Revenge then you have reached! DIE WALKÜRE Synopsis ACT I An exhausted fugitive seeks refuge in a dismal home built around a mighty tree. His revengeful step races by! loaded by Hunding for the wedding: I only advise with me, I speak to you. you , together with you The rock reached the rider and the horseman! I must avoid Will not I then release my will-detained prison? first I saw the friend. that now kills the wicked blood! the one in Grau'n and Wust throws a world. Most holy minne highest distress, What made the couple so bad? breaks away from him in the highest drunkenness and faces him - I became creatures? Wonders wonders he weighs himself; BRÜNNHILDE BRÜNNHILDE Where are you hiding, that I shot you over? On the canvas alone I appear to Edlen: who what bang she brings. Leave the Wälsung! Both look at each other in long silence with the expression of deepest emotion in the eyes Wotan, Brünnhilde as Valkyrie, later Fricka Wotan, armed with weapons, with the spear; before him Brünnhilde, as a Valkyrie, also in full armor Notung! dare we do more: as their value threw them! I embrace you in honor ORTLINDE Sieglinde, Siegmund's sister and bride: the strongest pulled on the steel Defenseless, look at him the enemy! WOTAN You are the picture Download a zip file with Die Walküre leitmotifs in MIDI format . who in the own dream of the saddest me? all your boldness in combat: Are the others already there? when your gaze blossomed first. She bounces her head back and, still holding him, solemnly looks at Wotan in the eye. SIEGLINDE Save the pledge that you received from it: close to his eyes the freer than me, the god! from the Tann WOTAN WALTRAUTE thing advised me: to love what you loved. WOTAN I only want one thing: glad the man does not greet you, - that to the marriage holy oath, and peace make you happy! I do not even know Wolfe and Wölfing. who looks at me, separates from the light of life. I can not know what she wishes: the terrible will to me, The interior of a living room. Where Sieglinde lives in pleasure and suffering. her berget of the punishing blow! For Wotan's sake, do you speak Oh, tell me, what is your child supposed to do? "As a single opera, Die Walküre may be called the most popular part of the whole cycle; in most towns and countries it was produced much earlier than the other parts." Where did you ride in frantic hurry? met me in the evening her appearance; Depart from her, the eternal Verorfnen, . No, no! the unloving one unites; Sprout and sprout springs from its power. I'm Funny, I'll let you down! Love and Lenz are united! obeying the imperious man from now on: calling out Rossweisse, sister, Can you only scoff, so move away, Gerhilde and Helmwige fall into the Tann. Brünnhilde! But now, there you new Who is it that so refreshes me? Heiaha! Contact I offer refreshment to the thirsty palate: Siegmund FRICKA WOTAN he thrust his sword into the trunk for you. Speak! not want shame, it will insult That they love each other shines brightly; Should sweet lust be worth your blessing to you. Die Walküre Synopsis. BRÜNNHILDE She lovingly and anxiously puts her head and hands on his knees and lap Is the brother accompanying the bridal sister? Hear our prayers! BRÜNNHILDE I was blithely close. bound by treaties, which hid evil: WOTAN their strength provokes rude war, Laughed at by people, lost to power, Siegmund looks into his eyes with growing delight, then she embraces his neck passionately and lingers thus; then she opens with a start Do not worry about me: Lovingly united the Lenz? The date here broadcast at 7:00 PM on KING FM was recorded August, 2005. I only know my servants! In Lenzesmond you shine bright; hated it all and me. as if you did not know, Hunding! The stage has gradually darkened; Heavy storm clouds descend on the background and gradually envelop the mountain walls, the gorge and the elevated mountain yoke you drowned laughing the love drank, HUNDING With the spear he imperiously directs the circle of the edge of the rock to the current of the sea of ? BRÜNNHILDE Loewenberg col. the enemies grew a lot to him. She leans down to him and listens BRÜNNHILDE with anxious haste Otherwise he would be annoyed by a quarrel! Save me, Maid! but spear and shield shattered me. The palate I last him, hospitably cares I be his! Knee in front of Fricka: Bride and sister are you the brother - because blissful lust found her, as above Away! For hunting, the old man moved with the boy: Miracles and wild things you announce, daring guest, It seems to me, from the fortunate couple. She walks slowly again. that looks so beautiful and serious to me? Everything would be the poor woman, They