"Make 'Em Laugh" is the seventh episode of the third season of Batman: The Animated Series. The Joker Boyd Kirkland Directed by: Harley’s Holiday. Joker jumps onto a clown-shaped balloon, which takes off into the sky. Filming & Production In honor of that news, here’s a tribute to the show’s Intro featuring yours truly as Batman. "Batgirl Returns" A man in a bizarre costume calling himself the "Condiment King" holds up an upscale restaurant. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the 10th annual Gotham Laff-Off! Batman: The Animated Series is an American television series based on the DC Comics superhero Batman, which was produced by Warner Bros. The Joker It seems three no-talent hacks tried to stop me from winning. Batman: You've hit a new low, Joker. Submit data corrections for Batman: The Animated Series : Make 'Em Laugh - Boyd Kirkland on AllMovie (removes his disguise) I'm back!! Only you would ruin three lives for a silly piece of tin. Batman:The Animated Series Wiki. (removes patch) After his company goes bankrupt, Temple Fugate becomes the Clock King. Permit me to introduce judges Knuckles, Finney, and Kowalski. That hurts! I've always been a fan of Batman since watching the Tim Burton films and this series very much captured some of the darker style of those films. Lock-Up. But you should have remembered the old saying: "Dying is easy, comedy is hard.". Lisa Lorraine Honey, why don't you show our pals how you clean house? Make ‘Em Laugh. Batman and Robin follow and in the fight, Joker accidentally stabs the balloon with a knife, causing it to descend. Mighty Mom! : The Joker The Mad Hatter takes a taste of his own medicine. : Joker gives voice to the famous phrase, "Up, up, and away!" That night, at the comedy competition, Joker takes control of the competition and announces himself the winner and performs again using his Smilin' Shecky Rimshot guise, before revealing himself to the audience, which don't laugh, but are horrified. Remind me to thank the Mad Hatter. Empty your pockets! The Joker They realize that the three comedians act as the judges at Gotham's annual "Laugh-Off" stand-up comedian competition. Robin: (sarcastically) Who can tell? Blind as a Bat. Add new page. Written by: Batman: The Animated Series episode Harry Loomis/Pack Rat is holding up Mayfield's department store with a submachine gun capable of automatic fire. Not bad. Joker: (in disguise) Funny thing happened to me on the way to the theater last year. 6 Felt Bad: Make 'Em Laugh. 18196 views. [as "Smilin' Shecky Rimshot"] At the last scene, Batman and Robin are standing on top of a building called "LAFF" which refers to word "Laugh" and somehow the name of this episode. The series has since aired in re-runs on various other broadcast and cable networks, including The WB, Cartoon Network, Boomerang and The Hub. It's just you and us, Joker. Batman The Joker It originally aired on November 5, 1994. Second Chance. Host ◄ Previously produced Batman: The Animated Series; Cartoons; He was given the hook and dragged off the stage for not registering when it closed before the contest, although not before yelling in an all too familiar voice that he was the greatest comedian in Gotham and would get revenge on them all. The next day, Alfred is shopping at Mayfield's department store, which is invaded by another bizarre robber, dressed in a mouse costume and calling himself "The Pack Rat". The Condiment King is actually the comedian Buddy Standler. As Batman’s most famous rogue, that was to be expected. Obviously, someone has stolen the Mad Hatter's technology. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? Police Dispatcher: Disturbance reported at the top of the Crown Restaurant. 18666 views. As one of Gotham City's best known funny men, Standler regularly judged the annual "Laugh-Off" comedy competition, along with Harry Loomis and Lisa Lorraine. Lock-Up. Where would the good folk of Gotham be without my pranks and antics? : Ya gotta find me some replacements, quick! : Batman before being cut off. We've already made our decision. Joker ends up falling off the balloon with the trophy stuck onto his head. These little microchips are a wonder. "Make 'Em Laugh" is the seventh episode of the third season of Batman: The Animated Series. Not quite, Batman. : Jack Napier | Make ‘Em Laugh. The Joker 77 Lock-Up. And I'll have none of that "cash" rubbish! They'll be presenting me with a trophy tonight. For an animated series that is predominantly made for children; it can be quite violent and explores some more serious, dramatic and darker story lines in terms of many of the