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Sedimentary Rocks - Introduction Sedimentary Rocks form from pre-existing rocks as either 1) rock particles or 2) rock materials that have dissolved into solution over time and precipitate out of solution. TAKE A LOOK 3. •Molten rock is called magmawhen it is inside Earth. This quiz is incomplete! 18 0 obj <> endobj Igneous rock forms from molten rock in the form of or . endstream endobj 19 0 obj <> endobj 20 0 obj <> endobj 21 0 obj <>stream Play. Terms in this set (24) water _____ and air can change the physical or chemical properties of rock. endobj US HISTORY chapter 17 - Junior Year 50 … Edit. Other Sciences. Sedimentary Rocks. Learn. Forces such as wind, running water, ice, and cause rocks to break down. 4 0 obj The weight of the sediments on top squashes the sediments at the bottom. The process by which water, wind, ice, and changes in temperature break down rock. Weathering. H��Wێ�}��Xm�/�bl'�k`��A kzfK걤�1���̩"�7��N0��H��S�SU�/[�⧟^����_�y���o? Scientists use models like simulations to investigate things that they cannot observe happening in the real world. 8. Students will learn that fossils are found in sedimentary rock. Test. A rock that forms when magma or lava cools. Live Game Live. Absolute Ages of Rocks Remember that you read in Lesson 2 that you have a relative age. *Lesson 3: Sedimentary Rocks *Lesson 4: Metamorphic Rocks ... *Outline/Student Notebook Pages *Content A Vocabulary Worksheet Scientific Method Practice Scenarios Penny Lab - NGSS *Surface Tension Clip *Surface Tension Physics Science Bob's Slime Activity _____ ConnectEd *Outline/Student Notebook Pages *Content A Vocabulary Worksheet Mapping Quizziz _____ ConnectEd *Outline… (qw�Iq����LVR� V�٫���J�[ We cannot see rocks forming because it takes a long time, but we can see rocks forming in the Sim. View Rocks Student Notes.pdf from SDVSD 123 at Bob Jones Jr High School. %V�3%+�]�Te|�c����9���|:�ſ���_Wd����U%)U6b���R�g��nw%�Mb��bBgR��V.L{� :[x��w�g��vW6M�����q�Pn�u���n�B���v������m����Z��VGc+����f��>l���Z�g�_�7�)b�rRa�f?C�5G18mf�r��JW*z��|TIh:ψ%�q~~�-C��m�ߵIJ��v���?��~4Bu_%�p�2����f�3�n!���ˮv&�J�4cC�K 1���8Z����`Rbt'Q��T�M�8�q4�_� �ۙ�!�r�ٵ�}/6-~)���G}�be�-,�3��c;��(&U%U��\2%}f��Y �"WYUx��"��� �aZ2�ᘫ/�Th�sY�+�M�l@��V�"���i����~T%(�����ԋl �# ^Ό��Z���A<5�G�i>U��z}#�H�{|��Nb}�;|'�g���97y��x:�g��S%���;��1^$�q���>���O0y\�y]�,����������5� � /���Y��:�*xw�9��7٫�M�>����Z������ ����f�:X�_0�`ֻ�D�5�|�P��n���2����A��)��d}��#�F�&ʠK�R �? (Possible answers: Weather conditions, range of temperatures, types of rocks, etc.) ی⼽�&��(����(�/j)�D��E:�#FDyC͖���X,fG�Wt,Xi#˽Y�{ ���K ��j8�����;+��A0�7���Q=�Iz��n#�>��+���=��,����g��[�w3���&�����Z?��O�^�9f��N�!|,����#�ėG���?�'�vx�?�7��ܼ��K��c��R�����&��G� ��ސ Unit 9 Lesson 3 How Can Rocks Be Classified? <>/ColorSpace<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI/ImageB]/ExtGState 71 0 R >>/LastModified(D:20100204162754+05'30')>> Live Game Live. b. Sediment is rock material that forms where rocks are broken down into smaller pieces or in water as rocks erode. 6th Grade Science Class Mrs. Lara. ]Wq`���*�Lw��.��R~%��#����^��}�,o'���Q.���]C"T�e*�6��0U�L� t�!G�.J���>�y�r��+9��z ��!h��B�ąZ� �b���LZ8�$�Aه�B���-�n9z�g ߼�)������gy��6���#)&�CK>�kW�[q�%���>0Z���f�!�./l����?���� O�A1-�t����lúH��&x�$]>]t��D�7~���s�!� Share practice link. CST0308. Relative Ages of Rocks 1. is the age of rocks and geologic features compared to other rocks and features nearby. boudreauxdan. For example: scientists and engineers working together are currently trying to harness energy from waves here on the Oregon Coast. 0. 0. %PDF-1.5 %���� Finish Editing. Terms in this set (24) Rock Cycle . !Y�nˠB*1��.���p\����3'h��u�2���Xks���Pj���&O;:�_n,�| f�N�O(j�]�� ��e�����J l.p��������7������S1��P��q��H�/�"U������y�x�8���O�&�#�^��`����b��X���Z�CQt�FT C#K�J�h&�sןPڗ(��%r�� 0�m�ߣ��J�rWJ�0bu�KxO�����(��J.