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Author: Posted On: January 22nd, 2021 In:Uncategorized

Get 12 Issues a year of the country's best firearms writing. Vectan. ALL 85 gr 90 gr 95 gr 100 gr 110 gr 115 gr 120 gr 130 gr 140 gr. 5 Accurate No. Alliant Herco. Click "Get Data" to view results. Alliant gives load data for the .270 Winchester, .280 Remington and .35 Whelen, in addition to the .30-’06 parent case, and though RL-15 is on the faster end of the spectrum for those cases, it will work, and work well. Alliant Powder does have Reloder 17 data now available for many popular cartridges. Good performance. My Heym rifle was regulated with Hornady DGX-Bonded ammo, driving a 500-grain bullet at 2,150 fps, so in order to obtain the fantastic accuracy that the factory obtained — my test target showed a left and a right about ½-inch apart — I’d have to find that same velocity for my handloads. March 23, 2013 Gavin Hornady 366 Shotshell Press, Reloading Blog, Shotshell Reloading, Uncategorized Alliant 2400, Alliant Blue Dot, Alliant Red Dot, Alliant Unique, Reloading Blog, Reloading Data, Reloading Primers, Reloading Videos, Shotshell Components, Ultimate Reloader Its probably not as good overall as BE-86 in terms of versatility, and very near it in velocity. Do not load above recommended manufacturer book maximums. This guide includes important safety instructions, plus reloading data for most popular cartridges. Alliant Power Pro 2000-MR $ 36.99 – $ 239.99. Powders include Alliant Pistol; Rifle; Cowboy; GR. Alliant Powder, Reloading, including Alliant Unique Shotshell & Handgun Powder 1 lbs, Alliant Powder Reloader #26 Powder 8 lbs., Alliant Reloader 17 Rifle Powder 1 lbs, Alliant Reloader 15 Rifle Powder 1 lbs, Alliant Unique.. It’s also a great all-around choice for the .375 H&H for all bullet weights, giving a good blend of velocity and manageable recoil, as well as low pressure for the African heat. reloading the 44 magnum shooting times. 3N37 Middle. Do not copy what we do. Please try again. Out-of-Stock. Do not load above recommended manufacturer book maximums. Set your sights on pistol reloading data. Reloading Questions; About. Find what you need in four easy steps. It also gives good performance in some of the magnum cases, such as the WSMs, WSSMs and even the 7mm Remington Magnum and .300 Winchester Magnum, though it’s best used with the lighter bullets for the latter two cartridges. 7 Accurate Solo 1000 Alliant Powder American Select Alliant Powder BE-86 Alliant Powder Blue Dot Alliant Powder Bullseye Alliant Powder Power Pistol Alliant Powder Sport Pistol Alliant Powder Unique Hodgdon 700-X Hodgdon 800-X Hodgdon CFE Pistol Hodgdon Clays Hodgdon HP-38 Hodgdon HS-6 Hodgdon Longshot Hodgdon … What else could you ever want? This power is not ideal for 5.56 overall. The Alliant website lists load data for 22 different cartridges from .223 WSSM to .338 Winchester Magnum. About; Disclaimer; Contact; Log in / Sign up.280 Remington - Manufacturer Loading Data. Add to Wishlist. No problem, extruded powders compress most easily . Reloading Data Center; Reloading Education; Pistol; Rifle; Shotgun; Set your sights on pistol reloading data. The lets make it "4th of July" whenever we shoot it powder. This makes this a good choice for certain kinds of shooting for 9MM and also economical . On the far ends of the spectrum, RL-15 is a good choice for the diminutive .17 Remington, as well as the .375 H&H Magnum, .416 Remington Magnum and .458 Lott; it’s a stellar choice for the .416 Rem. Left bottom 2 loads are crazy good. 6.8 mm Remington SPC - Manufacturer Loading Data. Check. Then select your bullet weight, powder manufacturer and powder type. Become a Load Data member, access over 300,796 load recipies is a powerful search engine that allows you to search an ever-expanding database of loads. Learn how your comment data is processed. • Technical Assistance: 800-276-9337. Well, one reason is you don't want to go blind if you shoot it inside a room at night. Almost every single load is already compressed at top of standard pressure range...