The shrimp needs to be able to move around the tank comfortably for their own safety, so don’t move shrimp into a tank that has a very powerful filtration system. Harlequin Rasboras are a beautiful freshwater fish that can be found in plenty of tanks all over the world. They can keep your corals safe. But, as much as we would love harlequin shrimp to solely take care of this ocean plague, there simply aren’t enough of them to eliminate this invasive starfish. There are other environmental factors to consider when bringing a Harlequin shrimp home such as the temperature of the water. Because of their very particular tastes, harlequin shrimp can be quite expensive to keep. In the laboratory, the Harlequin shrimp took every kind of starfish offered. A pair of harlequins goes on the hunt for starfish, able to smell their prey, even if the echinoderm is hidden. Harlequin Rasboras are a beautiful freshwater fish that can be found in plenty of tanks all over the world. 5. 22 0 0. Generally speaking, they start eating at the point of the star and work their way through the tube feet toward the center. Overall, the harlequin shrimp is a lovely marine aquarium shrimp that is truly exotic. The Care and Breeding of the Harlequin Shrimp Please Visit Our Sponsors. You can read my article “How Copper Affects Dwarf Shrimp”. Ideally, it needs to be set between 28 – 32 C (82 and 89 F). Crabs are opportunistic eaters. For example, many of the cleaner shrimps stay within the same crevice or cave for most of their lives. Harlequin shrimp only eat starfish legs. They can not handle copper or nitrates in the water (chemicals commonly used to treat parasite infestations in fish). The Harlequin Shrimp, Hymenocera picta, is a uniquely banded and colored invertebrate. Therefore, if you see only one Asterina starfish there are probably many others hiding somewhere. Harlequin shrimp tank requirements Because these shrimp stay small, many saltwater hobbyists like to keep them in nano tanks, or tank setups that are smaller than 40 gallons (151.4 L). Nonetheless, after mating with another female, the male Harlequin shrimp immediately returns to his preferred female. They are mostly white with colorful spots all over their mantis shaped body. So I just got my harlequin shrimp and a cc starfish reading to feed. Of course, you can but they will not breed. 1. Ive had the shrimp alive (to take care of my insane amount of asterina sf) for about a week now. Note: Literature records indicate that Hymenocera Picta inhabits the oceanic islands of Galapagos, Gorgona, Malpelo, Perlas, Clipperton, and in the coastal zone of Costa Rica. In general, they are ready to spawn 1000 eggs. The Cherry Shrimp (Neocaridina heteropoda), also known as Red Cherry Shrimp or RCS, is a dwarf freshwater shrimp native to Taiwan.It belongs to the Atyidae family of invertebrates, of which there are more than 20 other varieties of Shrimp.. Try to give them a healthy, fresh and balanced diet. Feeding live foods to schooling fish is always cool to see, so keep some on hand when you bring guests over. Harlequin shrimp, also known as hymenocera picta, are a type of rare shrimp located in the Indian and Pacific oceans. The Harlequin Shrimp Freshwater Shrimp is the perfect choice for owners of heavily planted aquariums. Diet: The Harlequin shrimps diet is live Sea Stars which makes keeping them particularly challenging. Note: Unfortunately, you will need a microscope for that. For so many aquarists, this is a species that grows into a role of a true pet. Their dietary needs aren’t for the faint of heart (or those on a budget). Watching a school of them swimming around just never gets old! In most cases, it depends on the size of the female, feeding regime, and temperature. Top Care Facts For The Harlequin Shrimp (Hymenocera picta) Care Level: Moderate Temperament: Peaceful Diet: Carnivore (tubefeet of starfish) Origin: Fish hobbyists love the harlequin rasbora—it has a beautiful metallic color and it is easy to care for. Institute of Marine Science, Burapha University, Mueang. Often times they will pick a cave and turn that into their lair, they use this for resting and for eating, dragging their prey into it to be able to eat in safety. There are regional color differences with the Indo-Pacific specimens having white bodies with maroon to purple spots with blue outlines, while the Hawaiian variant has a white-to-cream-colored body with bright pink to magenta-colored spots. There is no alternative food source you can easily entice them with. *Harlequin Enterprises ULC ( is located at Bay Adelaide Centre, East Tower, 22 Adelaide Street West, 41st Floor, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5H 4E3 and sends informational and promotional emails on behalf of itself and Harlequin Digital Sales Corporation. They eat them pretty voraciously. The Harlequin Shrimp is small, and grows only to a size of about 1.5 inches. Meaning, … 3. I have mentioned this problem at the beginning of the article. The problem is that it is very difficult to tell which species of Asterina you have. The Harlequin shrimps are the most striking crustaceans in the world, showing unique coloration and morphological features. Because