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[ ] Petitioner knows or has reason to know that the Respondent owns or otherwise possesses firearms. 0 0 11.2659 10.338 re PETITION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER-FAMILY ABUSE. endstream endobj 448 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H�*�2T0T��323�T��36�P(J� endstream endobj 431 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream endstream endobj 464 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream Click Here to endstream endobj 447 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream Bienvenidos a I-CAN!™* Virginia Magistrate Court Forms. I-CAN!™ Virginia will also print instructions that tell you what to do with your forms, and how the court process works. �rY�Y))�@Y0q�*�x1W @� W,; H�4ʱ �0D���� ,� ��� ����%�H����2檞�A�4/C������`4�?D�'\rI���:�{[���&� +�� Upon the motion of any person or upon the court's own motion, the court may issue a preliminary protective order, after a hearing, if necessary to protect a child's life, health, safety or normal development pending the … H�*�2T0T0�33� I-CAN! H�4ʱ �0D���� ,� ��� ����%�H����2檞�A�4/C������`4�?D�'\rI���:�{[���&� +�� H�4ʱ �0D���� ,� ��� ����%�H����2檞�A�4/C������`4�?D�'\rI���:�{[���&� +�� 0.749023 g endstream endobj 451 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream �rY�*)�@Y0q�*�x1W @� V�8 H�*�2T0T��323S��36�P(J� H�4ʱ �0D���� ,;I �KA���Rshr�P*�$���T��N��A�}$�x�mG��L����_�1�` Z; h�b```a``~�����W��π �@16�,��>�N��p�?��s}��}��`��� ��a@՜S�iS �����������������A��e�aʲ��9��� �0�)�F1�o��uN՜� ,^� ^��.d`XxH3�+�b`X,�3�҆l+���J������A��ԥa�*WlY|Ly�$��q�z�P�0�2�Q���[ ��p�jA(@� p�Lx Filing Information for Protective Order Petitions: Court-Specific %PDF-1.7 %���� f ... [ ] A protective order of any type involving the parties is currently in effect. endstream endobj 430 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream endstream endobj 432 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream Virginia Session. Preliminary Protective Order A petition is filed with the Intake Office. endstream endobj 454 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream endstream endobj 458 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream It is used most often in family courts. E�\i\�\� order. Virginia is also available in Spanish. H�*�2T0T��323�T��36�P(J� Virginia is a free online program that provides assistance with the preparation of court forms required to file for a protective order. I-CAN! Begin Your I-CAN! endstream endobj 433 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream �0 * � H�4ʱ �0D���� ,ۉ�3 �KH����RrUO\�T�ʠ�U"�N��q��0 ��� endstream endobj 439 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream endstream endobj 461 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H�l�M�0���9���f���b^��硛 ����ͺM�H!-Oi"Ef�%x��L�rI��YlJ�@ In Virginia, protective orders can be issued when any act of violence, force, or threat either (1) results in bodily injury or (2) places one in reasonable apprehension of death, sexual assault, or bodily injury. endstream endobj 463 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H�*�2T0T��323�T��36�P(J� 0.749023 g H�*�2T0T��323�T��36�P(J� assistance with the preparation of court forms required to file for a protective Get Protective Order assistance with Virginia’s online form system, I-CAN. endstream endobj 445 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream endstream endobj 467 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream ���2�313���rY�Y))�@Y0q�2�D1W @� ��� Repercussions of violating a protective order in Virginia can include the effect of a person’s bond if they are on bond for a criminal charge, which is happening at the same time. 0.749023 g endstream endobj 438 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream Preliminary protective order. endstream endobj 452 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream 0 0 11.2659 10.338 re In Virginia, you can obtain a restraining order application either from your county clerk's office or by downloading the form from Virginia's judicial website. Virginia is a free online program that provides In the Commonwealth of Virginia, a protective order is a legal document issued by either a magistrate or judge that is intended to protect the health and safety of alleged victims of abuse including “ any act involving violence, force, or threat that results in bodily injury or places that person in fear of death, sexual assault or bodily injury ”. 0 0 11.2659 10.338 re ���2�3�0� endstream endobj 459 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream Protective orders for family abuse protect victims from abuse by a relation or someone with whom they have had an intimate relationship. Virginia Virginia has an Online Forms Completion Program for protective orders called I-CAN! 5. 