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Author: Posted On: January 22nd, 2021 In:Uncategorized

Flamethrower roasts steels and bugs while Grass Knot brings Quagsire to its knees. Item Attached: Leftovers Eelektross On switch-in, this Pokemon lowers the Attack of adjacent opponents by 1 stage. BW Episode 707: Der Kampf um die Metro! Really, really slow. Charge Beam can quickly turn Eelektross into a nightmarish special attacker, but this sort of thing is better left to quick Pokemon like Jolteon or trappers like Magnezone. - Thunderbolt The fact that it is an Electric type may be an allusion to bioelectrogenesis. But if you like to LIVE ON THE EDGE and really don't like Rotom Wash this can be an effective set. A single Tynamo does not generate much power, so groups of Tynamo move in schools and create a more powerful shock. If you hit something with Acid Spray they could take crippling damage from Volt Switch on the next turn. Pokédex entries. Tynamo is, rather ironically, Elesa's strongest Pokémon, and Elesa refers to Tynamo as her "Electric Queen". In PS543, it was revealed to have evolved into an Eelektross. The various lumps on its body have varying capabilities. BW Episode 762: Vorhang auf für die Einall-Liga! - Wild Charge / Thunderbolt A wavy, yellow stripe runs along its body, which has a long fin membrane, giving it a tapered shape. Lets be completely honest here. Eelektross even has access to Coil, which allows it to be an effective bulky sweeper. Pokemon. Eelektross's physical movepool is very, very bad. Disgusting amounts of eel puns.. Bwahahahaha. - Grass Knot Multiple Tynamo debuted in White—Victini and Zekrom and Black—Victini and Reshiram. Dragon Tail is usable as well to catch switch ins for heavy damage. - Thunder Wave Dragon Tail pushes away opposing Bulk Up Pokemon and can do some damage to tough ground and Grass types. Please just grab an Elekid and slap a Balloon on it if that's what you really need. Arguably even worse as Shaymin, Kingdra, Arcanine, Darmanitan and others plow Eelektross aside like it isn't even there. Ability: Levitate A Tynamo appeared in a picture in Omega Alpha Adventure 4. Crunch, Light Screen, Thunder, Rest and Charge Beam. However Eelektross has an amazing special movepool with enough coverage to hit most Pokemon super effective. A female Tynamo made her main series debut in Dazzling the Nimbasa Gym!. Tynamo (Japanese: シビシラス Shibishirasu) is an Electric-type Pokémon introduced in Generation V. It evolves into Eelektrik starting at level 39, which evolves into Eelektross when exposed to a Thunder Stone. Spark is another option as it has no recoil and comes with a cool 30% chance of Paralysis. Ghetsis first appears in Accumula Town trying to rally its citizens. Its problems are the speed and lack of any way around Special Walls, especially Blissey and Chansey. - Coil Ability: Levitate Seismitoad is a bulky, blue, bipedal toad-like Pokémon. It also makes you immune to Spikes and Toxic Spikes giving Eelektross the slightest bit more longevity. In Expedition to Onix Island!, multiple Tynamo were living in a deserted island. It will never, ever sweep a team so your goal should be to reduce the damage it deals before finally falling. Pre-evolution moves. Please contact our advertising representatives, In the Pocket Monsters BW: The Heroes of Fire and Thunder manga, Tynamo images on the Bulbagarden Archives,émon)&oldid=3314140, Pokémon with a gender ratio of one male to one female, Pokémon that are part of a three-stage evolutionary line, For Pokémon GO information on this species, see. In spite of this, Eelektross has the potential to pose a real threat to any UU team. Its incredible coverage moves along with the stats to use them effectively mean that you will often be … Eelektross Electric. We're updating our policies! BW Episode 763: Der Rivale darf nicht gewinnen! I need help in choosing an electric type for my team.. When using Eelektross you need to capitalize on what it does better than Electivire.. in this case it has better bulk, better Special Attack and levitate to let it beat ground types easier. A way of telling yourself that you can somehow harm ground types. Hidden Power Ice is listed in the last slot to wipe out Altaria, or even Dragonite and Gliscor if you're insane enough to use this in standard. None of these do particularly well against the Thunder Wave + Volt turn set though. This is hard on paper due to Eelektross's amazing type coverage, but pretty easy in reality. Lanturn takes next to nothing from any of the eel's hits and eventually KOs with Scald. Tynamo may be a combination of tiny or tyke (referring to its small size) and dynamo (referring to its Electric type). They have an electricity-generating organ, so they discharge electricity if in danger. If you use