�rt�ѧ>. The sediments eventually are , or laid down, where they can then accumulate in layers. We will then learn what a palaeontologist is and identify some different fossils. For example, evaporite is a chemical sedimentary rock. Rocks that form when sediments are pressed … Many chemical sedimentary rocks contain only one or two kinds of mineral. Then, they can estimate the ages of the fossils embedded within the sedimentary layers. Igneous Rocks – Lesson Outline / Study Guide 1. <> It is your age in numbers, or your numerical age. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. endstream endobj 22 0 obj <>stream These minerals crystallize when water evaporates. While humans today have tapped many sources of energy, we have discovered advantages and disadvantages to … 2 0 obj Sedimentary rocks. ?��P�*d� lulinglearner211. a. Lava cools above Earth’s surface. a. Rock Cycle- Lesson 3. K-2 3-5 6-12 Content & Focus of Lesson: (Add the focus of the lesson after the subject area.) 5 0 obj Compare the characteristics of rocks and minerals. b. magma When solidifies,the and rock forms, and another turn of the rock cycle begins. Lesson Plan Template Name: Michelle Owens and Deanna Howell Date to be taught: 11/07/11 Targeted Grades: (Circle or highlight one.) 2. %���� This quiz is incomplete! Play. •Metamorphic rock can form from high pressure, high temperature, or a combination of both. Spell. 4 Rocks 72 terms. Sedimentary Rocks – Lesson Outline / Study Guide 1. This change can cause rock to break apart, to dissolve, or to form new . a. enough With canhigh , the metamorphic rock and become magma. Match. Rocks that have changed because of changes in temperature and pressure or the presence of hot, watery fluids. %��gw�M %wi�MK���"'. The relative age of lower layers of rock is than the relative age of rocks above them. Rock Cycle Lesson 3 DRAFT. ��@�q���(Β��ˠL����\Ǚ�f~EX���?����Ԩ�lf ��u�&�A�L5a4�u������bae�����w atoms constant daughter energy. LESSON 3 Sources of Energy Nagele, et al. Homework. Spell. 56% average accuracy. h�b```e``Ra`b`Y��ˀ �@1 �80-��a��C� l�@��9�"ML? On sedimentary rock in an area that gets lot of rain? For each area describe the igneous rocks and rock cycle processes you would expect to be occurring at these areas. In lesson 6, we will explore sedimentary rocks, our second category of rocks. Gravity. Show students the Fossil PowerPoint slide or a printed picture. LESSON 1: MINERALS AND ROCKS Main Idea Earth’s crust is made of minerals that have different properties. STUDY. Minerals and Rocks 47 Lesson Outline. h޼�mO�0���?n�_�8��*�BY��R���J��TI�ʿߝݤ�:�4E��w绳��"ˆ�A�t���q�H�`p����Q�W���A@�] �p���dA0"!�#%9=��"-�p�5N*����DŽV0)��>�Xחa��~r,�FE^�.���Hb%VTX�}�oM�b�zJ'�#�uM�Y��C;�g���ᗞc�qE+b��x6D�?����,��6��h�^��n�ׅ3{�f In this lesson, we will learn about our third type of rock: sedimentary rock. Save. Some extrusive rock cools so quickly that do not have time to grow. <>stream Learning Assessment #3: Igneous & Sedimentary Rocks and Processes Part 1 – Igneous Rocks and Igneous Processes (26 points) The cross section X-Y has four areas labeled 1, 2, 3 and 4. 10/7/15 unit 4: earth's resources lesson 1: energy and mineral resources; 10/9/15 unit 4: earth's resources lesson 3: water, air, and land resources ; 9/28/15 unit 3: rocks lesson 3: sedimentary rocks; 9/11/15 unit 2: minerals lesson … ���Xh��� �r�A4����q���R���18��� ���kv�bN�ū�:�_����˄e1w],J�8�ʾ���H�#��%}ǀR�BK��y��0�� �]��9-0��|��+�T�F�j6PH���l �u�v̿cQUoc�u&c���p��� 0+��f9 !�}���Q�K#��ժ�ܲms�߱����o��)�n"��G�ze���Gh�pH���Iu�&г�z�UA��5�Q(��s�r�鎯*���4�:��SR`�jō�' =�sZg��n��\e�*�H�@m�,C����:����c D�ؤ�C� �. Edit. Classify rocks and minerals. Flashcards. 28 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<9FB2B98EE95FA6488A9F6E9A43EA720E>]/Index[18 25]/Info 17 0 R/Length 65/Prev 20519/Root 19 0 R/Size 43/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream PLAY. All rocks can change over time. 6.1 & 6.2 53 terms. 0. <> US History Chapter 18 vocab - JUNIOR YEAR 21 terms. Clues to Earth’s Past 51 Name Date Class LESSON 3. 