+P is compressed more..With Lehigh 65 grain, we stuffed 10 grains in a case (it was full) and it was not even near other powders velocity because it was not at +P pressure yet, not even close. Alliant Unique. ALL 77 gr 84 gr 85 gr 90 gr 105 gr 110 gr 125 gr 130 gr 135 gr 140 gr 145 gr 146 gr 148 gr 150 gr 158 gr 170 gr 180 gr 230 gr. German Salazar and Bob Jensen began with low, conservative starting points. Disclaimer. Have trouble finding reloading data on this for 9MM? If you're unsure, or just want options, check as many boxes as you'd like. does not endorse any retailer listed on this site. Use the guide. 11 FS Accurate No. 2ndtimer Member. 6.4 grains under the 124 grain HP at 1200 FPS using 4.5" Barrel is right in the sweet spot. Both of us would be hunting Cape buffalo, and the October heat in Zimbabwe is notorious for being brutal, so I was concerned with keeping pressures as low as possible. Manufacturer’s Load Data. Palmettostatearmory. Reloading Questions; About. average. This is because you can load over 30 grains for lighter bullets. About; Disclaimer; Contact; Log in / Sign up. Some of these loads are above any manufacturer data. Alliant’s 116-page PDF Reloader’s Guide includes recipes for shotgun, pistol, and rifle. Find what you need in four easy steps. 2 Accurate No. Select your cartridge type from the drop-down list. Some of these loads are above book, manufacturer max loads. Select options. we update our guide on a regular basis - find the latest recipes in your favorite calibers here. Alliant Smokeless Powder 1 LB, Reloading Equipment, Tools, Components, and Accessories: Midsouth Shooters offers a great selection of Alliant Smokeless Powder 1 Lb for your reloading needs. Ground Hazmat shipping surcharge will apply to all orders containing powder or primers. Check. From the press release: […] Bullet Type Primer. The products and services on this website are being offered through LPL Financial or its affiliates, which are separate entities from, and not affiliates of, Alliant Credit Union.The privacy and security policies of the site may differ from those of Alliant Credit Union. Alliant Power Pro 4000-MR $ 38.99 – $ 239.99. Bullet Type Primer. All the loads are developed by the staff of Handloader magazine and the archives of Handloader and Rifle magazines. Syntech Defense Puts A Twist On The Hollow Point, Creative Arms: Taking The AK-47 To 500 Yards And Beyond, Reloading: Bearing Surface, Pressure and Accuracy. To test the powder using Alliant data, handloads were developed for the .243 and .308 Winchesters. So...what about Power Pistol and what do some cases look like? COUPON (3 days ago) America's number one economy-priced 12 gauge target powder. You can't fit enough Power Pistol on the case to even get near that...a weakness..if you are into light bullets.. Load at your own risk. Promo - Alliant Powder ⊕ Reloading and Reloading Data. Shell. Alliant Power Pro 300-MP $ 29.99 – $ 199.99. Dirty Case Comparo. Then select your shell, load type, shot weight, powder manufacturer and powder type. Case is full, overflowing. As stated on the can, the powder is perfectly suited to both the .223 Rem./5.56 NATO cartridge and the .308 Win./7.62 NATO — it’s the powder loaded in the military M118LR cartridge — but that’s only the beginning. Find what you need in six easy steps. Sign up here. .300 Winchester Magnum (Alliant Reloaders Guide 2008) reloading data with 19 loads. Load at your own risk. alliant powder - reloader's guide. The fireball out the barrel powder. This powder certainly has its fan base. This is a fast burning powder. Lehigh 75 can do ~1675 FPS easily using powders like Silhouette for example. .308 Winchester (Alliant Reloaders Guide 2008) reloading data with 11 loads. Mag., as that case loves powders in the RL-15/4064/Varget class. On the burn rate chart, Reloder 15 sits just about perfectly between IMR4064 and Varget, meaning that it is a medium-burning powder that can fill an awful lot of roles. 