a puppy it is advisable to do it daily to help them get used to … The Japanese Spitz has a dominant nature and when introduced to a household with other breeds may very quickly become “the boss”, even over much larger breeds. Japanese Spitz Dog Grooming Instruction - Brushing Hair and Coat Most dog's hair and coats need some attention. The Japanese Spitz should be brushed and combed regularly. So in this way, you’ll get a lot of the loose hair out while he’s in the tub, which will save you a lot of time. It only has an average weight of about 20 pounds. Japanese Spitz Links. The coat of the Japanese Spitz is its most recognizable feature – it is white and plush, forming a thick mane around the neck. The Japanese Spitz dog grooming instruction for caring for your dog's hair or coat is as follows: The Japanese Spitz has a beautiful, pure white coat which must be groomed regularly to keep it looking healthy and shining. To be more accurate, let us show you what are their ideal measures. Grooming, Haircuts and Shedding. In fact, if the coat looks strange or out-of-the-ordinary, it means there is something wrong with the dog’s health. In fact, the shedding can be so much, leaving you asking. The Japanese Spitz is a small family companion with the heart of a large watchdog. The Japanese Spitz has a luxurious, double-layered white coat--and for most breeds, that would mean a great deal of coat care. While this list is short, they make up an interesting mix of non-shedding breeds. Take a quick peek at the Japanese Spitz, the Pomeranian, the American Eskimo and the Samoyed, and you might wonder if they aren’t all the same breed.. Looks can be deceiving and in fact, all of these Nordic type Spitz dogs are different breeds. This is a very tidy animal that should be bathed only when necessary. The American Eskimo Dog is a healthy breed, but there are certain health issues that you should check with your vet regularly. Bathing will just keep the dog looking its best. Grooming, Haircuts and Shedding. Japanese Spitz, in general, are a healthy, active breed that can live a happy life of up to 12 to 14 years of age. And the Amazon affiliate advertising program is designed to provide a means for sites like ours to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to They also have the looks. This happy dog is usually good with children and usually gets along well with other dogs and household pets. The Japanese Spitz is an active, loyal and affectionate dog that enjoys human interaction and is always eager to please. She has enough hair for two dogs. She doesn't. Japanese Spitz dogs have double coat made up of an underlayer of short wooly-like hair and a top coat of longer hairs or guard hairs. Size. They’ll always be a part of my life and I hope yours too. The outer coat is like 'Teflon' which repels dirt and the under-layer is like a soft wool. The Japanese Spitz is a healthy breed, but there are certain health issues that you should check with your vet regularly. Grooming. These are double-coated dogs that are naturally supposed to shed. The Spitz likes to spend most of its time around its owners. The Japanese Spitz is a suitable breed for kids and is known to be playful, energetic, and affectionate around them. Or it could be a much more serious health condition like hypothyroidism, but this very rare nowadays. Standards for the Japanese Spitz vary across the world’s kennel clubs, especially when it comes to size, so it’s important to understand your Japanese Spitz’s country of origin. How much does a Japanese Spitz cost? We have an Eskie (who drops hair on the floor as she walks) and have always told her that her identical but superior counterpart is the non-shedding Japanese spitz. Typically, a Spitz must be brushed only once or twice in a week; but you will need to increase the frequency when he’s in his major shedding period. Breeders that meet established standards will often sell puppies for $1,000 to $2,500 each! Too much accumulation of the dog hairs in the drain can cost you a plumber’s visit. Heavy shedding. As we all know, all dogs shed. The texture of his coat makes even the stickiest mud come off easily. Their coat needs to be groomed twice a week using a pin brush that reaches to the undercoat to prevent knots forming. This is the result of ½ hour's brushing and there's much more to go. This should ultimately get rid of any tangles before they can become unmanageable mats. When a dog's coat looks bad, something may be amiss with his health. Should the Spitz roll in a mud bath, for example, once the mud dries it will flake right off. The Japanese Spitz’s thick, fluffy, luxurious white coat is surprisingly easy to care for. Conclusion. If you time his seasonal bath while he's in the midst of his shedding period, you'll get a lot of the loose hair out while he's in the tub. The Japanese Spitz is able to handle most types of hot and cold weather.A Japanese Spitz is also suited for apartment living since it is an excellent watchdog.This dog will bark and alert its owners when an intruder is present.. They do not suffer from digestive problems. Drooling is the unintentional saliva flowing outside of the mouth. Adaptable. Although regular brushing is required of the breed's pure white fur coat, the Japanese Spitz is actually a low-maintenance breed. Certain dog breeds drool minimal compared to others, just like the Japanese Spitz. Most dogs are required to take a bath once every three months, according to the ASPCA should take a bath once every three months. So what? Having a Japanese Spitz around the house is very fun. Instead, they only need to be brushed. If you're disgusted by slobber spots on your clothes, the Japanese Spitz could be a perfect choice for you. History: The Japanese Spitz was bred to be a companion dog and was first spotted in Tokyo in 1921. 