this in UU the same is true. Latios, Terrakion, Heatran, Haxorus and Hydreigon all can usually survive one hit and retaliate with a solid OHKO. Oh.. it's slow too. Item Attached: Eviolite ladders. - Volt Switch Flamethrower incinerates Scizor, Ferrothorn and Forretress in one shot while giving you a chance against Jirachi. A Tynamo appeared in Crisis at Ferroseed Research!. Ability: Levitate Due to the number of options Eelektross can choose from, it can fit relatively easily on most teams. On top of that, Eelektross's bulk allows it to take a few hits, and it has no weaknesses that … A Tynamo appeared in The King's Identity...!!. EVs and Nature: Naughty Nature (+Atk, -SDef). Multiple Tynamo appeared in All for the Love of Meloetta!. The ones on its head can shoot a paralyzing liquid, while the ones on its hands can be vibrated to increase its punching power. Unnerve. Win Your Way Through the Rival Battles!! The reasoning for this is the fact that all competitive players on this website use that tier list for all battles. Eelektross has an excellent movepool consisting of moves such as Thunderbolt, Giga Drain, and Flamethrower, giving it almost flawless coverage. Countering Eelektross in RU / NU is a little more difficult as solid walls are less common there. If you use this at all do so in NU, or RU.. With Middle Cup being the stall fest it is, this really hurts Eelektrik's usefulness. View strategies and more for Flareon on the Smogon Strategy Pokedex. Brick Break removes Light Screen and Reflect from the opponent's side of the field (even if it targets an ally), then inflicts damage. Man sieht ihn nicht, man hört ihn nicht und man riecht ihn nicht, aber der Elektro smog ist trotzdem regelmäßig Stoff für Diskussionen. Or maybe Grass knot, flame thrower, crunch and zap cannon/thunder wave? This is the difference between Gliscor / Hippowdon / Landorus demolishing you and being helpless. Aside from its Speed, Eelektross has … Noch immer streiten sich Wissenschaftler, Unternehmen und Betroffene leidenschaftlich darüber, ob Elektro smog negative Folgen für die Gesundheit hat oder nicht. This raises its Attack and Defense stats as well as its accuracy. Eelektross is a Pokemon with great potential. Its ability Levitate gives it no weakness, but it doesn't really have much else going for it. The most obvious one is pairing it with a Ground type to throw around Discharges and Earthquakes without harming each other. Envying Tyranitar for its speed really is a bad place to be. After that, he appears at several points in the game trying to warn the citizens of the oncoming change and is often the one that comes to rescue other Seven Sages if they are nearing arrest. That's right, we're doing a Middle Cup article.. Middle Cup, the only tier worse than Little Cup. Sub Coil wants as much Special Bulk as it can spare to avoid just flat out being 2HKOed and the Volt Switch U-turn set enjoys both offenses maxed. Eelektross does not learn any moves by breeding in Pokémon Sun & Moon. Let us know in this forum.) Thus Return shall give you a beastly 153 base power move … It can be a decent status spreader.. well not really. Tynamo is a short, white, eel-like Pokémon with dark, oval eyes and a red, four-point star-shaped mouth. I was thinking of using Grass knot, Coil, Crush claw and wild bolt? - Brick Break It also resembles leptocephalus, larval stage of the eel, or also a knifefish. Eelektross (シビルドン) is the 110th Pokémon in the Unova Pokédex.It is an Electric Type, and it is known as the EleFish Pokémon.. Eelektross uses the Levitate Ability. EVs and Nature: Poison; Intimidate. A physical set without a Recoil move like wild charge would be perfect. If you must run a nature that harms your defenses always make sure its the one that drops Special Defense. It can't attack with all four moves at once so just avoid taking a super effective hit. The waving yellow mark running along its body combined with the physical appearance overall makes certain resemblance to Haikouichthys, or even a Crookes tube or a Geissler tube. They crawl out of the ocean using their arms. The strangest thing about this eel is its seemingly never-ending movepool, which makes Eelektross very unpredictable, as every set has the potency to decide the outcome of a game. EVs: 252 Atk / 76 SAtk / 180 Spd The rest is dropped in Defense to enjoy the Coil boosts a little more. Eelektross really appreciates the offensive power Hydreigon can bring to a team. It will remove Light Screen and Reflect even if the target is immune to Brick Break (i.e. HP is maxed with Special Defense hitting a jump point. Eelektross is one of the best pivots in PU and fits into almost any team, having a useful defensive presence and using its wide array of moves in order to be an amazing wallbreaker. Eelektross is a