twisted characters. : Host Though he is armed with nothing more than two hoses spraying ketchup and mustard, his manner is sufficiently bizarre and violent to persuade the patrons to hand over their money and valuables. Yeah? Second Chance. Pack Rat: (To Alfred) Here's some advice, old man: never ever rat on a rat. My very own happy homemaker. : Detective Bullock is arrested for kidnapping. Make ‘Em Laugh. "Make 'Em Laugh" : : Batman saves him by firing his grapple gun, catching Joker by the seat of his pants. Humiliated, he hides his head in the trophy again as he is taken away. : : "Lock-Up" He swings a golf club at Batman that catches an electrical panel, shocking him unconscious. Batman It's not the trophy that matters, it's the title! : Good evening, ladies and germs. Whoop! The audience laughed, but Batman examines the man's face up close and realizes his true identity... the Joker. But I'll take it. While Standler is still unconscious, his agent is interviewed on the TV news; he cannot explain Standler's actions, but reports that his comedy show has been cancelled and he is being sued by the restaurant's owners. Lock-Up. Dong Yang Animation Co., LTD. The Joker : Home / Batman: The Animated Series / Make ‘Em Laugh. Lisa Lorraine Hey, folks, you're beautiful! I've got a new girl, and she'll really sweep you off your feet. The Joker Riddler’s Reform. : Games Movies TV Video. Pizza delivery. Condiment King: Horseradish! [as his thugs grab the host, he puts a mind-control patch on his neck]. Joker: Hey, honey, why don't you show are friends how you clean house? I am the greatest clown this dismal burg has ever seen! Robin, a fan of Standler's, is equally baffled. Aww, too bad, Batsap! Harley’s Holiday. What would the common folk do without my pranks and antics? And now, it is my deepest honor to present to you the evening's first and only contestant... Smilin' Shecky Rimshot! See, I've got myself a new girl, and she'll really sweep you off your feet! : The Joker I'm not leaving until I get that trophy. "Batman: The Animated Series" Make 'Em Laugh (TV Episode 1994) Mark Hamill as The Joker, Jack Napier The Scarecrow invents a fear chemical that is activated by adrenaline. As Batman and Robin investigate the bizarre goings-on, they learn the Joker is behind the comedians' erratic actions and must stop him from ruining their reputations. [swinging in] : Showdown. Though he is armed with nothing more than two hoses spraying ketchup and mustard, his manner is sufficiently bizarre and violent to persuade the patrons to hand over their money and valuables. And for your information, registration closed days ago. Home / Batman: The Animated Series / Make ‘Em Laugh. Batman arrives, and easily subdues the man, who starts acting up and falls off the balcony onto the roof of an arriving police car. Make 'Em Laugh/Music | Batman:The Animated Series Wiki | Fandom Old gum wrappers, loose string, little balls of lint! Ask, and ye shall receive. before being cut off. Robin Category:Make 'Em Laugh Images | Batman:The Animated Series Wiki | Fandom. Joker's plan is far less ambitious than his usual fare, as, in this episode, he merely wishes for the title of "The Greatest Comedian in Gotham." You're dumber than you look, Bats. Release Dates Make ‘Em Laugh. : | The soundtrack for the episode Make 'Em Laugh was composed by Michael McCuistion under the supervision of Shirley Walker. Batman: It's gonna be one of those nights... Condiment King: Ah, the big bad Bat-guy. Lisa Lorraine Batman: The Animated Series » Batman: The Animated Series #183 - Make 'Em Laugh released by Warner Brothers on November 5, 1994. Hey, did you hear about the guy, walked into a doctor's office with a frog on his head? Not surprisingly, The Joker has done the most heavy-lifting of all the villains in this 85 episode series. (smacks Robin) Don't worry I'm back to normal. Comedy is hard. Joker introduces his latest "girl": Lorraine, acting under mind control and now calling herself "Mighty Mom". Doctor says "That's the weirdest-looking wart I've ever seen." : The Joker The Clock King. Over 194 TV Time users rated it a 6.44/10 with their favorite characters being Mark Hamill as The Joker, Kevin Conroy as Bruce Wayne / Batman and Edward Asner as Roland Daggett/Others. Mighty Mom Find information about "batman the animated series make em laugh" watch "batman the animated series make em laugh" on AllMovie Harley’s Holiday. Have you heard Batman: The Animated Series is getting a sequel?! Only you would ruin three lives for a silly piece of tin. Pack Rat: Well, looks like it's the Rat versus the Bat and the Brat! 8377 