Comments Off on adhesion to enamel

Author: Posted On: January 22nd, 2021 In:Uncategorized

Eighty fragments of bovine enamel were equally divided in 8 groups (n=10). 2007 Apr;51(2):333-57, viii. Adhesion to dentin presents a much greater challenge • Structurally dentin consist of a substantial proportion of water and organic material as compared to the 90% mineral composition of enamel. 1977-04-01 00:00:00 J. M. TEN CATE, S. K E I Z E R a ^ ^ J . For Goldberg (10) the resins are infiltrated in inter- crystalline spaces. Braz Dent J 1998; 9: 3-10. 2015 May;43(5):525-36. doi: 10.1016/j.jdent.2015.03.004. These characteristics are relative to the degree of fluorosis. PubMed CrossRef Google Scholar. 1. Our study showed that bonding on the occlusal enamel is better than the cervical enamel for the two protocols. The enamel surface, however, is not flat, and polishing could modify the surface energy and atomic composition. (fig2). Too fast ramp-up of enamel trapping organic components in front zones of furnace aud causing ppor enamel adhesion to glass substrate - Zu schneller Anstieg der Email-annehmenden organischen Bestandteile in den vorderen Bereichen des Ofens, was mangelhafte Emailhaftung am Glasträger zur Folge h : Letzter Beitrag: 02 Dez. But the fact that we applied the etching gel for one time during 30 seconds and twice for 30 seconds without finding differences in the statistical study as well in the SEM observation leads us to believe that bonding to the enamel is not only a micro mechanical keying. Fluorosed enamel is hard and brittle. Figure 18. Polus Advanced Whitening Accelerator by Beyond, Recommendations for mechanically reducing plaque, Evolving Restorative Dentistry with Flow Plus, Unusual Large Submandibular Gland Calculus, Risk of Transmission of Viruses in the Dental Office, Fluoride in dentistry: use, dosage, and possible hazards, The Quest for Esthetic Perfection By Dr. K. William Mopper, Sinus Floor Elevation: an overview of current techniques. Oper Dent. Ateyah and Akpata (2) have shown that the etching time affects the shear bond strength of composite for the fluorosed enamel. Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. Fluorosis is clinically manifested, depending on individual susceptibility, by opaque white spots, lines following the perikymata direction, or wavy yellowish and brownish striations of the enamel. Additionally, resin microtags extend within tiny etch pits in the enamel prism cores.8 Resin tags in the interprismatic spaces provide for the majority of micromechanical adhesion.8–9 In comparison, dentin is heterogeneous, consisting of hydroxyapatite and collagen. After separating the roots of each tooth from the crown, two sections were obtained: one buccal and the other lingual. 16. PubMed Google Scholar. Bonding to enamel yields higher bond strength values than bonding to dentin [28, 70], which influences the shrinkage vectors [33], thereby limiting the composite movement. A review of recent research findings in this field is discussed as well as recommendations for clinical management of some common dental defects: hypoplasia, diffuse and demarcated opacities, and amelogenesis imperfecta. After tooth eruption, the enamel pits and fissures turn into brown or black (11). EMC (Elsevier Masson SAS Paris), stomatologie, 22-007-A-10,2007l). Epub 2015 Mar 20. 2020 Nov 3;7(1):159-166. doi: 10.1080/26415275.2020.1838283. ARENDS Laboratory for Materia Technica, State University of Grohingen, The Netherlands Summary For a four-component acrylate adhesive system the influence of viscosity and penetration on adhesion to enamel was investigated. Preusse PJ, Winter J, Amend S, Roggendorf MJ, Dudek MC, Krämer N, Frankenberger R. Clin Oral Investig. In addition, he is the chairman of the Food and Drug Administration Dental Products Advisory Panel in Silver Spring MD. In this paper, the basic bonding mechanism to enamel and dentin of these three approaches is demonstrated by means of ultramorphological and chemical characterization of tooth-biomaterial interfacial interactions. Arhun N, Kalender B, Tuncer D, Berkmen B, Celik C. J Conserv Dent. Especially "mild," two-step self-etch adhesives that bond through a combined micromechanical and chemical interaction with tooth tissue closely approach conventional three-step systems in bonding performance. Authors Bart Van Meerbeek 1 , Jan De Munck, Yasuhiro Yoshida, Satoshi Inoue, Marcos Vargas, Padmini Vijay, Kirsten Van Landuyt, Paul Lambrechts, Guido Vanherle. View Large. 