Below are few ways to use them. View or connect to the available wireless networks by For Rent Video Use Case - Customer brings the Video to the sales counter. As mentioned before use case diagrams are used to gather a usage requirement of a system. As a starting point for answering these questions I like to fish for some definitions …Wikipedia:Clean Architecture book:OK, these definitions are rather high-level and nothing concrete. Use case plays a significant role in the distinct phases of Software Development Life Cycle. Scope: Scope of the use case. written and often illustrated descriptions for how people would actually use your system when trying to complete tasks (systems here are websites There is a dim light from above. To identify functions and how roles interact with them – The primary purpose of use case diagrams. 3. A use case can be written to describe the functionality of any business process or piece of software or technology a business uses. Select Case LNumber Case 1, 2 LRegionName = "North" Case 3, 4, 5 LRegionName = "South" Case 6 LRegionName = "East" Case 7, 11 LRegionName = "West" End Select And finally, with the Excel CASE statement, you can also use the Is keyword to compare values.