I may not be half the stallion that I once thought I was, but, I can still get the job done. Not a single injury, I’ve lost weight, I’m MUCH healthier, much happier, and consider that doctor an idiot. cycling over 50?!? Tagged with Commute by Bike Since when do craniofacial surgeons know squat about epidemiology and cardiovascular fitness? Good for everything ….enviroment, mind, body and soul! According to the Schwinn 240 exercise bike I use on days when the weather keeps me from riding, I’m burning about 800 calories per hour. I’m a 60 year old male, almost 9-year colon cancer survivor. At this point I feel stronger and healthier than ever before and never experience fatigue or getting out of breath while pushing my limits. I just did a 50 miler in 4 hrs last weekend. I commute on a bike and go mountain biking on weekends and have fallen there with no major injuries…I’m 57 BTW…. He has no evidence for that.) It’s unfortunate we all have to defend bicycling against a doctor with a soapbox…. That so called Doctor doesn’t know his A$$ from ??? Even on 5% upgrades I’m well over 10 mph (usually I do those at ~14 mph in a 42-26 gear). intersection against a red light, even when you can see all roads are I have been biking seriously for the past 20 years, doing about 125 miles a week, but try to keep at 40-50 miles when I have time. Lol, I love being told that I’d better stick to doing “old” activities for my own safety and well-being. And as Colin Fletcher said in _The Complete Walker_, many years ago: “Never cross an For example; Peter Lekisch, 60-years old, finished the RAAM in 12 days and 20 hours. I'm 53 now, with 54 coming in May. I think when you exercise regularly that you make better decisions with all lifestyle choices and everything is better the longer you follow a healthy lifestyle. Fit riders can continue to ride regardless of their age. And it also takes 2.5 times longer. I’m not rejecting what the doctor says because I don’t like it. Apples are one of the five healthiest foods in the world. seems as if it might threaten one of your more cherished beliefs. Most of my prior falls were potholes, and my only injuries were road rash on my legs/arms. . And yes, in my 35+ years of more or less regular mountain biking, I have indeed taken some big spills. Maybe Dr Y should team up with a local cardiologist to see if the increase in bicycle injuries corresponds with a decrease in heart attacks & strokes…. If you ride your bike that distance at 10 miles/hour, you will only burn 75 calories. Probably the single most important variable that you have control over to combat the effects of aging is nutrition. Anyone ever notice that some doctors are referred to as MDeities? I usually ride about 100 miles per week. The demographic still most at risk is the iPod-wearing 20-something male riding without a helmet. Loved every single comment, especially about dogs outback. Both can be developed and improved upon with a proper focus, time and energy. I can’t seem to leave a comment on the Huffington Post article. I am in the best shape of my life today because of cycling. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Snow/ice cycling with cards is much riskier than summer cycling on a path. Prior to that I had one case ,where a motorist hit me on the rear of my bike while crossing a cross walk with right of way light ,that I walked away from, and just one other case of a wipeout while trying to jump a curb at dark (like a 60 yr old fool) ending in only scratches and a bruised ego. This 61-year-old, grizzled and sun baked Arizonan would like to take the uppity little Boston pup out behind the woodshed and show ‘im how we discipline condescending little wisenheimers! Either way, age is just a number and there has never been a better time to start riding or riding again than right now. What a ridiculous comment by the Doctor Y.! What are they thinking, riding a bike at all? And the mental benefits and stress release will lift anyone’s mood. Ted, I took care of that for you. Ask yourself if you plan to ride for athletic purposes, to commute or to perform errands. I have always believed that training and exercise leads to making better choices with nutrition, getting better sleep, improved mental health and even a better sex life. On ChicagoNow, Brent Cohrs has a good response to Yaremchuk’s column: I ride with a lot of people over 50. I turn 60 this year and I continue to walk, run, and bicycle. I ride about 75-100 mi per week consistently. Disregarding the data, logically he has a point. Caveat: I’m not an epidemiologist, I just play one on the Web. Cycling Over 50: 'The benefits just don't outweigh the potential consequences'. I am a three year cancer survivor. I got off my cholesterol, blood pressure, and heart rate medications, I look better and feel better. I think this is a great idea that promotes safety and expands the general interest in cycling. … [with rider experience] … The total number of wrecks per mile will decrease, while the percentage of the total wrecks that involve collisions with a car or truck will increase. Beginning riding in your 50’s, if you have never touched a bike before can be daunting, particurly in a city, and it is up to the more experienced riders to guide the newbies and try and pass on some of the experience gained; encourage people you meet to join clubs and ride with others; spread the word and you will have passed on the gift of fitness and health to a new generation. http://www.dryaremchuk.com/english/index.htm, I don’t think this guy would be riding a bike anyways… who cares what this idiot says. Oddly enough, mountain bike head angles morphed to almost 72 degrees by the mid 1990s and have since swung back to where we began. 