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Author: Posted On: January 22nd, 2021 In:Uncategorized

This site uses cookies to provide you the best user experience: The Symbolic Meaning of the Endless Knot in Buddhism, Decoding The Mystery Behind the Number Twenty-Three, King Arthur and the 12 knights of the round table, 12 stations of life in the wheel of dharma (13 is the centre). It is found in many spiritual symbols such as the Star of David, The Tree of Life in the Kabbalah and the Hagal Rune composed by ancient tribes of northern Europe. its a hard pill to swallow but a lot of the info he’s sharing is on point, Have you been to the root races article? I suggest watching the videos I have on the presentations by Santos Bonnaci on these things, you won’t find a better source. Namaste, Hi, great article! The crudest and most beautiful depiction of a hexagon is the six-pointed star. In its most striking form is the crystallisation of water which is demonstrated in an experiment conducted by Dr. Masaru Emoto. The yellow sun exerts energy into the material world which it is constructed out of while the black sun is the opposing or negative pole, where the vortex = 0 recycling this energy. It is the same pattern as the Hagel Rune from Nordic traditions. Next watch this much shorter video: The principle is much older than this but my research led to this man being the first to coin this white/black phrase. I don’t find much use for them outside of academic pursuits like cracking their true meanings and origin which I have done. Namaste. If Much is at Stake, Never Underestimate Your Enemy! There is also a ton of Zoroastrian symbolic dogma as well and this is most likely the origin of monotheism itself, not Judaism as many westerners assume based on misinterpretations of Biblical scripture and history. I can only suspect that you are a part of this inner-circle as you conflate and confuse proto-Nazism with the Saturnian, I lol’d, I never claimed the OBS were Saturnian at least not in the way most people would understand this. The torus is the governing dynamic of this entire reality so it is the source of all esoteric symbols, all shapes in general for that matter. There is much more to the numerology than this, I suggest watching a 5 part video series called the Pyramid Code that will give some insight into these precise calculations and their implications. The symbolic meaning of 22 has both positive and negative meanings. I would like to share with you my understanding of the events that gave birth to the solar system as we know it today and also triggered the change in the microscopic level. In the Kabbalah is a complex system that uses sacred geometry to explain the meaning of life. Think of your car tires when they are not properly balanced and how badly it effects the way it rides. Esoteric definition, understood by or meant for only the select few who have special knowledge or interest; recondite: poetry full of esoteric allusions. The yin and yang represents this basic tenant nicely, but like all esoteric symbols and concepts the yin and yang has numerous other meanings as well I will expand on in the future. The scientific community believe many of the elements found on Earth were originally formed in stars and released as the stars burnt out and died. Do you offer any kind of mentoring? The Hagal Rune also appears like a conceptual star. Right now, I’m looking for something very specific, the mirrored/inverted reality part. what’s under the skin is more important than the skin itself, but I also know how melanin is a key to life (here on “earth”), Check this out as well if you want. ..So skull and bones, (a Jesuit offshoot,) is derived from these infiltration operations, I don’t mean to sound like a broken record but again I am impressed. The number 13 is also synonymous with unity and the transition between the physical realm and the spiritual realm. I will study all of your response and resources. (ya, Jupiter good, Saturn bad.) That is Why, Even Christ Talks Nice of Satan in One of the Books of the Bible. Hmmmmm…, Then there is the symbol itself – rays the rays emanating outward are kinked. Some dutch guy you once spoke to on /pol/, Hi fren, sure try this video The mysterious number features repeatedly throughout history, is associated with the dates of births and deaths of significant figures, and has been the inspiration for artists of all disciplines. Perhaps you should spend more time reading and less time writing your silly nonsense. Most initiates high enough in their gnosis I have spoken too confirm this has also happened to them so I have no problem speaking of these things with those I feel are at a level to understand and relate to them from their own personal experience. JeZeus was the messiah what is the messiah in the heavens? I’m not sure if I’ve misunderstood here of not, but I get the impression your research hasn’t delved too deeply into the Jesuits. anybody who has ever read that story and holds it in canon, (jews, Christians, muslims,) and AGREES that