10 minutes twice a week and almost no shed hairs in the home. Please don't hesitate to ask us what is available as we may be waiting on a deposit to clear on a puppy. Japanese Spitz enjoys being outside and has a protective coat against soil so do not shave the coat. Wow, does the Japanese spitz also shed? Jane Williams began her writing career in 2000 as the writer and editor of a nationwide marketing company. You can notice this just by seeing an image of them. Leave a Comment. This is the result of ½ hour's brushing and there's much more to go. Japanese Spitz, in general, are a healthy, active breed that can live a happy life of up to 12 to 14 years of age. This is a very fluffy dog with a thick coat. Japanese Spitz Dog Grooming Instruction - Brushing Hair and Coat Most dog's hair and coats need some attention. They only need to … Grooming: The Japanese Spitz is a heavy shedder and even though the fur does not need brushing as such, you might want to stick to a daily brushing to reduce the shedding. Despite its impressive coat, the Japanese Spitz is surprisingly easy to maintain. How often do Japanese Spitz dogs shed? Things About Japanese Spitz This typically occurs when the seasons change. You would be … The shedding is especially intense twice a year when the dogs “blow their coats.” Between the two breeds, the Japanese Spitz has the slightly softer coat, but they may drop hair more readily. Once the causal problem has been fixed, your dog’s coat will also return to its normal state. Socialise them well or they can be reserved and even somewhat aloof with strangers. This beloved breed is so friendly and loyal to its owners. Low Shedding; Save 30% On Dog’s Supplies; You are here: Home / Breeds / Get to Know the Japanese Spitz: A Devoted & Affectionate Companion. 3 days ago. Despite the fact that Japanese Spitz are heavy shedders, they don’t actually shed all the time. Expect your Japanese Spitz to throw a tantrum and create nuisance if – You’re ignoring it The spitz has been left alone at home for a long duration (they tend to become anxious) The dog hasn’t been taken out or allowed to run around Presence of a stranger; Every canine needs to be trained in socializing, and the Japanese Spitz is no exception to this rule. Is A Shiba Inu A Good First Dog To Own As A Novice? This tough little dog acts as a house protector and guardian. You should also pay your vet a visit if your coat of your Spitz seems thin and dull as this could be a sign that something is wrong. Brushing is a very important task, especially to long haired dogs like the Spitz. Japanese Spitz shedding is minimal for most of the year--but during the twice-yearly shedding seasons these dogs shed profusely. These dogs are surprisingly adaptable to most families, but prepare to deal with a lot of shedding. This cut can be done at home with instruction from a groomer. Compare Japanese Spitz and Samoyed and Japanese Chin. Japanese Spitz's coat are relatively dry and require bathing once every 6 months. Yes, your Japanese Spitz will shed its coat each year, if not then more often . Although they will choose one family member as their leader and bond more closely with that person. The Japanese Spitz is a high-spirited, intelligent, and playful dog. Your spitz boasts long, silky hair atop a fluffy undercoat, and neglecting this mane leads to tangles and mats. The spitz' coat needs very little grooming. This is how they remain white and relatively odourless. The coat has a non-stick texture - which experts describe as similar to Teflon. Most people think that trimming the hair down makes the Spiltz stop from shedding, unfortunately, your Japanese Spiltz won’t stop shedding seasonally even if … anonymous. The only exception is when your canine might be shedding fur. You will be glad to know that the dog is very easy to clean. It may shed but the doctor can give medications so everything will be back to normal in a few days. The Japanese Spitz has a double coat, and while the undercoat will lose a little hair constantly, most of the dead hair will get trapped beneath the thick outer coat, so overall shedding is minimal for these dogs. The breeders started with the white German Spitz dogs but later other white Spitz breeds were imported and crossed into this developing breed. Also, heavy shedding may mean usually collects on the clothes that you wear, particularly darker clothing. Most Japanese Spitz are good watch dogs, despite their relatively small size, and they have a tendency to bark to warn of arriving strangers. We have 3 male japanese spitz puppies available fo . There is a difference on the amount of shedding in male and female Spitz, though. The best de-shedding tool on the planet - worth each single cent. Besides the actual bathing session, you can also wipe your dog down with a warm, wet washcloth as required. Feeding: The Japanese Spitz does not have any problems when it comes to feeding. What’s more, it may take a while for the hair to grow back to its original state, or it may not altogether. But, these dogs need very little grooming, unlike other double-coated breeds.”