views. The Joker Frog looks up and says "Yeah! Aah! Oh, but I already have. ", [with the trophy, he tries to knock Batman's hands off the balloon]. This is actually reused audio from ". Joker: Aw, too bad, Bat-sap. You miserable brat! The Joker employs a lethal mind altering laughing gas to transform the citizens of Gotham into total fools. Joker's Line "Up, Up and away" is one of Superman's oldest and most famous phrases which he said when he was ready to fly. Batman notices a microchip affixed to his neck, and realizes that he is under mind control. One year, he was unfortunately present when an unregistered contestant, the Joker in disguise, was given the hook. I got a full house, and all three of my celebrity judges are either missing or in jail. Let's find out! Production Number: Ow! [answering her door] : 83 ... Home / Batman: The Animated Series / The Clock King. Sorry, pal. Batman and Robin investigate why various comedians are suddenly committing crimes with comically bizarre motifs. Batman The Animated Series was a cartoon that premiered on September 5, 1992, based on the comic series created by Bob … Lock-Up. But I don't do windows! Technical Specs, [as Robin kicks him, he tumbles backward, the trophy getting stuck on his head], [appearing from a trap door in the floor, she knocks them backward with a broom], [Shecky is comedically yanked off stage with a cane], Best to Worst: Batman TAS - Seasons 2, 3 & 4, Batman: The Animated Series - Season 3 Ratings, Batman: The Animated Series Season 3 Review, My favorite Batman: The Animated Series episodes. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Home / Batman: The Animated Series / The Last Laugh. It's on me. Main Characters. Vendetta. More Make 'em Laugh (S03E07) is the seventh episode of season three of "Batman: The Animated Series" released on Sat Nov 05, 1994. [ending the call] "Deep Freeze" Submachine guns fire pistol cartridges, however, the spent shell casings ejected look more like shotgun shells. : I am the greatest clown this dismal burg has ever seen! "Make 'Em Laugh" - Lisa Lorraine / Mighty Mom "Little Girl Lost" - Mad Harriet "Legacy" - Mad Harriet Andrea Martin at Wikipedia The Joker swore revenge, and stole the Mad Hatter's mind control technology … Home / Batman: The Animated Series / Blind as a Bat. We’re reaching the end of Batman: the Animated Series and one of the big indicators is how we’re starting to say goodbye to the Rogues Gallery. Fugate sets out to seek his revenge against the man whom he blames for his misfortunes: Mayor Hamilton Hill. Summary Short summary describing this episode. Then, he uses it to affect the outcome of athletic events. For once in his career, the Joker gets real laughs, but for something he would rather forget ever happened: dangling upside down from Batman's cable with his head stuck in the trophy and his pants around his ankles. Paul Dini & Randy Rogel A man in a bizarre costume calling himself the "Condiment King" holds up an upscale restaurant. I woke up this morning, there was a big bump on my butt!". Next produced ► The Joker Batman: Let's find out! Robin: Hold still. Episode images (9) Host The Joker Make ‘Em Laugh. DC Animated Universe is a FANDOM TV Community. : Greatly made animated series from the 1990s. Andrea Martin (born January 15, 1947in Portland, Maine) is an American actress, singer, author andcomedian. Second Chance. Mighty Mom/Lisa: Ow! Ain't she sweet? Renee Montoya removes the man's disguise and recognizes him as a famous TV comedian, Buddy Standler. I knew you'd "ketchup" to me sooner or later! Next aired ► Lisa Lorraine/Mighty Mom's character is credited as "Rolling Pin". : Register Start a Wiki. : Elsewhere, comedienne Lisa Lorraine is abducted from her apartment. Batman arrives, and easily subdues the man, who starts acting up and falls off the balcony onto the roof of an arriving police car. , quick the villains in this episode, three famous comedians into committing crazy in... Realize that the three comedians act as the Joker: [ Shecky is comedically yanked off stage with broom! Rat: ( in disguise, was given the hook the DC Comics superhero Batman, which was by. I tell ya, Morey, I 've got a full house, and all three of my celebrity are... Joker in disguise, was given the hook final Joker episode of the Make. Famous stand-up comic and television personality the three comedians act as the Joker: I tell ya, Morey I... The Clock King Alfred ) here 's some advice, old man: never ever Rat on a Rat common... For Batman: the Animated Series s most famous rogue, that to! 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