Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Darth Maul and his brother battle against the very powerful Darth Sidious. And then Darth, OG, Vader. Sidious has already immediately accomplished his goals, both brothers are helpless in his grasp but he lets them go purely to have a fight. Savage at a minimum has a subtle growth of power every day per Dooku. In the animated version and the novel version of the fight, Maul's rage boost like temporarily surprises Sidious.... who then stops holding back and casually wrecks Maul. Bo-Katan and the others hold them off, but finally the speeder is shot down, and the Duchess is taken by the commandos, but not before sending a hologram message to the Jedi asking for help from Obi-Wan Kenobipersonally. This is not a real challenge for him, he's already demonstrated this by letting them ignite their blades in the first place. Though he supposedly died on Naboo at the hands of Obi-Wan Kenobi, he resurfaced years later, having survived through his sheer hatred. Unlike the Jedi Masters fight Sidious doesn't want Maul dead but he certainly wanted to kill the Masters who were attempting to arrest him and would ruin his plan at its pivotal moment. Otherwise known as Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. At best they'd split his attention and give Vader the momentary opening he needed to strike, he's the only one with the rage and force of will needed to stand up to Sidious's psychic might. This is the version of each character I’m using: Fight takes place in the Naboo Hangar and all start 50 feet away. Sidious rag dolls Maul with the force and begins torturing him with his Lighting while the camera pulls out. I believe it is fairly clear this whole fight is just Sidious toying with the would be Sith Lords, he demonstrates he is in control several times in the fight, he shows he could have ended it immediately with no issue and on top of this he states he does not actually want to kill Maul. When Sidious fought Maul and Savage, Sidious didn't even consider them a threat. Vader is the greatest threat here. With Dooku, he was able to force choke him from planets away and Dooku could only struggle helplessly. Vader and Sidious are rivals in terms of power and is the superior duelist. Join our Discord! I must say I was very suprised to see Savage's death but a very good battle. It's an utter stomp for Kit yet Kit is destroyed in an exchange with Sidious. Can Darth Sidious defeat all of his former apprenticesif they decided to team up? He is the one responsible for the near-extinction of the Jedi, the cause of the Clone Warsand the creation of the Galactic Empire. Dooku is probably more talented with a lightsaber than he is. Sidious kept smiling like he was having a blast, while Maul and Savage were both fighting for their lives. I'm not going to argue Maul could have defeated Sidious in a no-restrictions fight. That's got to imply they're still holding out really well to keep Savage alive for a good couple of minutes. I know this is a buzzword among this community but in this case I believe its quite clear. More posts from the whowouldwin community. Maul: „Ja, Meister Sidious.“ 5. Darth Sidious: „Du wirst mich Meister Sidious nennen.“ 4. All sidious has to do is knocked away two of them, kill the third, then kill the two at his leisure, Maul>Dooku in dueling in the new Disney canon. He even opens the engagement with Maul and Savage by picking them up and smashing them into the walls of the room while cackling. Come join our discussions, post your own battles and kick some ass! Darth Maul (Maul) was a male Dathomirian Zabrak Sith Lord who served as the first apprentice of Darth Sidious. As we learn in the Darth Maul son of Dathomir comic Sidious used Maul to destroy the Night Sisters and ruin Mother Talzin's position. You might recall Darth Sidious took out 3 council masters in a handful of seconds when they went to arrest him, and got the better of Yoda not long after that. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, All but Windu died in an instant against Sidious. The innate weakness with his suit could be the only way Sidious can end this fight without decent injury. The last link, is that Disney or EU comic? He ragdolled them like they were nothing. Sidious team wins this. Sidious is more powerful the any of them in their own, but if they take away his force advantage by getting in close, they can take him. Sidious eventually left Talzin, despite considering making her his apprentice, and instead took Maul once he realized the boy's potential. What was not touched on was his time as a prisoner of The Spire on Stygeon Prime or how he escaped. In conclusion, contrasting the two fight scenes it is clear Sidious is playful and casual in one and has clear lethal intent in the other. This is Maul as he would exist currently in the cannon timeline, after the events of "Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir". Yoda vs Sidious was a close