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In 0 BBY, Organa was captured along with her ship, the Tantive IV, by Darth Vader. Leia was slightly injured, but the Rebels, with help from the Ewoks, ultimately defeated the forces of the Empire, with the Death Star destroyed once more. On board, Leia bonded with Ezra after learning he had recently lost his parents, assuaging his fears the rebellion might not be worth fighting. Star Wars Rebels Scoop: Princess Leia Set to Appear on the Disney XD Animated Series. Rebels Recon #2.01: Inside "The Siege of Lothal" | Star Wars Rebels, About six years old at the time, the Meeting was an unforgettable experience for Leia. He lived on Tatooine in Lars Moisture Farm, under the care of his aunt and uncle. Courtesy of LFL. After refusing to surrender Karg ordered his legion of troops to shoot, injuring Mia. Organa and Panteer would meet again later in life. During the battle, the Death Star was destroyed by Organa's twin brother, Luke Skywalker, although this familial relationship was unknown by both twins at the time, after two runs attempting to hit the vent. With his ship needing repairs, Han seeked out his old friend Lando Calrissian in Cloud City, the floating city over Bespin. Julie Dolan is also known for portraying the voice of Princess Leia in, Leia's outfit design is based on early concept made by, It was announced that Leia's introduction in "A Princess on Lothal" will also be her only appearance in Season 2. During the ensuing firefight, she saw Kanan use his lightsaber to down an AT-AT, and Ezra use telekinesis to disarm a pair of stormtroopers, which gave her the opportunity to grab one of the rifles and use it against the troopers. During her years in the Alliance, Leia was taken by Mothma as her political protégé and groomed Organa for eventual leadership. Leia was serving as her father's aide in the Imperial Senate and in the rebellion. Born to Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and Princess Minerva Organa in 20 BBY, Leia was the younger twin sister of Luke Skywalker, and the granddaughter of King Bail Organa and Queen Breha Organa of Alderaan, making her a Princess of Alderaan. The rebel Alliance readied their fighters, and, receiving instructions from Leia, readied for what would be known as the Battle of Yavin, a major turning point in galactic history, and the event a new date system for the galaxy was based on. During her time there, the young Leia expressed early tendencies toward rebellion. After a skirmish between the star destroyer and Tantive IV, the rebel ship's reactor was damaged, and Darth Vader boarded the ship through the main hangar of his star destroyer after pulling in the damaged ship with a tractor beam.The Dark Lord sought to recover the plans for the Death Star, which Imperial Intelligence suggested had been stolen by Rebel spies. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Wookieepedia. Surprisingly, this small group managed to avoid immediate capture. She was often seen by many, especially her family, as a tomboy and was sometimes mistaken for a domestic girl rather than a princess. Leia Organa représente à elle seule l'unique élément féminin de la trilogie originale (à l'exception du leader de la Rébellion Mon Mothma, qui présente le plan de bataille de l'Étoile de la mort, de Beru Lars, la tante de Luke, et de quelques danseuses à la cour de Jabba). Drost Elegin, head of the Ancient House Elegin and a notorious playboy at Palpatine's court, mockingly called her "Madame Senator" and "Little Miss Inalienable Rights. Similarly, other major characters from the films such as. Leia Organa Later, Organa lead a ground assault, successfully neutralizing the imperial threat on the planet. between the shows is allowed (welcomed, even). Luckily, Leia was saved when the Tantive IV turbolaser turret opened fire on Karg, wounding him severely. At that point, she temporarily left the Ghost to help her family liberate Mandalore from Imperial … Leia was born 2 days after Ezra Bridger and the formation of the Empire. Personality After discovering the Imperial superweapon, Rebel spies were able to steal the Death Star's blueprints, sending them to the Rebel Alliance before being killed. They dodged pursuing Imperial TIE fighters by flying into an asteroid field when the Falcon's hyperdrive broke down, with Leia piloting the ship at one point. Years later, she was instrumental in the creation of the New Republic. The subject of this article appeared in the Rise of the Empire era. Princess Organa's message had reached Kenobi by this time, and he set out from Tatooine with Luke Skywalker, intending to bring R2-D2 to Leia on Alderaan. Fortunately, this scheme was thwarted, and Ahsoka began her life as a Jedi. In her growing years, she often felt that she was just slightly different, without exactly knowing how, and that a part of her was missing. Vader brought her to the Death Star, where he personally interrogated and tortured her, seeking the location of the plans and the hidden Rebel base from which the Empire suspected the Alliance was striking. Pages using duplicate arguments in template calls. Following the death of her mother after birth, Senator Organa adopted Leia and became the princess of Alderaan, while her unknown twin brother (named Luke Skywalker) was sent to live with their aunt and uncle on Tatooine. Returning to Yavin 4, Princess Organa found that her gamble had paid off, as the plans did in fact reveal a weakness that starfighters could potentially exploit: a small exhaust vent in the polar trench. Rich Sands January 11, 2016, 1:00 pm. Leia also had a strong personality and a bright intellect, avoiding the corruption of politics, and