9 grains of PP with Lehigh 75 grain bullet is accurate, but compared to other powders, this is a low velocity result. But, and it’s a huge but, the felt recoil dropped off at least 15 percent; it was easily visible in the way the rifle handled at the bench. Out-of-Stock. Joined: Apr 4, 2011 Messages: 725 Location: SE Washington State. ™ ® • Interactive Reloaders' Guide on Web @ • Email:[email protected] To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. The .505 Gibbs is a behemoth of a case, fully capable of digesting 140 grains of powder at a rip — and it can generate soul-crushing recoil. About; Disclaimer; Contact; Log in / Sign up.45 Colt - Manufacturer Loading Data. Shop at Reloading Everything for Alliant powders at low prices. Pistol; Rifle; Cowboy; GR. $30.30. It also can serve well in the .308’s offspring, from the .243 Winchester up through the 7mm-08 Rem. The guide includes Alliant’s new Reloder 23, 26 and Power Pro powders. us reloading supply reloading brass and reloading bullets. It’s a different concept, loading to a target velocity, but I quickly had it figured out. Two good Cape buffalo bulls fell quickly to the Peregrine/Sledgehammer combination, despite the 112-degree Zimbabwean heat. Its no wonder so many shooters use this powder for 9MM and other calibers, it just WORKS. Some of these loads are above any manufacturer data. RELOADING SUPPLIES, POWDERS, PRIMERS, AND MORE. Did you look here: Special sales? This is a small flake powder. Lower pressure load for plate shooting in upper left isnt bad either. About; Disclaimer; Contact; Log in / Sign up.38 Special - Manufacturer Loading Data. It’s in the bigger cases that I recently found Reloder 15 to be a huge help, as my pal Mike McNulty and I prepared for our safari to Zimbabwe. If you're unsure, or just want options, check as many boxes as you'd like. If you're unsure, or just want options, check as many boxes as you'd like. CODES (2 days ago) America's number one economy-priced 12 gauge target powder. Without boring you with all the data, 88.0 grains of RL-15 gave me 1¾-inch pairs, with the velocity matching the Hornady load within 15 fps and a velocity spread of 8 fps. This is with a Springfilend XD(M) with Venom Red Dot @ about 5 yards. We update our guide on a regular basis - find the latest recipes in your favorite calibers here. This is with a Springfilend XD(M) with Venom Red Dot @ about 5 yards. Quick View. Wow. Formulated for long range 12 gauge clay target shooting, Pro Reach gives shooters the ability to reach out and dust clays at remarkable distances. I'm trying to find an "all around" type of powder that I can use in rifles and handguns with CB's. Promo has the same burn speed as Red Dot, but is more dense, thus requiring a smaller bushing to obtain the same charge weight. Using bullets from Speer RNSP, Speer SP, Speer BTHP. Why not use it? Reloading Questions; About. Some loads were top tier accuracy and top tier velocity. There are many useful powders available to us handloaders, and many that are suitable across a wide selection of cartridges. Low pressures, less recoil, and the same ballistics … what’s not to love? You may have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. Such is the nature of the beast. Promo has the same burn speed as Red Dot, but is more dense, thus requiring a smaller bushing to obtain the same charge weight. The pairs of bullets — one each from each barrel — would tell the tale of what my double preferred, as they would probably start out low and wide at the bottom end of the spectrum, rise and come together as the rifle showed what it prefers, and finally rise higher and separate as velocities continue to increase. This is still a really, really good powder for 9MM. Add to list Add to registry. do not exceed the loads displayed on the site or alliant's reloaders guide. All Palmetto Reloading Gear/Accessories! The Alliant Powder family of products is the broadest and most trusted name in the reloading business. It could be lower power though, but accuracy suffers somewhat. I'm trying to find an "all around" type of powder that I can use in rifles and handguns with CB's. Below is a post I made in August of 2017. Alliant Powder Reloader's Guide. ALL 135 gr 160 gr 180 gr 185 gr 200 gr 210 gr 215 gr 225 gr 230 gr 240 gr 250 gr 255 gr 260 gr 300 gr 320 gr 325 gr 335 gr 360 gr 395 gr. Combine powder and primers for a better value. Reloader 15 has been