fight, and I feel like Maul is the next closest in terms to power. But... Vader literally killed him in canon. As they flee in speeders, they are chased by several Mandalorian super commandos. If they can deflect his lightning well enough, then Vader's brutality and skill may be the key here. In 19 BBY, Darth Sidious carried both of these lightsabers when he secretly traveled to Mandalore to confront Darth Maul and his apprentice Savage Opress.He wielded both weapons in the ensuing duel, separating the pair and effortlessly dispatching and killing Opress. He was laughing while he did it. But not for this reason no. Both sidious and vader are immune to force drain but maul dies instantly. Maul was a Dathomirian Zabrak and the apprentice of Darth Sidious, the Dark Lord of the Sith. Also remember how easily Sidious killed Savage? By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. It's only ever going to be a question of how hard he'd have to fight. In the Jedi Temple's communication room Obi-Wa… The team can take him. Savage beating Adia is a much better example of his Saber skills. Basically there isn't a reason for him to behave the way he does during this fight other than he's playing around. I declare sidious and vader dark lords of the sith the victor. The son of Mother Talzin, he was trained by Sidious as a Sith assassin and became an incredibly skilled duelist. And Sidious was focusing on overwhelming them with lightning, I don't see the difference. Maul did decently solo against him. (, Pretty brutal indeed. So why did Savage last so long? If you love to imagine the planet-exploding battles of the fictional gods who will never be, taking pointless knowledge gathered from a life spent reading and gaming and swinging it like a gladiator's sword in discussions on reddit... then welcome home, my friend. Maul: „Ja“ 3. And with Vader.... A recent comic showed Vader getting ragdolled by Sidious. Maul discusses being born on Iridonia and taken from home by Darth Sidious at a young age. 1 Family 1.1 Talzin 1.2 Savage Opress 2 Enemies 2.1 Obi-Wan Kenobi 2.2 Asajj Ventress 2.3 Pre Vizsla 2.4 Sheev Palpatine/Darth Sidious 2.5 Count Dooku/Darth Tyranus 2.6 Ahsoka Tano 2.7 Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader 2.8 Inquisitorius 2.9 Kanan Jarrus 2.10 Ezra Bridger 3 Other 3.1 Luke Skywalker Talzin was Maul's biological mother. Yeah the team wins. A) Maul was rage amped, he was previously getting humiliated along with the help of Savage. The three of them would need to work together for sure. We already saw that Maul is a complete non-threat to Sidious when he takes it seriously. Maul becomes enraged at the Death of his brother and engages Sidious one on one and is beaten, soundly. But if Vader goes down, Dooku and Maul are easy pickings for Sidious at his reasonable peak. Maul passes the test by lunging into a battle only to discover that his master's lightsaber is a trai… At the end of the Maul fight Sidious has Maul at his mercy and then says he is not going to kill maul, that wasn't his intention. As we learn in the Darth Maul son of Dathomir comic Sidious used Maul to destroy the Night Sisters and ruin Mother Talzin's position. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the CharacterRant community, Come here to talk about fictional characters, events, concepts, objects, etc. See Maul and Savage grow in power very fast. Sidious is arrogant yes its part of his character and he did laugh and smile while fighting Yoda however unlike his fight with Yoda which had multiple moments where he had to pause and acknowledge Yoda as a threat there really isn't any instance where Maul or Savage have a chance to beat him. Having said all that, Sidious wins 10 times out of 10. Watch his expression during the saber lock. Wiz: Darth Sidious, the most evil and most powerful Sith in the Galaxy. Huge difference. Press J to jump to the feed. In early chapters, he is depicted as sleeping on a hard floor in order to develop his feelings of rage. Getting close doesn't take away Sidious' (massive, massive) force advantage, if anything it makes them easier for him to kill. Sidious is WAY faster than any of them, there's no way getting close is an advantage for them - see the master Jedi's he cut down in 2 seconds. General portrayal has Sidious being far, far above the likes of Vader, demonstrated when a mere few seconds of exposure to Sidious' lightning was enough to kill him. Duchess Satine sits in her cell on Mandalore when she is rescued by her nephew Korkie, his friends, and a group of Death Watch dissidents led by Bo-Katan. Compare Maul's fight against Grievous in his solo comic where they seem much more evenly matched to Kit Fisto's fight against him in TCW. Like, literally nothing. Even though Dooku was a formidable Jedi Master, Maul was a Sith Lord. (when he takes it serious). But Sidious is orders of magnitude beyond council tier, it's not even funny. The real question is how quickly they turn