all know what was once, Blessed was the sun's light; Silence, and do not scare the dormant! A source! WOTAN The Ring on KING FM: Die Walküre Tuesday, February 9, 2020 at 7:00 PM Radio: 98.1 KING FM | Online: Music and Libretto by Richard Wagner. That's why I advise you, do not irritate me! FRICKA because you still shun your wife like that, the stranger to the god, free of his favor, publisher's advertisements. He closes her tight Woe to the poor when Wotan meets them: to Duets | In a 4-minute film you will watch the most important actions. The roof covers you, the house harbors you, Hojotoho! so the old man looked at me in greeting the, single divine protection, I heard her the other day, Misuse the desire of you! fir and comes back in fear. But now I have to go now, far away from me; What do you demand? but Siegmund protects me with my shield, Brünnhilde was to to Hunding Search | Heil makes me your nah'n! Where should I go? With a new ruse you want to lie to me, you promise him the noble weir: against the gods advice I boldly tempted him: SIEGLINDE To the right in the foreground stands the hearth, whose chimney sweeps sideways to the roof: behind the herd is an inner room, like a storehouse, to which one climbs on some wooden steps: in front of it, half-folded, a plaited ceiling. unspoken, it remains forever: BRÜNNHILDE BRÜNNHILDE as well as this scorning twins, I can not want a free one: Guests came and guests went, do not resist the kiss of the woman who has been destroyed! and with it immense power. with you on horseback through the skies she does not ride longer; that only a fearlessly free hero would But the eye was so proud, THE OTHER SIX WALKÜREN when the sad man gave comfort. FIFTH SCENE In the background an entrance door with a simple wooden bar. stretched and bitter HELMWIGE moved what in the bosom I hid, what I am, Note pay him the duty! WOTAN Siegmund remains deeply shocked; he conducts research in Sieglinde's face; she turns her eyes down, bashful and sad. A wolf he was cowardly foxes! your husband will not fight the wounded guest. Endless Grimm! did you go to battle with the bad girls, disturbs her knowledge of pride, that she stood speech to me now. This cover art alone would stop me from buying anything first off. WOTAN And I beat him in pieces! … BRÜNNHILDE WALTRAUTE I see you! Schneider catalogue 276.First performed on June 26, 1870 in Munich at the Königliches Hof und- Nationaltheater in three acts, to a libretto by the composer, the first day of the Ring des Nibelungen. Heiaha! with envious grief the Niblung growls with me: who so ew'gen you boast, many hunts were made on them; I advise you, Father, equip yourself; her gaze ray brushed me there: Always familiar you only like to understand: With a deep meaning you want to deceive me: what great things heroes should ever work. you bad, unfeeling damsel! Are you worried about trusting me, Sieglinde they do not pay attention to your noble gaze; but what never happened “Die Walküre” by Richard Wagner libretto (English) Contents: Characters; Act One; Act Two; Act Three; Glossary: Act Two Prelude and Scene One (The curtain rises.) drives abruptly with the head in the air So little do you respect eternal bliss? Siegmund the windfall is a victory for them! She sinks unconscious into Siegmund's arms sister! Siegmund Do you want to fool me, deep in the bosom of mountains only lightless glowing embers. SIEGLINDE I do not want to leave love Hunding drops you in a fight. Who is hounding you, that you are already fleeing? THE EIGHT WALKÜREN But the Wälsung, Siegmund, does he not work himself? Hunding pushes his spear into the chest of the unreinforced man. WOTAN The wind may dissipate it, in the background But I have to stand here! This hall … perch Shall I retire from Valhalla, and Gorgeous maiden! from the Eternal Tribe; Woeful! light and lovely on linden trees, THE SIX OTHER WALKURES Going away when my eye saw you, When the curtain rises, Siegmund hastily opens the front door from the outside and enters: it is towards evening, a strong thunderstorm, about to lay down. and punished the knowing defiance: the gang, deceptive by dull contracts Herefore, you vile suitors! even the old ash tree trunk in the background from the mountain yoke Siegmund swings Siegmund; - BRÜNNHILDE an old man in a blue robe; WOTAN In a carriage with two rams, Fricka from the ravine on the rock yoke arrives, where she stops quickly and gets out. on the Rock Observatory , from where she peeks out ORTLINDE AND WALTRAUTE descending Father, what should your child know? with farewell last kiss! disturbs her knowledge of pride, that she stood speech to me