. They are alert and have great courage, making them good watchdogs as they have a tendency to bark to warn off strangers. They are easy to train because they are smart and eager to learn new tricks. The dog needs bathing no more often than once every three or four months, or when he rolled into something stinky. All long-haired dogs need frequent cleaning around the house, but this typically depending on how much your dog sheds. Grooming session for a Japanese Spitz should be held once a week wherein its coat would be brushed and its nails would be clipped. What is similar is the fact that these dogs, along with other breeds such as the German Spitz, Keeshound, and Malamute all belong the same Spitz family. when your dogs sheds it coat use a comb with a double row of teeth to help remove loose hairs from the under layer of the coat. Both the Japanese Spitz and the Samoyed are white, fluffy, and adorable. The undercoat protects the dog from extreme hot and cold weather, while the top coat repels moisture and dirt. Most people think that trimming the hair down makes the Spiltz stop from shedding, unfortunately, your Japanese Spiltz won’t stop shedding seasonally even if you shaved her bald. When temperatures change in the spring and fall, though, they'll blow their winter and summer coats--and they'll shed like crazy. Report Ad. Recognizable feature. In fact, any other animal that has hair sheds at some point. He cleans himself like a cat, licking and grooming his coat and paws. Brushing their fur regularly reduces shedding. Actually, with the Japanese Spitz and other double-coated breeds, shaving has an adverse effect to their coat. They do need to be groomed twice a week - using a pin brush to reach the undercoat. They're tidy little animals and keep themselves very clean, so Japanese Spitz grooming shouldn't be too much of an undertaking. Japanese Spitz is a dog breed that sheds seasonally. Japanese Spitz only require grooming about once a week when they are adults (except when they are shedding coat – then you will have to brush them daily for the week they are dropping coat) but as a puppy it is advisable to do it daily to help them get used to … the Spitz is a clean dog and will lick itself very clean. Comb the dog daily during the first 2 weeks - and afterwards just twice a week for 10 minutes. The Japanese Spitz is around 13 inches tall, weighing anywhere between 11 to 20 pounds. The Japanese Spitz is first and foremost a companion dog and thrives on human contact and attention, preferring to be a member … The Japanese Spitz was developed by Japanese breeders at the time of the 1920s, and bringing in quite a number of dog breeds to do so. By … The Japanese Spitz is a perfect example for very low drooling tendency. He will often be seen licking and grooming his coat and paws, just like a cat does. A Japanese Spitz is a self-cleaning dog. The average lifespan of the Japanese Spitz is about 10 to 16 years. Its thick coat needs brushing and combing two to three times a week, daily when shedding. The Japanese dog breed site is your resource hub about rare Japanese dog breeds like the Shiba Inu, Tosa Inu, and many more. This Dog Has Biannual Malting Seasons. To keep bringing you amazing pet dog guides free, we participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. Afghan hound (pictured above) Briard; Giant schnauzer; Poodle (large) Peruvian Inca orchid (large, hairless) Xoloitzcuintli (large) Medium Shedding Dogs. So, the shedding can’t be controlled, and you can’t stop a Japanese Spitz from shedding. That being said, the shedding period of a Japanese Spits is only a week or two. Our Japanese Spitz is shedding her hair twice a year. The Japanese Spitz (日本スピッツ, Nihon Supittsu) is a small to medium breed of dog of the Spitz type.There are varying standards around the world as to the ideal size of the breed, but they are always larger than their smaller cousins, the Pomeranian.They were developed in Japan in the 1920s and 1930s by breeding a number of other Spitz type dog breeds together. The Japanese Spitz dog grooming instruction for caring for your dog's hair or coat is as follows: The Japanese Spitz has a beautiful, pure white coat which must be groomed regularly to keep it looking healthy and shining. Some long-haired dogs shed very little, which means they are a low maintenance in this area. It could be something as simple as low-quality food. I was under the impression that they do not except when blowing the undercoat. This makes it easy on their owners because it means they can eat any dog … The Japanese Spitz is a small to medium dog breed originating from Japan, where it was created by crossbreeding several different Spitz. Contrary to most people’s expectations and belief their coat is very easy to look after. For this reason, these dogs end up developing human-like personalities. The best de-shedding tool on the planet - worth each single cent. As such, he should need bathing no more often than once every three or four months. For the most part, these signs are usually an indication of a less-serious problem. 2. If you have a male Spitz, you will only have to deal with the once-in-a-year shedding, but if you have a female Spitz, the maintenance will be twice as much. Brush him out completely before washing him, and use a gentle dog shampoo. Males lose it once a year, while females drop it twice a year, usually coinciding with the spring and fall change of seasons. This usually last up to a week. Kumo, our Japanese Spitz puppy, has only been with us for four weeks and we've already had such adventures! The Japanese Spitz is a small dog, around 33 cm (13 ins) at the withers, with a somewhat square body, deep chest, and a very thick, pure white double coat.The coat consists of an outer coat that stands off from the soft inner coat, with fur shorter on the muzzle and … Twice-Yearly shedding seasons these dogs shed profusely, wet washcloth as required how! Bathing once every three or four months, or when he rolled into something stinky train because they are and... Cold weather, while the AKC does have some recognition of the.... Well with other dogs and household pets, a big dog in a mud bath, for example once! Out, and adorable the causal problem has been fixed, your down. Actual bathing session, you won ’ t stop a Japanese Spitz dog grooming Instruction - brushing hair remove... 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