7-160856, 1988. gMitra SB. The onlay may be made of metal, porcelain, or pressed ceramic ( Figs. J Dent 2005; 33:419-26. Oral Histology. Conclusions: Adhesion to enamel affected by molar incisor hypomeralization is inferior compared to normal enamel. Eventually, today's adhesives will be critically weighted upon their performance in diverse laboratory studies and clinical trials. These preparations were accomplished with carbide burs in a high-speed handpiece with water spray. J Contemp Dent Pract 2007;8:1-11. Weerainhe and all (16) have shown the superiority of bonding on fluorosed teeth by etching with phosphoric acid compared to the self-etching systems. A post-orthodontic direct composite case is an example of enamel bonding, as the discrepancy in the incisal edges are limited to the patient’s enamel. 4 and 5 , there is no intentionally cut retention form ( Fig. Hydroxyapatite nanoparticles (nano-HAP) are receiving considerable attention for dental applications, and their adhesion to enamel is well established. Materials and methods. The literature is silent concerning all these details for fluorosed teeth, we think that the success of a bonded restoration depends as well on the severity of fluorosis, the patient’s age and the adhesive system used. 30,34,35 Dentin adhesion relies primarily on the penetration of adhesive monomers into the network of collagen fibers left exposed by acid etching . RGD sequences are involved in ing. Group 1 was not treated and Group 2 … All Rights Reserved. Dental fluorosis is an hypomineralisation of the tooth hard tissues induced by an excessive intake of fluoride occurring during odontogenesis (4). The crowns were immersed in a methylene blue dye solution at 0,1% for 48hours at room temperature. Adhesion to Enamel and Dentin: Current Status and Future Challenges B Van Meerbeek • J De Munck • Y Yoshida S Inoue • M Vargas • P Vijay K Van Landuyt • P Lambrechts • G Vanherle SUMMARY Bonding to tooth tissue can be achieved through an “etch&rinse,” “self-etch” or “glass-ionomer” approach. Ermis RB, De Munck J, Cardoso MV, Coutinho E, Van Landuyt KL, Poitevin A, Paul Lambrechts P, Van Meerbeek B. There was no occlusal connection between the preparations. Despite the fragility of the cervical enamel and mainly its weak thickness, the disposition of prisms reinforced the tissue at this level. 7. In our study, we noticed that to mild fluorosed enamel, double etching did not give better results than the simple etching: etching of one time 30 seconds is enough. Adhesion to enamel depends on achieving the maximum retentive capacity of the surface from the effect of acid etching. 3,12,13 The extent of the problem depends upon the number of the t eeth involved and the severity of the defects It is interesting to know that drilling greatly ameliorates bonding (9). However the practitioner should be vigilant and should work delicately during cavities preparation to avoid any risk of micro fractures and micro cracks of this enamel. Ideal adhesion and sealing of enamel are only feasible with adhesives that rely on enamel phosphoric acid etching [14,169]. All the restorations required a finishing using a silicon capsule. A complementary protection was brought with the application of two coats of transparent finger nail varnish on each crown while leaving 1mm around the restorations. *The adhesion to affected enamel was significantly lower than the adhesion to normal teeth. Our study shows that composite adhesion to mild fluorosed enamel is not influenced by the etching time and that adhesion is better in the occlusal enamel than in the cervical enamel. Correlating data gathered in the laboratory with clinical results clearly showed that laboratory research CAN predict clinical effectiveness. COVID-19 is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation. Bacterial adhesion to treated surfaces was characterized by confocal laser scanning microscopy, and adhesion force was quantified by atomic force microscopy. The observation of mésial obturation of sample n°2 at the cervical enamel shows decaled enamel prisms but still adherent to the composite resin. They are not pronounced as in the literature and resemble more to vacuoles. Research, in PubMed and Cochrane Library databases, provided 390 titles with abstracts. A new dynamic methodology to test biomaterial-tooth bonds in a fatigue mode is introduced with a recently developed micro-rotary fatigue-testing device. Cavity preparation Class II box-only cavity preparation were prepared on the mesial and distal surfaces of each tooth. November 2006; DOI: 10.1201 /9781420003376.ch3. Buonocore later foresaw the use of acids to etch enamel for sealing pits and fissures. An etching for 120 seconds is better than an etching for 60 seconds. Analysis of our data demonstrated that the adhesion force between H5 and HA is stronger compared with that of the control (streptavidin-functionalized microspheres) and albumin. 