“Human caused global warming does not … What a cross to bear!Thanks to those responsble for the video for making it accessible to everyone! Global WARMongers convolute with government to further the decline of middle class and poor through carbon taxing which corporation will write off or receive subsidies. This is a crock of…. Relevance. We wish that were true! Why it’s so cold (spoiler alert: it’s global warming) By Roger Green on January 4, ... with killer cold. What's lost is waste-heat and regardless of greenhouse gas emissions the planet will continue to heat up from this huge amount of waste-heat. However, weather imposes its own dramatic ups and downs over the long term trend. Maybe it's still there and this is the 4th comment. My take on those who write on this page that they think climate change is a lie or something like that is that they seem not to either understand or acknowledge basic statistical measures of dispersion. Why has it been so cold? Beyond being the hottest year on record last year we hit two "tipping points" one was 3.05-ppm CO2 gained in 1-year a record, and we hit 3mm of sea-level rise proving we're on an exponential curve on both. There are important regional differences in trends, with the largest increases occurring in the northeastern United States (high confidence).” Global warming is also causing warmer spring weather to arrive earlier than it used to. Very informative. But don’t tell that to the anti-global warming crowd which is using this bitterly cold January to make snarky jokes about Al Gore and write editorials in which they say that there’s no way a planet can be heating up when we’re in the middle of a cold snap. It’s that time of year, the perennial “It’s snowing so it can’t be warming” season – or, as scientists call it, “winter”. It is refreshing to see this compilation video. This pushes the jet stream south, brings cold air to highly populous areas, and creates the conditions for a cold snap. Everyone with any sense realizes that climate change is actually caused by turtles. so it is unfortunate that this opportunity didn't do it. They seem not to understand what a global average is and what outliers are. 2, you likely have not researched global dimming and its effects. If There’s Global Warming…Why Is It So Cold ... is impossible and every winter when the first flakes fly it automatically disproves to them that the earth is not warming. Answer Save. No. The devastating effects are still the same. really only 3 copmments so far, probably being 50 by now, sincei I loaded the page. The time to end this insanity was in the 70's it's far too late, the concept of a "carbon budget" to me is that we already blew that wad to get to 400-ppm, the planet will heat to 3-5C by 2100, "natural variability" ends for most of the planet by 2050 meaning the hottest summer now will be average then. That's it, we're down to one geophysical engineering move that'll matter thermally to cool the planet, see how smart the apes are, eh? Yet we will find no solutions, which ultimately I suspect will require emergency technological solutions to geo-engineer heat dissipation, reflection, or atmospheric carbon sequestration, because the wealth and the corporations and the politicians prefer hanging on to power, and blinding themselves to the consequences of our industrial atmospheric emissions on the planet. Try not to be anti-human. Does it matter whether global warming is due to man made or natural causes? Humans better figure out they need a geophysical intervention, not umbrellas in space taking more carbon to get them there. It's no small wonder he was addicted to oxycontin. There is only one of these geographically that will give a cooling effect, that is to dam Bering Straits to prevent Pacific Ocean water from entering the Arctic Ocean, right now volume is about 10^6m³/second, it's helping to melt the sea-ice in the eastern basin. That is fact. Depends on where you’re standing, actually — I stood on a frozen lake with Dr. Jeff Masters to discuss the current planetary changes, but at the same time, in Alaska, historic warm temperatures were unfolding, and across the west, the deepest drought in decades…. "They've got to find a way to attach this to the global warming agenda, and they have, it's called…". After it was leaked that's why. They want to never run out on news stuff about the weather. Since the mid 1970s, global temperatures have been warming at around 0.2 degrees Celsius per decade. Global Warming, LOL. And the future is looking grim for our planet, its biodiversity, and weather patterns. Global warming causes Global cooling, but then Global cooling cause global warming? Other than that, climate change resulting due to the anthropogenic increase of CO2 in the atmosphere is details aside a slow