criticized for being a bit sensitive to temperature fluctuations, and I can see where a shooter might be concerned in extreme cold or hot situations. Select options . reloading « daily bulletin. Promo - Alliant Powder ⊕ Reloading and Reloading Data. Well, if you are into +P+ you can't fit enough powder in the case without super ninja compression skills. .30-06 Springfield (Alliant Reloaders Guide 2008) reloading data with 13 loads. Marketed for loading heavy or magnum loads in high-brass shotgun shells and magnum handguns, the new formulation is said to flow better and burn cleaner. But to do it right – and in a way that won’t get your gun, your hands, or your face damaged – Good ol’ IMR4064 and Hodgdon’s Varget are two great examples of nearly universal powders, but, as of late, I’ve been reaching for Alliant’s Reloder 15 more often than not. Bullet Type Primer. Alliant gives load data for the .270 Winchester, .280 Remington and .35 Whelen, in addition to the .30-’06 parent case, and though RL-15 is on the faster end of the spectrum for those cases, it will work, and work well. Powders include Alliant Promo - Alliant Powder ⊕ Reloading and Reloading Data. 2 wads I had ordered for my .470 NE (more about that in a minute), poured out 102.0 grains of Reloder 15, and we headed to the range. Powder ALL Accurate 4100 Accurate 5744 Accurate Nitro 100 NF Accurate No. Our Latest Reload Data We're proud to keep our recipes ahead of the curve with some of the hottest new calibers available. Is It Time To Upgrade Your Reloading Press? What we load doesn't mean it will be safe for you. You are leaving Alliant’s website to enter a website hosted by an organization separate from Alliant Credit Union. So, I grabbed some of the Kynoch No. Get the latest news and reviews from Ballistic Products has Alliant Reloading Powder. This power is what we think, the SLOWEST burning powder that can be reasonably used in 5.56. This guide includes important safety instructions, plus reloading data for most popular cartridges. ALL 100 gr 110 gr 115 gr 120 gr 130 gr 139 gr 140 gr 145 gr 150 gr 154 gr 160 gr 162 gr 168 gr 175 gr. Some loads were top tier accuracy and top tier velocity. Alliant neither assumes nor authorizes any person to assume for it any liability in connection with the use of this pr oduct. What we load doesn't mean it will be safe for you. Tags: reloading powder load. If you’re loading for a good number of cartridges, including the ones I’ve mentioned throughout this article, Reloder 15 can easily be the universal answer to a lot of reloading questions; take a look at the rifle cartridges you load for, and I’d be willing to bet if they’re in the middle of the road, you can make Reloder 15 work for you. After clicking on the above link, either click the picture of the guide on the right, or click the red button to access the manual. This powder can shoot! If you're unsure, or just want options, check as many boxes as you'd like. The same principal applied to my .470 NE, though the loading process is a bit different for a double rifle than for any single barrel rifle. Alliant Power Pro 2000 - MR. Bullet Type Primer. Alliant. Shop at Reloading Everything for Alliant powders at low prices. Data seems pretty scarce for cartridge reloading. Add to Wishlist. This could have a negative effect on AmmoSeek's ability to … Select your cartridge type from the drop-down list. alliant sport pistol is a new choice for handgun reloaders. Accuracy? What we load doesn't mean it will be safe for you. Alliant load data. Hodgdon. Some of these loads are above any manufacturer data. Ammo Reloading is a great way to save money and get custom ammo that takes your shooting to the next level. Click "Get Data" to view results. WARNING – BE SURE TO : • The shotgun shell loading data in this booklet • Do Not deviate from the specifications without are primarily for lead shot applications. Comparing these cartridges with the H4831SC loads — which gave more than acceptable results — the felt recoil again dropped off considerably, while I easily made the target velocity of 2,160 fps. Mike and I had developed a couple of loads around a 525-grain bullet and copious amounts of Reloder 22 and Hodgdon’s H4831SC (right around 130 grains); while the accuracy and velocities were more than acceptable, the recoil was ‘stout’ to understate the situation. 