4 and 5 ).In these examples shown in Figs. Actual Odontostomatol 1987 ; 158 :223-38. Many translated example sentences containing "excellent adhesion to dentin and etched enamel" – German-English dictionary and search engine for German translations. Bracket Adhesion to Hypomineralized Enamel 33 patient s chief complaint, in conjunction with the biochemical and morpho-histological characteristics of the defects, may affect the prognosis and management. 2. J Oral Rehabil 1999;26:521-8. Type Article Author(s) B Van Meerbeek, J De Munck, Y Yoshida, S Inoue, M Vargas, P Vijay, K Van Landuyt, P Lambrechts, G Vanherle Date 2003 Publisher Operative Dentistry Volume 28-3 Furthermore, bond-strength testing and measurement of marginal-sealing effectiveness (the two most commonly employed methodologies to determine "bonding effectiveness" in the laboratory) are evaluated upon their value and relevance in predicting clinical performance. 6) Simplified adhesives, which do not have a hydrophobic bonding resin step, leave residual free water in the interface. Three samples were observed with a scanning microscope. A layer of dentine, enamel shavings, organic matter, bacteria, blood products, crevicular fluid and saliva which is formed during cavity preparation Bond strength to tooth structure 2- 3 Mpa Thickness 0.5 –5 micron Reduce dentine permeability 86% Can be altered or removed because it is not a very stable adhesion interface 48 ABSTRACT. Thirteen recently-extracted, non-carious human teeth (molar and premolar, maxillary and mandibular) were stored in water and in a refrigerator until use after cleaning with a pumice water slurry in order to remove tartar, soft tissues and any other debris. Conclusion Our study showed that composite adhesion to mild fluorosed enamel is not influenced by the etching time and that adhesion is better in the occlusal enamel than in the cervical enamel. resin adhesion to dentin. These mineralized substrates present distinct ultra-morphology and composition.  |  The comparison of bonding between the two etching protocols did not present significant differences p=0,583. 3th ed. Ateyah N, Akpata E. Factors affecting shear bond strength of composite resin to fluorosed human enamel. As the combination of enamel coating layer with steel is hidden inside. Quintessence books, 2006), 15. A layer of dentine, enamel shavings, organic matter, bacteria, blood products, crevicular fluid and saliva which is formed during cavity preparation Bond strength to tooth structure 2- 3 Mpa Thickness 0.5 –5 micron Reduce dentine permeability 86% Can be altered or removed because it is not a very stable adhesion interface 48 In book: Polymers for Dental and Orthopedic Applications (pp.69-143) Authors: Ulrich Salz. There are mainly 5 levels as follows: 5 Too Weak 4 Weak 3 Intermediate 2 Good 1 Excellent. The infiltration degree of the product was noted in function of the following scores: 0: no infiltration 1: infiltration of the external third of the enamel 2: infiltration of the two external thirds of the enamel 3: infiltration of all the enamel thickness 4: infiltration of all the enamel and dentin thickness. Roberson TM, Heymann HO, Swift EJ jr, Sturdevant’s art and science of operative dentistry, 4th ed. The statistical study was conducted using the Fisher exact test. Adhesion to enamel of light‐cured poly‐acid dental materials Adhesion to enamel of light‐cured poly‐acid dental materials Desai, Mala; Tyas, Martin J. Epub 2020 Nov 5. 2021 Feb;25(2):737-744. doi: 10.1007/s00784-020-03649-y. Adhesion to enamel of light‐cured poly‐acid dental materials Adhesion to enamel of light‐cured poly‐acid dental materials Desai, Mala; Tyas, Martin J. Van Meerbeek and J. de Munck and Yasuhiro Yoshida and S. Inoue and M. Vargas and P. Vijay and K. V. Van Landuyt and P. Lambrechts and G. Vanherle}, journal={Operative dentistry}, year={2003}, volume={28 3}, pages={ 215-35 } } B. The cuts were observed with SEM Philips XL30 according to the BSE mode at 917x, 2000x and 5000 x magnificences. SWIFT, JR. T he classic concepts of operative dentistry were challenged in the 1980s and 1990s by the introduction of new adhesive […] The preparations were moderately dried using a cotton pellet. Results. 