on each other … I doubt Maul or Dooku could withstand more than a blow or two if Sidious went serious mode with his force powers in the fight, they'd die like those three masters Windu brought along to arrest him. Dope. Maul and his "allies" vs the Inquisitors. In Sidious's own words "Maul was a loss, but dooku was a proton torpedo, he served his purpose and was gone." So instead of Palps showing up to fight Savage and Maul at the end of Season 5, it's a resurrected Bane from Legends the only true Canon Starting 70 feet apart Bloodlust on Victory by killing opponent(s) Scenario 1: Regular Bane Scenario 2: Orbalisk Armor Bane But not because of the Sidious fight and more because of him fighting Obi-Wan, Grievous and effortlessly stomping Savage. As long as they keep Sidious occupied with their lightsabers (which they should definitely be able to do for a while, if they don't win the duel outright), Vader's power eventually overcomes his master's. Good thing that this portion of the fight was removed. Lmao, so supplementary material backs this up? He also appears in the Star Wars Legends continuity, which is no longer official canon as of the 2014 reboot. I think you need to rewatch that fight: Couldn't he have just kill him at the start? The real question is how quickly they turn on each other afterwards. Sidious was laughing through that whole fight with Maul and Oppress. Sidious arrived on the planet to find a young boy named Maul in the care of a witch named Mother Talzin. Basically to me it's much more consistent with other showings and with evidence in the fight that Sidious is toying with Maul. Darth Maul, later known simply as Maul, was a male Dathomirian Zabrak Sith Lord who lived during the waning years of the Galactic Republic and the age of the Galactic Empire. I could agree that Sidious has an advantage, or with the argument that that was a combination of factors, but it doesn't really seem compatible with saying that Vader + significant backup has no chance against Sidious at all. I don't know why people would use that fight to make Maul stronger when it's pretty easily implied that Sidious could have killed Savage and subdued Maul right then and there when he had their backs literally against the wall. Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 5 Episode 16 The Lawless [1080p] Cookies help us deliver our Services. Darth Maul is a character and villain from the Star Wars media franchise. Suite of the theme of the battle between Maul, Savage and Darth Sidious from Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Vader and Sidious are rivals in terms of power and is the superior duelist. He only seems to be having fun when he's using the Force. But in terms of pure lightsaber skill, it's still a solid feat for Maul. When Maul was a child, Mother Talzin became an ally of Darth Sidious, the Dark Lord of the Sith, and the two exchanged wisdom and power. I think Team Sith wins here, and fairly convincingly. The relationships of Darth Maul from the Star Wars universe. As the fight begins Sidious blocks strikes from both brothers and holds them in their place while cackling to himself. … Du kannst doch sprechen, oder nicht? No they aren't. Maul, on the other hand, pinned Sidious to a wall, and the latter was unable to get free, not to mention that he wasn't distracted. Darth Vader Killed Darth Maul's Clone. And while i consider Dooku to be more powerful than Maul, he also got ragdolled by Sidious once. Dooku is definitely not better than Maul. Maul was born to Mother Talzin of the Nightsisters and was raised as a Nightbrother on Dathomir, before being taken by Darth Sidious … There is no reason for this to happen other than Sidious wants to play, the brothers don't break his grip nor does Sidious tire of holding them he simply lets them fall so he can fight. At the end of the Maul fight Sidious has Maul at his mercy and then says he is not going to kill maul, that wasn't his intention. Consider the Obi-wan and Anakin's first duel against Dooku an analog to the Maul and Savage duel vs Sidious. But yet Maul lasted nearly the same amount of time as the Windu fight, with an apprentice who's experience does not compare even remotely closely to the experience of the Jedi Masters. Iirc, sidious was toying with him significantly. Vader dies to force lightning, Sidious can disarm and throw away Maul and Dooku pretty casually. Sidious doesn't do this however because he never wanted to kill Maul and he wanted to play with the brothers. Darth Sidious: „Du darfst mich ansehen. Palpatine was looking for a powerful apprentice in the force until he sensed something on the planet of Dathomir. You are indeed where you belong. Qaws also linked a passage from the novel that shows Maul just gor overwhelmed. Sidious dispatches Savage and blasts the brothers body off the ledge then Allows Maul to run past him to attend to his brother. I've seen many people use this fight from The Clone Wars S5 Ep16 to argue Darth Maul is on the same tier as a Jedi Council member or higher because he lasts longer than the Jedi who come to arrest Sidious in Revenge of the Sith. A pivotal step in his training is a confrontation divised by Palpatine to make Darth Maul hate his master. This certainly wouldn't be even a Yoda level fight for him, though. 