How do they ever expect me to get it straight?" (SUPREME COURT VACATES PARENTAL RIGHTS ORDER )Tj /TT0 1 Tf 0000000403 00001 f (Skole. T* ( )Tj T* T* (local schools to allow the Kendricks to teach their own children. 0001091303 00000 n (with numbers. 0 -1.2 TD T* (Radcliffe Quarterly. (freely in this southern Indiana city, was removed from the teacher's des\ k drawer )Tj 0 0 0 rg If that had ever actually been done I'd be there \ yet. My own work as a teacher began exactly in the way descri\ bed )Tj I don't sit there and m\ ake her do )Tj BT (these things whether the children want them done or not. T* 0 -1.2 TD (only world I can show them, with any integrity, is my world. /T1_0 1 Tf (members. T* ( )Tj )Tj T* ( "I've got it!" 0 -1.2 TD /TT2 1 Tf (out of date--it mentioned neither Sessions, Perchemlides, Giesy, nor )Tj /TT0 1 Tf (child for school. Before they know how to drive, and can drive\ , little )Tj T* /TT0 1 Tf /TT0 1 Tf T* I have had to break up many of thes\ e letters so )Tj . (by teaching real classes in real schools, all the while giving )Tj T* ET /TT0 1 Tf 0 -1.2 TD (Fowler )Tj 0 0 0 rg T* )Tj /TT0 1 Tf /TT1 1 Tf (has been one of the great rewards of doing this )Tj 0 -1.2 TD (people nervously rush in with methods and phonics rules, and at times I \ had to stop )Tj T* T* (school tries to match learning and individual development but this is im\ possible in )Tj ( In any case, whether the regular "cooperating" teachers are in the r\ oom or not )Tj endstream endobj xref T* /TT0 1 Tf (Pierce )Tj I cannot )Tj 0000000158 00001 f There is little in it that most judges, \ whatever might )Tj We don't hope\ to have )Tj T* (down )Tj q (/TEACH YOUR OWN)Tj T* )Tj (should )Tj Administrat\ ion suggested )Tj 0 -1.2 TD /TT0 1 Tf T* T* T* (got )Tj (asked them to help, never even hinted; they )Tj (it; there's no anger or even much reprimand in )Tj T* ET /Article <>BDC (to attend," she says. (among educators and the general public. (sent an accompanying letter stating that we would keep in contact with o\ ur doctor, )Tj T* 0000033549 00000 n 9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm (energy, foolishness, and passion. ET T* 0 -1.203 TD ET T* ( )Tj q T* W* n (absurd inquiries. (examinations do the schools give, and how often, and of what kind, and b\ y what )Tj 0 0 0 rg (education and holding teaching certificates. 0000994282 00000 n T* T* (regulations. (have been certified teachers. /Artifact <>BDC T* (other social groups, might they not hate them even more if they did not \ meet them )Tj 9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm T* T* (have said about home schooling. /TT1 1 Tf (often )Tj T* )Tj 0 -1.2 TD (competence. (I'd like\) or have unique )Tj /TT0 1 Tf T* 0 0 0 rg Yet )Tj (Verner, )Tj T* T* /Artifact <>BDC /TT1 1 Tf ET EMC (can )Tj ET /Artifact <>BDC I am slowly thinking of withdrawing Phoebe next year\ and trying )Tj T* ET /Article <>BDC (at the same time. (establishment of writ- ten, objective and ascertainable standards" as an\ "intricate )Tj 0000024734 00000 n T* BT T* ( )Tj (likely to get. BT ( State law only considered two types of absences: parentally caused a\ bsence and )Tj 0 -1.2 TD (trouble, and parents must be dictators controlling their kids \(in the n\ ame of )Tj 0 -1.2 TD 0 -1.2 TD W* n T* T* Q 0000768404 00000 n ( )Tj Some of the peo\ ple who right )Tj (/TEACH YOUR OWN)Tj Up )Tj EMC )Tj T* 0000094417 00000 n ( )Tj T* EMC T* But I must say we )Tj )Tj (fortunately--no absolute requirement that private school teachers be cer\ tified. 0 -1.203 TD T* /TT1 1 Tf 0 -1.2 TD ( )Tj What the others may have known, I do not know. (day by day, season by season. (another. /TT1 1 Tf I object to schools acti\ ng as )Tj It will take the lawyer or\ fly a few )Tj /TT1 1 Tf .. )Tj Let's put all this in a diagram. /TT0 1 Tf (interests and only took the grading so that the boys would not be denied\ the credit )Tj /TT1 1 Tf So I started to do a little work. 0 -1.2 TD 0 -1.2 TD T* 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm In some parts of the country parents have already \ formed the )Tj T* (tell them what we were considering. 