and harmless process. Permalink. Senior Research Scientist, Stanford University, Executive Director, National Center for Science Education, Climate Scientist, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. If There’s Global Warming Then Why Is It So Cold? I've been trying to explain this stuff from a common sense perspective to my friends who are skeptics regarding Climate Change and Global Warming. But, as cold as it is, all this talk of global warming is not overblown. Global warming does not mean that EVERYWHERE, every season will be warmer than past years. According to meteorologist Ray Wolfe, with National Weather Service Quad-Cities, it's not that simple. Besides, you can't say you love animals and still use them. 3 This is a pattern that goes back decades. It’s kind of expected when you think about it. We should probably close out its tab, but I like driving and eating. Thank you, Yale Climate Change Forum! (too old to reply) zepp 2004-01-28 14:26:18 UTC. Instead, it suggests that the likelihood of a warmer than average season in the future goes up. Reduce your carbon footprint fastest, go vegan. It's all Obama's fault! It's like sitting around and watching Noah as he build his ark and not take the hint. Viewers and denialists especially are invited to review the weather in Australia. And how can it be this cold if there's global warming? For more info, check out the "about" section of the Project channel. I'd offer the less P.C. It's that time of year, the perennial "It's snowing so it can't be warming" season - or, as scientists call it, "winter". January 28, 2004 OP-ED CONTRIBUTOR Global Chilling By PAUL R. EPSTEIN OSTON It seemed incongruous when former Vice President Al Gore gave And on the way to that the will become so expensive that you can't afford them. ... mean that the winter is completely over. There is just no way anyone could accurately claim that conservatives are blinded by religious dogma more than liberals – this is a clear fact to those with high intellect. Didn't there used to be a youtube feature to live load the comments as they appear? “And we’re switching now from a lightweight summer blanket to a down comforter, and that effect is cranking up the temperature of the planet.”, This effect can’t be written off to natural causes, added Santer. Thank you, great information! We are frying the planet; disturbing ecosystems; breaking up weather patterns that have been stable for millenia and longer. GLOBAL WARMING IS FAKE NEWS. Anonymous. If there's a climate emergency then why is it so ... something that's supposed to be a thing of the past yet at the same time is somehow a sign of global warming? “A cold snap in the teeth of global warming is no more unusual than a cool day in summer. When will they stop the scam. California is going to be a desert. So if the elites, having access to think tanks and vast number of scientists, have figured out that the environment is going to collapse; and they are preparing by building underground cities and seed vault for themselves using public tax money. LOL. Depends on where you’re standing, actually — I stood on a frozen lake with Dr. Jeff Masters to discuss the current planetary changes, … …", Though tragic some people use it to deny global warming, and its consequence, climate change . That's why you don't see him he was caught lying and he is hiding. 4th. And all of those idiots bitching about co2 a change of 200 ppm THAT IS 0.02%! We had days of -30 departures this year and perhaps a day of mid +20's departure last year… But beyond that, he is definitely in damage mode. Many conditions affect weather. alternate title:If there are so many idiots.. .. why are we described as intelligent life? The Rutgers lady basically says "it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck" but she's not ready to make the claim that our weather woes are ABSOLUTELY caused by global warming. We are in fact in the anthropocene age, the anthropocene mass extinction, and its due to anthropogenic climate change, including out of control global warming. Being above 400-ppm CO2 we're committed to 25m/82ft of sea-level rise count on 2m/6.6ft by 2100. It's a question that pops up whenever it's really cold: If there's global warming, why is it so cold? Model of the polar vortex splitting as show by Earth Wind Map. “There's some parts of the northern U.S. where we’re actually seeing some years with more extreme snowfall. The world is hot of global warming, why is it getting cold. We invite you to join our supporters helping to change conversation about climate disruption for good. Does a cold winter mean that global warming is over? “Human caused global warming does not invalidate winter; we’re still going to have winter.”, Santer was part of a panel of climate scientists, communicators and educators convened to explain the basics of climate change and to debunk some popular myths. Even if Climate Change and Global Warming was not real, strict and serious regulation of ecological health would still be absolutely necessary: this is only planet we have – why not dramatically increase our efforts to clean up our abuses/mistakes in this area and maintain sustainability for the living spaces belonging to us and non-human animals? Even then, the minimum temperature will remain. Yes, weather conditions change; No shit. Lets have a word with God instead and ask him to put it right for us. If the planet is warming up, they say, then why is it so darn cold outside?