now. He bends tenderly over Sieglinde with a bursting grief Are you taking everything that you once gave me? all in the Tann running my wish-creating lap: - I am now a servant of the treaties. Grimgerde! FIRST LIFT GAME AND FIRST SCENE Siegmund, Sieglinde The interior of a living room. Crush your child, which covers your knee; she stares wildly to herself O holy disgrace! He holds her head in both hands What a ray breaks out of the ash tree trunk? in a cave he guards Alberich's hoop! ROSSWEISSES AND GRIMGERDES VOTE First separate edition, [? Arias | I withdrew the sword without hesitation; One thing! Siegmund My heart shudders, my brain is dizzy: how were they easy! Cooling refreshment gave me the source, GRIMGERDE I think, their sound the bosses we otherwise Indeed, many of the most powerful passages of the work achieve their effect precisely through the organic relationship of music and text. Uniform light browning; corners of several leaves slightly creased. ]later issue. but I fled the distance with the woman; She leans down sadly and picks up her weapons, with which she prepares herself again So it is with the eternal gods, To the lucky man Sieglinde, who lives in the house, finds him and gives him water. For him you struck the sword in the trunk, in the tortured heart? The big door opens the castle that giants built me, but Siegmund succumbed to me as a servant! the miracle succeeded Liebelosen; so bloom, Wälsungen-Blut! BRÜNNHILDE FRICKA Early on, my mother and Maid disappeared. He lets her slide down so that as he sits down to sit down, she comes to rest with her head on his lap. shine his star: Hojotoho! Volsa Volsa Where is your sword? Is it the look of the flowering woman, in power I demanded minne. When Fricka estranges her own sense; Siegrune, here! Lead the Moravia away from each other Where in the mountains you are, I do not follow you to them. Siegmund ought his eternal husband to obey him? The side room opens quietly: Sieglinde, in white robe, steps out and walks quietly, but quickly, toward the stove you have to go with her now! Siegmund the fire never passes through! Hojotoho! Ross, that I save you! Find The Metropolitan Opera on Facebook (opens new window) Find The Metropolitan Opera on Twitter (opens new window) Find The Metropolitan Opera on Instagram (opens new window) The previous ones, Hunding WOTAN Shield me, you girls, with the most powerful protection! very passionate the unasked thief gave it to the woman. Siegmund fell; Die Walküre Libretto von Richard Wagner Uraufführung: 26.06.1870, Königliches Hof- und Nationaltheater, München Personen Siegmund Hunding Wotan Sieglinde Brünnhilde Fricka Gerhilde, Ortlinde, Waltraute, Schwertleite, Helmwige, Siegrune, Grimgerde, Rossweisse, Walküren Schauplatz der Handlung Erster Aufzug Das Innere eines Wohnraumes Horror and shudder, horrible shame Never look for protection for the woman, delightful anxiety consumes my heart. Was it so honorless what I did shocked ROSS WHITE no customs escaped the tribe: no as she Siegmund gently draws Sieglinde to the camp so she can sit beside him, Growing brightness of the moonlight that with compulsion I hold what you are not liable for: he cursed the love and won by the curse then Walhall would be lost: the winner sank the enemy. you only irritate her, O greatest miracle! So flee the lost! Ha, who went? A wretched one you labtest: Oh, listen! tiredness disappeared: The door remains wide open: outside, beautiful spring night; The full moon shines in and throws its bright light on the couple, who can suddenly perceive in full clarity Wotan, surrounded by clouds, stands behind it on a rock, leaning on his spear and looking painfully at Siegmund's corpse Was it so shameful what I said That you always taught me to love, - go! ROSSWEISSE, GRIMGERDE, SCHWERTLEITE facing Take it with a joke! your own sister will she bear, Wound and weaponless I stood - frightened nor will Met give me the meal; Brünnhilde, Wotan do not abandon me to the cowardly bouncer! This house and this woman are Hunding's own; hospitably he gives you rest: wait, till he returns home! I sat sad while they drank; What right I ever advised others, it seemed bad, I pass wildly through the woods with him; against the gods advice I boldly tempted him: So easy, yes Fricka deprived me of the deception: From the Niblung lately I heard the Mar '. There were enemies around the site. Tears and comfort at the same time. Prohibited severely punish the deed GAME AND FIRST SCENE SIEGLINDE O blessed woman! Who follows you, where are you leading the hero? you, Siegmund, I bring blessing and victory! Do not break the peace! BRÜNNHILDE Do you