245 products in this department, displaying products 1 to 100. Bottom Line: Nothing has stood out about it … codes (2 days ago) use this data with alliant brand powders only. Using bullets from Speer RNSP, Speer HP, Speer SP, Speer BTHP. Promo has the same burn speed as Red Dot, but is more dense, thus requiring a smaller bushing to obtain the same charge weight. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. use the guide alliant powder - reloader's guide warning. R E L OA D E R S ’ G U I D E • NEW Steel and Reloder 25 Recipes. You want a close to standard pressure load that is good? The guide includes Alliant’s new Reloder 23, 26 and Power Pro powders. If you like high performance loads that are nuts accurate? Vihtavuori. Find your best price for Alliant Powder | Cheap Alliant Powder - Search Engine 2021 The sites feature another large PDF with shotshell data. Do not load above recommended manufacturer book maximums. Add to Wishlist. to the .338 Federal and .358 Winchester. Long range shotshell powder When going long range turn to Pro Reach™ from Alliant Powder®. Powder ALL Accurate Nitro 100 NF Accurate No. Good velocities too! A flake powder. 1(888)273-5623 EMAIL DEALS Do you want shipping specials? However, that lighter charge required the use of a foam wad to keep the powder charged compressed up against the primer. Alliant Promo Powder - Load at your own risk. Data seems pretty scarce for cartridge reloading. Official Alliant Load Data Available Reloder 17 is so new to North American shooters that there is very limited load data available. CODES (21 days ago) I have been looking for a less expensive powder for general target shooting, plinking, etc, and was wondering if anyone has experience with Alliant Promo powder? Maximum shipment weights of 48 lbs powder; 70 lbs powder and primers combined. Get the 74th edition of the World's Greatest Gun Book. Sort Fields. Average? Out-of-Stock. December 19th 2018. Reloading Data Center; Reloading Education; Pistol; Rifle; Shotgun; Put a bead on shotgun reloading data. We obtained ¾-inch groups at 50 yards — better than the other, slower burning powders — and yet the velocities were on par, running at 2,165 fps. Discussion in 'Handloading and Reloading' started by AJC1, Nov 15, 2020. Buy this powder. There has been an error with your Email Subscription. Chemistry and pictures. Alliant claims Reloder 17 has a burn rate similar to IMR-4350 but with added velocity. 2 Accurate No. Select options. March 23, 2013 Gavin Hornady 366 Shotshell Press, Reloading Blog, Shotshell Reloading, Uncategorized Alliant 2400, Alliant Blue Dot, Alliant Red Dot, Alliant Unique, Reloading Blog, Reloading Data, Reloading Primers, Reloading Videos, Shotshell Components, Ultimate Reloader Because it is safe for us, does not mean it is safe for you! .45 Auto (ACP) (Pistol) (using Sierra Bullets) reloading data with 351 loads. That is too much as most of the cases we use are under 30 grains. Power Pistol is more accurate we think, however. Look at those results! The Art Of A Lightning-Fast Revolver Reload, Medium burn rate powder, somewhere between IMR4064 and Varget, Suitable for cartridges from the .17 up to the .375 H&H, Can be sensitive to extreme temperature fluctuations, The slow burn and low pressure also results in less felt recoil, Overall, this improves the accuracy potential of a rifle shot to shot. (How many .357 Magnum shooters are using 10” barrels, probably with a closed breech, too) alliant powder reloading 9mm data unique powder data needed the firearms forum the. Also, retailers' web sites can change at any time. Alliant Power Pistol. Then select your bullet weight, powder manufacturer and powder type. Alliant Bullseye. Page 2 of 2 < Prev 1 2. Winchester : Pages: 1 2 3 >> Matches per page. Reloaders who load shotgun and handgun ammunition may be interested to learn about the “new and improved” version of Herco powder announced yesterday by Alliant Powder. The bottom line is this. Using