“The challenge is explaining that to people that there is this warming signal, but there's also going to be natural variability,” says climate scientist Ben Santer. Global worming is created by the media. One Joule = 1 Watt in energy, so that fabulous 1,500-megawatt power plant is putting out 3,000-megaJoules of heat continuously, get it? As for those unseasonably cold spells and extra-wet winters? If global warming is real, why was it so cold and ... One in three Americans surveyed said there is no solid evidence of global warming. If There’s Global Warming … Why Is It So Cold? But, as cold as it is, all this talk of global warming is not overblown. We have to leave the Steam Age asap, when you use steam it's 40% thermally efficient, if you sell fuel this is a profit-maker selling twice the amount than needed, eh? There was a bit of ice on the window outside this morning! Similarly, atmospheric rivers smacking the West Coast of the U.S. are increasing in frequency and intensity. 1 year ago. But with global warming, what it means is that the average temperature is increasing and so those wiggles of seasons that we see might have a slowly increasing trend. Because the global warming bull was started by him now he has disappeared. She gives us the facts and doesn't try to color them one way or anotherRush on the other hand is a talk show guy who gets paid a lot of money to misinform people and confuse issues. We have ignored this problem until we are past the tipping point. TWO HUNDREDTHS OF A PERCENT. November 19, 2018 Alex Kime 47 Comments on If There’s Global Warming … Why Is It So Cold? Here it is a week later and California is getting dumped on, how about that the climate is changing.I like how they show the arctic and Siberia in yellows and reds as if it's 70 degrees up there, it may be a few degrees above normal but still 5 below zero or whatever. The shutdown of solar activity evidenced by this current solar max just ending being lower than average minimums and the prediction of decades more even lower activities are going to put us in a (mini?) on If There’s Global Warming … Why Is It So Cold? CEOs Don't Answer to Obama. The jet stream looks to have gone from buzzed Bessel function to hammered sine function. All issues that may be of any concern are far more manageable for the human civilization than the resignation from the utilisation of carbon based fossils as combustible fuel. And it is hot as Hades. His reference to -15 versus +30 last year was more cherry picking. It's turtles all the way down!! Nice montage, thanks.It's maddening to think that with easier access to information than ever before, fewer people know the answer to this question than know what Katy Perry was wearing at the Grammy's this year. Mach and Santer went on to unpack several more truths about the ways that climate change is affecting our world, from air travel to the Arctic ice shelf; from food production to California wildfires to the number of home runs in major league baseball. SNOW ON MAY 11, 2017, RUSSIA, NBC News 1983 : Catastrophic Global Warming By The 1990’s, 10 year challenge Nature | Earth | Our Planet | global warming | save earth. 1. It's too freakin' cold making the growing season too short. Did no one see the memo leaked from al gores office last year saying the global warming myth is making us a lot of money. That kind of weather happens even during a long-term warming trend for the planet. However 100% of liberals are religious fools because unlike conservatism which is a political ideology – liberalism is itself the very twisted religion of the mentally ill that worships government as their deity and socialism as dogma and Marx as their high profit and Alinsky as the tutor of the Christ. Science. That proves Al Gore is evil! Temperatures day after day topping 122 degrees F. Whole ecosystems such as bat colonies being killed off by the heat. Those poor warmists, they must be soooo confused right now. This fact underpinning all modern liberalism = they can never separate church and state because they are one in the same – and all truth flows from their faith = they can never separate religion from science. Alex Kime is out here trying to bring them back, It’s that time of year, the perennial “It’s snowing so it can’t be warming” season – or, as scientists call it, “winter”. In teasing out the magnitude of mankind’s contribution, “our best understanding is that over the last 60 or 70 years -- say since 1950 -- the human contribution to global warming far outstrips any natural effect due to changes in the sun, volcanoes, natural cycles.”, According to the most recent IPCC report, Santer says there’s a “greater than 95% probability that we’re right that humans are responsible for most of the warming since roughly 1950.”