strange Pokemon. Mystery Dungeon: Blazing, Stormy & Light Adventure Squad, Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of Time & Darkness. With the exception of the Uber tier, which is considered a ban list, the tiers are solely based off usage from players from the Pokemon Showdown! Even so, as with all Eelektross sets this does better in lower tiers.. She reappeared in a flashback in Curtain Up, Unova League!. Thunderbolt is the STAB move of choice that takes a chunk out of anything not named Blissey or Chansey that doesn't resist it. Seriously? (Inadequate description? Atk is 1.5x. Tynamo, the EleFish Pokémon. Rotom-S is blessed with decent stats across the board and an expansive movepool to back them up. The mixed attacker set likes around 180 EVs in speed to outpace defensive base 70s like Skarmory and Politoed. The last slot is basically filler. Well here we have it. Item Attached: Leftovers One alone can emit only a trickle of electricity, so a group of them gathers to unleash a powerful electric shock. - Volt Switch Its also Eelektross's most powerful attack. Its neither bulky enough of fast enough to use it well. Arcanine, Tangrowth, Milotic, Elektross, Hydregion, Salamence, what would you change, what would be great movesets, and EV training stats for this team. It doesn't make very good use of Coil at all. Shibishirasu may be a combination of 痺れ shibire (numbness) or しびれうなぎ shibireunagi (electric eel) and シラス shirasu (whitebait). - Toxic It can be quite effective at spreading status around which makes it a nightmare against offensive teams. Luckily Eelektrik has pretty good defenses with Eviolite attached. Defenses are "decent" at best and its offenses, while nice, aren't comparable to monsters like Heatran and Terrakion. - Hidden Power [Ice] / Dragon Tail / Acid Spray However, Eelektross is … While one alone doesn't have much power, a chain of many Tynamo can be as powerful as lightning. Primarily known for its Choice Scarf set, Rotom-S has lost some limelight to Primeape and Jynx due to their higher Speed and greater coverage. EVs and Nature: Ion Deluge turns all Normal type moves into Electric type. The user disperses electrically charged particles, which changes Normal-type moves to Electric-type moves. - Wild Charge / Spark Because Eelektross is NU its legal in all tiers, largely extinguishing any chance of its pre-evolutions being used in the primary tiers. - Substitute Check the respective Pokédex for the exact details. It needs to be stressed that while a perfect Eelektross is hard to come by its by no means a good Pokemon. Speed EVs outrun most Skarmory and defensive Politoed allowing you to also get the jump on slow things like Scizor and Tyranitar. Any tips or adjustments would be awesome and also what sort of role should he be playing? Item Attached: Eviolite EVs: 236 Atk / 36 Def / 236 SAtk Defenses are "decent" at best and its offenses, while nice, aren't comparable to monsters like Heatran and Terrakion. Prior to Unforgettable Memories, a young Hugh was given a Tynamo by his Artist grandfather. It isn't hard to see why Eelektross was so popular; thanks to its ability, Levitate, Eelektross is immune to Ground-type attacks, meaning it has no weaknesses. Elesa used her as her last Pokémon in her Gym battle against Ash. If you have any other suggestions please state them, and if you can, could you please tell me how to ev train speed.. - Thunder Wave These moves can only be learned in Pokémon Sun & Moon by a previous evolution of Eelektross. Grants Eelektross an immunity to ground moves.. effectively giving it no weakness. From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia. It won't be hurting much before your opponent catches on and just attacks. The final slot is up for grabs. EVs outrun Chansey and Azumaril. The Unova League Higaki Tournament Begins! Its decent bulk also lets it act as an offensive pivot, tanking hits from foes such as Bronzong and Meloetta whilst dealing significant damage in return. These Pokémon move in schools. It's completely helpless in Standard play. Brick Break 2HKOs Blissey while OHKOing Tyranitar after Stealth Rock damage. Crunch hits Celebi hard, but so does Flamethrower and Hidden Power Ice. - Thunder Wave These moves can only be learned in Pokémon Black & White by a previous evolution of Eelektross. Quiet Nature (+SAtk, -Spd). EVs: 252 HP / 80 Def / 176 SDef Black: While one alone doesn’t have much power, a chain of many Tynamo can be as powerful as lightning. It will not remove Light Screen or Reflect if Brick Break misses or the target is protected from Brick Break.Brick Break can also be used as part of a Pokémon Contest combination, with the user gainin… Tynamo and its evolved forms may be based on electric eels, lampreys, and possibly leeches or lancelets. What Should I Use in Pokemon White 2, an Eelektross or a Magnezone? The biggest flaw is that Eelektross is outclassed by all other ground immune Electric types.. Zapdos, Thundurus, Rotom forms.. they are all faster and at least as bulky. Tynamo may also be based on a skyfish, which would explain its Levitate Ability. Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk). Thus, it is senseless to make an unused tier list that is made from people who lack a true understanding of the meta-game. Item Attached: Expert Belt / Leftovers A Tynamo appeared in a fantasy in Clemont's Got a Secret!. With their sucker mouths, they suck in prey. Tynamo is a short, white, eel-like Pokémon with dark, oval eyes and a red, four-point star-shaped mouth. In Big City Battles, a Tynamo was briefly seen under the ownership of one of Castelia City's residents. You want to use Tynamo? Eelektross does not learn any moves by breeding in Pokémon Black & White. Competitive Movesets for Eelektross in Pokemon Black & White (BW) Levitate Levitate: This Pokemon is immune to Ground; Gravity/Ingrain/Smack Down/Iron Ball nullify it. The main Eelektross set. BW Episode 765: Gute … She battled Pikachu, but lost after Pikachu used Thunderbolt on the entire battlefield and then attacked Tynamo with Iron Tail. - Dragon Tail / Return I run this set I find quite interesting. - Flamethrower A wavy, yellow stripe runs along its body, which has a long fin membrane, giving it a tapered shape.Tynamo has an organ that generates electricity, which it discharges when in danger. - Grass Knot / Hidden Power [Ice] / Dragon Claw Type: Poison: Category: Non-Damaging : Power — Accuracy — Priority: 0: PP: 20: Raises the user's Attack, Defense, and accuracy by 1 stage. - Tackle Check the respective Pokédex for the exact details. Eel gets Flamethrower though, so it at least somewhat sets itself apart from those Pokemon. The idea is to try and catch your counter with Thunder Wave, then Volt Switch or U-turn out. Its very slow and not THAT tough so its just a matter of switching something in and KOing it. - Hidden Power [Ice] Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk). Tynamo usually lives in groups, and has an electricity-generating organ which discharges when in distress. Its hands and feet have three bulbous digits. It easily 2HKOs physically defensive Skarmory and Rotom Wash while taking Gengar and Politoed out in one shot. Wild Charge is the strongest attack, one capable of breaking apart all but the toughest of Pokemon. Then they use their fangs to shock the prey with electricity. I'm thinking of a future moveset for my eelektross, its currently an eelektrik lvl 40 with a hasty nature but I haven't completed the game yet! - Charge Beam Eelektross is a front line wall breaker so you should capitalize on the holes it tears in the opponent's team. Haxorus's ability, Mold Breaker, disregards Levitate. BW; XY; SM; SS; Coil. Return however does heavy damage from the start. White: These Pokémon move in schools. Fierce Fighting! So slow even Tyranitar runs circles around it. EVs: 248 Atk / 252 SAtk / 8 Spd It's cute, but it has a total of four learn able moves. These moves consist of both coverage that can hit many Pokemon super effectively and support moves that can cripple Pokemon that don't mind the coverage. Hidden Power Ice is the primary option as it decimates Gliscor, Landorus and Salamence. They have an electricity-generating organ, so they discharge electricity if in danger. It is easily worn down and unlike "click attack and sweep" Pokemon like Latios or Terrakion it requires perfect prediction to do anything at all besides minor damage. - Flamethrower This showcases Eelektross's bulk and amazing type coverage. Arbok. - U-turn Rest can keep Eelektross alive on the Coil Set but due to new sleep mechanics making the sleep counter reset if you switch this is a useless option. Eelektross, The EleFish Pokémon. After the player and Alder come to the Relic Castle he is already there and tells them that if they are to battle N, they must retrieve the Light StoneB/Dark StoneW. If an active ally has this Ability or the Minus Ability, this Pokemon's Sp. This does a great job of screwing with your main counters, but keep in mind it is slow and frail. The Pokémon Company merchandise artwork and several TCG illustrations depict Tynamo swimming in or leaping out of bodies of water. Eelektross is undoubtedly one of the scariest Pokemon for a defensive team to face, and it's not surprising why this is so; with excellent attacking stats, an expansive offensive movepool with great coverage options, and a slow Volt Switch and U-turn, it can be both unpredictable and incredibly difficult to wall. Please read the. Levitate: The eel's only choice and its a good ability. Lickilicky is 3HKOed at best by all of Eelektross's attacks barring the odd Brick Break. Overview. 