Abraham did the right thing (which they all do!) Keep doing what you’re doing! Now that we have a general idea of who all of the players are and a general outline of the circumstances surrounding the founding of this organization let’s decode what this symbol’s esoteric concept is. Try this website The whole story is very complicated but will try to make it as short as possible. Jesus Did Come But Like You Said With All Things, The Truth Gets Inverted and Twisted to Use As They Like to. Are you going to stand me up? I will get into this in a future article I will write soon, it opens a whole other can of worms that is far to expansive of a topic to go into at the moment. Even From these Dark Beings Who Pretty Much are Agents of The Matrix. I’m in a rut right now with knowledge. No Venom Like One Would Think. I will say that once you start cracking the codes of the matrix and seeing the patterns/math shakti will send you visions. I think you will enjoy it Perhaps you should meditate on this. Try watching the documentary The Greatest Story Never Told first here is a link: This is yet another of the esoteric meanings of the yin and yang symbol, balance. We just recently had an important eclipse occur on August 21, 2017 in fact, one that has not occurred since 1776. …Also I understand Saturn to be the bad guy in mythology, especially as juxtaposed to Jupiter (Zeus, or J-Zeus, Jesus) which is supposed to represent the good. Everything in nature needs balance, the forces of this reality are always at work to create this balance which is why everything is symmetrical. This gets incredibly technical and only people that have studied all of this in depth for years in most instances will understand these references and terminology. Unfortunately, The Fallen Angels Beat Down In Heaven have Remember, Been Cast Out of Heaven. The name 'Selenite' derives from the Greek Hello, You can start with the playlists if you want you will find it there faster than trying to search through all the videos I think, Thanks for writing so much and not explaining anything at all, I think you are the problem mate not me. At the same time I feel a panic telling something bad is going to happen. On this page I will provide details of the source of the symbol and why Jimmy Page selected it. Wake up. “Rogue” is actually a bit of a misnomer as they are actually quite organized on a single team just not the team of the nation and people they are supposed to represent. © 2021 Master Mind Content. Even if you are not clued up on esoteric symbolism, I expect you will recognise the image of two crossed keys…. The fruit of life is referred to as the ‘fruit of spirit’ in Christianity. The options you do not have are only the limitations you put on yourself, “All manifested things have two sides, two aspects, or two poles. The symbol of the Endless Knot in Buddhism has several names; the eternal knot, the…, The esoteric meaning of the 14 relates to, introspection, self-control and independence. As a result of that our consciousness was trapped in so called phantom matrix and the souls that make up 5d Taran matrix were shattered into pieces and spread across time lines. Israelites were not black. The original secret society and master deceivers, their “white is black and black is white” moto, the inverted/upside down reality that you have spoken of somewhere here, can be credited to the recognised founder (there was I think 6 or 8 founding members) as he became the first appointed leader (superior general) Ignatius of Loyola or Iñigo López de Oñaz y Loyola. It should come as no surprise the ancients got the idea for the Rune from nature. But the principles, practices and modus operandi have remained the same over history. Esoteric symbols have infinite meanings because they repeat everywhere in this fractal reality changing in scale all originating from the source expressed in sacred geometry. What Is Reality? Bcuz I have a ton of questions I guess I’m going through that Awakening and suddenly I understand Metaphor=Meta meaning IV accidentally activated it but I don’t think it was a accident… bcuz it was right on time because of what’s happening today. The founding of the United States for one but also the founding of the Bavarian Illuminati. I have read a few articles in the past about different people’s interpretation of this symbol, some decent and some not so much. And although there are various theories about the Tarot and many different versions of the cards, no one of them can claim final truth and any one of them may contribute some illumination. Why. You are free to explain what needs to be “taken with a grain of salt” if you like my fren. Hermès Tris Megistis. In the near future they will be recognized as the heroes they were. One of the most fascinating discoveries of the NASA Voyager and Cassini missions was a cloud vortex on Saturn in the shape of a hexagon. I imagine their “deep state” was exactly the same situation the west finds itself in again today. Happy 2020, After that, they regenerated to create other elements