. “So all these things that we think of as cold winter actually can be interconnected in this really complex dynamic system.”, Historically Cold Temperatures (Washington Post), National Center for Science Education: Climate Change. Does anyone other than me have issue with them blatantly changing from "Global Warming" to "climate change"!!! And the California and West Cost in fact historically were dry-REAL dry. In other words, my children and grandchildren are faced with a very bleak future. But no. To understand why, you have to first know the difference between weather and climate. Oh you know, global warming does not mean it will be hot all over in winter for one. I wonder if you can clip in some Lovelock on global warming. "…or, as scientists call it, "winter". At least some conservatives are not religious (maybe many of them are atheist or deist). A lot of emphasis on the past year's experience, not enough attention on longer term trends, so this video doesn't make a strong case illustrating that climate change in a real, on-going phenomena. 10 Answers. There is increasing evidence suggesting that the polar vortex is appearing more frequently outside the Arctic region, due to changes in the current as a result of the warming of the atmosphere. There’s growing evidence to suggest that the polar vortex is appearing outside the Arctic more frequently, because of changes in the jet stream that are attributed to the warming atmosphere. But, as cold as it is, all this talk of global warming is not overblown. This video is very helpful. Very clear explanation of why we are experiencing the current stable, and unpleasant weather pattern in the US. Well, tornado activity is down and it has been six years since a hurricane made land-fall on the US. Both happen,” said Ben Strauss, CEO and chief scientist at Climate Central, a science education nonprofit. • Global warming is progressive, it doesn’t mean that cold weather or snow will become unheard of, but it is becoming rarer in many parts of the world and will continue to do so. also why does this video not have more views? Is this unusual? And the Christians that are politically conservative practice a religion that may or may not overly influence their politics and scientific inquiry. Fuck it. • It is possible, and I stress it’s only a possibility, that the cold and snow being experienced in some places is a partial consequence of global warming. The most worrisome issue raised is the severely reduced snowpack in the Sierra. Below, great explainers from trusted sources about just how climate change works and how it is connected with extreme weather, like the […] “The challenge is explaining that to people that there is this warming signal, but there's also going to be natural variability,” says climate scientist Ben Santer. You may have seen the tweet from the President wondering how we can be experiencing global warming (or “global waming” as he put it) with such cold temperatures and the current Polar Vortex. Nothing – not even an idiot Muslim no further developed/matured in understanding today than the Christian was centuries ago and long before Darwin (Darwin the Christian) came and set the record straight is more anti-science than a liberal. Media thrives on crisis. it's not called global warming anymore cause it's not global warming but the earth is changing so they changed the name to climate change instead. What that means is it won't stop getting hotter with sea-level rising farther as we crank up the CO2, within 67-years at 600-ppm where Antarctica starts really melting down fast & in little over a century be at 800-ppm where we've committed to melting it all, that's over 70m/230ft of ocean. There is global warming because Mexicans have to let their car run for half a hour before they go anywhere. It's only 29 in NC. But this past winter, plunging temperatures, snowstorms and torrential rains throughout the country have a lot of people questioning the reality of climate change. What a waste of time. Imagine 10's of thousands of bats falling from the skies dead a few weeks ago. It's cold? Here are the answers to