9/4/15 unit 1: introduction to earth science lesson 5: what is scientific inquiry? b. LESSON 3 Sedimentary Rocks A. Sedimentary Rock Formation 1. and air can change the physical or chemical properties of rock. The Sim will You also can describe your age in years. Sedimentary rocks form where is deposited. Sedimentary Rocks Sedimentary Rock Formation I found this on page . Write. You might be older than your sister and younger than your brother. Lesson 1.4: Sedimentary Rock Formation Activity 3 Suggested teacher talk: The Sim is a model. Edit. 2. %%EOF Solo Practice. The 3 Classes of Rocks Igneous Rocks – forms (crystallizes) from a magma melt. 6 Grade Science Chapter 4 Lesson 3 Outline Sedimentary Rocks 24 terms. endobj Absolute-Age Dating. Metamorphic Rocks – Lesson Outline / Study Guide 1. 0 Finish Editing. kacey237. Share practice link. 42 0 obj <>stream ?/R�_�x����7�I�l}Z|J~.�=[ڄ-WR�Yγ��E�]�\)n|��ɸ�5�Y�}��N\[8�pg�Ԛ͸y�X�`+���J2�O�}�u^��g�&Ņ)���+�T`~��� `a·���Yq��DT�e�PH �a�_|߆��$�s��C����&��pS�>(C����Ǐ���T��F8�"cNX�� ��4?/�c$mfxN��р4����|�u_�o��f�y4A�ڔ[;3�;>,�g��l�>���B<9Xd�І��p�3.��\$d�r�J�2����M�*���Y�YR���I ?���t5W�2�a����u���H�Iѥ}�;P4�/b�p��x)df�Ŋzˊ�e��f�CQ�=����tK [Rn��5���/a(!���Kۼ��/=%���8��rD ��NS}��U�e�E4�Lb$��X�KG8������y3Ƣ��"!%,�,�*Jև��"̊c��2�������s0Qh� �;�2���/Eۿ�E۲��տC��������*�4&3�~:�A�����U •The three major types of rocks are igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary. 78% average accuracy. Science. Sedimentary Rocks Lesson for Kids: Definition & Facts Soil Science Lesson for Kids 3:47 Volcanoes Lesson for Kids: Facts & Types 4:26 Played 26 times. PLAY. STUDY. Directions: On each line, write the term from the word bank that correctly completes each sentence. Edit. Teacher note Metamorphic rocks … Homework. •As magma or lava cools, mineral crystals form and become the grains of a new igneous rock. endobj Print; Share; Edit; Delete; Host a game. sedimentary rock form? 'V11>��/Y� eg`�dҌ@� �\�>�@� �C C 3. To measure the age of sedimentary rock layers, where most fossils are embedded, scientists calculate the ages of igneous layers above and below them. ���9�\�q-��y���g�>4�-�_/ޯג ��-D�SIK�'\c76�? 0. 2. Lesson 3: Sedimentary Rock Model Materials: • Play-Doh in a variety of colors • Small shells • Fossil PowerPoint slide or printed picture . %PDF-1.7 Language Arts: Math: Science: Sedimentary Rocks Social Studies: Other: minerals. Name: _____ Period: _____ Date: _____ 3.1 Lesson Outline: Relative-Age Dating (Pages 92-99) A. Evaporite is made mainly of the minerals halite and gypsum. 2. 2. Chapter 4 Lesson 3 Sedimentary Rocks. a. by rosegarde. Match. Save. 6��#E�6�E>/I��wI>ȫ��������q��j��+�o<8W4|z����|Ҧ�������|���� a���]i��H�˶rk��վ��6���Y� h�bbd``b`j@�� H0W �� �$� $RW$1012,�``$��ϸ�@� ;I Created by. Science Ch. After completing this lesson on rocks and minerals, students will be able to: 1. transported. Start studying Science - Lesson Outline - Rocks and the Rock Cycle - Lesson 1. Earth's surface, crust , and mantle. STUDY. To play this quiz, please finish editing it. Chemistry Chapter 9 Review - JUNIOR YEAR 34 terms. chapter 6 section 3 41 terms. <> This is not your relative age. mineral – any of the naturally occurring solid materials of Earth’s crust crystal – a solid that has a structure arranged in orderly, fixed patterns igneous rock – rock that forms when melted rock in the form of lava or magma cools and turns into a solid VOCABULARY . boudreauxdan. Metamorphic rocks can be produced from any type of rock; from igneous, sedimentary or pre-existing metamorphic rocks. Use content-specific vocabulary when discussing rocks and minerals. Procedure: 1. These change can cause rock to break apart, to dissolve, or to form new _____. by rsarra_90922. 3 years ago. This quiz is incomplete! Created by. Solo Practice. Key Concept . Practice. 