consisting of more than one proton and one electron. …if you read about how satan made a deal with ‘the lord’ to torture job and butcher his family to test job’s devotion to god.. you could maybe interpret that in interesting and unpleasant ways. Why would you assume that the author of the article is trying to sound superior, Shanna? There are other methods also I have many great videos and books here with differing methods if you are interested. I actually kept this article quite simplistic by design, I’m not sure what there even is to disagree with here as I tried to stick mainly to the facts, there is very little speculation.If your refutation is any good I will even publish the entire conversation, deal? Let’s start with the first fundamental base concept which is that the yellow sun is the sun of the material realm while the black sun is the sun of the spiritual realm. There were books on astrology, divination, which included Tarot, the I Ching, ... we gain a glimpse into the metaphysical meaning of the word occult. Hi, I see your last post in this article was 2 weeks ago, so I’m going to bother to type this comment. They Seek to Rule What?? Using this esoteric concept you can interpret the Black Sun as a symbol of balance and the perfection of the creator. That is The Test. This may be one of the best articles I’ve read on this ominous subject, as its invisible nature is purposefully elusive. it would be greatly appreciated. Rogue elements in the CIA, FBI, Media, Military etc. Thanks again. The Sons Of Saturn was a popular moniker in the Roman empire for Legionnaires. I know this will be difficult for people new to occult material to grasp at first so I will try and give some of the more important aspects of the knowledge this symbol represents. Here a few more links to videos about the Order Of The Black Sun. Of all the geometric shapes in sacred geometry, the hexagon is arguably the most powerful and fascinating. These Beings Have Thousands of Years More Experience then Our Souls. The opposite to Gods plan, in way which serves to mock Him and perhaps disprove His perfection. Well with this, again it gets tricky so I wouldn’t want to make this leap without confirming it. Lucifer meaning light bearer in Latin which equates to the Sun, the Bible also references Lucifer as the morning star which is Venus. I suggest reading my article on the Holofractal Universe where I go to into great detail explaining how all the science works to produce this race of giants that had different color skin than the modern human races. Such as, why the hexagon, square, triangles, etc – or the shapes inside them? most Caucasians dont want to accept that they are the cloned product of the original melanated tribe. That’s pretty confusing. Their electromagnetic forces are the most influential on our planet because of this alignment. (The proto-Nazis were indeed the good guys, fighting what has since become the new world order !!) He Puts The True Religion In Place. They Represent All Materialism, Dark Lower Vibration. You may be wondering how this symbol represents Saturn and the Sun. and we know that a superiority complex stems from an inferiority complex. A good place to start learning about this topic is a book called the Kybalion. It is one of the most sacred crystals throughout history. Happy New Year! This appears to have been recognized even in the ancient world, as noted by the esteemed Roman Senator and historian Publius Tacitus. Of course this isn’t the only source the Bible was plagiarized from, much of it was also taken from the Egyptian Book Of The Dead as well as a number of Sumerian myths such as the Epic of Gilgamesh among others. The hexagon is found in the structure of DNA. This is why we often find the number 13 expressed throughout many ancient cultures as 12 around the one: Furthermore, the 12 Gods in Greek, Roman and Zoroastrian myths represent the 12 personality archetypes of an individual. I Ruffled Some Feathers but I think I made some good point cause they didn’t get to Angry With Me. They may have honored and called on Saturn for order and success/help in the war. they are working in league with Satan to further God’s plan or something, and therefore justify evil ‘for the sake of good’ or something like that. Electrons ‘mate’ with protons in order to find balance. Let’s take a look at the most abstract representation of this symbol we can imagine, a bird’s eye view of the torus whose energy explodes and will be expressed in 12’s just as the number of Sig Runes represent and the below image should hopefully demonstrate. Guardian of the star of David, Wow you have produce the double-helix macromolecule white nationalism and.... On how 923 is calculated from 1776 is trying to sound superior,?. In esoteric symbols originate from astrology, math and sacred geometry, which are one. One theory or idea is wrong for another believe is ignorance without it flawless. One way to go out on a limb like this.. but did you have anything do! 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