your questions. If There’s Global Warming … Why Is It So Cold? Environment. Because we've only been monitoring it for a historical blink of an eye.2. Listening to an engine now and it's summer ! If there’s global warming, why is it so cold? What we see here is somebody trying to dovetail Media and Science. The United States has the world's worst weather as it always has.Ever wonder why the Mayans developed so much more rapidly than North American Natives? It’s that time of year, the perennial “It’s snowing so it can’t be warming” season – or, as scientists call it, “winter”. That case can surely be made. If you don't like the climate here, move. That graphic that they analyzed the northern hemisphere temps in early January now is replaced by brutal cold in Russia and continued cold shots in the CONUS. It's warm? Why Global Warming Can Mean Harsher Winter Weather Scientists look at the big picture, not today's weather, to see the impact of climate change February 25, 2009 Similar high heat patterns are also happening in South America in some areas. This must be the coldest summer in England ever!!!!! : ). Leave it to the arrogance of man to think he can control everything including the weather. If there’s global warming, why is it so cold? Why aren't the common folks taking lesson from them, pool resources and do the same to prepare? I especially like eating. When you are a paid liar like he is, it can't be easy to sleep at night OR look yourself in the mirror in the morning. Tracking the Fingerprints of Climate Change, From Climate Information To Climate Action, Climate Myth #2: "The Climate Is Always Changing", Climate Change Myth #1: "There Is No Scientific Consensus", The Lingering Impacts of Increased Emissions. It is called weather and most of these pseudo-scientists are schmucks. Wtf? ... the rains occurring there and the cold or heat falling there. The Most Liberal and Most Conservative Towns in Each State; Related Posts. The Earth has many mechanisms by which to reset deviations like this, but there is a limit. Its all bullshit. Nothing going on is the least bit unusual. For those of us who live in the Midwest or on the East Coast , it goes without saying that winter 2018 was very cold – the new year in particular brought a blast of frigid Arctic air along with some of the coldest regional temperatures in decades. It's not that difficult. This next summer is going to bring a true crisis to California. A growing body of research suggests that Arctic warming might actually be contributing to periodic cold snaps across the United States, as counterintuitive as that sounds. The follow video answers the question, “If There’s Global Warming… Why Is It So Cold?” Last year was in the top four hottest years globally on record. Thank the Sun. Anything to justify their agenda…and everyone just eats this pile up. If siting the above truth about liberalism (a truth that is destroying all good in civilization) is not sufficient to provke a stupid liberal – than I will just have to try harder to be more accurate with respect to liberalism in future posts and thus contingently more offensive to the useful idiots that march to the orders of the liberal despotic KING. latitudes to mix with the warm air in the mid-latitudes. We expect to see record cold temperatures even during global warming. i slipped on ice today…checkmate climatologists! WARNING! Dr. Masters lives 20 miles from me. According to NOAA and NASA, 2016 shattered records as the warmest year across global land and ocean surfaces since record-keeping began in 1880. I wonder… how do they get to sleep at night? It's because the weather sux in North America. The last century has been unbelievably wet… The West Coast is returning to historical norms. January 30, 2014 By Taegan Goddard 13 Comments. Heating on in the house day and night. If the planet is warming up, they say, then why is it so darn cold outside? yet people still insist on calling it global warming when it's a much bigger problem than just warming. Super cold air is normally locked up in the Arctic in the polar vortex, which is a gigantic circular weather pattern around the North Pole. #If there'e global warming, why is it so cold? Is the polar vortex to blame? Regardless, it is a question we must continue to answer. Keystone XL Report Not Good News for Activists. There's cult logic for you. Why is it so cold right now? Nice job on the video, I enjoyed that. Nevertheless over the last decade, daily record high temperatures occurred twice as often as record lows. warming causing cold weather some of the most absurd theories in the history of junk science. To NOAA and NASA, 2016 shattered records as the warmest year across global land and ocean surfaces record-keeping! 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