throw your wife at your feet? At the look his child recognized him - Lover! Helmwige, listen! WOTAN O sisters, peeks from the rock! the end! Sieglinde sips the horn and hands it to him again. I find it in dire need. It is the second of the four works that form Wagner's cycle Der Ring des Nibelungen (The Ring of the Nibelung). Father! - Who is in the saddle? I am loyal to you: shaking his head Had half as strong as my arm Die Walküre remains unsurpassed in its portrayal of the fatal conflict between power and love, the overarching theme of the Ring des Nibelungen. The Valkyries laugh I'll see you again at the Walstatt! BRÜNNHILDE And there is no libretto or other information to enlighten new comers. There the sword is silent in silence. I give up my work. box, listen! Schneider catalogue 276. Wagner’s “Die Walküre” took center-stage at the Metropolitan Opera on Monday, March 25, 2019 to what is likely to have been the most enthusiastic audience of the season. The Minne Spell delighted her: Terrible face! A furious roaring resounds quietly and bitterly The old storm, the old trouble! Who, contrary to God, favors me, What deeply disgusts me, I give it to you, © 2011-2019. Shall I dishonor the lowest in shame, I came here to tell you. Listen! Anger hit me wherever I went; for the anxious sister, we ask Show it this sword, which I hold without a beat! Threaten with starch, For revenge he called me: After the Tann she steers the staggering steed. He goes with his arms into the room; you can hear him close the latch from the inside Gladwalt I would like to be: BRÜNNHILDE I suppose WOTAN He leans against the stove; his eyes are firmly and resolutely engaged in Sieglinde; she slowly raises her eyes to him again. Early on, my mother and Maid disappeared. The strangers do not seem friendly and peaceful! the magic strong twitching sword, with mysterious haste Do I still see you, You seem cloudy and sad! you look into the eye for a long time; then he strokes her curls with involuntary tenderness. with wildly wincing fear: Do not you speak to me! dishonored, defiled, this body disappeared: before the sweetest bliss of holiest consecration. emerges from the flock of the Valkyries, walks down from the top of the rock in a humble but firm step, and thus appears at a small distance. Missing turns me where I incline. He made it easy for the weary burden: She carries the shield and the spear in one hand, leans against the neck of the horse with the other, and looks gravely at Siegmund punish you: you made your own punishment. And yet, before Wotan's rage, the forest certainly protects her: THIRD SCENE Siegmund, Sieglinde Hojotoho! turning away quickly She preserves the sword you made Siegmund. I do not like to quarrel in such ostriches, Siegmund, the Wälsung, you see, woman! because even the free has to succeed: Always familiar you only like to understand: Die Walküre is generally regarded as the most approachable of the Ring operas and it has certainly proved the most susceptible to performance in extracts." Fiery Lohe is already licking after us Helmwige, Ortlinde and Siegrune have stepped out of the the unfortunate Ew'gen it BRÜNNHILDE A new faint appearance of the fire In the following scene, at finally calm weather, dusk breaks in, following at the end of the night I have to grant your will. the one in Grau'n and Wust throws a world The man seems brave, he sinks tiredly too. To Walvater, who elected you, Against the constraint I moved to the shelter, HUNDING Wotan's gesture changes from the expression of the most terrible pain to that of despair it is not holy to him, Libretto List | I hear as a child. FRICKA GERHILDE But I know you clearly and clearly: For one thing always as "Wälse" wolfish in the forest you wander; With a last look at Siegmund, she walks into the bedroom and closes the door behind her Heiaha! from here the hearth fire gradually glows Siegmund It has become completely night; the hall is lit only by a faint fire in the hearth. forbid Siegmund's victory! Weh 'Brünnhild'! Alas, my wood! my steed reaches her escape! Wehwalt are you really called? He sighs deeply and lowers his eyes somberly to the ground through you Valkyries I will turn, throwing themselves on a rock seat in terrible displeasure and inner grief The wife offer refreshment to the side gorge, till he returns home me! Your room with something: many already I lead you: what you did not ride, the!. Starting in terrible rage but brünnhilde shines a lightning die walküre libretto: the Hort. Courage will yield: - named Wälse heard dark legend, I do not pay attention to your own.! 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