1. Darth Maul. vs Legends Bane. The boogyman of the empire, the only individual Sidious was genuinely afraid had the potential to surpass him and spent every moment post Mustafar ensuring such a future never came to pass. The fight carries out to the balcony where Sidious is kicked off a solid move yet he is not only unfazed by this he continues laughing and uses the force to pull the brothers off the ledge with him. He first appeared in Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace , where he was ordered by his master to capture Queen Amidala of Naboo in order for her to sign a treaty that would legalize the Trade Federation's invasion of the planet. I've already addressed why I think Sidious isn't being serious for the fight but if you disagree thats fine., Press J to jump to the feed. Anakin had the potential to contend with Sidious on his own someday if he was able to reach his potential, Vader not so much. Vader and Sidious are rivals in terms of power and is the superior duelist. In the Star Wars Universe, only a few characters as skilled in battle as Darth Maul.In canon, only a few characters such as Darth Sidious, Ashoka Tano, and particularly his original “killer,” Obi-Wan Kenobi, have even managed to defeat the Son of Dathomir in single combat.. Maul is definitely Council tier. So every time we see them in a different series of episodes they’ve grown better. Solo, Sidious pretty casually overpowered Maul with a bit of effort, and with the Force easily dominated him beyond any ability he had to fight. Vader needs to be protected against Force Lightning so he can match Sidious' Force power, but Dooku and Maul should be up to the task. There would be no better attack off opportunity than to strike an opponent who rushes past you with no active defense then sits with his back to you for several seconds while attending his downed teammate. Dooku is better then Maul, and Vader is significantly stronger then Dooku. As announced by The Seventh Sister, rumors of Maul surviving spread. Sorry to pile on, but Vader is also not significantly stronger than Dooku. If there was a leap to be made, it'd be in the other direction with Maul and Savage being lesser than Council members if Sidious could have taken them out without ever drawing his saber. As overwhelmingly powerful as Sidious is, if the three fallen apprentices join up, and actually dont backstab each other, They have a surprisingly decent shot at winning. While Sidious was able to easily defeat Maul alone, Maul did put up fight, he was even able to kick Sidious once. With Maul, who has contended with Sidious for a little while, and Dooku, who isn’t exactly a slouch in combat, they have this in the bag. Of course, Sidious could have resorted to force powers at any time. According to the novel, the instant sidious rose his speed to a certain level, maul was disarmed and defeated. — Darth Sidious spricht zum ersten mal mit Maul (Quelle) Darth Sidious nahm Maul als ein Baby an sich, welches nur ei… Savage also fought Plo Koon and ripped his mask off. Quick correction, the Maul Grievous fight is a single exchange that doesn't quite finish my points remain the same otherwise. but if they take away his force advantage by getting in close, they can take him. … Ja?“ 2. Darth Sidious, also known as The Emperor, but whose real name is Sheev Palpatine, is the main antagonist of the Star Wars media franchise. When he arrives on Mandalore he makes ample use of his force abilities to instantly incapacitate anyone he comes across on his way to Maul's throne room. Also in terms of the raw lightsaber combat, one to one, Sidious didn't seem to be laughing or smiling much, he had grit and anger in his face. When Darth Sidious and Maul finally meet again during the coup on Mandalore — The Clone Wars season 5 episodes 14-16 — the Dark Lord of the Sith rejects Maul, citing the Sith Rule of … With Maul, who has contended with Sidious for a little while, and Dooku, who isn’t exactly a slouch in combat, they have this in the bag. Allies '' vs the Inquisitors why i think Team Sith wins here, and fairly convincingly tales. At his reasonable peak Maul becomes enraged at the death of his skills! Sidious are rivals in terms of power and is the superior duelist blades in the Star Wars media..? v=-7hBZNsPnyg & ab_channel=MrShadows this portion of the Clone Warsand the creation of the keyboard shortcuts, https:,! Sidious did n't even consider them a threat only struggle helplessly duel against Dooku an to! Relationships of Darth Maul ( Maul ) was a male Dathomirian Zabrak Sith Lord chance, he having... 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