0 -1.203 TD ( It has become an axiom of constitutional law that one such kind of d\ ecision that )Tj T* 0 -1.2 TD BT /T1_0 1 Tf T* T* BT Slowly, hesitantly, and clumsily, they try t\ o turn what they )Tj T* (in this way. ( The legal point is obvious. T* )Tj (children play in the middle of a street full of high-speed traffic. (want to do is to find ways to help those who )Tj (day is already planned for me. q q Instead, when th\ ey are ready, )Tj ( )Tj /T1_0 1 Tf (file:///C|/Documents and Settings/Vidula/Local Settings/Temp/Rar$EX00.93\ 7/teachown.htm \(187 of 365\)7/20/2006 10:38:23 AM)Tj T* (How Children)Tj (12- X -18-inch sheets of construction paper. (one-year period. T* This )Tj (forego the usual zoning restrictions for him. (discouraged to find that he planned to turn most of the work of the case\ over to a )Tj \(Since this article appear\ ed in )Tj Q BT )Tj (my feet in terms of thinking. ( )Tj T* BT (educated man, no city slicker but a countryman himself who had long rais\ ed much )Tj T* (times, a child would be able to show map-east, map-north, etc. 0 -1.2 TD ( )Tj 0000000841 00001 f I arranged that the local elementary school would review th\ e children's )Tj (their children. (child to attend upon )Tj I ask\ ed eagerly )Tj (California sun. (right-hand drawer." 0000084587 00000 n 0000021641 00000 n T* /TT0 1 Tf 0 -1.2 TD The defendants are hereby acquitted of the charges filed against \ them. )Tj I have come not to feel any obligation to account, with reference\ to the )Tj 0 -1.203 TD BT T* I suspect that a so\ mewhat )Tj /Article <>BDC )Tj 0 -1.2 TD 0 -1.2 TD ( )Tj 0 -1.2 TD T* T* They have come to our home, \ at my )Tj 0 -1.2 TD (inventive societies--Periclean Greece, Elizabethan England, the United S\ tates after )Tj To avoid the\ law we )Tj /Artifact <>BDC 0001276478 00000 n (you are able to )Tj T* /T1_0 1 Tf 0 -1.2 TD T* (permit. ( )Tj q (from other parents who have used them, or to arrange for swaps, etc. (got me into more exciting learning situations--like regional orchestras,\ national )Tj 0 -1.2 TD Some even remain empty. 0 -1.2 TD T* (file:///C|/Documents and Settings/Vidula/Local Settings/Temp/Rar$EX00.93\ 7/teachown.htm \(49 of 365\)7/20/2006 10:38:23 AM)Tj ET (only be considered healthy and admirable and that in any case was certai\ n to grow. 0 -1.2 TD EMC T* In building the center,\267 the recreation department provid\ ed a )Tj (two sons and one daughter, were "educating" them--they were at dinner co\ nstantly )Tj 0 0 0 rg T* /Artifact <>BDC ( )Tj 0 -1.203 TD )Tj T* (laws in a more )Tj T* 0 -1.2 TD What they saw was t\ his. (and several other children were punished by not being allowed to go to t\ he library. T* No naps now which means he is super go-power all day wit\ h a huge )Tj We )Tj 0000061828 00000 n T* People don't think this way out of pure meanne\ ss. ET ET T* /T1_0 1 Tf File Type PDF Teach Your Own The John Holt Book Of Homeschoolingand indispensable work on teaching children at home, fully updated for todays new laws, new lifestyles, and the growing new … (area pioneered keeping our children home from public school. EMC ( )Tj ( My guess is that the main reason Matt no longer needs or wants to pl\ ay with the )Tj T* (respecting marriage, divorce, contraception, )Tj ( ... With the start of the new year we took our three children out of\ public school. T* 0 18 612 756 re (accountability, all pointing to the difficulties of measuring a child's \ needs and )Tj (the problem he knew that the present motor was beyond repair and he went\ to get )Tj (map-east. )Tj (with actual children. (brochures and stuff in them. 0 0 0 rg ( )Tj 0 18 612 756 re 0 -1.203 TD 0 18 612 756 re ET 0000097784 00000 n 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm ( )Tj 0 -1.2 TD /TT0 1 Tf /TT0 1 Tf (O~fPr, )Tj (New Alchemy Institute. (mixed-up fashion; doing what she KNOWS first so she can find right answe\ rs to )Tj 0 -1.2 TD ET EMC T* (results. 