instead concentrating on helping others. Leia served as Minister of State and later succeeded Mon Mothma as Chief of State. She hid in the woods for a week until her parents' guards finally tracked her down. Julie Dolan When Lyste came to her aid, she berated him for his failure, and requested a shuttle home. Kenobi had hired Han Solo as a pilot. Darth Vader, meanwhile, set out to find Ben Kenobi, whom he later killed in a duel. Kane Skywalker (grandfather)Nellith Skywalker (grandmother)Bail Organa (grandfather)Breha Organa (grandmother)Anakin Skywalker (father)Zara Organa (mother)Luke Skywalker (brother)Vespa (half-sister)Nellith (half-sister)Kylo Ren (half-brother)Han Solo (husband)Jacen Solo (son)Jaina Solo (daughter)Anakin Solo (son)Connie Solo (daughter)Lyra Solo (daughter)Landon Solo (son)Allana Solo (granddaughter)Ben Skywalker (nephew)Macey Skywalker (niece)Owen Skywalker (nephew)Mason Skywalker (nephew)Deakon Skywalker (uncle)Mara Jade Skywalker (sister-in-law)Sal Solo (brother-in-law)Tenel Ka Djo (daughter-in-law)Jagged Fel (son-in-law). Star Wars: Rebels is a CGI animated show on Disney XD helmed by Dave Filoni, taking place between Episodes III and Episode IV in the Star Wars timeline, 15 The subject of this article appeared in the Rebellion era. Leia's best friend and companion since earliest childhood, Winter possessed a natural grace and poise that often led court visitors to mistake her for the Princess of Alderaan, while the tomboy Leia was regarded as a domestic girl. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Add new page. Leia was known for having compassion for her friends, and would go to great lengths to help them, whenever she could. Leia was then placed in a holding cell and scheduled to be executed, while the Imperial Navy deployed scout craft to investigate Dantooine. The Tantive IV's crew then retrieved Leia, Ikova and Karg and brought them to the medical bay. Bail agreed, and thus began Leia's double life as a Senator and a Rebel. Luke Skywalker was a male human that was the son of Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala and the older twin brother of Leia Organa, born a couple days after the transformation of the Galactic Empire also known as "Empire Day". It was still hugely impressive for an 80-year-old to be the best sword fighter in the galaxy. Shortly after arriving in the Alderaan system, the Millennium Falcon was captured by the Death Star's tractor beam, while the station was still positioned in the system. "[3] Shortly after becoming a Senator, Organa began working with fellow Senator Mon Mothma on the Rebel war effort against the Empire. Every lightsaber in Star Wars history (films) Luke Skywalker. Leia herself is currently occupied with her senatorial duties within the New Republic, the galactic government that was established after the fall of the Empire. Having been born on the planet Shili, she was nearly enslaved by an imposter who intercepted the signal to the Jedi Order and who hoped to put her powers to use for his own ends. Remarkably, she managed to keep silent, despite the use of an interrogation droid. About twenty years would pass before the twins saw each other again.[1]. Later, at the spaceport, Leia and Mia Ikova received word from a messenger that an Imperial patrol ship was landing. They then resolved to find a way to steal the corvettes. There, Luke revealed to Leia that she was his twin sister and that Vader was their father. Leia Organa was a driven, headstrong, and dedicated woman with a quick wit, and forceful and fiery attitude. First Appearance The Mandalorian. To fight back against the The Empire. She had a forceful personality and bright intellect, having accomplished much in her youth: she was a strong proponent for the Rebel Alliance. During the events of The Mandalorian, however, Leia is about 28 years old and probably still taking care of young Ben Solo, who (spoiler alert) is about 4 years old. Sign In; Don't have an account? Luke and Leia … Leia attempted to hide from the stormtroopers in her ship, but was found and stunned after shooting one of them with her sporting blaster. Prior to the Battle of Yavin 4 Leia went on a diplomatic mission to Ralltiir, a world subjugated by the Empire. Continue scrolling to keep reading Click the button below to start this article in quick view. Leia Organa was the hidden biological daughter of Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala, younger twin sister of Luke Skywalker, and the adoptive daughter of Senator Bail Organa and the Princess of Alderaan. She was brought before Lord Vader, who accused her of treason, although Leia untruthfully denied any connection with the Alliance. Gender Wikis. In order to find the true location of the hidden base, he ordered his soldiers to allow the small band to escape with Leia, after planting a tracking device on the Falcon. After the Empire pursued the Alliance away from Yavin, Leia was at the Rebel base on Hoth. Unknown to Vader, the young senator had hidden the plans inside an R2 unit, R2-D2, and sent the droid to find the legendary Jedi Master on the planet Tatooine. Moon of Endor, the figure would have been deliberately permitted by the Senator: his daughter, proved! Han in leading the Rebels chose Chandrilla, the Rebels in Battle with the Emperor Leia... Refusal to surrender Karg ordered his legion of troops to shoot, injuring.! That everyone was willing to follow been deliberately permitted by the Empire and Winter met Jahan,! Ben Kenobi, whom she enjoyed bickering with life as a Jedi she discovered a wounded Rebel possessed., as their New capital six ( non-concurrent ) years, with her,. 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