2006 Jun;22(6):533-44. doi: 10.1016/ Following this stage, four obturations were eliminated. On each tooth two amelo-dentinal Class II box-only cavities were prepared. A. Stae D. MPa Haftungswerte (2)* 0 0 … Chen C, Niu LN, Xie H, Zhang ZY, Zhou LQ, Jiao K, Chen JH, Pashley DH, Tay FR. Adhesion to enamel and dentin: current status and future challenges." J Am Dent Assoc. The distal cavities were etched once for 30 seconds using orthophosphoric acid at 37%. The adhesive (tensile) strength was measured by the Instron unit and statistically analyzed. Bonding to tooth tissue can be achieved through an "etch&rinse," "self-etch" or "glass-ionomer" approach. (figure 1) Figure 1 Pre-Operative. The aim was to evaluate the surface roughness and bacterial adhesion on enamel irradiated with high intensity lasers, associated or not to a fluoride varnish. Adhesion to enamel and dentin: current status and future challenges. DENTIN / ENAMEL SINGLE COMPONENT TOTAL ETCH ADHESIVE. Most of the authors agree that there is a difference in the fluorosed enamel response compared to normal enamel, in the etching technique. Adhesion to enamel and dentin: current status and future challenges. HHS Deuxième enquête nationale sur la santé bucco-dentaire. 1952 -Usage of glyrerophosphoric acid dimethacrylate by Kramer and Mclean (earliest description of hybrid layer) 1955 -Buonocore introduces etching of teeth any phosphoric acid; he found that an acrylic resin; bonds well with etched enamel. Get the latest public health information from CDC:, Get the latest research information from NIH:, Find NCBI SARS-CoV-2 literature, sequence, and clinical content: For bonding to uncut enamel, the efficacy of self-etch adhesives is dependent upon their ability to demineralize the more acid-resistant aprismatic enamel layer. US Patent Application No. SEM observation Sample 1 showed an homogenous and perfect adhesive interface between composite resin and the enamel. 1977-04-01 00:00:00 J. M. TEN CATE, S. K E I Z E R a ^ ^ J . Adhesive materials can interact with dentin in different ways—mechanically, chemically, or both. In enamel, the universal adhesive showed similar bond strength to all the other adhesive systems investigated (Table 2), demonstrating that it would be a good option to promote adhesion between resin composites and enamel. The orifices of the dentin tubules are obstructed by smear plugs contiguous with the smear layer consisting of shattered and crushed hydroxyapatite, as well as fragmented and denatured collagen. A fluorosed tooth requires a particular therapeutics (3). Eighty fragments of bovine enamel were equally divided in 8 groups (n=10). 8. Methylene blue infiltration degree was evaluated in the cervical and occlusal enamel of each cavity. This site needs JavaScript to work properly. In dentistry, adhesion is the chemical and micromechanical union of an adhesive system to enamel, dentin, and a restorative material. The mesial cavities were etched twice for 30 seconds using orthophosphoric acid at 37%. This review discusses the fundamental process of adhesion to enamel and dentin with different adhesive techniques, factors affecting the long-term bonding performance of … Some small enamel cracks were visible at a great magnificence. Bracket Adhesion to Hypomineralized Enamel 33 patient s chief complaint, in conjunction with the biochemical and morpho-histological characteristics of the defects, may affect the prognosis and management. Dent Clin North Am. The prisms present a transversal orientation in the occlusal enamel and a longitudinal one in the cervical enamel. (fig1). 2020 Mar-Apr;23(2):141-144. doi: 10.4103/JCD.JCD_163_19. Middle East dental consensus: What is the best choice of toothpaste? 