10 Rocks Lesson Outline. We will look at the steps needed to make sedimentary rock and how fossils are formed in sedimentary rock. Delete Quiz. Sedimentary rocks are formed from the broken remains of other rocks that become joined together. When water travels through rock, some of the elements of the rock can dissolve and be to new locations. For example, you might be 13 years old. Played 51 times. �A�� ����p6����&h����3�����}X;��:�I�\:�W�t�|����ښz�s:J�ejN��XO{ Lesson 3 The Rock Cycle. Lesson 3 - Metamorphic Rocks - Lab Lesson 4 - The Many Facies of Metamorphic Rocks Lesson 5 - Michelangelo and Marble designed to be used as an Electronic Textbook in class or at home materials can be obtained from the Math/Science Nucleus EARTH SCIENCES - METAMORPHIC ROCKS. Metamorphic Rock •A rock that forms when Earth processes change the texture and the mineral content of rock is called metamorphic rock. Within the Earth’s crust, igneous rocks are the most abundant type of rock. Read the headings and look at the photos and illustrations. For this lesson you will need a piece of paper and a pencil. pmyland. When volcanic material erupts and cools and crystallizes on Earth’s surface, it forms a type of igneous rock called . •Molten rock that erupts onto Earth’s surface is called lava. hޜYM�����W�L�#�7p�-'�T�N,V� �%�$",���7�>�=��H��tX.3���u�����}l�-�,tfY Test. Write. Earth’s surface, rocks are sometimes subject to high and pressures, which cause them to undergo . Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. How can radioactive decay be used to date rocks? a year ago. Identify Give two miner-als that can act as cement in sedimentary rocks. •Metamorphic rock can also form when super-hot fluids come into b. Magma cools more below Earth’s surface. The 3 Processes that form the Earth Volcanism – forms igneous rocks. Math/Science Nucleus© 2001 2 Objective: To learn where metamorphic rocks are formed. Or, you might be the youngest in your family. 3 0 obj Rock Cycle Lesson 3 DRAFT. endobj Science Ch. Radiometric dating is most useful for dating sedimentary rock. a. 5th - 7th grade . Forces inside the Earth and at the surface produce a slow cycle that builds, destroys, and changes the rocks in the crust. Practice. READING CHECK 2. Name Date Class Lesson Outline continued 7. theIn ... sedimentary rock. W�@�Z*�TDI�+r���"������Ǔ">H����1�v��Ō�{s��e�����mrQ 5th - 7th grade . Each term is used only once. c. Sediment can be to new environments where they are deposited and form sedimentary rock. Record your ideas in your Science Journal. Use the table below to organize your response. The principle of states that in undisturbed rock layers, the oldest rocks are on the bottom. This quiz is incomplete! Lesson 3 Skim Lesson 3 in your book. As an engineer, what factors should you consider when choosing the best place to build a house? Gravity. I found this on page . Metamorphic Rock. The Environment and Change Over Time T3 Lesson Outline continued CC214_082_087_CRF_AnsOut_892487.i83 83214_082_087_CRF_AnsOut_892487.i83 83 … Chapter Introduction Lesson 1 Rocks and the Rock Cycle Lesson 2 Igneous Rocks Lesson 3 Sedimentary Rocks … Delete Quiz. 3. energy sources continues to expand with scientific discoveries and new engineering technologies. allegra_jacklyn4. Learn. Sedimentary rocks can also be made from organic material (coal). 2016 page 23 . Igneous Rock . Metamorphic Rocks. Students will evaluate a model. Flashcards. Metamorphism Metamorphism is the changing of one rock into another rock by a process involving temperatures and/or pressures which are different from conditions in which the original rock formed. Print; Share; Edit; Delete; Host a game. PLAY. Identify three things you want to learn more about as you read the lesson. Objective s: 1. Start studying Science Lesson 3.3: Sedimentary Rocks. endstream endobj startxref LESSON 2 Igneous Rocks A. Igneous Rock Formation 1. ashlynaustin833. 1 0 obj To play this quiz, please finish editing it. Can change the physical or chemical properties of rock is called magmawhen it is age. Jr high School above them rocks igneous rocks A. igneous rock Formation I this... The grains of a new igneous rock steps needed to make sedimentary rock Weather conditions, range of,. Three major types of rocks are broken down into smaller pieces or in water as rocks erode is! 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