285 Mountain Bikers. In the last year I have witnessed a new injury demographic, amounting to almost an epidemic: bicyclists over the age of 50. I have done all the NY Finger Lakes, one a day. Peter Lekisch Passion and Cycling. This is from The Huffington Post: “Cycling Injuries: A New Epidemic?”. Cycling sharpens the mind while it works the body. Required fields are marked *, Hydration & Nuun: A Product Review Disguised as a PSA, 2801 N. Flowing Wells Rd. No Allopurinol for gout. But you determine how difficult of a trail you ride and how long you ride for. For those who are physically fit, riding a bike at age 50 isn’t much different than it was at 15. Six-year-old Crosby Zimmerman has mountain biking skills you need to see to BELIEVE! I still like to go fast and yes, I’ve crashed, but survived. You has yer fun and you takes yer chances, but be smart about it. manage quite well without. I live to ride and ride to live. Embracing the beauty of mountain biking One way to avoid becoming a “statistic” is to be careful and learn to cycle safely. At my advanced age, the risk of death is greater regardless of the activity that I’m doing. All my blood work check out good. Just got a call from the doctor this morning. It’s between cycling and driving and I don’t see any analysis of how many calories the motorist spends sitting on their ass all the way in to work. The accidents become much less frequent, but more serious, over time.”. Everyone, please think twice about showering. It was just natural evolution. I agree that the benefits of cycling far outweigh the risks, but one additional risk factor for men may be prostate cancer. I’m sure he’s an awesome surgeon. I’m just as annoyed by that article as the other commenters. I’m fortunate enough to have some great trails near my home, but I do have to ride in traffic to get to the trails. Do I ride with my hair on fire at 30 moh? You learn. We have to weigh the good with the bad and make our own choices. Just get out there and move! There have been a LOT of Whistler videos in the history of mountain biking but not many can top the ender from Seasons. I soooooo agree! Swap out handlebar stem – Install a stem that moves the handlebar higher. I’ve learned a lot about safe riding from some of the commuting websites I frequently read; including “Commute by Bike”. People who don’t at least wear full face helmets while riding bicycles on anything short of a 5mph park trail are just fooling themselves by thinking they are safe when wearing the partial helmets passed off as appropriate riding gear. If you ride your bike that distance at 10 miles/hour, you will only burn 75 calories.”. 52 years old here, and I ride trials bikes, fixed geared bikes and mountain bikes on nasty technical trails. ago). Mountain bike accessories you need for new riders. “All senior citizens should have Lifealert!” Constance and I always crack up when we see that commercial because the lady reminds me so much of a certain dearly loved family member who is not shy about sharing her opinion. your wisdom you will probably live to be a ripe old age. But, you’ve noticed, lately a whole bunch of apple eaters seem to be taking huge bites and not taking the time to chew 20 times. So succinct. Also, please have the doctor give us his level of health, too. it was AWESOME! For some it might be to start riding, and for others it could be getting back into riding. Being careful, riding defensively, and using one’s head to avoid getting it injured goes a long way. I am truly addicted, and there are much worse things to be addicted to! For them, there may not be any difference between now and when they were 35. I have been biking for many years and have transitioned to it as my sole form of cardio for the last 10+years. Determine what you plan to use the bike for most often. Some physical activities are riskier. It just takes longer. Cholesterol 140. Correctomundo! The sport offers similar cardiovascular benefits to … Javascript appears to be disabled in your browser. No. I used to shower every day. In The need for glasses, slightly graying hair — or loss of it, and few more wrinkles is insignificant. The author of that piece is Michael Yaremchuk, M.D., Chief of Craniofacial Surgery, Massachusetts General Hospital. But buying new gear to use to keep your bike running smoothly, improve your rides or your comfort on your bike can be... Mountain bike pedal options to make you a better rider. The good doctor would be shocked to see me ride carrying a backpack of goods that truely works my legs despite my small scrapes from an aging bike that reshifts gears at any given moment. I’m not really sure I want someone who can’t properly analyse risk versus reward operating on me. I use to ride up and down the coast in San Diego. Alf is so inspiring for me. It can help you control or lose weight, improve lung and cardiovascular health as well as help boost immunity. I’m 56 will be 57 in a couple months, I retired from my government day job at 55, which was moderately physically active, and basically became a couch potato, put on weight, and could literally feel myself getting less healthy. Dr. Yaremchuk’s observations must be tempered by the knowledge that there are probably more people over 50 cycling all over the country than in years past. Perhaps Dr. Yaremchuk is seeing this trend in action. Perhaps this Dr. is seeing an increase in cycling accidents because more people are encouraged to participate. I try to bike with a partner, my current one is 83yrs. Okay, I got lazy. I hope to return to biking but am staying off for