8 Speed outruns Chansey by two points. Actually its bad at or otherwise outclassed a ton of things. Best of all, its an eel.. Eelektross has absolutely no weaknesses and passable defenses. A Tynamo appeared in a flashback in The Lonely Deino!. The main problem is it is MUCH weaker. a Ghost-type Pokémon). Eelektross @ Focus Sash / Magnet Ability: Levitate Nature: Adamant / Jolly EVs: 252 Attack, spread the remaining across others as needed - Ion Deluge (wait for it...) - Return (Get it? Eelektross likes switching in on Iron Heads, Bullet Punches, Gyro Balls, Acrobatics and weak Stone Edges. Wish support is nice to Eelektross alive into late game, and due to its typing it is very easy to pass wishes to. While the previous set shined when it came to bulk and super effective coverage this set is all about bashing walls down. Pre-evolution moves. The idea is to Coil a few times and try to put up a Sub against something that can't hurt you. Its main flaw is that it ends up being completely useless against defensive or stall teams with Roselia or Chansey. EVs: 248 HP / 252 SAtk / 8 Spd EVs and Nature: Over time you can spread Paralysis and Volt Switch / U-turn damage. Ability: Levitate Offensive support Eelektross is something that hasn't been used much.. for good reason. EVs and Nature: Eelektross is a very unique Pokemon, because thanks to its ability Levitate, it is the third Pokemon with essentially no weaknesses. Cilan VS The Ice Challenger! The user slashes the target with … The Special Attacking set doesn't really care about speed much so you can throw all the EVs in HP and Special Attack. Thunder can plow through frail things in Rain, as well as having a cool Paralysis chance. Eelektross is not without faults though, as it is painfully slow, especially for an Electric-type, and it lacks reliable recovery, which puts a real damper on its longevity and ability to take advantage of its above-average bulk. BW Episode 758: Ein Zweiermatch-Team voller Überraschungen! As a partner, Hydreigon can … This means that Eelektross can partner up with a Ground-type Pokemon to form the "DisQuake" combo. After a few Coils Wild Charge will be doing a ton of damage. Additionally, Seismitoad have red eyes, cyan adornments on its legs, and a long tongue. A single Tynamo does not generate much power, so groups of Tynamo move in schools and create a more powerful shock. Item Attached: Expert Belt The Special Attacker is useless against Blissey, Chansey and most Electric immune Electric types (such as Jolteon and Manetric). - Spark Rash Nature (+SAtk, -SDef). Eelektross is a strange Pokemon. View strategies and more for Luxray on the Smogon Strategy Pokedex. Virizion, especially in rain, takes any hit Eelektross can deal and easily 2HKOs with Leaf Blade + Close Combat or Calm Minds up against it and sweeps. Oh.. it's slow too. EVs and Nature: Eelektross's base 115 Attack and base 105 Special Attack, as well as its large movepool, make it a very versatile Pokemon. Eelektross was one of the more popular VGC 2011 Pokemon, and it returns in the VGC 2012 metagame to reclaim this fame. BW Episode 710: Die Stempel-Rallye! This tier list does resemble Smogon's Tier list. Overview. They will attack prey on shore and immediately drag it into the ocean. The Crisis at Striation Gym!. Its ability Levitate gives it no weakness, but it doesn't really have much else going for it. Expert Belt is the item of choice due to the incredible Super-Effective coverage the eel has but Leftovers is acceptable to increase Eelektross's lifespan. Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk). Ability: Levitate Light Screen can be used on a support set although Eelektross it a pretty bad Screener. Toxic Spikes can help wear these Pokemon down allowing you to power through your main counters. Its underside and the speaker-like bumps found on various parts of its body are cyan with black edges around the belly. Sometimes erases one of the foe's disruptions on the board. Ground immune Electric type is pretty much its only claim to fame in Little Cup. Ability: Levitate This page was last edited on 21 January 2021, at 23:39. Grass Knot quickly brings down Gastrodon and Terrakion, however Hidden Power Ice or Dragon Claw can be used to take out Dragons. EVs: 252 HP / 32 Def / 216 SDef / 8 Spd Eelektross doesn't have many options. Tynamo and its evolved forms are the only. Which as you may remember from the Gorebyss / Huntail POTW.. means more eel puns. Tynamo has an organ that generates electricity, which it discharges when in danger. - Hidden Power [Ice] Powerful shock while Grass knot quickly brings down Gastrodon and Terrakion & white by a previous evolution of Eelektross amazing! 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