To be honest, I LOVE teaching English online . Private tutoring gigs usually are obtained by networking with mothers in your neighborhood, and also by getting them handed over by other teachers who decide to leave China. If you wish to teach in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou or other top locations, know that the cost of living in those cities can be very high and you are not likely to save much if anything. Teach Abroad in China with Teaching Nomad. It’s worth looking for things to do close to where you live so that you spend less on travel. If you are new to teaching abroad and wanted to have a fair balance between modern city and a moderate cost of living, I would recommend teaching English in Shenzhen or Guangzhou. In one year teaching in a Chinese city, it’s possible to save between $10,500 - 18,000. What are the requirements for teaching English in China? If you have any other tips for people to help them save money on their English Teaching Adventure leave them in the comment section below! Salaries vary from rural to city areas to account for cost of living. If you are new to teaching abroad and wanted to have a fair balance between modern city and a moderate cost of living, I would recommend teaching English in. Who gets the minimum wage in China? If you’re teaching English in a small town or remote part of the country such as Sichuan and Henan Province, then you can expect a lower salary, but livi… But the longer you stay, usually your salary will increase. You’ve also probably wondered if choosing a Tier 3 city, which is a smaller and more rural city in China, would that be the best way to save money? The cost of a Big Mac or your favorite Latte from Starbucks would cost the same whether you lived in Shanghai, or some small rural village in China, if they even had a Starbucks there. hbspt.cta.load(2736097, '8a88e55c-7b38-47f8-8c86-b5c5de8fdcde', {}); China is pretty sweet when it comes to benefits and they’re right up there with all the best countries for ESL teachers. Read this: What it’s really like teaching English in China. This article breaking down the nitty-gritty of teaching English in China has more information about the pros and cons of teaching here. Your email address will not be published. Of course, there’s plenty of it, but eating traditional food and learning to cook some of it will save you loads. Although you may need to complete a year at a slightly lower salary before you make that much. Those who work in teaching English in China in 2020 can get between 6,500 RMB and 16,000 RMB. To get the highest possible savings Teaching English in China, I would recommend choosing an emerging Tier 2 city where the middle class is growing at a fast pace, a great example of this type of city would be Chengdu. If you’re a teacher looking to make extra money on the side or... Online teaching is taking off, but for teachers who are used t... HQ: 343-2927 Lakeshore Blvd W.Toronto, Ontario M8V 1J3, 8 amazing companies that let you teach English online from home, 13 jobs that teachers can do from home to earn extra cash, 8 ways to make lessons fun and engaging in an online classroom, Vocational Teacher - Mechanical Engineering, Vocational Teacher - Electrical Engineering, how much can you save teaching english in china, can i save more teaching in china or korea, how much money can i save teaching in china, how much money can you save teaching english in china, The story of how our TEFL grad pivoted into online teaching amid the pandemic on Good Morning America, Where you can actually teach abroad in 2021, 28 of the best paying online teaching jobs in 2021, The complete 2021 guide on how to find students to teach online, The 11 best online teaching jobs in 2021 that let you work from home. The average teaching salary in China can vary anywhere between 6,000 to 16,000 RMB ($940 to 2,500 USD). This will stop you blowing it all on a spur of the moment weekend in Thailand, just because! In this scenario, you move to the host country (say, Korea) to teach at a language school. Around The World in 80 Jobs – CAN YOU REALLY MAKE MONEY TEACHING ENGLISH IN CHINA? An estimated 250 - 350 million English learners are living in China today. This is how much South Africans can earn teaching English in China South Africans who have completed a TEFL course (Teach English as a Foreign Language), can make serious money teaching in China. In most schools in China, the actual teaching hours range from 12-20 hours per week, compared to 25-30+ hours per week in Korea, 35-40+ hours per week in Hong Kong and the same goes with Japan. Required fields are marked *, Teaching Jobs in China Teaching Jobs in Shanghai China Teaching Jobs in Beijing China Teach English in Shenzhen Teaching Jobs in Tianjin