harlequin shrimp are fairly delicate little creatures, it is a good idea to cover inlets to any water pumps. First of all, if you never heard of these specimens, I should probably include what they are. Friend or Foe?”, Salinity Refractometer for Seawater and Marine Fishkeeping Aquarium 0-100, Brine shrimp eggs – check the price on Amazon. Harlequin shrimp are found on the rubble piles outside of coral reefs from Hawaii to the Indo-Pacific region. Only move a shrimp into an aquarium that has a mild current. Keeping Harlequin Shrimp Together. Finding circulation and filtration systems that don’t create too much current in the tank is an absolute must for keeping harlequins happy and healthy. What do you think? Because harlequin shrimp are fairly delicate little creatures, it is a good idea to cover inlets to any water pumps. jerl77 Active member. A gyre pump may be best for these shrimp if you intend to keep them in a larger reef tank. Even though Theodoxus snails (also known as River Nerites or Ladybug snails) are pretty common in Europe, they are one of the rarest snail species you can find on the U.S. pet trade... Hi everyone! This site participates in the Amazon Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees at no additional direct cost to you by linking to some products on It is a pasty clear/pink colors with reddish spots across its body and claws. This could cut down on some cost if you are willing to find space in your freezer for them or have a tank for them. It should not be kept in tanks with aggressive fish, inverts, or anything that might consider it prey. Would you consider keeping one? Rating - 100%. This is when the shrimp shed their shell (exoskeleton) as they grow. The harlequin shrimp’s sole food source is starfish, including the menacing crown-of-thorns species. A few websites report that harlequin shrimp live to about 7 years. I feel they are an excellent specimen to have and many want them but are too worried about diet.. care.. tankmates.. etc. If you have enough, they will regenerate their arms before it’s their turn to give up another one. Hymenocera picta is commonly known as “Harlequin Shrimp” or “Painted Shrimp”. In fact, they actually help corals because they eat the parasitic Asterina Starfish. Rating - 100%. In fact, they only eat starfish and often starve in a home reef tank. The Harlequin shrimps diet is live Sea Stars which makes keeping them particularly challenging. The varied colors and patterns of the various species add a punch of brilliance to planted tanks. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to,, and and other Affiliate programs. Harlequin Shrimp for sale 4Less! The Harlequin Shrimpis a small decorative shrimp with a maximum body size of 1 1/2 inches. So, if you have space and the inclination to let them, the shrimp will be happier for it. They can help each other to turns the starfish upside-down and then pierce its skin with the first pair of legs, which possess sharp and tiny claws. Once matured, they spawn after each molt (every 18–26 days). 3. If you cannot provide them with starfish then you may be better off with an easier species such as Coral Banded Shrimp.. There are few common methods one can use when offering live starfish to harlequin shrimp: How to Feed Harlequin Shrimp: 1.The entire live starfish is added into the display tank with the shrimp where they will quickly find it and begin to consume it. The essence of incorporating plants in aquascapes cannot be overemphasized. They will make a colorful addition to any marine tank. Both males and females are aggressive towards individuals of the same sex. However, to harlequin shrimp, they are a buffet. Interesting fact: Biologists noticed that Harlequin shrimp responded rapidly to fast-moving specimens. Top Care Facts For The Harlequin Shrimp (Hymenocera picta) Care Level: Moderate Temperament: Peaceful Diet: Carnivore (tubefeet of starfish) Origin: Harlequin shrimp prefer to live in breeding pairs and will spawn every month or so. Do not include them in an aquarium with much larger or potentially aggressive fish (like Wrasse, Puffers, Damsels, Larger Hawkfish, Lionfish, etc). However, according to different observations, the number of eggs can range from 100 – 5000. I was nervous to even put the harlequin in but it's still alive now a week later. Wrasses, in particular, can be a problem, but any large fish can pose a potential threat. It’s important to note that frozen starfish do rot faster in the tank, meaning that feeding smaller pieces more often is going to be necessary. Speaking of tank mates, it is essential to know which sea creatures make ideal neighbors for Harlequin shrimp. Will Harlequin Rasbosas Eat Shrimp? To make the long story short, Harlequin shrimp eat Asterina starfish. It is a pasty clear/pink colors with reddish spots across its body and claws. Some species of starfish have the ability to shed their legs to get away from predators and will do this when being eaten by the shrimp. Being an invertebrate, Harlequin shrimp do not tolerate poor water quality. Many people add Harlequin shrimp to tanks to keep the pest (Asterina starfish) population down. 6. Save my name and email in this browser for the next