now to not risk adding trauma that might result in spread of PC, which thankfully is still confined to my prostate for now. Bicycling is somewhere in between. Again, you control where and what you ride. Advances in science begin with an observation, often about something unusual. Produced by a company that attracts faithful fans like New York City streets attract dust, this Turi tackles hills effortlessly, and when it’s time to bring the ride to a halt, the Tektro hydraulic disc brakes and puncture-resistant tires won’t let you down. This is a safety program based on a nationally standardized set of courses and the instructors are all certified. As the population of older, more experienced rides grows, they are sustaining more serious injuries. I’m 63 and recently diagnosed. Early Morning Mountain Biking. What I reject is his conclusion that this is an increase in the rate of these injuries — which, if true, would qualify this as an epidemic. Mountain climbing notoriously so. You are never to old to learn a new skill and mountain biking is about developing skills and fitness. I am in the very best shape of my life and feel fantastic! i am 73 years old and ride twice a day about 30 miles total, have been doing this about 25 years, never skip any days and no problems. But who’s contrasting those health problems to the data on the benefits of cycling? I have no car and The VA says I have “textbook blood.” Nothing clear for miles. There's a lot of intelligence and wisdom in these contributions - that genetics have a strong influence in determining one's durability. I’m 58 and bike every day in NYC. That’s like rejecting climate change science because we don’t like the future it predicts. I am 70 years old and just started bicycling again not a lot Just in my neighborhood with very Little traffic . I can’t tell you how much fun it is to be back in the game. No. Oh, yes, I’m 51, I’ve ridden a bike for 40 years, I now ride an Xtracycle to carry the kids around. As you quite correctly point out, a sample of 3 isn’t valid, even if the incidence of observed ‘events’ is over 1 week. However, it’s well known that many surgeons suffer from the “God Complex.” In fact, it’s an epidemic, because I ran into one last week! Hands down, that Dr is an idiot! Been reading with interest on biking, people who are in their 50’s 60 and are getting into biking. “If you weigh 150 lbs and walk two miles to work at four miles/hour you will burn 150 calories. I could either start cutting out the remaining “good” foods I still allowed myself, or I could up my exercise level. So you have control over how difficult it is and how hard it will be on your body. I’m 61, been riding again (for transportation) a good bit for the last 3 years. Steve, you speak words of wisdom. I’ve had 2 accidents in 40 years. - Masks are Mandatory, 4 Customers at a Time -. (Unfortunately he undermines his credibility by saying the benefits don’t outweigh the risks. Mountain biking Pedaling up steep, uneven terrain builds leg power while giving joints a break. The doctor provides us with a fragment of evidence, and that can be valuable for our well-being. old and commute 2 work almost everyday 4 the past 15 months. He claims that someone walking 4mph (a fast walk) burns more calories than someone cycling at 10mph (pretty slowly). Or get out of bed? It’s all too dangerous! A few years ago I had to quit mountain biking altogether because of some severe back problems. ... including over 50 miles of trail at Big Sky Resort and the Yellowstone Club. 3 Members. My commute is 12 miles round trip. Started Aug 3 in Austin, USA. Mountain biking is a sport of riding bicycles off-road, often over rough terrain, usually using specially designed mountain bikes.Mountain bikes share similarities with other bikes but incorporate features designed to enhance durability and performance in rough terrain, such as air or coil-sprung shocks used as suspension, larger and wider wheels and tyres, stronger frame … I don’t plan to give up cycling when I turn 50 on this doctor’s advice. I liked feeling clean and not smelling nasty. My daily observation tells me that bicyclists (young and old) while slowing motor vehicle traffic on Commonwealth Avenue rarely stop for red lights or stop signs, frequently ride outside of the bike lane and often ride on the wrong side of the street. Wow, I just love what you wrote. I did 62 in rain, cold ,high winds in April in Utah. Thanks for sharing this wonderful article. I’m 48. Raising the age a little, I am 72 and cycle all weathers here in the UK. Save my name and email in this browser for the next time I comment. days, 1000 miles. My badge of honor. Your email address will not be published. A 4 mph walker will probably ride at least 15 mph, possibly even 20+ mph. link to Mountain bike accessories you need for new riders, link to Mountain bike pedal options to make you a better rider, Inexpensive mountain bike lights for your 1st night ride, 5 Mountain Bike facts that will surprise you, Mountain biking terms to keep you in the know, Reduced Stress- mental health is as important as cardiovascular health and overall fitness, Active Lifestyle- help to reduce your risk of conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and stroke, Offers full body workout- mountain biking works most major muscle groups and helps improve muscle endurance and strength, Improves balance- helps overall coordination which limits falls and potential fractures, Is low impact- places less stress on your joints compared to running or even walking, Social- the social impact of mountain biking is huge. 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