424 0 obj <> endobj 0 0 11.2659 10.338 re �rY�*)�@Y0q�*�x1W @� V�8 endstream endobj 450 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream An emergency protective order under this section, if granted, provides protection to ... to the Virginia Criminal Information Network system. A protective order in Virginia is an order of the court that directs the person who is the defendant or to whom that order is directed to stay away from another individual. You can find the petition for a Protective Order for an Act of Violence, Force, or Threat on their website as well. 549 0 obj <>stream The West Virginia Judicial System is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to providing equal access and unbiased, non-discriminatory treatment to all. information on Form DC-621, NON-DISCLOSURE ADDENDUM. ���2�313���rY�Y))�@Y0q�2�D1W @� ��� USLF amends and updates the forms as is required by Virginia … ;��@,�{�h���w^9�[��L=���Gg���#ܸ$N̽�����v�3oa�a�/��*fȈ�w��DY���M(���@��:� 0.749023 g 0.749023 g Emergency Protective Order (EPO) Issued through the Magistrate; Lasts for 72 hours (three days) Extend an Emergency Protective Order. endstream endobj 446 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream protective orders issued. ���2�313� 0 0 8.64 8.838 re The reason why this is done is because in a civil protective order a p… Commonwealth of Virginia Va. Code §§ 19.2-152.9; 19.2-152.10 . endstream endobj 425 0 obj <>>>/Lang(�� E N - U S)/MarkInfo<>/Metadata 23 0 R/Outlines 51 0 R/PageLayout/OneColumn/Pages 422 0 R/StructTreeRoot 64 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 426 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 3/Tabs/W/Type/Page>> endobj 427 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream endstream endobj 460 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream A protective order is a legal document issued by the court. 0 0 10.604 9.838 re H�*�2T0T��330Q0׳0�P(J� At any one time, according to data obtained from the Virginia State Police, there are approximately 520 emergency protective orders, 1,900 preliminary, and 15,000 “final” protective orders in existence. endstream endobj 437 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream Protective orders for stalking, sexual battery, and serious bodily Injury are unique in … Court-Specific f 0 0 11.2657 10.338 re �'�J�t���YD��p�� �KT endstream endobj 429 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream Protective orders can also apply to anyone in fear of death, sexual assault, and other forms of bodily injury caused by another person. 0 0 10.604 9.838 re f 0.749023 g Order Governing the Inadvertent Disclosure of Documents or Other Materials under Rule 502(d) (L R Civ P 26.4 Form) Order Setting Deposition Protocol (L R 26.1 Form) Proposed Order and Notice Allowing the Plaintiff to Proceed Without Prepayment of Costs and Fees in a Social Security Case; Report of Parties' Planning Meeting (L R Civ P 16.1 Form) such as address, contact information and hours of operation: General information such as address, contact information and hours of Welcome to I-CAN!™* Virginia I-CAN!™* Virginia is a free online program that will help you fill out the forms you will need to ask the court for a Protective Order. 0 0 11.2659 10.338 re Often, especially when there are shared children or especially in a situation where perhaps the individual has their own vehicle or has their own house and for whatever re… @3A���P$ �B���6$�V*R��Qd�yB�HБV?�i8iA�����g���p��H% ��P���Ȥd���8 -� A ��0�jT��i��� XT��]d�h�g��A�#kP�"�V��*rFp9gH0� H�j\�= 92� �R 1A��D"���$Gq�ҔOA"(Zj�Ќx�������2RMqT���ST�5�UT�W�D��OQܴRA�T�A��7A"�4H�Ae8�}���v�S_|@��p���|q����A9^E����Փ'�\4H�z�+v��*ѠA�=;8��h3S����-j1��#|����N�� M���.tm�.�]��;م�;{���:{���Z{ԫېw��Bم�u�.L��vag�w�xg�w�xg�w�xg�w�xg�w�xgO{�Qף�C�vG/��0>�;�d�v�;E�)�c�F�}���w���k�h�nȞ�����dg��Y��":Țl�����1z`��g{�z��)� �\߳��'�ώ?��O�ʏ��"��I0˥����'�Q��bQ6O���^V{ꟁ�o�q���0��:��>����ޚ"�`� �N}�c_���W��g�*l�W��|Z��lR6�x�Q�l��Ȫ�Ȗ +/ʅ��U(�5y1�bٟ˲�5� A protective order will be granted against a family or household member if the court believes that there has been either an act of family or household violence or a threat of that. Protective orders are legal decrees, issued by a judge or magistrate, that protect the health and safety of victims. Under Virginia laws, a protective order (also known as a restraining order in other states) is a legitimate document issued in court by a magistrate or judge to preserve the safety and health of an alleged victim of a threat, force, or violence, that results in harm or places the person in apprehension of bodily injury, sexual assault, or death. Case No..... Commonwealth of Virginia Va. Code §§ 16.1-241(M), 16.1-253.1, 16.1-279.1. If it’s an emergency protective order, it will last for exactly 72 hours and there is nothing that can be done under Virginia law to extend or shorten that period of time. 0.749023 g Protective Order (PO) – A full protective order can be issued by a judge for up to 2 years where both parties have notice and the opportunity to be heard. f Q3�h8W��knl����3�3��T��*������� T�� Protective Order brochure created by the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services On line Protective Order documents Stalking/Serious Bodily Injury Protective Orders There are three types of stalking/serious bodily injury protective orders: Emergency, Preliminary, and Permanent Protective Orders. 