time I comment. Two hours after fertilization, they transfer the eggs to their abdomens. That is why, in Harlequin shrimp, partner-fidelity is not sexual fidelity. They can be, and are best kept, as mated pairs. Note: There are many species of Asterina starfish. This is usually somewhere covered and remote. The influence of social environment on sex determination in Harlequin shrimp (Hymenocera picta: Decapoda Gnathophyllidae). Some aquarists manage to keep Harlequins with crabs. Will Harlequin Rasbosas Eat Shrimp? Specifically the tube feet of starfish. © 2021 Copyright Shrimp and Snail Breeder, Harlequin Shrimp, Painted Shrimp, Clown shrimp, Large colorful spots (red or blue blotches in the body). For example, a mature pair of shrimp can eat two to three specimens of starfish (6 – 10 cm or 2.4 – 4 inches in diameter) each week. Stocking Ratio: up to 3 shrimp per gallon. Harlequin Shrimp Care and Requirements. Sand star, Astropecten indicus Döderlein, 1888, as an alternative live diet for captive harlequin shrimp, Hymenocera picta Dana, 1852. While beautiful and alluring in coloration and markings, the harlequin shrimp is a carnivore. Institute of Marine Science, Burapha University, Mueang. So the rest of the body will be left in your tank…to rot. Personally, I do not thank that it will be a good idea (for example with Grapsus grapsus (The Sally Lightfoot crab), Stenorhynchus seticornis (Arrow crabs), etc.). 26 September 2013 | 5(13): 4819–4821. - Requires iodine to ensure proper molting and growth. Hopefully, there will be more success and a methodology for home propagation will be available soon. Be very careful with copper. Take care when using the Protoreaster type of sea star as food since these are NOT reef safe and will eat corals, anemones, slow moving fish, and anything else it can catch. This is my goal with the Harlequin Shrimp. 2. Article in Journal of Threatened Taxa. Harlequin shrimp only eat starfish (and in times of absolute desperation, sea urchin). Harlequin shrimp tank requirements Because these shrimp stay small, many saltwater hobbyists like to keep them in nano tanks, or tank setups that are smaller than 40 gallons (151.4 L). A single harlequin shrimp can make a starfish last up to two weeks. CARE LEVEL: Moderate : REEF SAFE: Yes : AVAILABILITY: Most always available - 99% : Also known as Clown Shrimp. 2. Without a doubt, the Harlequin Shrimp is one of the most elegant looking of the shrimp species. ... A medium-sized sea star should last a pair of Harlequin Shrimp about one week. Harlequin shrimp are small little shrimp that reach the size of around 1 1/2 to 2 inches in length. Combat is something the Harlequin shrimp are capable off when underwater. While they don’t get too big, it is still recommended to allow at least 10 gallons (37.9 L) per shrimp . Once the shrimp moves into his/her tank they will consider it Harlequin territory and will not want to share this with any other breeds. This guide will go over everything you need to know about Harlequin Rasbora care. They are very skilled at flipping over the slow starfish on its back, and eating the tube feet and soft tissues until it reaches the central disk. They need water temperatures between 72 and 84 degrees Fahrenheit and are very susceptible to changes in water chemistry and salinity. Both sexes usually molt every 18 – 20 days. It will be worth checking the shrimp’s favorite hiding spots to see if they are in there, recovering from the shedding. starfish to set up shop in your tank. The colorful Harlequin shrimp is an extremely valuable marine ornamental species. The Harlequin Shrimp is small, and grows only to a size of about 1.5 inches. I highly recommend reading my article “How to Supplement Shrimp and Snails with Calcium”. However, their response and time to initiate feeding on the comparatively slower-moving species of starfish were much slower. We feed our harlequin shrimp either chocolate chip or sand-sifting starfish that are available locally at your favorite LFS or for sale online. They do, however, feed on brine shrimp. The most distinguishing feature of the harlequin is the triangular patch on the hind side of the body. However, because of their size and delicate structure, you may want to try keeping them in a nano tank, where they can be more secure (and therefore visible) and be the main focus. I know about the starfish thing already, anything else i would need to know about these guys. Ugh. Ideally, it needs to be set between 28 – 32 C (82 and 89 F). it is possible to keep them at lower temperatures like 22C (72F). Harlequin Shrimp for sale 4Less! The Harlequin Shrimp can not tolerate copper or high nitrates, and iodine levels must be correct and maintained to ensure proper molting. It should not be kept in tanks with aggressive fish, inverts, or anything that might consider it prey. Most clean up crews won’t eat the outer bits of the stars meaning that regularly removing decaying starfish from the tank is a chore that accompanies harlequin shrimp ownership. Photo above shows how the patterns of the Harlequin Shrimp will vary from shrimp to shrimp. 2012, Your email address will not be published. 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