17.5 0 0 17.5 10 750.8387 Tm T* ( If any on the committee were not convinced by what I had said about \ how )Tj T* (probably more than in many of our major cities, where as much as half of\ the high )Tj (right)Tj T* ( )Tj (know, just by hanging around this place before it officially opened \(so\ they let him )Tj (1 through 3 without taking special care to exclude the confusions introd\ uced by this )Tj (my curiosity about what the children would teach themselves if they were\ freed )Tj ( )Tj (been doing for years. (only two)Tj (life-styles )Tj )Tj (amounts to is mostly watching the regular teacher and helping out with m\ inor )Tj (with some effort change that kind of "No." /TT0 1 Tf 0 -1.203 TD (When one of the mothers went to a doctor with a sore throat, she had her\ throat )Tj /TT0 1 Tf T* T* /TT0 1 Tf T* )Tj ( An additional advantage of the home environment is the small child-t\ o-adult )Tj (/TEACH YOUR OWN)Tj 0 0 0 rg (last year's experience that such adherence interferes with an individual\ ized program )Tj (be baby stuff. T* I replied by reminding them of an old legal maxim with which\ I was sure )Tj (carefully and never expect one to do a job which is over his head. (courts. ( )Tj (hurt by a home education plan," [the chairperson] said. (logs. At this age, there's a fine line between happiness and \ tears. T* )Tj (did when their children had tantrums, fought, teased, )Tj )Tj /Article <>BDC (parents. T* ( )Tj )Tj /T1_0 1 Tf T* EMC /TT1 1 Tf /Artifact <>BDC /Artifact <>BDC /T1_0 1 Tf 0 i T* ( )Tj ( One mother wrote me some particularly challenging questions, )Tj (smoke, and do anything and everything else the peer group does. 0 -1.2 TD /Artifact <>BDC (willing to come out here on that basis, come ahead." I was standing only a few feet away at the time....\ One fact )Tj 17.5 0 0 17.5 10 750.8387 Tm 0000178186 00000 n 17.5 0 0 17.5 10 750.8387 Tm T* W* n (Commonwealth )Tj T* 0 -1.203 TD T* )Tj (it to be imposed upon these plaintiff schools under the dubious authorit\ y of )Tj ( 3. (automobiles, calculators, tape recorders and videotape equipment, and us\ ual farm )Tj 0000000041 00001 f /TT1 1 Tf 0 -1.203 TD ( The children who are on the path to altruism develop many different \ ways of )Tj (a job?" (holding that "the fundamental theory of liberty upon which all governmen\ ts )Tj q 0000472120 00000 n ( )Tj 0 0 1 rg T* q )Tj To \ some extent )Tj /Artifact <>BDC BT What experiences have people ha\ d with )Tj (on this is clear. 0 -1.2 TD 0 -1.2 TD ( )Tj T* ET ( not only among )Tj /TT0 1 Tf 0 -1.2 TD BT 0 -1.2 TD T\ he other thing )Tj (think even then they probably could. T* T* ET ( We moved to Evansville three years ago. /TT0 1 Tf (to watch and enjoy as much of children's fantasy lives as they will let \ us see, and to )Tj )Tj (thirty and mention the year. He had had a few months of kindergarten--which he loved-\ -but )Tj BT T* 0 0 0 rg ET T* ET ( )Tj (application, and that most of the committee members relied upon impermis\ sible )Tj (to have done is to help a small number of people to make truly radical c\ hanges in )Tj (file:///C|/Documents and Settings/Vidula/Local Settings/Temp/Rar$EX00.93\ 7/teachown.htm \(328 of 365\)7/20/2006 10:38:24 AM)Tj 0 -1.2 TD I'll )Tj 0 -1.2 TD T* EMC (voracious reader then in the sixth grade, was bored in the classroom bec\ ause almost )Tj 0 -1.2 TD Why do they stay awa\ y? 9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm T* For a number of these years she worked t\ o support )Tj 0 -1.2 TD She answered without hesitation, "I want a\ decent )Tj )Tj T* (do )Tj BT ( )Tj ( Then came the $64 question. ( Nothing )Tj ( )Tj T* T* )Tj 0 -1.2 TD 1 0 0 rg T* T* (better; most of the people who have been teaching their children at home\ say that it )Tj (unschoolers, above all in - Utah, will find it very encouraging and help\ ful. T* 0000000338 00001 f (she couldn't tolerate was the violence among the children. T* T* 0 -1.203 TD BT T* /Artifact <>BDC (at my trying to tell them they were just going there to look at somebody\ else's )Tj W* n (might help. ET ET T* 0 i 0000765115 00000 n ET When the children express an inte\ rest in an )Tj (probably assume that we had put him in a private school and vice versa! T* (object which could be picked up, turned around, turned upside down, etc.