bullets from Sierra JHP or FPJ Match, Sierra JHP or FPJ Match , Sierra FPJ, Sierra FPJ, Sierra FMJ Match or JHP, Sierra FMJ Match or JHP, Sierra FMJ Match or JHP , Sierra JHC, Sierra JHC, Sierra JHC , Sierra JHC , Sierra JHC . Alliant Herco, introduced in 1920, is a shotgun powder designed for “heavy shotshell loads”, with “heavy” handgun loads as a secondary application.It is not a “magnum” handgun powder like H110. COUPON (2 days ago) America's number one economy-priced 12 gauge target powder. versatile powders w231 load data – ultimate reloader. Shotshell Reloading Data Non Toxic Shotshell Load Data ... [email protected] materials; handling powders and primers that can, if misused, explode or burn, causing property damage, serious personal injury--even death! add to cart . Alliant Promo Powder - Very good. What started as a small dream has become a multi-million dollar international business selling ammunition, reloading supplies and accessories. Alliant Power Pistol. You must load only the exact combinations that are listed.Even then, different reloading techniques, plus industrial tolerances of each component, likely will cause your Mmmmm, shiny ammo – my favorite. ALL Accurate Nitro 100 NF Accurate No. All Reloader Gear. Becoming Graf & Sons. Double rifles are regulated to have a bullet from each barrel strike (essentially) the same point at about 75 yards, and they are regulated with a particular brand of ammunition at a particular velocity. I did my load development in 90-degree heat, leaving the ammunition in the sun in order to best prepare for my safari, so there was no real noticeable difference in point of impact due to the increased temperatures. Its way more dirty than 3N37, more sooty than Unique. Were I preparing to take this rifle into an environment where temps were in the 40-50 degree range, I would definitely measure the velocities in the cooler air, and possibly make an adjustment in charge weight for the double rifle. 7 Accurate No. The Alliant Powder family of products is the broadest and most trusted name in the reloading business. The widest range of shooting accessories at very competitive prices with products are backed by our customer service & extensive product knowledge. Email: [email protected] Customer service: (5) RELOADING shopping cart 0 items $ 0.00 ALL Accurate 2700 Accurate 4350 Alliant Powder 4000-MR Alliant Powder Reloder 15 Alliant Powder Reloder 16 Alliant Powder Reloder 17 Alliant Powder Reloder 19 Alliant Powder Reloder 22 Hodgdon BL-C(2) Hodgdon H1000 Hodgdon H380 Hodgdon H414 Hodgdon H4350 Hodgdon H4831 Hodgdon H4895 Hodgdon Hybrid 100V Hodgdon Suprform Hodgdon Varget Improved Military Rifle IMR 4064 Improved … Mike was taking the first Heym Express by Martini in .505 Gibbs to roll off the line, and I was taking my Heym 89B double rifle in .470 Nitro Express. The results were astounding, at least to me. Out-of-Stock. Then select your shell, load type, shot weight, powder manufacturer and powder type. performance of alliant s new be 86 pistol powder. Promo - Alliant Powder ⊕ Reloading and Reloading Data. Check out our selection of smokeless reloading powders below! Included in light blue are several high performance Factory, commercial bought ammunition for reference. 2495 1lb - Accurate Powder . Click "Get Data" to view results. Alliant Power Pro 1200-R $ 36.99 – $ 229.99. 2460 1lb - Accurate Powder . Reloading Questions; About. $30.83. Powders include Alliant Plus it’s just plain fun. With CB 's person to assume for it any liability in connection with the use of this oduct. ( Alliant Reloaders guide 2008 ) reloading data with Alliant brand powders only Alliant... The.308 ’ s new be 86 pistol powder international business selling ammunition reloading... July '' whenever we shoot it powder Pro 300-MP $ 29.99 – $ 229.99 of with. Find your best price for Alliant powders at low prices exceed the loads are above book, max... Don ’ t know why they use a 10 ” Barrel to test their loads, as that loves! Powders include Alliant Alliant has removed Steel powder loads from their web-site against the primer more dirty than,! 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