0.749023 g with Protective Orders. 0.749023 g Virginia Session. 0.749023 g endstream endobj 443 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream 0.749023 g Appeal for Denial of Petition for Emergency Protective Order/TEPO Obtaining a Protective Order. H�*�2T0T��330Q0׳0�P(J� If the protective order that was issued is overreaching—a standard protective order usually gives the alleged victim custody of the children if there are any, possession of the house and the vehicles, and usually has on it a provision for no termination of utilities and no-contact or at least a stay-away that the alleged perpetrator must abide by. General information endstream endobj 434 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream endstream endobj 456 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream in the Courtroom Policy, Supreme Court of Virginia Informational Pamphlet, Amendments to Rules of the Supreme Court of Virginia, Amendments Arranged by Rule, with Amendments Tracked, Proposed Amendments to Rules of the Supreme Court of Virginia, Call for Comment on Draft Revisions to Rules of Court, Prior Requests for Comments on Draft Revisions to Rules of Court, Judges of the Court of Appeals of Virginia, Court of Appeals of Virginia Informational Pamphlet, Virginia Judiciary E-Filing System (VJEFS), Circuit Court Secure Remote Access to Land Records, Court-Appointed Counsel Procedures & Guidelines Manual, Alphabetical Listing of Commissioners of Accounts, Guardians and Conservators of Incapacitated Adults, Records Management and Retention, Library of Virginia, Unclaimed Property Division, Virginia Department of the Treasury, Individual General District Court Homepages, General District Court Civil Filing Fee Calculation, Virginia Date of Birth Confirmation (VDBC), Payments Online (General District Courts Only), General District Courts Informational Pamphlet, Licensed Property and Surety Bail Bondsmen, Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court, Individual Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court Homepages, Pay Criminal and Other Cases in a Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court, Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court Manual, Assistance with Protective Orders (I-CAN! f H�4ʱ �0D���� ,ۉ�3 �KH����RrUO\�T�ʠ�U"�N��q��0 ��� Any person who is a victim of an act of violence, act of force, or who has been subjected to threats of bodily injury, sexual assaults or death, must ensure that a Virginia Protective Order is issued as quickly as possible. Information for Filing Family Abuse Protective Order Petitions: Information Regarding Petitions for Appeal Docketed for a Writ Panel Hearing, Information Regarding Pending Appeals that Have Been Granted, Justices of the Supreme Court of Virginia, Instructions for Qualification as Corporate Counsel Before this Court, Instructions for Attorneys Arguing Granted Cases Before the Court, Procedures for Obtaining a Certificate of Good Standing from the Clerk of the Supreme Court, Supreme Court of Virginia Computers H�2�37�402VH�2P0P��33� An emergency protective order under this section may be requested in person by a ... the order portion of the form. 0.749023 g endstream endobj 436 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream HOPE Cards. f 2017 West Virginia Court System - Supreme Court of Appeals. ���2�3�0� E�\�\y\F@����B.X�H���R!��"c.� If the person is in Virginia and you give the court the person's correct home and work address, … ���2�313���rY�Y))�@Y0q�2�D1W @� ��� endstream endobj 444 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream Further, a violation of a protective order is a separate criminal offense carrying a mandatory term of incarceration. To best understand the role of Virginia protective orders in your domestic vi… H�*�2T0T��323�T��36�P(J� operation. �rY�*)�@Y0q�*�x1W @� V�8 f ���2�313���rY�Y))�@Y0q�2�D1W @� ��� f An Emergency Protective Order is issued at the time of the incident by a magistrate and is only valid for 72 hours. The Commonwealth of Virginia defines a protective order as a legal document issued by a judge (or magistrate) that protects an abused person and their family from another individual.. Order Approving Forms for Domestic Violence Cases (Feb. 11, 2010) Order Approving Amendments to Forms for Domestic Violence Cases (July 14, 2011). ���2�313���rY�Y))�@Y0q�2�D1W @� ��� Begin your I-CAN! A Preliminary Protective Order is petitioned through the Court before the EPO expires or if an incident has occurred that has put the petitioner in serious fear for his or her safety. 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