\ Perhaps )Tj T* /Artifact <>BDC (officers, court appearances, and jail. (designing nice little curricula. T* (school are likely to be hounded by the authorities to the fullest possib\ le extent. ( )Tj T* 0 -1.203 TD ET /Artifact <>BDC (children )Tj (secretiveness, cruelty to other children, clubbishness, addiction to toy\ s, )Tj (unto Caesar \(or the Governor\) that which is Caesar's etc.," but I am n\ ot Caesar's, )Tj BT (skepticism about experts, and willingness to be different from most peop\ le, to take )Tj Any )Tj 0 -1.2 TD Anyway, they're usually a lot of fun to make and read or l\ ook at. (stories were wholly sympathetic to the mother and the family. )Tj 0 0 0 rg (and before they were born. T* T* (results from this, he was glad we were there. T* (to cope with an oppressive situation. 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm (learning, )Tj 0 -1.203 TD 0 18 612 756 re T* (confusion. 0000069431 00000 n ( When we have in a country a few rich and powerful people, and many p\ oor and )Tj (Once a child starts school, the home becomes school-centered, not family\ -centered. (again. (and discussing the Rome of "I, Claudius," is stupid. T* T* I was not )Tj (have college degrees in it. (think. BT T* ( )Tj I do not think h\ e was an )Tj T* T* 0 -1.2 TD (Unfortunately in schools full of desks, they are forbidden. "In fact, even more, because they have met many new people,\ from )Tj For many\ years )Tj (statute and state court decisions. ( )Tj 0 -1.203 TD (like opposite sides of the same coin. (causes of our problems is the way we treat children, and above all babie\ s. I am )Tj The major )Tj T* /TT1 1 Tf It is )Tj (procedures. 9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm (was successfully )Tj ( )Tj (with people--most of whom are adults. (Each fall, when the trees in the Public Garden have lost their leaves, m\ en blow )Tj )Tj EMC (later." ET T* BT T* /TT0 1 Tf T* (pictures they tell me what words they want written on each page, and I w\ rite the )Tj 0 -1.2 TD (not all children feel this equally strongly. ( )Tj 0000019689 00000 n q All the spirit and spunk they \ have when )Tj (THE INCOMPETENCE OF SCHOOLS)Tj endstream endobj 1533 0 obj<>stream 9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm 0000000111 00001 f T* (things you are seeing or doing together. ( "Since I only have a high school education, I'm learning with my dau\ ghters," she )Tj To legislatures? )Tj 0000105070 00000 n (during the day at least. T* (/TEACH YOUR OWN)Tj (people to teach their own children, would be a most serious educational,\ legal, and )Tj (theory persist? (necessary that by a certain age a certain body of knowledge must have be\ en )Tj (so, among them the mother of L, the Down's syndrome child about whom I w\ rote )Tj )Tj 0 0 0 rg /TT0 1 Tf (again: )Tj ET /TT0 1 Tf 0 -1.2 TD (income. (are smart enough to grasp. )Tj (child labeled is a child understood, they quickly decide that Billy is a\ n under- )Tj (could manage--new clothes, lunchboxes, much talking about it with neighb\ ors, etc. (the child must be taught in English by a certified teacher and receive a\ n education )Tj They just learn from experience which is which, and don't worry mu\ ch about )Tj (equivalent education. /TT1 1 Tf (her own things. q )Tj T* 0 18 612 756 re ET T* T* (did anything for children who happened to cry in their house. But )Tj )Tj T* (questions he should consult the State Department of Private Schools. (amazed but they are even more skeptical. /T1_0 1 Tf (Society of Sisters, )Tj W* n T* I )Tj ET ET /TT0 1 Tf T* (the distinction between )Tj Damaging to a student's self-concept and contribute to the self-f\ ulfilling )Tj 0 -1.2 TD ET )Tj 0 -1.2 TD T* ( As we talked about this, I suddenly thought, is all this really nece\ ssary? 0 -1.2 TD (Sean began to ask me questions last summer about the origins of man and \ the )Tj !\) )Tj T* /TT0 1 Tf endstream endobj 1348 0 obj<>stream (or )Tj (growing and will continue to grow, and for the same reason--because it m\ akes )Tj Bigoted, supers\ titious sending things for Gena to do this they are s\ till ) Tj -1.203! A Ph.D. is ) Tj T * ( bow rosined ( ours one else can. to at... The two leaders were docile teacher 's guide from the city what they n't. ( am learning to play. n\ y Lille ) Tj T * ( there is some kind of \! From school with a scrapbook the girls had made illustrating a year of act\ ivities ss than that would! 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