9. The enamel etching modifies as well the tissue surface state, both fluorosed and normal, by ameliorating the resin wet ability and in ensuring a physic-chemical link in addition to micromechanical one. Following the obturation with resin composite, thermocyling, infiltration with methylene blue and sectioning in the mesio-distal direction, the teeth were observed with a stereomicroscope. Vitamin D Crucial for Dental Implant Success, Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum Inaugurates AEEDC Dubai 2018, Achieve True Opalescence with the Celtra® Press System, LuxaCrown: The easiest way to long-lasting crowns. De Goes and all (6) have noticed that ortho-phosphoric acid at 35 % used for 15 to 60 seconds produces the same effect for the normal enamel. (fig3). Biomater Investig Dent. Hunan Noli Enamel Co,. Acknowledgments The authors thank Mister Samir Boukottaya for revision of the manuscript. Buonocore MG. A simple method of increasing the adhesion of acrylic filling materials to enamel surfaces. Learn faster with spaced repetition. Resin infiltration, prior to resin restorations, could improve the microhardness of defected enamel, which may lead to increased bond strength, especially in combination with NaOCl pretreatment. NIH 12. Self-etch and etch-and-rinse adhesive systems in clinical dentistry. Oper Dent. Ten Cate A.R. In order to make enamel products have a good anti-fish scale products and adhesion performance, it is necessary to control the impurity elements of enamel steel sheet. Ateyah and Akpata (2) observed breaks of cohesive type generalized on the fluorosed enamel of elderly patients for any time of etching. Our SEM observation showed that micro reliefs are not very well visible on the totality of the samples. Bonding effectiveness of a new 'multi-mode' adhesive to enamel and dentine. Dr. Suzuki is Professor Emeritus of Microbiology and Immunology (School of Medicine) and Professor Emeritus in Periodontology and Oral Implantology (School of Dentistry) at Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, USA. Epub 2020 Nov 9. Cavity preparation alters the uppermost layer of tooth tissue, covering the tooth surface with a 1.0 µm to 2.0 µm layer of cutting debris (Figure 1). Van Landuyt KL, Peumans M, De Munck J, Lambrechts P, Van Meerbeek B. Dent Mater. (It is easier to cause micro cracks at the extremity of a prism than on the length of its axis). The practitioner should therefore pay a particular attention to the restoration of this area. 4 and 5 ).In these examples shown in Figs. The purpose of this study was to compare the ability of two adhesion test methods to differentiate performance of three dental adhesives on uncut enamel. In Tunisia, dental fluorosis represents a real public health issues as it affects 50% of adults aged from 35 to 45 (7). AL-Sugair AL, Akpata E. Effect of fuorosis on etching of human enamel. The hydrophobicity of enamel increased after heating (p < 0.05), and the zeta potential of heated enamel became more … This article reviews the current knowledge base regarding resin adhesion to enamel and dentin. In this investigation, we used the laser for pretreatment of the enamel instead of acid. The aim was to evaluate the surface roughness and bacterial adhesion on enamel irradiated with high intensity lasers, associated or not to a fluoride varnish. Epub 2005 Nov 21. 2013 Jan;34(1):12-4, 16, 18; quiz 20, 30. Epub 2020 Oct 10. Difference with becomes more evident when fluorosis is more intense. Dental News would like to congratulate Prof. Jon Suzuki for his appointment to the Food and Drug Administration Immunology Devices Panel and medical advisory committee. The aims of this study were to determine if sealant adhesion and penetration were affected by the variation in preparation of the enamel surface, or by pretreatment of the enamel surface with dentine adhesive systems, in fissures of varying morphology. Some small enamel cracks were visible at a great magnificence. Dentin Bonds. Introduction The objective of this study was to evaluate the adhesion quality of a two-step total-etch adhesive system, to mild fluorosed enamel, by two different etching protocols. Test Principle . Effects of systemic fluoride and in vitro fluoride treatment on enamel crystals. Core build-up resin composites: an in-vitro comparative study. Copyright © 2020 Dental News. The substrates more frequently available for adhesion in restorative dentistry are enamel and dentin. Besides, the SEM observation of the samples puts into evidence the extreme fragility of the fluorosed enamel witch known for being hard, brittle and porous (4,5). doi: 10.1016/j.cden.2007.01.001. Polymer adhesion to enamel Polymer adhesion to enamel CATE, J. M. TEN; KEIZER, S.; ARENDS, J. In dentistry, the term adhesion is often used to define the process that establishes the micromechanical union between the materials and dental substrates. This must, to a great extent, be attributed to the enamel immediately adjacent to dentin always being (unintentionally) etched and the guarantee of a durable bond to the enamel margin. We notice the presence of fractures line both at the occlusal and cervical enamel. Group 1 was not treated and Group 2 received only a 5% fluoride varnish application. Figure 18. The adhesive resin then penetrates the etched surface through capillary action and subsequent polymerization of the resin facilitates micromechanical adhesion. However, there are no reports concerning the effects of HAP on other dental materials, and most of the studies in this field are based on in vitro designs, neglecting the salivary pellicle-apatite interactions. 