China Teaching Jobs in Guangzhou China Teaching Jobs in Fuzhou China, Kindergarten Jobs Language Schools Jobs Public Schools Jobs University Jobs Adult Student Jobs Business English Jobs Director of Studies Jobs, TEFL Certification Frequently Asked Questions Testimonials Helpful Links Living in China Third Party Visa Handlers List of Chinese Consulates Document Preparation Info Board About For Teach Recruiting Staff Profiles, Teach English Abroad in Beijing China, Beijing Province | Teach English Abroad in Chengde China, Hunan Province Teach English Abroad in Foshan China, Guangdong Province | Teach English Abroad in Guangzhou China, Guangdong Province Teach English Abroad in Shanghai China, Shanghai Province | Teach English Abroad in Shenzhen China, Guangdong Province Teach English Abroad in Suzhou China, Jiangsu Province | Teach English Abroad in Tianjin China, Tianjin Province, Business License Number: 91440300MA5F1CW01P, 6 Fuhua 3 Road, Suite 1300 Futian District, Shenzhen, China 518000, If you are reading this article, saving money is probably one of your top reasons you chose to, Let’s first start with two places I wouldn’t advise Teaching English in if saving money while teaching is your primary goal. Bahrain might not be the first place that pops to … The first way is to teach ESL or EFL (English as a Second Language or English as a Foreign Language). Teaching in a public school in a city like Beijing should enable you to save at least 70 – 80% of your salary. In addition to one of the lowest actual teaching hours, China has the best holidays as well. Teaching Salary. Nonetheless, it pays to stay in one city for an extended period of time. Your email address will not be published. So you need to factor this into the equation. The reasons why these two destinations are not the best places to save money are because firstly, cost of living is REALLY HIGH, and secondly, they are very popular destinations for foreigners. More than likely, English teaching positions in China will include free housing, flight reimbursement, visa assistance, health insurance and the added bonus of Mandarin lessons. Teaching English in China is an amazing opportunity for ESL teachers to live comfortably and gain valuable experience teaching abroad - and even save some money. Part of this is because China has become competitive when it comes to salary and benefits. How much money do I need to teach English abroad? You get two MAJOR HOLIDAY periods where you will have roughly 5-8 days off, in addition to about 5-15 days of annual paid leave. 12,000 to 20,000 RMB monthly salary, save over $1,000 every month! How much can you save Teaching English in Korea? Obviously, if your rent is covered you will be making substantially more than a teacher who has to pay for a place to rest their head. i think it is depend on which city you chose to teach, the comsumptive level of cities are different, and some of them have great gap. Tickets to China covered, valid work visa, teach only 25 hours a week. This is one of the biggest costs most people have every month. Most English teachers in China are able to save a fair amount of their wages. How much money can you make on an hourly basis as a part-time English teacher in China? How much can you save while teaching English in China? Food, accommodation and transport are all cheap, so you can see a lot of the country for very little. The less you travel the more you will save, but even those who travel quite a bit should have no trouble making bank. It’s worth noting that most teachers will receive raises as they gain experience and so that if you want to build a career in China, your savings should increase every single year. Students expect to get immersed in English during class and so speaking Chinese is actually discouraged in class. That would be Japan and Hong Kong. When you convert this to US … As with everything else, it completely depends on the program, the school and the teacher. As always, it depends on how thrifty your spirit truly is. It’s by no means a new phenomenon - teachers have been pilgrimaging to this ancient country for longer than any of us have been alive. It’s such a massive country, that you could spend years and years there and still have more to see…. One last thing! Furthermore, it is the easiest to get carried away with your spendings in Shanghai and Beijing as these two cities provide the best party and nightlife scenes. And English learners need English teachers! Nevertheless, as long as you can balance your leisure spendings with your daily necessities, you can save a decent amount Teaching English in Korea. Good luck to you! In my opinion, you can save the most money Teaching English in China while enjoying a good work-life balance. In this time they spent … Your savings will ultimately depend on your lifestyle. Every day we talk to teachers who are curious about the opportunities. It’s not uncommon for ESL teachers to save $800 – $1,000 per month, and there are plenty of ESL teachers who save more than that. Goats on The Road – Teaching English In China: How To Save $21,000 In A Year! who arrived in 1830! With a little effort, there’s no reason why you wouldn’t be able to bank upwards of $15,000 USD. Teachers usually are surprised at the quality of life they can afford. Average salary in a mid-sized city: saved $10,500 Nick and Dariece were able to save a combined total of $21,000 USD teaching English in Yangzhou, China. China is massive with tons to explore and if you really want to put away some serious money, it makes sense to save money by sticking to the country you’re in. It will ultimately depend on what kind of lifestyle you have. Perhaps you're searching for a great job that can enable you to save money while you're traveling the world. Typically, it’s an inexperienced teacher, often with no certification. Total earning teaching English in China RMB 9.000 (your salary) + RMB 3.000 (private teaching) = RMB 12.000/ month, RMB 120.000/ 10 month + RMB 18.000 (summer and winter camp, RMB 9.000 each)= RMB 138.000 = $21.345. Make it rain teaching abroad in Bahrain! You will not need to speak Chinese or translate the language to the students if you present it in such a way that they can … The average salary for those teaching English in China with a little experience under their belt is between $1,800- 2,000. You’ll obviously need some savings to get set up and it’s wise to be prepared to pay for your flights (you’ll get it back later, don’t worry) and have enough money to survive for your first month. There are also regular bonuses for retaining students. I live in Yangshuo... the Mecca for English teaching in China. If you can speak English fluently and you’re not from these countries, you can also live the nomad dream! Let’s check out the numbers and see what all the fuss is about! It can help you figure out what your teaching experience might be like based on where in the country you teach, what kind of school you go to, and more. The opportunity to … Now obviously, if saving money is more important than learning a specific culture or language, you’ve probably also wondered; how much can you save Teaching English in Korea, how much can you save Teaching English in Japan, teaching abroad salary by country, ESL salary in China, and perhaps, even making a career out of Teaching English Abroad. You’ll save a considerable portion of your salary, thanks to the low cost of living. However, the good news is that it is generally much easier to save money while Teaching English in China than in most western countries and in most other countries, to begin with. Smaller towns or rural areas tend to pay teachers a lot less as teachers won’t have a high cost of living (we know, that seems a bit counterintuitive when South Korea offers bonuses for teachers willing to brave the wilds). Pro: Teaching Abroad Will Change Your Life. As you can see you can save anywhere from $1,500-$2,500 per month teaching in China and still live a good lifestyle. We’ve got some money saving tips below! ♀️, With all these English learners knocking about, it’s no wonder China is investing so heavily in teachers and becoming such an attractive TEFL destination. You can earn up to 30,000 RMB if you get an opportunity to teach English in an international school. Choosing the right city and the right job is important nonetheless in maximizing your savings potential while teaching English in China. Shane English School pays between 16,000 – 20,000 RMB ($2,325 – $2,910 USD) / month depending on the experience of the teacher. In most schools in China, the actual teaching hours range from 12-20 hours per week, compared to 25-30+ hours per week in Korea, 35-40+ hours per week in Hong Kong and the same goes with Japan. AMIRITE? Food and entertainment are cheap, plus most schools offer free accommodation, health insurance and reimburse flight tickets. Thirdly, many teachers looking to earn extra money would also be able to pick up private tutoring jobs and have them on a more long-term basis. Secondly, your salary would increase if you stay on another year as well as promotion opportunities. If you’re worried about requirements: check out this blog on the qualifications you need to teach English in China. Although there’s a lot of controversy around whether China has the most English speakers in the world, there’s no doubt that it has the most English learners. Side note: Teachers who are licensed teaching professionals in their home country (with a 120-hour TEFL and teaching experience) could make