3,12,13 The extent of the problem depends upon the number of the t eeth involved and the severity of the defects The presence of several enamel fissures and fractures of enamel masses confirms these characteristics. After withdrawing the teeth from the dye solution, they were rinsed with water and cleaned with abrasive disks to eliminate the dye traces. The onlay may be made of metal, porcelain, or pressed ceramic ( Figs. SEM observation Sample 1 showed an homogenous and perfect adhesive interface between composite resin and the enamel. 5. During the last two decades we have been experiencing an exceptional evolution in adhesive restorative dentistry. 10. J Endod 1991;17:288-92. SEM observation Two buccal cuts were selected for the observation at SEM: samples n°1 and 2.the selected samples were dehydrated with decreasing concentration of alcoholic solutions. These features represent a real problem for resin composite bonding to this enamel which is little studied.problem for resin composite bonding to this enamel which is little studied. 4. 2020 Jan-Feb;23(1):32-35. doi: 10.4103/JCD.JCD_47_19. He should as well pays a particular attention to the restoration of the cervical wall which is a difficult access and where the enamel seems to be particularly resistant to the bonding procedures. Dr Buonocore applied a concept used in the paint industry to facilitate adhesion of paints and resins to metallic surfaces. Weerainhe and all (16) have shown that fluorosis severity does not influence the adhesion force to the enamel when we use phosphoric acid etching as well as a self-etching adhesive. US Patent Application No. Materials and methods Thirteen human teeth (molars and premolars) showing a mild fluorosis (TFI 1-3) according to Thylstrup and Fejerskov index were used. Spinhayer L, Bui ATB, Leprince JG, Hardy CMF. Polymer adhesion to enamel Polymer adhesion to enamel CATE, J. M. TEN; KEIZER, S.; ARENDS, J. 35,36 However, for adhesive … Share This Special Issue. 4 and 5 , there is no intentionally cut retention form ( Fig. Mg. a simple method of increasing the adhesion of composite to the Thylstrup and Fejerskov (... Tem photomicrographs of the samples 14 ) this can be explained by the difference prisms. Absence of infiltration ( 0 ) and the presence of fractures line both at adhesion to enamel enamel... Monomers into the network of collagen fibers left exposed by acid etching odontogenesis ( )! Enamel in fluorosed teeth is recommended index ( TFI 1-3 ) you like email of... Through an `` etch & rinse versus a self-etch approach may have the best future.! 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Modifications ultrastructurales la. – Love your teeth Too enamel surfaces more susceptible to adhesion ( Buonocore, 1955 ) of acrylic materials... Ph - an water and dried ( 9 ), Leprince JG, CMF... * penetration depth: Deep for normal enamel breaks of cohesive type generalized on the photomicrograph representing a adhesion to enamel., Peumans M, de Munck J, Amend S, Vagarali H. J Conserv Dent Nov. ):159-166. doi: 10.1016/j.jdent.2015.03.004 materials Desai, Mala ; Tyas, Martin.! Can not be directly judged by its surface appearance tissue can be observed on the to. Difference in the laboratory with clinical adhesion to enamel clearly showed that bonding on the photomicrograph representing stained... Of about 2 µm can be explained by the difference of prisms reinforced the tissue at this level effect thermocycling... A great magnificence room temperature engine for German translations bonding between the two etching protocols did not present significant p=0,583. On enamel crystals ):525-36. doi: 10.4103/JCD.JCD_47_19 adhesion in restorative dentistry Old wine in new bottles transversal in! On the adhesion to enamel, dentin, and their adhesion to and... Emphasized as well the reason why the fluorosed enamel is better than the cervical and occlusal enamel is better its...

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