a monthly salary as high as $4,000. eTramping – How To Save Up To $18.000 A Year Teaching English In China While Travelling, Wondering Educators – 7 Ways To Save $10,000 Teaching English In China, Wise Bread – How to Make Good Money Teaching English in China. Lonely Planet – Can you save money teaching English in China??? Salaries for teaching English in China are high – Out of all of the countries in Asia where a native English speaker can teach, China is one of the top when it comes to salaries and opportunities. Depending on lifestyle, an ESL teacher in China should be able to save anything from $500 to $1500 per month. In the past, simply being a native English speaker was sometimes all you needed to get a teaching job in China. How much can you earn as an English teacher in China? If you want to make more money while teaching in China, you can supplement your teaching income by working as a private tutor. Because it's creating a monthly budget it'll work fine if you're not a teacher, but you'll need to adjust some fields like bonus and airfare reimbursement to fit your job. Don’t Forget to Check out our Job Board for all of our latest job postings! In addition to one of the lowest actual teaching hours, China has the best holidays as well. First of all, the actual teaching hours are generally the lowest in the entire ESL industry. EF (Education First) Where to apply: EF (Education First) This is one of the biggest private education … The average salary in China is about 12,000 RMB monthly. That generally depends on your lifestyle, your income, and the city you live in. To make it worse, cost of living, from rent, transportation, and cost of food is higher than other areas. And there should be some sort of equation happening if you’re planning to teach abroad. That’s roughly $920 and $2,300 per month (depends on qualification, city, education level, and experience). English teaching is very popular in China, so i think you don't to worry about you cann't find a good job in China. This tool will help you answer the question: How much can I earn (and save) teaching English in China. What’s new is the sheer number of people flocking toteach ESL in China. If you were to Teach English in Shanghai or Beijing, you would get the highest salaries, but also the general cost of living would be the highest as well. Also, the salaries in the smaller cities are substantially lower as the demand for English teacher won’t be as high as it would be in a city like Shenzhen or Beijing. The truth about teaching English in China is that no matter how humble your salary is, you can save some cash regularly. Yes, the cost of living here is the lowest out of all the cities in China, but that would only be if you were to live a local lifestyle. Countryside dwellers will be able to save something closer to $5,000 - 10,000 (if they’re particularly frugal) in one year. Now that you know what the wages and cost of living are like, you can start to decide whether a job in China is right for you. In addition to this, making a career while Teaching English abroad and settling down in one city for a few years will also help fatten your wallet. The salary of English teachers all depends on the type of school and location. This is giving you room for unexpected costs, so you could save less and still get to China! Inexperience teachers can earn between RMB6.000 ($984) and RMB 15.000 ($2500) per month. First one is you don’t have to spend money on moving costs and relocation expenses. At the top end of the scale, you could be making as much as $3,000 USD per month, but it’s more likely that fresh-faces will land somewhere between $1,500 - 1,800 a month. Save my name and email in this browser for the next time I comment. Most schools provide local medical insurance. Once there, you’re tasked with teaching English language, grammar, and composition to host nationals of the country (Koreans, in this case). As a little extra motivation, as a couple we were able to save $21,000 teaching English in China for one year. Teaching Nomad offers positions for subject teachers, ESL teachers, college counselors, principals, and other education professionals. You might be surprised to learn that China has one of the higher average ESL teacher salaries. Why not break down your monthly income (including target savings) and watch the money pile up. Usually your salary would increase if you get two, that could vary widely depending on your and. Of time live the nomad dream equation happening if you stay for at least or! Endeavors or the start of a life-long career potential while teaching English in China?????! Blog on the Road – teaching English in an international school English fluently and you re. 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